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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Dhani Harrison (Дани Харрисон)

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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 28.09.11 15:00:34   
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Ep002 marks another phase in their career in that it features some well-known guests: Regina Spektor and Wu-Tang Clan rapper RZA, among others. The result is an intriguing mix of rock, electronica, and rap.

Harrison handles lead vocals, sounding eerily like his father in tone and thenewno2phrasing. The trance-like track "Wide Awake" contains psychedelic elements-distorted guitars, swirling keyboards, and a slow, steady beat dominate the song. But the mood quickly changes with "Mr. President," which features RZA, Crisis, and Sir Eyes. The mashup between thenewno2's brand of electronic rock and hip hop works surprisingly well, with Harrison's wry vocals nicely complimenting RZA, Sir Eyes', and Crisis' biting lines. Imagine George Harrison collaborating with rap artists, and you get a fairly clear picture of the track. "Here come the Americans!" Dhani Harrison cries, with the rap breaks first addressing President Obama. "Mr. President, thank you for lowering the prices of our medicine/ Being that the Bush war has created more war veterans" they snarl. The second break definitely concerns President Bush: "Mr. President you got the whole country in debt/ Get your family more wealthy, while we suffer for it!/ I'm talking Bush not Obama." Regardless of your political persuasion, "Mr. President" grabs the listener's attention with its relentless beats and contrasts between Harrison's airy vocals and some furious rapping.

The next track, "Live A Lie," features Spektor singing backing harmonies as well as the refrain. With its distorted guitars, ethereal vocals, and electronic beat, it recalls Massive Attack in its brooding mood. Lyrically the words are clearly meant to create atmosphere rather than tell a story. "You and I in the same room/ Now you and I are fallen through," Harrison croons, with Spekor's light voice weaving into the heavy beat: "So long just waiting/ Waiting/ Doors and windows closed," she sings.

The final Ep002 track is a pHd "One Nation" remix of "Mr. President," which increases the tempo, intensifies the beat, and processes Harrison's vocals differently. While an interesting alternate version, it seems a bit tacked on.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 28.09.11 15:04:07   
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"Black Milk" by Massive Attack. The guest vocals from Cocteau Twins singer Elizabeth Fraser are so haunting on this track, which is from the 1998 album Mezzanine. This is the only song I can listen to no matter what mood I am in.

Rage Against Machine's Rage Against the Machine. Start to finish this is one of the most hardcore records ever. Even the artwork is hardcore! It's amazing to drive to and as a debut album, I can't think of anything from our generation that tops it.

Magnetic Man, the English trio of dubstep producers. A friend saw them at Coachella this year and told me about it. I love their new record [2010's self-titled debut], especially that song "The Bug."

Benny Goodman plays Mozart

Amoeba Music in Los Angeles. They have great vinyl. I bought a record of Benny Goodman playing Mozart there. Awesome!

My Fender Stratocaster and my backup Fender Stratocaster. They're very simple and rarely break. It's an Eric Clapton model and louder than all the rest...heee heee.

FAVORITE WEBSITE: Hours of fun looking at texts that were screwed up by an iPhone's auto correct. Classic.

I recently got into Lie to Me with Tim Roth and The Mentalist. Basically, I like shows about people who use their brains to solve crime (in under and hour).

Click to enlarge

Grand Theft Auto III: San Andreas. It will go down in history as the most fun game of all time. That, or Mario Cart or GoldenEye 007 on Nintendo 64. Ahhhh! I can't choose!

I have two mini huskies called Woody Guthrie and Edison Guthrie. It would be mean to pick a favorite … but Woody doesn't eat my shoes. Just sayin'.

Tell the bus driver to drive faster so the trip takes less time, or listen to Fleetwood Mac and get nostalgic. And if all else fails, head to Ashland, Oregon!

"Keep your head down at school." Those are sage words from my dad. They kept me in check for years.

Click to enlarge

Maui. I try to go once a year to surf, etc. The force is strong out there.

Pizza and burritos. Someone recently played me "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell" by Das Racist. That should be my theme song.

I don't get out much. What day is it?
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 28.09.11 15:39:39   
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собственно EP002

правда, в 160, буду благодарна, если кто-нибудь, добудет его из itunes
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Ourson   Дата: 29.09.11 11:53:32   
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но внешнее сходство просто пугающее...
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.09.11 17:31:12   
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>но внешнее сходство просто пугающее...
голос, на самом деле, похож даже больше, чем внешность
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.09.11 17:37:41   
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"We wrote the track and emailed him," Harrison says of how the RZA got involved. "We did a really funny other song which is going to be on the [2012] record. It was 4/20 and we were like what are we going to do for 4/20 and the Wu-Tang turned up. It was pretty intense... Another song was written that day which is called 'Battlestar Galactica.'"

"Regina was staying with me in England, hanging out with her guy," Harrison says of Spektor's guest spot. "They're really good pals and so I managed to get her to drop some chorus on that." He adds that violinist Jessy Greene, who previously toured with his other band, Fistful of Mercy (which also features Ben Harper and Joseph Arthur), augments thenewno2ers' Harrison, Jeremy Faccone, Nick Fyffe, Jonathan Sadoff, Frank Zummo, and Paul Hicks on the EP track, "Wide Awake."

<-- PHOTOS: thenewNo2 at the Pearl Jam 20 Festival, Sept. 2011
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.09.11 17:39:02   
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As for the forthcoming album, the four-year-old band's second, Harrison divulges that in addition to more from the RZA, the still-untitled record will feature Harrison's Fistful of Mercy cohort Ben Harper, Eleven's Alain Johannes, and Icelandic singer Thorunn Antonia, with Rage Against The Machine engineer Ryan Williams also on board.As for the forthcoming album, the four-year-old band's second, Harrison divulges that in addition to more from the RZA, the still-untitled record will feature Harrison's Fistful of Mercy cohort Ben Harper, Eleven's Alain Johannes, and Icelandic singer Thorunn Antonia, with Rage Against The Machine engineer Ryan Williams also on board.

"We hope to have it out at the end of January, but I hope to have it finished at the end of next month," Harrison says, adding that thenewno2 will also hit the road in 2012. "Next year we'll be touring. I want to do all the festivals, as many as we can. I'd really like to get over to things like Reading and V or Glastonbury, somewhere in England. Because I've never done English festivals."
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.09.11 18:46:05   
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“Thenewno2 is more of a gang than a band,” the 33-year-old Harrison said about his expanding band, er, gang, which celebrated its 10-year anniversary this month. “I love getting into a studio with a bunch of friends. When the day’s done, we’ve made something. We recognize that we’re from different walks of the music industry, and there’s no reason we shouldn’t be collaborating. That’s what I’m trying to create with thenewno2 — a sense of community.”

Inspired by cross-genre collaboration standouts like DJ Shadow, James Lavelle’s Unkle, Massive Attack and the beat junkies at the UK label Ninja Tune, Harrison’s gang is similarly inclined to pound out pop-hop calibrated to the still-new century’s thirst for creative mashups. Thenewno2’s self-titled second EP injects digital noise and street slang into otherwise mournful ballads like “Wide Awake” and “Live a Lie,” featuring siren Regina Spektor.

Meanwhile, the scathing satire “Dear Mr. President” packs in serious scatter raps from Wu-Tang Clan mastermind RZA and Clan affiliates Crisis and Sir Eyes. There’s also a “Dear Mr. President” remix spliced and diced by Harrison’s electro offshoot pHd. Over and under it all, Harrison’s distinctive vocals, searing guitar and operational instincts play the scene like a savvy turntablist.

“We recorded ‘Dear Mr. President’ on 4/20,” Harrison said. “It’s no diss to [President] Obama, because you can’t solve everyone’s problems in a day. ‘Live a Lie’ is inspired by recent combinations found in dubstep. It’s tricky to combine all that because I love hip-hop, trip-hop, drum ‘n’ bass, surf rock and more. I sometimes listen to music I made and find it to be something I wouldn’t want to buy from a store, if there was a store. When it’s like that, you have to make what you want to hear.”
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.09.11 18:55:41   
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сорри за дубликатсорри за дубликат

продолжение, о следующем полноценном альбоме и не только

If Harrison is making what he wants to hear, he’s also writing what he knows. His band’s future full-length, which like the new EP also features cover design from street artist Ben Eine, is called The Fear of Missing Out. Taken together with Liam Finn’s recently-released FOMO, both albums examine the new century’s addiction to information overload.

“I was talking with Liam about it when we both played Pearl Jam’s 20 Festival, but basically everyone worries about it,” Harrison explained. “We call Facebook “FOMO-book” because it’s a bunch of people posting things that you’re not doing. It’s a very real and present phenomenon, which is probably why Liam and I found out that we were naming our records almost the same thing.”

Our tremendous connectivity may have exponentially attuned our perniciously viral “fear of missing out” on whatever happens when we close our eyes, but our minds may suffer in the end, said Harrison. Like DJ Shadow, who confided similar fears to last week, Harrison’s a tech-friendly artist growing concerned that we might be a bit too plugged in, when we could benefit from more disconnection.

“We’re so worried about FOMO that we’re not doing things, or enjoying the things that we’re doing,” Harrison said. “Being here now is zen, but being present in the moment is lost when you’re always worried about checking your emails, phones, widgets and Google goggles. I love technology, I’m a huge advocate, but I can definitely see how it can take away from the experience of playing a whole record, or a television show. Which is why I like like TiVo and Apple TV. I just can’t be watching an episode of CSI with 10 ad breaks anymore.”
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.09.11 18:56:51   
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Luckily, viewers of Scorsese’s documentary George Harrison: Living in the Material World won’t have to deal with commercials when the exhaustive biopic airs in October on HBO and hits Blu-ray across the pond. But Harrison thinks they might want to take a night off after watching his father’s expansive life unfurl onscreen, from his humble Liverpool origin and global crossover with the Beatles to his late battles with both a murderous psychotic and, eventually, lung cancer.Luckily, viewers of Scorsese’s documentary George Harrison: Living in the Material World won’t have to deal with commercials when the exhaustive biopic airs in October on HBO and hits Blu-ray across the pond. But Harrison thinks they might want to take a night off after watching his father’s expansive life unfurl onscreen, from his humble Liverpool origin and global crossover with the Beatles to his late battles with both a murderous psychotic and, eventually, lung cancer.

“It’s really heavy for me,” Harrison explained. “I already lived it, so it’s like watching your life fed back to you through the eyes of Martin Scorsese, which is weirder than living it. But he did a great job. My mother Olivia and everyone on her team worked really hard on it. I did voice-overs and interviews for hours and hours. We’ve been working on it for over five years now. My advice is not to plan anything after watching it. Have a nice evening off.”

What smartphone addicts and Beatles collectors might want to watch out for is the iPhone and iPad app that Harrison is building, which photographically and intertextually reproduces his father’s entire guitar collection. The app, made with the help of award-winning director Steven Sebring’s Bandwidth Publishing, launches in October in conjunction with the Grammy Museum’s multimedia retrospective of George Harrison: Living in the Material World.

The app photographically recreates each of the elder Harrison’s guitars in 360 degrees, employing Apple’s embedded accelerometers to give users the ability to view the instruments from all angles, as well as learn facts like each guitar’s physical details, where it was acquired, and on what songs it was used.

“It’s a portal to everything that has ever been played on them, and will also be an online storefront,” Harrison said. “We’re really looking forward to launch. The guys at Bandwidth have been working their asses off on it.”
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Arbuz   Дата: 29.09.11 20:40:17   
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Слушаю на ютубе сейчас эту группу.
Зашел час назад в тему с предчувствием - сейчас услышу, как на детях гениев природа отдыхает...
А вот и нет.

Мне кажется сын Джорджа всех битловских детей обставил.
Музыка thenewno2 необычайно свежа, изыскана. И несмотря на модные звуки не смотрится фальшивкой, как большинство современных групп. Есть интересные музыкальные находки.

День сегодня удался!
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 30.09.11 23:07:08   
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>Мне кажется сын Джорджа всех битловских детей обставил.

Я, в принципе, согласна.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 11.10.11 01:27:31   
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signed postersigned poster
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 11.10.11 01:37:06   
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thenewno2 is led by Dhani Harrison, who shouldn't hear any more son of the father talk after work with the thenewno2 and Fistful of Mercy. He was able to masterfully mix guitar, keyboard and electronic sounds into a unique sound with his band.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 11.10.11 01:40:40   
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“EP002”, thenewno2’s newest EP which was released September 27, is filled with a wicked beat and driven lyrics.

The ultimate goal of thenewno2 is to create harmony between its instruments and technology.

The first track is entitled “Wide Awake.” The tempo crawls slowly but it complements Harrison’s raw voice. There is a steady drum beat and synthesizers in the background. It is an expressive song and showcases the band’s ability to create simple yet stunning music.

Next is “Mr. President” which features rappers RZA, Crisis, and Sir Eyes. It reeks of political distaste towards former President Bush while praising President Obama. Towards the end of the song, the pledge of allegiance is recited. The contrast between Harrison’s voice and the rappers’ growls creates a yin and yang balance.

“Live a Lie” features Regina Spektor and weaves a story of how lies can only cause destruction. With poetic lyrics and soft guitar strumming, this song lulls the senses, but begins to crescendo until the end. Harrison’s unique voice, reminiscent of his father’s, is the spotlight of the song. Coupled with Spektor, they make a beautiful piece. This song is the jewel of the entire EP.

The final song is a remix of the second: “Mr. President (pHd ‘One Nation’ Remix). It has a quicker tempo and has an added a mesh of techno beats.

“EP002” deserves 4 out of 5 stars.
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 11.10.11 01:53:08   
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Группа thenewno2 (Dhani Harrison и thenewno2)
Обсуждение новости: "Новый альбом группы Дани Харрисона выйдет 31 июля"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.05.12 00:12:44   
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Очень позитивная новость, ждем!
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 21.06.12 01:24:20   
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ong Premiere: thenewno2, 'Make It Home'

Album from Dhani Harrison's band will feature RZA, Ben Harper

by: Zach Schonfeld

Steven Sebring
Click to listen to thenewno2's 'Make It Home'

Thenewno2 have a busy summer ahead of them. On July 31st, the L.A.-based alternative act, led by Beatles heir Dhani Harrison, will release their second album, thefearofmissingout, via H.O.T. Records Ltd. The following week, the band will take the stage at Lollapalooza 2012 with a full tour to follow shortly.

According to Harrison, the song "Make It Home" grew from a universal need. "At the end of the day, whatever you do of a night time, it's always important to make it home, isn't it? Making it home is equally important to all of us. Dynamically this track went through a lot of changes, but always meant the same thing."

The follow-up to 2009's You Are Here will offer a revolving door of guest vocalists, including RZA, the Black Knights and Harrison's Fistful of Mercy bandmate Ben Harper. "Make It Home," an early cut from the album, hints at the band's newfound interest in programming and sampled sounds without sacrificing melodic smarts.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 21.06.12 17:33:33   
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Re: Группа thenewno2 ( Dhani Harrison и thenewno2 )
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.07.12 15:12:48   
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Dhani Harrison on June/July 2012 Nylon Magazine:

Dhani Harrison on June/July 2012 Nylon Magazine:

Surrounded by instruments in his studio about an hour outside of London, Dhani Harrison, frontman of the band thenewno2, is talking about his new gestation as a musician, if he has yet to make a discernible impact on the music scene, then there is at least good reason for it.

“To make it in this industry, you only really get one shot,” says the 34 year old. “A lot of people get to play small gigs in pubs and clubs and build their way up slowly. They get to discover their sound, and who they really are.” But this path would be denied to Harrison. “I would always have all this press [attention], and so I never got the chance. That makes the work feel unnatural, and it loads on an awful lot of pressure.”

The pressure of which he speaks is unavoidable, for Harrison’s father is arguably the third most lauded musical legend of all time: George Harrison. There’s no mistaking it, either: He is the spitting image of the late Beatle. Harrison visits the U.K. rarely these days, preferring to call Venice Beach, California, home. “Being in L.A. is great because there are so many weird people out there already,” he says. “It’s easier to blend in.”

One could argue that Harrison has made things all the more difficult for himself by choosing to pursue music. Couldn’t he have done something else? He did, after all, study visual arts at Brown and work as an aerodynamicist for British sports car company McLaren. “You try things out, you learn your lessons, but eventually—well, it felt more natural to do this. You know if your dad is a plumber, you become a plumber. It’s the family business, basically, and I felt like I was taking over the family business.”

It is to his credit, then that thenewno2 (the name is lifted from the 1960’s cult British TV show “The Prisoner”; the band also comprises childhood friends Paul Hicks on drums and synths and Nick Fyffe on bass) are no mere Beatles revisionists. Instead their milieu is more itchy lo-fi rock and what 2009’s debut album “You Are Here” started, new album “thefearofmissingout” masters, merging icy synthesizers with dubstep snares and tortured basslines. The album also has an overriding feeling, as perhaps as its title suggests, of deep-seated anxiety.

“Well, we all suffer from our own hangups, right?” Harrison says, with a laugh. “Even living somewhere like L.A., where it’s 78 degrees and sunny every day, you can still feel abject isolation. It’s a very insecure place, and if you allow yourself to get sucked into that whole L.A. thing, then you can enter a world of hurt.”

Harrison mostly avoids this by surrounding himself with some “really lovely, sweet, and talented artistic people. I live by the beach, I have my dogs and I ride my bikes.”

And he has his music. Thenewno2 are about to embark on an 18-month world tour, including a stop at Lollapalooza and so the man won’t be returning home to Venice Beach anytime soon. “I’m looking forward to playing the hell out of the album,” he says, “With this band, we spend a lot of time in the studio, so it’s nice to get out onto the road. It’s kind of like being on a pirate ship, and the ship sails every night. I’ve seen enough bands to know what it feels like when a band comes into town that you really like. It’s really rewarding to do those kind of shows, in front of that kind of audience. That’s when [playing music] pays off. That’s when it’s special.”

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