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Robert Rodriguez "Revolver — How the Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'Roll"

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Robert Rodriguez "Revolver — How the Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'Roll"
Автор:   Дата: 22.05.12 13:58:24
  Paperback: 256 pages  Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation; Original edition (April 1, 2012)  Language: English  ISBN-10: 1617130095  ISBN-13: 978-1617130090  Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 1.1 inches   Received wisdom has always put Sgt. Pepper at the head of the class, but it was Revolver that truly signaled the Beatles' sea change from a functional band to a studio-based ensemble. These changes began before Rubber Soul but came to fruition on Revolver, which took an astonishing 300 hours to produce, far more than any rock record before it. The making of Revolver - hunkered down in Abbey Road with George Martin - is in itself a great Beatles story, but would be nothing if the results weren't so impactful. More than even Sgt. Pepper and Pet Sounds, Revolver fed directly into the rock 'n' roll zeitgeist, and its influence could be heard everywhere, from the psychedelic San Francisco sound (Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead) to the first wave of post-blues hard rock (Sabbath, Zeppelin) through movie soundtracks and pretty much everything that followed it, including every generation of guitar-based pop music and even heavy metal. More than any record before or after, Revolver was the game-changer, and this is, finally, the detailed telling of its storied recording and enormous impact. Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation; Original edition (April 1, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1617130095 ISBN-13: 978-1617130090 Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 1.1 inches Received wisdom has always put Sgt. Pepper at the head of the class, but it was Revolver that truly signaled the Beatles' sea change from a functional band to a studio-based ensemble. These changes began before Rubber Soul but came to fruition on Revolver, which took an astonishing 300 hours to produce, far more than any rock record before it. The making of Revolver - hunkered down in Abbey Road with George Martin - is in itself a great Beatles story, but would be nothing if the results weren't so impactful. More than even Sgt. Pepper and Pet Sounds, Revolver fed directly into the rock 'n' roll zeitgeist, and its influence could be heard everywhere, from the psychedelic San Francisco sound (Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead) to the first wave of post-blues hard rock (Sabbath, Zeppelin) through movie soundtracks and pretty much everything that followed it, including every generation of guitar-based pop music and even heavy metal. More than any record before or after, Revolver was the game-changer, and this is, finally, the detailed telling of its storied recording and enormous impact.
Обсуждение анонса: "Обсуждение новости: "Robert Rodriguez "Revolver How the Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'Roll"""
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.05.12 13:58:25   
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When Revolver was released in 1966, it was a slight dip for the Beatles, careerwise. The teenyboppers didn't like it, and went on to buy records from the bands that continued the early Beatlesque style, like Herman's Hermits and The Monkees. But in retrospect, music critics are generally very fond of this album, and it has been voted as their best album a number of times. The new book by Robert Rodriguez reveals why already in the subtitle. The book is called Revolver - How The Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'Roll. With Revolver, the Beatles found a new audience and eventually most of their original fans also came around to the new sounds. Rodriguez feels that in order for new generations to really understand the reason why Revolver was such a leap forward, they have to know a bit about what was going on elsewhere in the music business.The book is illustrated throughout in black and white.When "Revolver" was released in 1966, it was a slight dip for the Beatles, careerwise. The teenyboppers didn't like it, and went on to buy records from the bands that continued the early Beatlesque style, like Herman's Hermits and The Monkees. But in retrospect, music critics are generally very fond of this album, and it has been voted as their best album a number of times. The new book by Robert Rodriguez reveals why already in the subtitle. The book is called "Revolver - How The Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'Roll". With Revolver, the Beatles found a new audience and eventually most of their original fans also came around to the new sounds. Rodriguez feels that in order for new generations to really understand the reason why Revolver was such a leap forward, they have to know a bit about what was going on elsewhere in the music business.The book is illustrated throughout in black and white.
Re: Robert Rodriguez "Revolver How the Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'Roll"
Автор: еж ушастый   Дата: 26.05.12 21:54:52   
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Давно пора было - один из самых замечательных и важных альбомов всей рок-музыки. Если книга написана так же интересно как работа Джорджа Мартина "Лето любви - как записывался альбом Sgt. Pepper's", обязательно прочту.
Re: Robert Rodriguez "Revolver — How the Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'Roll"
Автор: Telecaster1   Дата: 28.05.12 00:36:41   
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будем качать....
поворотный альбом в рок-музыке
Re: Robert Rodriguez "Revolver — How the Beatles Reimagined Rock'n'Roll"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.06.12 22:44:55   
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Review: ‘Revolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock ‘N’ Roll’ Review: ‘Revolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock ‘N’ Roll’

Without a truly era-altering record since 1991, when Nirvana released Nevermind, it is now easy to forget there was a time when a single disc of pop songs could make the earth quake. In the mid-‘60s that record was Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. With its audacious jacket, cornucopia of weird sounds, and weighty “concept album” conceit, The Beatles’ Summer of Love definer was the first Rock & Roll album to be widely accepted as serious art. Strange, when just a year earlier, The Beatles had put out a record that was even more experimental and was wrapped in an even more avant garde jacket… not to mention it contained considerably better and more diverse songs. No claims of an overarching concept necessary.

Why wasn’t Revolver regarded as the masterpiece it is during its own time? Robert Rodriguez spends a good deal of his new book Revolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock ‘N’ Roll getting to the bottom of this question. He also addresses the album’s composition, recording process, and immediate aftermath in deep detail. By also checking in on the peers who influenced and were influenced by Revolver—The Beach Boys, Dylan, The Stones, The Byrds—Rodriguez crafts a complete and compelling portrait of one of Rock’s key years.

In an era when books seem to escape the editor’s desk with any number of embarrassing factual errors intact, Revolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock ‘N’ Roll is a true rarity. This is an impeccably researched work. The writer doesn’t let a single question about some of Rock’s greatest music go unaddressed, right down to why Paul’s front tooth only appears to be chipped in certain shots of the “Paperback Writer” promo video. Rodriguez attempts to address who really played the dual guitar leads on “And Your Bird Can Sing” and if and why Paul walked out on the “She Said, She Said” session. He is not always able to emerge with definitive answers, but the explorations are always thorough and fascinating. From the differences between the various available mixes to the precise details behind the “Butcher Cover” photo shoot, Rodriguez allows no Beatles-’66 stone to go unturned. Like me, you may have read a tower of books on the Fabs and all but vowed you never need to crack another. As long as excellent ones like Revolver: How The Beatles Reimagined Rock ‘N’ Roll are being published, you’re going to have a real tough time sticking to that vow.
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