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Ringo Starr news

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Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Umakava   Дата: 30.06.05 11:57:07   
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Теперь поближе...Теперь поближе...
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Umakava   Дата: 30.06.05 12:03:06   
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Посмотрим, пролезет ли 3.67-мегабайтный ролик. Octopus's Garden, 15 сек, без звука.Посмотрим, пролезет ли 3.67-мегабайтный ролик. Octopus's Garden, 15 сек, без звука.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 30.06.05 13:35:29   
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Сейчас случайно попалась ссылка барабанного сайта , там есть небольшой раздел посвящённый Ринго:)
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.06.05 15:21:09   
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THE BEATLES once considered reforming for a one-off TV show when they heard they'd be performing after a fishy novelty act.

RINGO STARR admits he and his former bandmates did discuss a reunion show on American TV in the 1970s - and it had nothing to do with the millions the group was being offered to come together.

The drummer reveals, "It (a reunion) never really got close but there was one time where we spoke to each other about it and it didn't work out.

"We only talked about it because we were offered this gig where we were on after the guy who fights the shark."

Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.07.05 15:58:49   
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Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.07.05 16:08:26   
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Concert review: Ringo and the Roundheads By Erik Pedersen
Fri Jul 1

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Ringo Starr knows his place -- in rock's history and even its present. He's something of a minor superstar but still a Beatle, and the sight of parents with their young kids Wednesday night proved that he is certainly still needed now that he's 64.

His genuine affability and droll, familiar-warm Liverpudlian accent alone make his concerts impossible not to like. This show was a benefit for the Lotus Foundation, a 4-year-old nonprofit group that "promotes individual endeavor" by offering a serene, intimate space amid the bustle of London, "where a small group of people can come together to experience music, poetry, workshops, healing and therapy." Actually, that's not far from what Starr did at the relatively intimate El Rey.

Fit, trim and belying his years in an all-black suit with glittery lapels, he moved from frontman to drum kit several times. Starr and his six-piece band the Roundheads, including frequent collaborator Mark Hudson, delivered old Beatles and solo hits mixed with material from his prolific and generally well-regarded recent output, including the current "Choose Love" (Koch Records). The new "Give Me Back the Beat" featured a huge drum back, "Don't Pass Me By" had a vaguely Caribbean feel, "Back Off Bugaloo" was just about the most rocking number of the night, and "Boys" featured a sped-up "bop-shoo-wah/bop-bop-shoo-wah" straight out of "The Peppermint Twist."

The packed house of Beatlephiles and more casual fans cheered it all, of course, even though the renditions of Fab Four classics like "I Wanna Be Your Man" lacked the punch that helped make them classics. But all the while, Starr joked, bantered and shunned self-importance, at one point even reading and mildly critiquing some of the T-shirts worn by fans down front.

George Harrison's influence on and collaboration with Starr remains obvious, especially in the joyous melodies of "It Don't Come Easy" and "Photograph." Introducing "Never Without You," a lovely song from 2003's "Ringorama," Starr said it relates "how I felt about George." The first-person account that spans from the Beatles' rise to fame to Harrison's passing is peppered with familiar references to songs and people. "And your song will play on without you/ And this world won't forget about you/ Every part of you was in your song." Sure, it's not "Imagine" but touching, heartfelt and memorable nonetheless.

Even if there were no small number of early exits this was probably just a save-the-stub and tell-the-grandkids concert experience for many -- Ringo Starr's show remains a sure bet to inspire smiles, peace signs and, yes, even the love he still believes in so much.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.07.05 16:09:22   
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Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.07.05 14:49:11   
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Former THE BEATLES drummer RINGO STARR has failed in his ambition to become a tramp.

The rocker admits he grew up dreaming of being homeless and penniless because he feared he'd never amount to anything.

He says, "When I was a kid I wanted to be a tramp."

But in a reckless moment, the drummer did dream that one day he'd own a park, just like the one where he used to spend his childhood in Liverpool, England.

He adds, "To get to school I had to walk through this park and if it had snowed we never went to school and if it was really warm we never went to school. I went to school very little.

"We now have this place in England now and sometimes I look at it and say, 'My God, I got the park!'"


Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.07.05 23:02:47   
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"Подземный гараж" Литтл Стивена - серия №170 - Ринго
Re: Тема про Ринго 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 21:31:59   
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Online Chat Transcript: MSN Live presents Ringo Starr

What made former Beatle Ringo Starr call his new album “Choose Love”? In this rare online event, Ringo Starr makes his first appearance on MSN Live to chat with fans and about his new album and how he came about writing a disco Ibiza record that he says “. .. turned into this surf spaghetti western.”

Originally Webcast July 5, 2005

Digital Dish Diva says:
Welcome to MSN Live! Today on MSN Live, we are pleased to welcome Ringo Starr whose latest CD is "Choose Love." This appearance marks Ringo's first event on MSN Live.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Ringo, welcome to MSN Live.

Ringo Starr says:
Hi to all of the audience this morning. If you are on the West Coast, you are up early. If you around the world, God bless you!

Digital Dish Diva says:
Why the title "Choose Love"?

Ringo Starr says:
There is a song on the CC called "Choose Love." We were going to call it "Love."

Ringo Starr says:
We wanted to write songs for the album with 'love' as part of the song. In the end, I thought "Choose Love" is better.

Beatlesgrl1 in Onstage_1 asks:
What's your favorite track on "Choose Love"? Mine is "Don't Hang Up"

Ringo Starr says:
It is very difficult with a new CD because you love them all. "Choose Love" is one of mine. I love "All my Lord" because there is a little demo at the beginning.

Ringo Starr says:
There is not one that I love. I love them all.

Maccascruff2 in Onstage_1 asks:
Ringo, will your Peace and Love wristbands be made available to the public? Many of your fans would like to have one.

Ringo Starr says:
It is just something I did to give out to friends. I have been asked several times now and maybe we will change our minds. There is a site that sells wristbands and so maybe we will put them up for the Lotus Foundation.

TiltedKilt_Dom in Onstage_1 asks:
Are you going to tour with the new album release?

Ringo Starr says:
No, I am just doing the promotional tour right now and that I why I am talking to you, TiltedKilt.

BlueSuedeBeatle in Onstage_1 asks:
In 50 years, how would you like to be remembered?

Ringo Starr says:
That is so hard. Just remember me with love.

Brooke8184 in Onstage_1 asks:
I love your new CD!!! WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF MAKING THE CD? And also are you ever going to write an autobiography? I really really want you to.

Ringo Starr says:
Favorite part is actually hanging out with other musicians and having a lot of fun.

Ringo Starr says:
Right now, I have no interest in writing my autobiography because I think I would be writing it too early. I have been asked quite often to write it. I have had more of a life than just the Beatles. (laughs)

arbeee in Onstage_1 asks:
Have you ever thought about doing any more movies?

Ringo Starr says:
Not really.

P?nnyroyal in Onstage_1 asks:
What about the rumors about you and Eartha Kitt?

Ringo Starr says:
Eartha and I are going steady. (laughs) Don't tell Barbara.

Na?ç?B?th™ in Onstage_1 asks:
The song:" It don't come easy" I can relate to every word in your song.

Ringo Starr says:
Yeah. Well, good. You know it doesn't come easy. You gotta pay the dues if you wanna sing the blues.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Where does your inspiration come from these days?

Ringo Starr says:
The inspiration comes from opening your eyes and living the day. Things happen.

Ringo Starr says:
Yes, it has changed. In your 20's it is all so fast. Now you look at things a little longer.

ClearJohnB in Onstage_1 asks:
What has been your favourite movie you have acted in?

Ringo Starr says:
"The Magic Christian," "Hard Day's Night" . . .

Digital Dish Diva says:
How has music changed for you in the past 40 years? Has your taste in music changed?

Ringo Starr says:
I have always been open to all music, country, blues, classical, big band, reggae. . .

Ringo Starr says:
I still keep an open mind and like to listen to different types of music.
Re: Тема про Ринго 2
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.07.05 21:32:16   
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BlueSuedeBeatle in Onstage_1 asks:
Who have been some of your favourite artists to record with, and why?

Ringo Starr says:
I can't not mention John, Paul and George. (laughs)

Ringo Starr says:
We have lots of gusts on my CD's. That keeps it interesting. Billy Preston is on "Choose Love."

Ringo Starr says:
Billy Preston is one of the greatest musicians in the world. I can't choose between Willie Nelson and others. This was the first time I worked with Chrissie Hynde and it was great.

Digital Dish Diva says:
What is your studio set up when you record? Where do you like to record?

Ringo Starr says:
The last five CD's have been recorded in LA and England. I have a studio in England and Mark Hudson has a studio in LA.

EvergrowingBaldSpot in Onstage_1 asks:
I love your All Star Band CD's. I never grow tired of fun, good music - and they have just that. Thanks for the great music.

Ringo Starr says:
Well, let's hope the bald spot doesn't get too big. Thanks for the compliment and that's what music is all about to me. It's hard work and that is what it is all about.

ClearJohnB in Onstage_1 asks:
Which studio do you prefer? LA or UK?

Ringo Starr says:
I like them both. We set them up so that they are compatible.

Ð?ath???d_€§Ð in Onstage_1 asks:
What was the first CD made that you liked the most?

Ringo Starr says:
One of mine? Or the first CD ever? There was a lot of vinyl before in my case.

Ringo Starr says:
The Ringo album and "Choose Love."

Ringo Starr says:
We also made a Christmas CD called "I Want to be Santa Claus."

Halup in Onstage_1 asks:
Ringo, can you tell us how you first began working with Mark Hudson? Also, thanks for the autograph last Weds after sound check at El Rey.

Ringo Starr says:
Hi. I met him the first time with a NY producer with Phil Ramone and then several years later Mark and I tried to write together. We had so much fun and thought we would make demos.

Ringo Starr says:
We had so much fun we thought, "Let's not make demos." We would make a record.

noapte_buna in Onstage_1 asks:
What was the kind of snare drum you used on the early recordings?

Ringo Starr says:
The drums on all the Beatle recordings were all Ludwigs.

Maccascruff2 in Onstage_1 asks:
My nephews loved when you were the conductor for Thomas the Tank. Thinking of doing any more work like that?

Ringo Starr says:
I haven't done an episode since 1989 but there are reruns. I love it now when parents hold their little children up to me and say "Look, there's Mr. Conductor."

Digital Dish Diva says:
What's going on with your website?

Ringo Starr says:
It is very me. I am holding the camera, shooting and everything. It is very personal.

Ringo Starr says:
When I am on tour, I give them (fans) a view of the hotel room or whatever is going on in the day. I was just in NY and Chicago for a week. I just did the update that covers all of that. If you want to find out where I am go to my website

Digital Dish Diva says:
Tonight you are on "The Tonight Show"?

Ringo Starr says:
Yes, Jay Leno. The great Jay Leno.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Will you be performing?

Ringo Starr says:
Yes, we are doing "Choose Love" live.

Ringo Starr says:
We are not mimers.

Digital Dish Diva says:
What is your idea of an ideal day?

Ringo Starr says:
My ideal day is getting up early, working out and hanging out at he house with friends. Getting loads of sun. I love the sun!

Digital Dish Diva says:
Ringo, I know you need to head up. Thanks for taking the time to chat with fans today on MSN Live. From all of us here best of luck with "Choose love."

Ringo Starr says:
I'd like to say: Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.07.05 23:42:13   
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Ringo Starr, 65, not ready to retire

The Beatles were famous for a song called When I'm 64. Fab Four drummer Ringo Starr officially surpassed that benchmark yesterday when he turned 65.

"The seventh day of the seventh month," Starr intones in that famous lazy Liverpudlian accent over the phone from L.A. this week in a Canadian exclusive interview with the Sun.

"I don't know if it's a big one," adds Starr, who was plannng to celebrate with just a low-key dinner with his family.

Starr, who has his official residence in Monte Carlo but has homes in L.A. and England, acknowledged that in Canada, his age makes him eligible for senior citizen discounts.

"Not in Monte Carlo. If I come to Canada, I'll be set," he says cheerfully. "I'm in America now, and I think the retirement age is 70. You know, if you want to live on hamburgers..."

Starr rehearsed for and launched his two previous North American tours at Casino Rama in Barrie, but didn't know the plan yet for his next All Starr Band trek. He says he'll head out next summer in support of his just-released new album, Choose Love, and if he starts off again in Barrie that would be fine with him.

"I just say, 'Yes, I'd like to go on tour,' and then other people put it together," says Starr. "So I don't want to say, 'I'll definitely be there', in case I'm not, but I hope I am. We couldn't be better looked after anywhere else. It's really good. (Vice-President of Marketing Larry Gregson) and everybody up there, it's fabulous."

Starr also says he didn't realize that Barrie's Park Place was the location of the Live 8 Canada concert headlined by Neil Young on Saturday.

"They didn't show any of it (on TV) in America, I didn't see any," says Starr, who watched part of the global event from home on TV. "I saw mainly England. Some of America. One Green Day gig in Germany, and Shakira in Paris, that's all I saw. And Neil Young was on, how great is that?"

As for Beatles singer-bassist Paul McCartney opening London Live 8's concert alongside U2 with the Fab Four's Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Starr says he liked it -- to a point.

"I saw Paul and Bono being fabulous and I saw four stupid guys in Pepper suits," said Starr of the four-man brass section who were dressed as Beatles lookalikes in the legendary colourful band outfits.

"I thought Paul should have worn the suit and Bono and Bob Geldof should have worn one. Like, real people should have worn them. Then it would have been a real statement. Just to have four silly guys in the back there, I thought was silly."

Starr says he wasn't invited to play drums with McCartney for his Live 8 performance, and didn't really want to discuss whether he would have liked to.

"Well, it's too late now. So let's not talk about the past. I was never asked to do it. I would have only done it, if I'd dressed up in me suit," he jokes. "That would have been a big condition on my part."

Starr's embracing of his Beatles past continues on Choose Love, which liberally references Fab Four song titles, lyrics and even guitar riffs throughout, particularly on the title track.

"There's 'The long and winding road is more than a song,' which I thought was a great line," says Starr. "And 'Tomorrow never knows,' was the line of mine that John (Lennon) wrote a song about. So I have no problem using lines like that. They're in a new context. They're not those songs. We're putting it in another context."

Starr has also written a sweetly spiritual song called Oh My Lord, which seems to be his version of George Harrison's My Sweet Lord although the drummer disputes that.

"Because it has the word 'Lord' in it, everybody keeps saying, 'Oh, well it's like George Harrison,' " says Starr before joking, "I don't know what the Baptists are going to say."

Starr says the song came about when he was sitting at his piano and the chords, melody and words, 'Help Me Lord,' came to him.

"We were talking about It Don't Come Easy. George and I wrote that song, and he produced it on me and was trying to throw in Hare Krishna and God and everything and at that time of my life, I would say, 'No, no, no, that's you. I don't sing these songs.' And now I have no problem saying it. You know, people change. You just change on this long and winding road we're on, some things become easier."

Starr played the piano demo of Oh My Lord for Harrison's widow, Olivia.

"I did and she loved it," he says. "She's doing good. I mean, you know, it's been a couple of years now. You'd have to talk to her about how she feels. But I've seen her lately and she's doing better than she was doing. And that's all you can ask for."

And soon Ringo will star in ...

Ringo Starr's new album, Choose Love, is just one of a number of projects he's involved in these days.

He says he and comic book mogul Stan Lee are still working on an original animation series featuring a superhero based on and voiced by Starr.

"We're still having meetings," Starr told the Sun. "I said yes, he said yes. Everything's in place. We're looking for the story. I will be the voice and it's still going on.''

Starr is also involved in the new Cirque du Soleil Las Vegas production based on Beatles songs. It's set to debut in 2006.

"We're part of that. The Cirque du Soleil are putting their talents with the talents of Beatles music. And that's going to open next year as far as I know. We're involved in the mixing of the Beatles music. We all go to EMI where George Martin is mixing it and we tell what we love and what we don't love."
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.05 10:26:19   
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July 10, 2005 -- Sun Media

When I'm 65

The Beatles were famous for a song called When I'm 64. Fab Four drummer Ringo Starr officially surpassed that benchmark this week when he turned 65.

"The seventh day of the seventh month," Starr intones in that famous lazy Liverpudlian accent over the phone from L.A. this week, in a Canadian exclusive interview with Sun Media.

"I don't know if it's a big one," adds Starr, who was planning to celebrate with just a low-key dinner with his family.

Starr, who has his official residence in Monte Carlo but has homes in L.A. and England, acknowledged that, in Canada, his age makes him eligible for senior-citizen discounts.

"Not in Monte Carlo. If I come to Canada, I'll be set," he says cheerfully. "I'm in America now, and I think the retirement age is 70. You know, if you want to live on hamburgers ..."

Starr rehearsed for and launched his two previous North American tours at Casino Rama in Barrie, Ont., but didn't know the plan yet for his next All Starr Band trek. He says he'll head out next summer in support of his just-released new album, Choose Love, and if he starts off again in Barrie that would be fine with him.


"I just say, 'Yes, I'd like to go on tour,' and then other people put it together," says Starr. "So I don't want to say, 'I'll definitely be there, in case I'm not, but I hope I am. We couldn't be better looked after anywhere else. It's really good. (Vice-president of Marketing, Larry Gregson) and everybody up there, it's fabulous."

Starr also says he didn't realize that Barrie's Park Place was the location of the Live 8 Canada concert headlined by Neil Young last weekend.

"They didn't show any of it (on TV) in America, I didn't see any," says Starr, who watched part of the global event from home on TV. "I saw mainly England. Some of America. One Green Day gig in Germany, and Shakira in Paris, that's all I saw. And Neil Young was on, how great is that?"

As for Beatles singer-bassist Paul McCartney opening London Live 8's concert alongside U2 with the Fab Four's Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Starr says he liked it - to a point.

"I saw Paul and Bono being fabulous and I saw four stupid guys in Pepper suits," said Starr of the four-man brass section dressed as Beatles lookalikes in the legendary colourful band outfits.

"I thought Paul should have worn the suit and Bono and Bob Geldof should have worn one. Like, real people should have worn them. Then it would have been a real statement.

"Just to have four silly guys in the back there, I thought was silly."

Starr says he wasn't invited to play drums with McCartney for his Live 8 performance, and didn't really want to discuss whether he would have liked to have done so.

"Well, it's too late now. So let's not talk about the past. I was never asked to do it. I would have only done it if I'd dressed up in me suit," he jokes.

"That would have been a big condition on my part."

Starr's embracing of his Beatles past continues on Choose Love, which liberally references Fab Four song titles, lyrics and even guitar riffs throughout, particularly on the title track.

"There's The Long and Winding Road is more than a song, which I thought was a great line," says Starr. "And Tomorrow Never Knows was the line of mine that John (Lennon) wrote a song about. So I have no problem using lines like that. They're in a new context. They're not those songs. We're putting it in another context."


Starr has also written a sweetly spiritual song called Oh My Lord, which seems to be his version of George Harrison's My Sweet Lord, although the drummer disputes that.

"Because it has the word 'Lord' in it, everybody keeps saying, 'Oh, well it's like George Harrison,' " says Starr before joking, "I don't know what the Baptists are going to say."

Starr played the piano demo of Oh My Lord for Harrison's widow, Olivia.

"She loved it," he says. "She's doing good. I mean, you know, it's been a couple of years now.

"You'd have to talk to her about how she feels. But I've seen her lately and she's doing better than she was doing. And that's all you can ask for."
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.07.05 09:22:15   
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TV Alert: PBS - Soundstage: Ringo Starr & the Roundheads with special guest Colin Hay premieres on August 25, 2005.TV Alert: PBS - Soundstage: Ringo Starr & the Roundheads with special guest Colin Hay premieres on August 25, 2005.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.08.05 23:51:07   
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August 01, 2005

Ringo Starr's producer Mark Hudson -- who first met Ringo while still a part of the power pop trio the Hudson Brothers back in the mid '70s -- says that for a die-hard Beatles-fan, producing Ringo is a dream come true. Hudson, who has produced and co-written Ringo's last five albums -- including his latest CD, Choose Love -- says that one of the best parts of working with Ringo is his constant stream of Beatles anecdotes.

Hudson revealed to us how John Lennon used to help Ringo get through tough Beatles recording sessions: "When Ringo used to sing vocals sometimes he says he was really insecure and that John would come out with this energy like 'C'mon Ring!' and his arms were flailing and he would be in his face, to make him hit notes and have energy."

Ringo, along with Hudson and his backing group the Roundheads, have performed three full-length shows in New York City, Los Angeles and Waukegan, Illinois. PBS filmed the Illinois show for an episode of Soundstage set to air August 25th.

Word is that a live album featuring songs from all three shows may be in the pipeline, although nothing has been announced.

Ringo will be touring with the latest edition of his All Starr Band in the summer of 2006.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.05 00:12:33   
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Ringo's still a Starr Aug 2 2005

SCHOOLCHILDREN have had a fab idea - naming their new sports complex after famous old boy Ringo Starr.

The Beatles legend came out on top when pupils at Shorefields Technology College in Dingle were asked to choose a title for the planned £250,000 facility.

Ringo briefly attended Shorefields when it was called Dingle Vale secondary modern, before his rise to superstardom.

School staff are now waiting to find out whether they can build the new Starr Fields complex on rundown Dingle Vale recreation ground.

A report to Liverpool council says: "Many students felt the project should honour someone who was born and grew up in the community and later achieved international recognition and success.

"To rename the area Starr Fields allows the school to honour and pay tribute to Ringo, while at the same time giving a new generation of young people improved facilities."

Shorefields wants to build aa floodlit synthetic turf sports pitch, three tennis and netball courts and changing rooms at Dingle Vale Rec.

The school, which has around 1,000 pupils, was recently refurbished but its outdoor playing facilities are inadequate.

Shorefields has doubled in size in the past 10 years and sees Dingle Vale Rec, within walking distance of the school, as the ideal location.

At the moment, the Rec is rarely used by the community because of its lack of modern facilities.

Rodger Lafferty, chairman of governors, said: "The Rec is currently quite rundown and we want to get in there and turn it into a managed sports centre."
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.08.05 07:36:24   
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August 22, 2005 --- The Fest For Beatles Fans

Mark Hudson, who was a guest at the "The Fest For Beatles Fans" in Chicago, said there was a good possibility that Ringo will tour the US in the spring of 2006 and that the tour may be with the Roundheads this time instead of the All Starr Band.
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.08.05 13:02:19   
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A star on his own
Forever a Beatle, Ringo still shares peace and love
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.08.05 07:21:02   
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Graphic/Bob HelfGraphic/Bob Helf
Re: Тема про Ринго
Автор: Ульянка   Дата: 25.08.05 14:04:12   
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Эх, а ведь была эта радость всего-то семь лет назад! (мечтательно закатывает глаза) Кажется, что в позапрошлой жизни...
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