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Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен

Тема: Ринго Старр - спасение дома на Мадрин-стрит

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Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 08.04.04 20:35:02
A renovation project in Liverpool could mean the demolition of Ringo's birthplace, reports IC Liverpool, which says the area is being studied by the Liverpool City Council. A renovation project in Liverpool could mean the demolition of Ringo's birthplace, reports IC Liverpool, which says the area is being studied by the Liverpool City Council.

Long-time area resident Joan Howey told the paper, "That house should be saved. You see people taking pictures outside number nine. I think they should do them up a bit instead." A spokesman for the National Trust, which owns the childhood homes of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, says, "In an ideal world it would be great to have the house as a National Trust property, but buying it is not something we would consider."

However, a spokesperson for the Liverpool council's neighbourhood management team says demolition hasn't been decided yet. "There is a neighbourhood renewal assessment going on. We will assess the condition of properties to decide if we do nothing, refurbish, demolish or part demolish."
Не в себе  
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Lenin   Дата: 08.04.04 21:35:47   
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Ничего не слышно о реакции Ринго?...
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Textpert   Дата: 08.04.04 22:07:29   
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Это пострашнее демонтажа стены Виктора Цоя . При моей привязаности ко всему старому, стены которого помнят и знают многое. Эх.... :((
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: TARKUS   Дата: 08.04.04 22:39:26   
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Главное, чтобы сам Ринго был жив и здоров!
Дом, где родился Ринго
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 09.04.04 11:10:42   
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Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.02.05 11:05:18   
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Большинство жителей района Дингл все же проголосовали за снос дома, в котором рос РингоБольшинство жителей района Дингл все же проголосовали за снос дома, в котором рос Ринго
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.05.05 20:51:14   
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The doomed house that has seen its value treble May 16 2005

THE need for the demolition of thousands of Victorian homes in Merseyside will again be called into question this week - after one home tripled in value following a renovation.

A TV production company decided to scrutinise the plans to bulldoze 20,000 homes as part of the Newheartlands housing renewal project.

In a bid to prove restoration is better than demolition, the team took one house in Liverpool earmarked for demolition and refurbished it for £18,000.

That is roughly the price of tearing it down and less than a third of the price of constructing a new one.

The house is in the Dingle where 450 houses, including one of Ringo Starr's childhood homes, look set to be wiped off the map.

The Government Pathfinder programme plans to level rows of terraced houses in towns and cities across northern England in a rolling programme reminiscent of the 1960s slum clearances.

Urban renewal is Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott's vision for improving blighted communities but will cost the public purse billions.

Grant Cunningham, a spokesman for the documentary makers from the Tonight with Trevor McDonald show, said the programme investigated whether it would be cheaper and more environmentally friendly to restore them instead.

Crews were filming at the property on Powis Street, which lies off High Park Street in the area known as the Welsh Streets, last weekend.

The house was opened up for viewings by first-time buyers.

There were no signs of the prolific damp problem, crumbling windows and a collapsed wall which dogged the building just a few weeks earlier.

The owner of the property highlighted in the programme, Avelina Radway, 61, from Halewood, said: "There's a lot of memories for me in this house. To see it looking like this feels as though I'm in a dream.

It's like a phoenix rising from the ashes."

Mrs Radway was born in the front room of the house in 1943 but hasn't lived there since she was a young woman.

As part of the show, James Kersh, from Sutton Kersh Estate Agents, valued the property.

He said: "When it was a shell, the house would have been worth only about £15,000-£20,000 but now I think you'll probably get £60,000-£65,000 for it.

"If the rest of the street followed suit, we're talking £80,000-£85,000 upwards."

Plans for the demolitions and the 18,000 new homes which will be built in their place, are still in the consultation stage and a final decision on details is expected in the summer.

Peter Flynn, spokesman for the Newheartlands Project, said: "We cannot comment on the programme itself because we have not seen it.

"But it is not a question of choosing between restoration or demolition. As part of the neighbourhood renewal project we are carrying out a mixture of renovations and demolitions. We are using all the solutions open to us."
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.06.05 16:06:15   
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Ex-Beatles childhood home reprieved from bulldozer Jun 25 2005

RINGO Starr's childhood home has been given a stay of execution after a decision to demolish hundreds of properties was put on hold in the face of public opposition.

Liverpool councillors were yesterday expected to approve plans to create two new neighbourhood renewal zones in the Princes Park area of Toxteth and Picton area of Wavertree but chose to delay the proposals so more residents' concerns could be considered.

The controversial scheme would see almost 1,000 homes bulldozed over the next 10 years to make way for new housing, while many others would be refurbished as part of the £470m New Heartlands redevelopment project.

Campaigners welcomed the decision.

A spokeswoman for the Welsh Streets Home Group said: "We are delighted to have just a little more time to try and reach a compromise solution which benefits more people, heritage assets and the environment."

The group argues there is a shortage of affordable housing in the area.

Sidney Green, a resident in the Welsh streets area, said: "I am relieved my home might still be safe and I am not faced with a compulsory purchase order for the time being."

The area earmarked for demolition includes former Beatle drummer Ringo Starr's childhood home in Madryn Street, Toxteth - one of 470 homes in Princes Park and 520 off Smithdown Road.

Council leader Mike Storey said: "Much of this is being forced upon us by central government and we do not want to be steam-rollered into a decision before we understand what people want."

A council spokesman said the scheme was put on hold partly because cllr Flo Clucas, executive member for housing for the city council, was at an Objective 1 funding meeting in Brussels.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 28.06.05 12:53:30   
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Надо япошкам идею кинуть, - нехай разберут, вывезут и у себя на новом месте соберут. У них это запросто. А "ваш славянин, англосакс и германец // не создавать - разрушать мастера, // варвары, дикое скопище пьяниц...", по меткому замечанию одного из авторов русского текста к "My Bonnie".
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 21:17:30   
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Battle to save Beatle's home still rages Jul 7 2005

A decision on whether to demolish the Welsh Streets will be made tomorrow. Larry Neild reports.

IT WAS the childhood home of Ringo Starr and its imminent demolition has prompted protest from many quarters, including from the former Beatle himself.

The two-up, two-down terrace in the Welsh streets area is one of more than 460 properties due to be bulldozed as part of a widescale regeneration plan for the Princes Park area of the city.

And tomorrow, Liverpool City Council's executive board will be asked to approve the £54m renewal plan for the area, dashing hopes that the Victorian dwelling had won a stay of execution.

Last night, campaigner Nina Edge said that, if Ringo's former home in Madryn Street, along with hundreds of others, is not spared the plan will be legally challenged in the courts.

The renewal plan hit the headlines when Trevor McDonald's Tonight programme renovated one of the doomed houses for just over £20,000. The conclusion was that the homes could be refurbished at a fraction of the cost of demolition and rebuilding.

It is understood that the Tonight home is currently under offer for around £65,000.

The only hope of the area remaining intact is if executive board councillors take the unusual step of not approving the recommendation. One option is that the board could agree to declare Princes Park as a Housing Renewal Area, but put the demolition plans on hold pending a survey of people affected.

A large slice of land bordering Devonshire Road and Princes Road will be earmarked for refurbishment of homes, carrying out facelifts and tackling the problem of vacant properties. Hundreds of other homes between Highpark Street and Upper Warwick Street will be refurbished or improved as part of a housing renewal strategy.

The use of a so-called "Beatle trail" for fighting the plan has angered officials who say the tiny terraced house in Madryn Street was where Ringo's grandmother lived and where Ringo stayed for a matter of weeks.

The area known as the Welsh Streets has become a battleground between conservationists and residents who want to move out.

The so-called housing renewal initiatives are part one of the biggest-ever housing programmes, put forward by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott. In an area stretching from Liverpool to Hull, thousands of homes - mainly Coronation Street-type terraces - will be cleared, to be replaced by homes with gardens, central heating and double-glazing.

The Tonight programme took one of the doomed homes and set out to refurbish it for £18,000 - the cost of demolishing the building.

The initiative generated national and international interest in the fate of the Welsh streets, fuelled by the threat to Ringo Starr's former home.

Today, council leader Mike Storey will be touring the area to see for himself the extent of the proposals.

It will equip him with a first-hand knowledge for tomorrow's crunch meeting when the Executive Board will decide whether to back the initiative.

"I do not want to see the type of thing that happened in the 1950s and 1960s when whole communities were bulldozed and people shipped out of the city. This is different because it is renewing areas and building new homes or refurbishing existing houses. What is important is listening to the people who live in the area and making sure that what they want is carefully considered," he said

A study carried out in the area reveals that almost a third of the houses fail decency standards and that 60% of residents were dissatisfied with their homes because of disrepair. More crucially, according to the study, almost 80% support selective demolition.

A Neighbourhood Renewal Assessment concludes that there is broad support for clearance proposals.

Although the Welsh Streets will be cleared if the go-ahead is given, there will also be extensive refurbishment of existing properties as well as new build.

The vocal Welsh Street Home Group who want the homes to stay, could mount formal objections if property needs to be compulsory purchased. That would almost certainly lead to a public inquiry.

Miss Edge added: "Our view is that most of the homes could be refurbished to a high standard at a modest cost.

"We can see that a number of around 100 need to go, but not the 400-plus they want to clear."

The group she supports argues there is a shortage of affordable housing in the area.

Recently, the executive board decided that the plan should be put on hold. At that time, one resident, Sidney Green, said: "I am relieved my home might still be safe and I am not faced with a compulsory purchase order for the time being."

* THE Executive Board will also be asked to agree to a second renewal area based on Picton. The plan will affect dozens of terraced streets behind Smithdown Road.

There will be an extensive phased demolition programme, with displaced families moved to new homes in the area. An assessment has identified around 520 homes, 360 of them in private ownership, for demolition over the next 10 years.

The plan will see a first phase demolition plan affecting Scholar Street, Mulliner Street and Underley Street, with Cantsfield Street, Tunstall Street and Garrick Street earmarked for clearance in phase 2. Homes in Cranborne Road will be saved and streets between Webster Road and Cranborne Road will be refurbished.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.07.05 09:13:14   
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July 12, 2005

Ringo Childhood Home Saved

The birthplace of ex-Beatle Ringo Starr was saved from demolition Friday - at least for the time being.

The humble Victorian row house on Madryn Street in the Dingle area of Liverpool in northwest England was one of 460 properties earmarked for
demolition under a government-backed $97 million US urban renewal plan. But faced with criticism that it is breaking up communities and destroying Britain's heritage, the Liverpool city council agreed Friday to consult further with residents before taking the next step.

"This will help us to decide exactly which properties should be demolished to make way for new housing, and which should remain," a council spokesman said.

A previous independent study showed that 70 per cent of area residents favour razing the old houses and building new ones. But some residents fear the plan will destroy the sense of community and suggest refurbishing existing houses instead.

Ringo Starr's birthplace in northern England is safe from bulldozers The Madryn Street house, where Starr lived for three years before his family
moved to nearby Admiral Grove, remains a private home and is not subject to any preservation orders.

The former Beatle recently criticized the plan to demolish homes. "Why are they knocking them down? If it is economically viable, they should
do them up," he said.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.05 09:57:12   
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Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.09.05 09:58:02   
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Ringo Starr's old house to be taken down and stored as 11 streets are demolished
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 20.09.05 11:47:35   
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Чем мешает этот дом? Я не могу понять... Почему обязательно надо рушить, сносить, крушить?..
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.10.05 13:27:37   
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Ringo Starr says that fans should end their recent battles to preserve his birthplace in Liverpool, which is set to be demolished. The house on Madryn Street where Starr lived until he was 4 is part of a multi-million dollar "regeneration plan" in the Dingle section of the city. The Liverpool Echo reported that Starr appeared on British TV and spoke out against future plans to rebuild the structure, using the original bricks, as a monument to the former Beatle.

Starr explained that, "Now they are knocking it down brick-by-brick because they are going to put it somewhere else, and I do not see the sense of putting it anywhere else -- because you are going to have to put a plaque on whatever they build saying 'Ringo Starr was born here'. Well, not really." There's no word on when the building is set to be demolished.

Although both John Lennon and Paul McCartney's childhood homes have become "National Trust" landmarks that are open to the public, none of the four homes that Starr and George Harrison lived in while in Liverpool have been officially honored.

In the early '80s, Liverpool's legendary Cavern Club, where the group performed a record-breaking 292 times, was rebuilt using some of the brick from the original structure that was demolished in 1973.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.05.06 09:39:30   
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Ринго раздражен властями горсовета, которые снесли его дом в Ливерпуле, но тем не менее собираются использовать его имя. Ранее они признали, что дом родительский дом Ринго на Мэдрин-стрит "не имеет исторического значения", тогда как дома, в которых провели детство остальные трое Битлов были сохранены.
"Не вижу в этом смысла. "Он там не жил" видите ли. С ума сойти. Но к черту историю, я все равно никогда не любил это место", - сказал Ринго.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 23.05.06 14:20:01   
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Ринга, не жадничай, выкупи свой собственный домишко.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: 1966   Дата: 23.05.06 14:26:47   
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>Ринга, не жадничай, выкупи свой собственный домишко.

Вряд ли он это услышит.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.01.07 20:06:17   
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Дом Ринго Старра превратится в музейДом Ринго Старра превратится в музей

Ливерпульский дом, где в 1940 году родился барабанщик The Beatles Ринго Старр (Ringo Starr), превратится в музей. Первые посетители смогут осмотреть его не раньше 2008 года, сообщает BBC News, поскольку здание предстоит разобрать, перенести в портовую часть города и собрать заново.

Ринго Старр провел в кирпичном доме на улице Мэдрин-стрит только первые три месяца своей жизни: позже его семья переехала в расположенный неподалеку дом на улице Адмирал-Гроув. План развития Ливерпуля предусматривает снос жилых зданий в районе Мэдрин-стрит, и поклонники группы The Beatles решили защитить историческое место. Их предложение перенести дом в строящийся комплекс Национальных музеев Ливерпуля (National Museums Liverpool) получило одобрение от дирекции музеев.

Сам Ринго Старр уже много лет живет в графстве Саррей вместе со своей женой, актрисой Барбарой Бах (Barbara Bach).
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Kirjuha   Дата: 11.01.07 15:31:19   
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Если пойти налево от этого дома, через перекресток, там будет дом, где Ринго вырос, такой белый там еще старушка живет.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.07.08 23:04:57   
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Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.07.08 23:43:09   
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From The Sunday Times
July 6, 2008

Final drum roll for Ringo Starr’s birthplace

The home of spurned Beatle Pete Best has been preserved – that of the man who replaced him faces demolition

Richard Brooks

At the height of Beatlemania, Ringo Starr’s role was famously written off by John Lennon. He wasn’t even the best drummer in the band, let alone the world, joked Lennon.

Now Starr faces a further indignity. The house at No 9 Madryn Street, Liverpool, where he was born Richard Starkey, 68 years ago tomorrow, is almost certain to be demolished after a decision by English Heritage not to list it.

Applications had been made to save the house, which is in an area of mid-Victorian buildings singled out as important by the architectural writer Sir Nicholas Pevsner, but it is doomed.

In contrast, Sir Paul McCartney’s childhood home was bought by the National Trust in 1997 after John Birt, then the director-general of the BBC and a Liverpudlian, argued for its purchase. John Lennon’s home, where he lived with his aunt Mimi, was given to the trust by his widow Yoko Ono in 2002 after she had bought it. Both houses are now seen by thousands of visitors a year. George Harrison’s childhood house, which is lived in by a family, is not under threat.

To add insult to injury for Starr, the home of Pete Best, the drummer the Beatles dumped in 1962, was listed by English Heritage in 2006. The conservation body says the building, once a Conservative Club before it was bought by Mona Best, Pete’s mother, is significant because it became the Casbah Club where the group played some of their early performances.

Starr recently referred to his birthplace in a song, Liverpool 8, released to commemorate the city’s year as European Capital of Culture:

Liverpool I left you, said goodbye to Madryn Street
I always followed my heart, and I never missed a beat
Destiny was calling, I just could not stick around
Liverpool I left you, but I never let you down.

The song was panned. The lyrics are hardly as evocative as Lennon and McCartney’s Penny Lane or Strawberry Fields, the former children’s home whose gates have now been preserved.

The city turned against Starr when he made dismissive comments about Liverpool on Jonathan Ross’s BBC1 show in January, saying there was “nothing” he missed about the place. A shrubbery sculpture of the drummer was later beheaded.

Starr lived in Madryn Street for the first four years of his life before he and his mother moved around the corner to Admiral Grove. English Heritage’s main reason for rejecting the listing request, therefore, is that Madryn Street has no real links with the Beatles.

Yet many Liverpudlians, despite Starr’s remarks about the city, want the street preserved. They include the former Liberal Democrat MP, David (now Lord) Alton, who, along with the Merseyside Civic Society, argues that the Victorian houses of the area, known as New Heartlands, should be refurbished rather than demolished, although their real concern is more about keeping a community together than preserving Starr’s house.

“There are those who believe Ringo’s birthplace alone is worth keeping,” said Jerry Goldman, director of the Beatles Story attraction in Liverpool. “He was born there, after all, while John and Paul [were] not born in the homes now owned by the National Trust.”

Goldman suggests an alternative plan: “No 9 could be taken down brick by brick and rebuilt in the new Liverpool Museum. This has a double advantage. It will mean displaying a mid-Victorian terrace house, and it was Ringo’s birthplace.” The Liverpool Museum, now being built, is due to open by 2011.

Starr’s home in Admiral Grove, where he lived from the age of four to 22, is open to the public – albeit in an unofficial way. Margaret Grose, who has lived there for more than 30 years, shows people around without any charge. They usually arrive in one of the taxis that specialise in ferrying fans around Beatles landmarks in the city.

“I get hundreds a year,” said Grose. “I knew him as a young boy. He was nice and polite. What I like to see are the smiles on their faces.”

Yet even she has a criticism: “His name is mud now because of what he said earlier this year about the city.”
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Olesia   Дата: 08.07.08 13:04:43   
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Думаю можно простить Ринго его не самое удачное высказывание о своем городе!. )) т.к пока еще можно что-то сделать! Это все пройдет, а вот дом будет уже не восстановить..
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 08.07.08 14:31:15   
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Думаю, что это все вопрос времени, так как весь район, похоже, будут сносить.Думаю, что это все вопрос времени, так как весь район, похоже, будут сносить.
Когда мы были там в июне, почти все дома, за исключением 1-2 домов на улицу, уже были заколочены.
Мы прошли, думается, с пол-района Дингл (шли в сторону Wavertree) - такая ситуация на всех улицах.

Дом Ринго на Madryn Street пока выглядит также, как на прошлогодних фото (разве что дверной ручки не хватает ;-). Дом Ринго на Admiral Grove по-прежнему обитаем.

На Madryn Street в одном из домов сфоткали вот такое послание (см. фото).
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Maureen Zhuk   Дата: 08.07.08 20:00:57   
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Что и говорить, Ринго - личность неисторическая и с точки зрения мировой культуры никакой ценности не имеет. Раз уж сами битломаны сомневаются в необходимости наличия этого человека в Beatles, и виртуозно это доказывают, то уж что говорить о градоначальниках, которым просто потребовались свободные площади под застройку.
А и верно, о чем горевать в этом городе, в котором тебя за солому держат?!! Не сцепиться же со всем миром? Не переорешь всех умных, грамотных, с IQ выше крыши, будь у тебя хоть сто раз луженая глотка! Джонни - не смей! Полли - не дыши! Джи - вообще ангел с крылышками! А это чучело, ату его ребята!!! чтоб не высовывался. А к барабанам вообще не подпускать ближе, чем на 100 миль, косорукого...

Прошу прощения за излишнюю эмоциональность или если задела кого. За 20 лет я (такая же дура, должно быть)так и не поняла, по какому поводу гнобёж. А в сносе домика как раз ничего непонятного и нет. Мешается, ценности не имеет. Как и его бывший жилец...
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Textpert   Дата: 08.07.08 21:19:47   
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Такой же идиотизм,когда то, погубил клуб "Каверн", из за какой то автостоянки. Нужно что бы сам Ринго пошёл туда и пристегнулся наручниками и сказал : или оставьте в покое или сносите вместе со мной . : )
Там , в Ливерпуле, нужно все хранить и лелеять, как часть общей ауры.
Или что, в Англии такие же проблемы с застройщиками что и у нас ?
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Olesia   Дата: 08.07.08 21:30:51   
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>Такой же идиотизм,когда то, погубил клуб "Каверн",
>из за какой то автостоянки. Нужно что бы сам Ринго
>пошёл туда и пристегнулся наручниками и сказал
>: или оставьте в покое или сносите вместе со мной
>. : )

Зачем же Ринго заставлять?. я думаю, что битломаны сами вполне могли бы принять нужные меры! ))
Ладно, в любом случае жалко почему-то. Надо оставить этот дом как еще одно приятное воспоминание о Битлз!
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 09.07.08 15:16:36   
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Позавчера на шоу Ларри Кинга Ринго сказал, что ему до фени будет ли снесен этот дом или нет.

>Нужно что бы сам Ринго пошёл туда и пристегнулся
>наручниками и сказал: или оставьте в покое или
>сносите вместе со мной : )

Учитывая текущие настроения против Ринго, заровняли бы его в свой же дом бульдозером :-(

А вообще, неужели нельзя перестроить район ВОКРУГ этих двух домов?
Думаю, это положение устроило бы многих, да и дома Ринго выделялись на фоне других - легко найти было бы.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 09.07.08 15:40:50   
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Потом опять жалеть будут, а - поздно.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 10.07.08 20:59:04   
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отличный тот райончег, тихий такой, жаль безумно, что сносят...
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 10.07.08 23:30:45   
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Битлз много сделали для Ливерпуля (прославили город, что говорить!), да и Англии, и очень жаль когда происходят подобные случаи
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Dr.Winston   Дата: 11.07.08 14:29:56   
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Грустно все это....но чем мы можем помочь? Разве что построить такой же у себя...
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Михаил Круг   Дата: 22.08.10 22:48:11   
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Pamela Anderson has joined the campaign to stop Ringo Starr's former home being demolished.Pamela Anderson has joined the campaign to stop Ringo Starr's former home being demolished.

Anderson, 43, met ex-MP Gyles Brandreth on BBC show The One Show and agreed with him that the Victorian house in Toxteth, where the Beatle lived, should be left alone.

However, a spokesman for Liverpool council has said: 'Ringo lived in Madryn Street for just a short time when he was a baby. This house has little true historic value.'
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: rinn   Дата: 23.08.10 01:37:12   
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Значит, дом пока еще не снесли?)
Все же я не понимаю, так ли уж важно его сохранить для потомков.
Пусть останется на фотографиях, в конце концов.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: okappi   Дата: 24.08.10 20:35:22   
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Пока не снесли. Стоит.. Там такой чудесный райончик. А вдруг застроят лужковскими П44М? 8-00)))))
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 27.08.10 15:02:23   
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Я знаю, кого тем надо приковать цепями... есть такой персонаж - Шалва Чигиринский, девелопёр... ((((((((((

Вообще мастаки бритты, как я погляжу, по граблям ходить. Или и вправду Каверны им мало???
Я тащусь!  
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Wallrussian   Дата: 27.08.10 15:10:20   
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>Пока не снесли. Стоит.. Там такой чудесный райончик.
>А вдруг застроят лужковскими П44М? 8-00)))))

А что? В этих домах квартиры улучшенной планировки! Изолированные комнаты, лоджии. И санузел раздельный! То-то радости будет ливерпадлийцам.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 01.10.10 11:42:01   
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А пока дом не снесли (если его, не дай Бог, все же снесут), фанаты растаскивают его по кирпичикам...А пока дом не снесли (если его, не дай Бог, все же снесут), фанаты растаскивают его по кирпичикам...

Souvenir hunters are being condemned for "wanton vandalism" after sections of masonry were hacked off Ringo Starr's birthplace. Fans who are campaigning to halt town hall plans to demolish 9 Madryn Street have been alarmed to find that that chunks of brickwork have been systematically chiselled away in recent days.The Save Madryn Street (SMS) campaign are calling on council chiefs to ensure that the humble three-bedroomed house is protected from attacks by irresponsible fans.

SMS Chairman Philip Coppell said: "We have support fans all over the world who want to see 9 Madryn Street preserved.
"But a handful of people have engaged in what can only be described as wanton vandalism - taking hammers and chisels to the brickwork to get souvenirs. We have had messages of support from all over Europe, Russia, Japan, Canada and America from fans who are horrified that the city can even contemplate demolishing the house. "Now we find that the attention that has been heaped on it mean that more and more people are visiting Madryn Street. But because only two houses are still occupied it means that it is very vulnerable to vandalism. "The windows and doors are boarded-up but people are taking hammers and chisels to the place and at least ten bricks have been removed. "It shows that people realise how important the house is and I suppose they think it may be demolished - so they have a go it it themselves. "But we are appealing to fans not to damage the house so we can have a chance to preserve it for everyone. We are seeking meetings with the city council and in the meantime we are calling on the housing department to ensure that number nine is not an open target for vandals. Local campaigners have also won the backing of the nations SAVE Britain's Heritage Group and Liverpool Civic Society.

They have asked English Heritage to awarded listing building status to 9 Madryn Street and four other properties with Beatles links.SAVE spokesman Will Palin said: "We would appeal to fans not to damage the brickwork. It should be kept intact. We believe there is still a strong hope that Madryn Street can be preserved and it should be there for all Beatles fans to enjoy."

A spokesman for Liverpool City Council joined in the plea for Beatles fans to resist the temptation to bag a brick.
He said if many more souvenir hunters continues to chip away at the masonry of the Victorian property it could cause the building to become unsafe. He said: "Clearly some of the bricks have been removed."This is almost certainly by souvenir-hunters but they should be aware that if this continues on any scale they could make this property dangerous so we would ask them to desist. So far Liverpool City Council have received a petition with 102 signatures and 203 individual objections to the planned demolition of the historic Welsh Streets of which Madryn Street is one.

Either this self-vandalism is a way of making sure this site becomes a new development or there may be a ton of bricks available on Ebay very soon.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 20.04.11 11:38:48   
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Beatle's birthplace gets temporary reprieve from demolition

The Liverpool birthplace of former Beatle Ringo Starr won a last-minute delay from the wrecker's ball Tuesday after a government official stepped in over the lack of an environmental impact report, a supporter of the effort to save the Beatle's former home said.

Local author David Bedford ("Liddypool: Birthplace of the Beatles"), a member of the Save Madryn Street committee, told Beatles Examiner, "The government has stepped in with the legal delay, as we predicted, over the lack of an Environmental Impact Assessment, which has not been carried out, even though it could be required. This gains us more time to put the detailed proposals to the council about how Ringo’s birthplace could be saved, and the houses renovated under private schemes which have still not been considered."

Click Liverpool reported that Communities Secretary Eric Pickles had delayed the razing of the former Ringo Starr home at 9 Madryn Street along with over 200 other buildings after the Liverpool City Council voted to demolish them. The delay could last a year or longer, according to Click Liverpool.

"As there are no funds in place now, or likely to be in place in the near future, to build any new homes, all the local residents are faced with is being moved out, their homes demolished, and the area grassed over, as has been done in other parts of Liverpool. All Liverpool City Council are faced with is a big bill to demolish the houses, and nothing to put in its place," Bedford said. "Surely it makes sense to consider a proposal from a private investor to renovate the homes at zero cost to the local council, who are faced with millions of pounds of cuts to their budget already.

"All hope is not lost yet!," he said.

Meanwhile, Liverpool City Council leader Joe Anderson is calling for a quick resolution to the situation. "I am urging the Secretary of State to make a speedy decision on this issue so that we can crack on and push ahead with the badly needed regeneration of this area," he told Click Liverpool.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 20.04.11 11:40:50   
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Ringo Starr's Madryn Street home demolition plans approvedRingo Starr's Madryn Street home demolition plans approved

Plans to demolish Beatle Ringo Starr's birthplace have been approved by Liverpool City Council, despite opposition from a government minister.

Nine Madryn Street, Toxteth, where the drummer lived until he was four, is among 271 homes which are due to be cleared under regeneration plans.

Housing Minister Grant Shapps had asked for alternative plans to be considered to renovate the homes.

The communities secretary still needs to approve the plans before demolition.

Eric Pickles is considering a request by campaigners for a full environmental assessment before the area is razed.

'Damp slums'

The street is one of several known as the Welsh Streets, which were built in the late 19th Century when there was an influx of Welsh people who came to Liverpool to work as dockers.

At a planning meeting at Liverpool Town Hall earlier, residents of the streets pleaded with the council to knock down what they called "damp slums" and replace them with modern homes.

Opponents of the demolition said the streets had historical importance to Beatles fans as well as potential tourist value.

The childhood homes of John Lennon - Mendips, in Menlove Avenue - and Sir Paul McCartney - in Forthlin Road - are preserved as tourist attractions supported by the National Trust.

George Harrison's Arnold Grove childhood home remains a private house.

A request for the Madryn Street house to be put under a preservation order was turned down by English Heritage last year, which ruled the property had no associations with the success of the Beatles as a group.

Liverpool City Council Leader Joe Anderson said the area was in dire need of regeneration.

He said: "A majority of the local community have expressed support for our plans since we started consulting on this plan over a decade ago.

"They are sick of living in poky, damp infested properties. They want and deserve decent, modern homes with gardens and space for a car and are exasperated and frustrated at the delays to this scheme."

He added: "I pledged last year that if a developer came forward with a viable proposal to retain the Welsh Streets then we would look seriously at their plans. I am sorry to say that this has not happened.

"It is simply not fair to keep the local community in limbo any longer.

"People have been voting with their feet for years and moving away from the Welsh Streets which is why the housing market in the area has completely collapsed."

Irene Milson, chair of the tenants' and residents' association, said of the decision to demolish the house: "I can't explain, I really can't explain, it's jubilation.

"It's been 10 years of hard work from the start to now, I just can't put it into words."

However Phillip Coppell, chairman of the Save Madryn Street campaign, said the fight was not yet over.

He said: "Demolition is not a foregone conclusion. We have people waiting in the wings who are prepared to redevelop the area and refurbish so we are still hopeful.

"It is an important part of the heritage trail. There are lots of plans to demolish the whole area but we believe that we should keep not only Ringo's house but the entire Welsh Streets."
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 20.04.11 11:42:07   
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Похоже, скоро дом Ринго будет снесен
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Dr. Robert!   Дата: 20.04.11 15:53:37   
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Обсуждение новости: "Городской совет Ливерпуля утвердил план по сносу района, в котором находится дом Ринго Старра"
Автор: Applejack   Дата: 20.04.11 21:26:11   
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Какая разница, если ему все равно.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Бри   Дата: 20.04.11 23:14:01   
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Сейчас ему точно не до дома - тур.
Обсуждение новости: "Городской совет Ливерпуля утвердил план по сносу района, в котором находится дом Ринго Старра"
Автор: SkyAnn   Дата: 21.04.11 03:06:59   
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По-моему, есть некое противоречие в том, что улицы именами Битлов называют, а места-квартиры-почти музеи не хранят. Район трущобный, но охренительный. Дает очень мощное ощущение о городе того времени.
Обсуждение новости: "Снос отчего дома Ринго Старра отсрочен как минимум на год"
Автор: AquaDark   Дата: 21.04.11 21:23:53   
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Однако есть на свете порядочные чиновники.
Hats off to Grant Shapps.
Обсуждение новости: "Снос отчего дома Ринго Старра отсрочен как минимум на год"
Автор: President   Дата: 21.04.11 22:02:43   
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Порядочные чиновники на свете есть. В Британии...
Обсуждение новости: "Снос отчего дома Ринго Старра отсрочен как минимум на год"
Автор: AquaDark   Дата: 21.04.11 22:26:41   
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И то радость.
Хотя настоящим испытанием для порядочных британских чиновников было бы если бы Абрамович или Дерипаска решили во что бы то ни стало построить на Мадрин-стрит 9 публичный дом или зоопарк.
Re: Дом где родился Ринго будет уничтожен
Автор: Dr. Robert!   Дата: 22.04.11 08:48:18   
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Ну, слава Богу, в последний момент нашёлся человек, что надо! Теперь за оставшийся год необходимо домик Ринго окончательно утвердить. Подписать петицию - простейшее, что можно сделать. Но и от этого может быть польза. Вреда, по крайней мере, не будет.
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