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Последний альбом Харрисона - реальность или как???

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Brainwashed (2002)

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Последний альбом Харрисона - реальность или как???
Автор: Shaman   Дата: 05.12.01 13:03:33
Кто то говорит что он скоро выйдет и на нём будет 25 песен.Кто то - что это всё гон. Так как же на самом деле,может кто в курсе???
Re: Последний альбом Харрисона - реальность или как???
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 05.12.01 13:43:45   
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The Sunday Times reports that, before his passing, George had pretty much finished the album he'd revealed some time back that he'd been working on. Drummer Jim Keltner said, "The CD is very close to finishing. There is a certain soulfulness about George’s music that doesn’t need a lot once he has put that voice on. There will be people who argue that it is underproduced and maybe there should be more on it. Knowing George, I have a feeling he would rather it be as simple and as direct as possible." Keltner also said, “I last saw him on Sunday night. It was a great gift to us that he was so beautiful. He looked fantastic. He looked like a prince. He didn’t look like a person suffering from cancer. His skin was shining and he was smiling.” The Times also says 25 unreleased tracks, some dating back to the '80s, remain in his vaults.
Re: Последний альбом Харрисона - реальность или как???
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 13:58:18   
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Наверняка что-то из неизданого должно появиться , учитывая что всё таки он был частью этого паскудного шоу-бизнеса.
Но , вряд ли ( да , и не хотелось бы ) это будет так масштабно-помпезно как Битлз1.
Re: Последний альбом Харрисона - реальность или как???
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:03:37   
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Update (12/29/00) In an interview with the German news agency DPA, George says he has material enough for three albums, but much is unfinished. "I have enough material for three albums but none of the songs are really complete so I have to work on all of them." He also revealed he won't be working with Jeff Lynne. "I have stopped working with Jeff because I did not want him to make ELO albums out of my songs. On this album you can hear guitar, bass and drums and no computers." He further criticized today's music. "Anyone can make music using computers today. But the worst thing for me is the drum machine. They are like a disease which spreads more and more over the entire world. I hate it and it makes me sick." He also said he views his involvement with the Beatles as something he did a long time ago. "When people see me they see a Beatle. But for me it was all such a long time ago. Sometimes I ask myself if I was really there or whether it was all a dream," he said. He also said he was amazed by the success of "1." "I thought it would do well, but not that well ... It is like a new Beatlemania. I suddenly noticed that everyone had the album, even the six and seven-year-olds. They act as if I belonged to a boy band."
Re: Последний альбом Харрисона - реальность или как???
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:07:59   
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Update (12/22/00) When it rains, it pours. It's been a year and a half since George since revealed a new album and a reissue project was in the works. In the time since, we've gotten more emails wondering what was happening. And we wondered, especially in light of last Christmas's awful events, if it would ever come to pass.

Finally, we know. George has spoken. And the news is as good as we could hope for: He IS coming out with a new album. He revealed these details Wednesday in interviews with Billboard with editor Timothy White and to Reuters. Right now, it looks like we'll see it at the end of next year: He told Reuters the album would be out in either October or November, though he told Billboard the album will be out hopefully by November. He said, "It definitely won't be called 'Portrait Of A Leg End,'" the title he used in his June, 1999, interview with White. In a comment that gives even more reason for happiness, he said, "It's definitely going to be 'Volume One' -- it's not going to be the end."

He also told Reuters that the new album, which includes contributions from his son Dhani and drummer Jim Keltner, will be basically George playing his own instruments -- not surprisingly, without the use of computers. ``My music doesn't seem to belong to any particular period ... I just make it the same way as we made it back in the Sixties, which is analog tapes, microphones and guitars, bass, drums, pianos.'' One title he jokingly mentioned in the Reuters interview he might use is``Your Planet is Doomed, Volume One' because of George's concern over the all-too-rapid development of technology. ``The world is just going mental as far as I'm concerned,'' he told Reuters. ``It's speeding up with the whole technology and everything that's happening.''

Re: Последний альбом Харрисона - реальность или как???
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 05.12.01 15:47:10   
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Harrison recorded a secret last album


A LAST album of George Harrison▓s music was being finished in secrecy in the months before his death. He played tracks from the CD to his family and friends in his private room at a Los Angeles hospital last Sunday, four days before he died.
His wife Olivia and son Dhani seem certain to release the CD as a tribute to Harrison▓s courage in the face of the cancer that killed him at the age of 58. It could repeat the success of John Lennon and Yoko Ono▓s Double Fantasy album, which sold millions of copies in the international outpouring of grief that followed Lennon▓s murder in New York in 1980.

Harrison had given the album the working title of Portrait of a Leg End, a pun on his celebrity. Unlike his last song, Horse to Water, recorded in Switzerland for a new Jools Holland CD and released with a poignant publishing credit to Rip Ltd, the songs on his own CD do not allude to his illness.

One of the tracks, Rising Son, is an ambiguous reference to Harrison▓s interest in Far Eastern religions and philosophy and also to Dhani▓s emergence as a gifted guitarist in his father▓s footsteps.

Harrison was completing work on 25 unreleased tracks in a studio at his Friar Park mansion at Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. A few tracks date to the 1980s and others are new. Some allude to traumatic personal events, including the attempt on his life by an intruder who broke into the mansion in December 1999 and stabbed him.

The tracks were part of a concerted effort by Harrison in his final months to put his musical legacy in order: he remastered and re-released All Things Must Pass, his 1970 hit album, earlier this year and was planning to reissue other albums as well as to complete his new music.

Jim Keltner, the world▓s most in-demand session drummer, who has recorded with Harrison, Lennon, Ringo Starr and Bob Dylan, flew from his home in California to Friar Park to add drums to the tracks that Harrison and other musicians, believed to include Eric Clapton, had recorded.

Keltner, who last played with Harrison in the Traveling Wilburys supergroup in the 1980s but still saw him regularly as a friend, said this weekend: ⌠It was fantastic to be in the studio with him again. Some of the new songs are very poignant concerning his life in the past few years. It will be obvious when you hear them what they are about.

⌠The CD is very close to finishing. There is a certain soulfulness about George▓s music that doesn▓t need a lot once he has put that voice on.

⌠There will be people who argue that it is underproduced and maybe there should be more on it. Knowing George, I have a feeling he would rather it be as simple and as direct as possible.■

He added: ⌠I last saw him on Sunday night. It was a great gift to us that he was so beautiful. He looked fantastic. He looked like a prince. He didn▓t look like a person suffering from cancer. His skin was shining and he was smiling.■

Keith Badman, a Beatles authority whose latest book on the group, The Dream is Over, was published last month, said: ⌠The recording of the new album was shrouded in secrecy, but George had planned to bring it out this October before he fell ill again.■

Harrison was cremated in Los Angeles within a few hours of his death on Thursday and before the news was released. Friends expect his ashes to be spread on the Ganges or another holy river in India.,,9003-2001555241,00.html
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