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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8

Тема: Live 8 (2005)

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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 01.06.05 16:50:43
Ну что, кричим УРА или не кричим?
Состав достаточно сильный, возможно дополнительно подтянутся знаменитые рок-силы.
Интересно, наше ТВ не останется в стороне от трансляции?
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.06.05 17:04:20   
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Бобу еще надо бы организовать концерты в остальных трех странах G8 - России, Японии и Канаде.
А пока снова подтверждается временное воссоединение Spice Girls.
Добрый профессор  
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 01.06.05 18:01:55   
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---Hyde Park, London
Sir Elton John
Annie Lennox
Mariah Carey
Scissor Sisters
Sir Paul McCartney
Joss Stone
Robbie Williams
Velvet Revolver
Bob Geldof
The Killers
The Cure
Snow Patrol
---Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Will Smith (host)
Bon Jovi
Maroon 5
P Diddy
Stevie Wonder
The Dave Matthews Band
Sarah McLachlan
Rob Thomas
Keith Urban
50 Cent
Kaiser Chiefs
---Eiffel Tower, Paris
Craig David
Youssou N'Dour
Yannick Noah
Andrea Bocelli
Calo Gero
Axelle Red
Johnny Halliday
Manu Chao
---Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
Crosby, Stills and Nash
Brian Wilson
Lauryn Hill
Die Toten Hosen
Peter Maffay
---Circus Maximus, Rome
Duran Duran
Faith Hill
Irene Grandi
Tim McGraw
Laura Pasini
Vasco Rossi
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 01.06.05 18:09:58   
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2Primal Scream:

>Бобу еще надо бы организовать концерты в остальных
>трех странах G8 - России, Японии и Канаде.

Россию не надо. Знаете ведь, кого организуют. Их нашествиями, максидромами, зверями и турманами сыты по горло.

>А пока снова подтверждается временное воссоединение
>Spice Girls.
О времена, о нравы! Раньше Цеп и Саббат мирили, а теперь...


Как и ожидалось, самое интересное в Британии. Жаль только Джамироквай, Дюран, Стиви Вандер и Кросби в других городах.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 01.06.05 18:11:20   
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Geldof rallies his troops once more in war against poverty

MICHAEL SETTLE, Chief UK Political Correspondent
IT will be the biggest musical event the world has seen since Bob Geldof organised the last one some 20 years ago.
Like Live Aid – the glittering transatlantic occasion of July 1985 – Live 8, to be held on Saturday, July 2, days before the G8 economic summit in Scotland, has drawn some of the industry's biggest names.
The list is not quite endless but is, according to event organisers, still growing and currently includes Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Elton John, along with Madonna, Stevie Wonder, Coldplay, Stereophonics, 50 Cent, P Diddy, Jamiroquai, Robbie Williams and Dido.
This time, Geldof has gone one better than his younger self as there will be simultaneous concerts in not two but at least five of the G8 countries – in Hyde Park, London, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Circus Maximus in Rome, the Museum of Art in Philadelphia, and at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Details are still being hastily put together and the organisation does appear rushed – it has all been done in just four weeks. Talks are continuing with Japan and Canada for them to also hold concerts.
Another concert is being planned for Murrayfield stadium in Edinburgh on July 6, the eve of the summit of world leaders at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire. Bands being approached are believed to include Travis, Oasis, U2 and Franz Ferdinand as well as Sir Paul McCartney, Robbie Williams and Eric Clapton.
The bbc is to broadcast the gigs live.
Among headliners mooted to be on the Live 8 showlist but conspicuous by their absence yesterday were the Rolling Stones and the Spice Girls.
At the Live 8 press launch yesterday, Geldof appeared frustrated that some bands, no names mentioned, were not forthcoming, saying they did not need to sell another record.
But he noted on the issue of the Spice Girls: "I spoke to them this morning and it's looking very good. There's a lot of stuff they have got to sort through. They are trying to resolve differences of many years."
On Monday June 6, at 8am, 150,000 tickets for the Hyde Park Live 8 gig will be made available through a special text lottery. A special multiple choice question will be broadcast on TV and radio, and will also be printed in newspapers.Members of the public will be able to text in the answer and after seven days a computer will randomly choose the lucky winners, who will each receive a pair of tickets.
Unlike 1985, when the aim of Live Aid was to raise as much money as possible, the purpose of Live 8 is to put pressure on the eight world leaders who will attend the event at Gleneagles to get them to tackle third world poverty through cancelling the debt owed to their governments by the poorer countries, doubling aid to those states, and making trade fairer so they can stand on their own feet.Geldof said Live 8 represented "a unique opportunity for Britain to do something unparalleled in the world ... to tilt the world a little bit on its axis in favour of the poor".
The former Boomtown Rats singer insisted that when the G8 leaders "come to Scotland they must have the will and the support of their electorates to change things. If they don't want to do that, don't come. Let's not have it. Let's not have a G8. Just don't come."
He added: "We've never been healthier, we've never been wealthier. We know what it costs. We know what to do. Do it."Geldof admitted he had taken a great deal of persuasion to stage a follow-up to Live Aid. "I was very reluctant to do this again. I couldn't see how anything could possibly be better than that glorious day 20 years ago, which was almost perfect in what it achieved.
"But it seemed to me we could gather together again – this time not for charity but for political justice."
Joining Geldof at yesterday's launch was Sir Elton, who played at the original Live Aid concert.
Geldof also hoped there would be one other special guest on the Edinburgh showlist. He pointed out he was in Rome on Friday and wrote to the new Pope suggesting Edinburgh should be Pope Benedict XVI's "first gig".
"The new Pope has sung the song of the poor for many years in a theological sense.
"He needs to go to Edinburgh and sing it to them directly. It would be very nice to see him there," he added.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.06.05 11:02:30   
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Pop superstar MADONNA and STING will reportedly provide a dazzling finale to the star-studded LIVE 8 charity concert - by performing an historic cover of JOHN LENNON's poignant classic IMAGINE.

The MATERIAL GIRL reportedly consulted her Rabbi advisor MICHAEL BERG before agreeing to take part in the ground-breaking gig, which aims to persuade politicians to cancel Third World debt, double the aid budget and rewrite global trade laws so developing countries can protect their economies.

And she has now agreed to perform the moving duet with the former POLICE star, who played at the original 1985 Live Aid, to ensure the concert lives up to its billing as the biggest gig of the decade, reports British newspaper THE SUN.

An insider says, "They have had a discussion about performing a cover version. Madonna sang it on her RE-INVENTION TOUR."

The pair will also perform solo pieces at the event in London's Hyde Park on 2 July (05).

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Leobax   Дата: 02.06.05 11:18:58   
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Не сразу въехал, что речь идет о новом Live Aid...
Вот ведь нам опять в подарок каверов битловских напоют, да и сэр Пол вытащит всю банду спеть какой-нибудь свой гимн в финале :-)))
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.06.05 12:33:43   
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Prince's Trust to get Live 8 cash

The Prince of Wales' charity is to get £1.6m from the Live 8 concert in London's Hyde Park after cancelling its own pop show to make way for the event.
The Prince's Trust agreed to scrap its annual Party in the Park, which was scheduled for 2 July, when plans for a new Live Aid concert got under way.

The money will come from text messages sent in the competition to win tickets.

U2, REM, Madonna and Coldplay will play in Hyde Park to raise pressure on world leaders to fight poverty in Africa.

Text lines are expected to be inundated when the competition opens on Monday.

It will be the only way for the public to get hold of the 145,000 tickets, with each entry costing £1.50 plus the normal text rate.

The event is not primarily designed to raise money, but the first £1.6m from text messages will go to The Prince's Trust, which was set up by Prince Charles in 1976 to help young people in the UK.

Money will also go to Help a London Child, the charity run by radio station 95.8 Capital FM.

Capital FM, which broadcasts Party in the Park, will also be the commercial radio partner for Live 8.

A statement from The Prince's Trust said: "During talks with Bob Geldof and the Band Aid Foundation, The Prince's Trust and Capital Radio were happy to cancel this year's Party in the Park to support Live 8.


"Mr Geldof and his team were anxious that disadvantaged young people in the UK did not suffer as a result and offered to give The Trust and Help a London Child money from the ticket ballot."

Prince's Trust chief executive Martina Milburn added: "Thanks go to Bob Geldof and his team for their generosity and support of our work with disadvantaged young people."

A multiple choice competition question will be revealed on Monday, along with a text number to send entries to. Lines will be open until midnight on 12 June.

Any extra money raised by the text messages will go towards the cost of staging the event.

International stars

Dido, Sir Elton John, Keane, Mariah Carey, Scissor Sisters, Sir Paul McCartney and Sting are among the other stars who will perform in Hyde Park.

Stevie Wonder, 50 Cent, Bon Jovi and Maroon 5 will play at the US leg in Philadelphia.

Other gigs in Paris, Berlin and Rome are also feature local and international stars.

The events will take place days before world leaders gather for the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland.

Geldof hopes Live 8 will generate enough pressure to "tilt the world on its axis" to improve debt payments, aid and trade for African countries.

The Glastonbury festival has joined the Make Poverty History campaign, with a plan for all 112,000 fans at the event to join hands to show their support.
The "gesture of solidarity" will form a human line through the site at 1600 BST on Saturday 25 June, festival organisers said.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 02.06.05 12:39:33   
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да вот бы телепортнуться в Лондон %))

>>Интересно, наше ТВ не останется в стороне от трансляции?
мне что-то не верится, что такое возможно... хотя я бы прилипла к экрану телевизора :)) нада попровать как-то это через инет посмотреть!
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.06.05 17:43:41   
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Black rights campaigners have slammed the line-up of the London leg of charity supergig LIVE 8 as "hideously white".

London-based BLACK INFORMATION LINK are appalled at the absence of black artists from the 2 July (05) bill, which includes SIR PAUL McCARTNEY, U2, SIR ELTON JOHN, COLDPLAY, MADONNA, and REM.

But organiser SIR BOB GELDOF says he has asked several leading Afro-Caribbean acts to take part, with no success.

A Live 8 spokesman says, "We have approached a number of black British artists and some turned us down."

However, Black Information Link has accused the team behind the concert of "handpicking a hideously white line-up to perform in a concert to highlight African poverty."

The 22 acts confirmed for the UK gig are all white, apart from MARIAH CAREY, who is an ethnic hybrid of African-American, Venezuelan and Irish.

Black British singer JAMELIA, an avid campaigner for the MAKE POVERTY HISTORY campaign, is thought to have been overlooked due to being six months pregnant at the time of the show.

However, her spokesman says, "If Jamelia were approached, I'm sure she would like to play some part in the event."

The bills for the other Live 8 gigs display a little more cultural diversity - 50 CENT, STEVIE WONDER and SEAN 'P DIDDY' COMBS will star at Philadelphia's Benjamin Franklin Parkway, former FUGEE LAURYN HILL is performing at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, while YOUSSOU N'DOUR is on the Paris line-up - the only African artist in the entire event.

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 09:18:41   
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Live 8 Event: AOL To Broadcast Live 8 Event: AOL To Broadcast
02 June 05

AOL has announced it will broadcast the Live 8 concerts in London, Philadelphia, Paris, Rome and Berlin online for free.

As "Live 8's exclusive online partner", America Online will stream all of the Live 8 concerts online, with the shows being available for six weeks after the event, viewable in the US and on free AOL portals in England, France, and Germany. The videos will be free of cost with no AOL subscription necessary.

The global event, organised by Bob Geldof, is intended to highlight the problem of global poverty and features a veritable galaxy of veteran stars who have dusted off the cobwebs to take part.

The free London Hyde Park concert will include seasoned acts such as Sir Elton John, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Sir Paul McCartney, Sting, U2 and R.E.M, with Stevie Wonder, Bon Jovi, 50 Cent and P. Diddy scheduled to appear in the Philadelphia show.

With emotive violins reaching a tearful crescendo, America Online chairman and CEO Jon Miller splurted: "We have seen the Internet emerge as an incredibly powerful force for good in the world...with Live 8, we have the chance to help eradicate global poverty, not by raising money, but by linking people from around the globe, so that their collective voices can be heard loud and clear."

"Nothing like this has ever been done on this scale before, and we are proud to be a part of it," added Miller, before going off to shine his halo.

Organiser Bob Geldof explained the aim of the Live 8 concerts was to create attention and "political heat" to persuade G8 leaders to agree to cancel Africa's unpayable debts, double aid for the continent and make trade fair.

Geldof boomed: "The G8 leaders have it within their power to alter history. They will only have the will to do so if millions of people show them that enough is enough."

With demand expected to be off the scale, mobile operator O2 has been charged with providing the mechanism for distributing the 150,000 free tickets for the Live 8 Hyde Park show.

The tickets will be made available through via a Text lottery, to be announced at 8am on Monday 6 June via TV, radio and newspapers.

For those unable to get tickets, the show can be seen on giant BBC screens in the centre of major cities across the UK including Birmingham, Hull, Liverpool, Manchester, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Belfast, Leeds and Wrexham.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.05 20:44:35   
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Legendary British rockers QUEEN will perform at London's LIVE 8 concert thanks to a live satellite link-up.

The WE WILL ROCK YOU legends - who starred in the original LIVE AID extravaganza 20 years ago (85) - are busy performing in Portugal on 2 July (05) when the Hyde Park charity show takes place.

But Queen are so keen to play at the historic event, they are arranging a spectacular satellite connection to join British fans at the star-studded line up.

Live 8 spokesman PHIL SYMES says, "The band are playing an outdoor concert on the same day. They are discussing featuring at Live 8 on a big screen."

BRIAN MAY, ROGER TAYLOR, JOHN DEACON and PAUL RODGERS - the ex-FREE and BAD COMPANY singer who replaced the band's late frontman FREDDIE MERCURY - will 'virtually' perform alongside other A-list celebrities including SIR PAUL McCARTNEY, MARIAH CAREY and SIR ELTON JOHN.

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.06.05 21:20:57   
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Live 8 Scotland Unveiled - UPDATE

Currently Live 8 will be broadcasting live from England, Germany, the USA, France and Italy. However, today ex-Ultravox mainman and Bob Geldof’s Live 8 cohort Midge Ure has announced plans to follow the event with a a Scottish leg at Murrayfield Stadium.

In the last hour, Midge Ure has today (June 7) unveilled details of yet another free anti-poverty concert planned for next month. The gig will to take place at Scotland's national rugby stadium on Wednesday July 6, with legendary Scottish pop groups including Annie Lennox, Wet Wet Wet, The Proclaimers, Texas and Travis performing alongside English acts such as Dido and Snow Patrol to coincide with the G8 summit.

The concert will also include sets from The Zutons, Natasha and Daniel Bedingfield, The Thrills, Jamie Cullum and Ronan Keating.

After announcing the list of confirmed acts he told reporters, "It's going to be a fantastic day."

The concert will be staged under the ‘Long Walk To Justice’ banner and will form the centrepiece of the huge G8 demonstration planned for the Scottish capital. Ure has even said that even he and Geldof may take to the stage for a special performance.

Ticket details for the event are expected to be announced shortly.

As previously reported, Geldof has controversially called for a million protesters to march on the city on the day the summit of world leaders begins in Gleneagles.

The gig will take place four days after the Live 8 concerts which Ure is organising with Geldof in London and around the world. Over 150,000 tickets are now on auction for the Hyde Park gig via a special text message lottery.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.06.05 00:57:05   
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Fans: We can't W8 for it!

MUSIC fans sent more than 1.5 MILLION text messages yesterday in a bid to win tickets for the Live8 concert.

The rush began as soon as lines opened at 8am and at its peak 611 texts were being sent EVERY SECOND.

Punters were desperate to get their hands on one of the 72,500 pairs of tickets for the massive free gig in London’s Hyde Park on July 2.

Mobile phone operators were staggered by the response to the event, organised by Sir Bob Geldof.

A spokesman for Vodafone said: “Each time the event is plugged on TV or radio, there’s another big surge in text messages.”

Some experts believe that by the time the competition closes at midnight on Sunday around 70 million texts could have been sent.

A Live8 spokesman said last night: “We’re very happy and Bob is absolutely delighted with the response.”

With each text costing £1.50, £2.25million was raised yesterday.

Some of the cash will go towards financing the event — including a £1.6million payment to the Prince’s Trust which gave up an option on Hyde Park on July 2. All the profits will go to Live8 charities like Save the Children.

The concert — a follow-up to 1985’s Live Aid — features stars such as Madonna, Sir Paul McCartney, Robbie Williams, Coldplay and U2.,,2-2005260219,00.html

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.06.05 02:53:07   
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2Primal Scream:

Да, ладно..и с Диконом!?!..

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: CatherineInRock   Дата: 08.06.05 23:11:00   
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>2Primal Scream:
>Да, ладно..и с Диконом!?!..

И я не верю...не будет Джона...
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.05 10:34:47   
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Вы часом не Станиславские? Я тоже не верю, но, как говорится, за что купил...
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.05 17:37:31   
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LIVE 8 organiser SIR BOB GELDOF has promised fans of STATUS QUO that he will allow the rockers to perform at the London leg of the charity event if enough people petition him with mobile phone text messages.

Fans of the WHATEVER YOU WANT band, who opened the original LIVE AID extravaganza in 1985, have been campaigning to get Status Quo on the line-up.

And as British fans flood Live 8 bosses with texts to enter a draw to win tickets for the London gig on 2 July (05), Geldof has asked them to send messages saying 'How can you possibly rock the world without the Quo?' if they want the band onstage.

He says, "If people keep texting, I promise you we will work miracles to let those two rockers on the stage.

"I love the Quo, I absolutely love the Quo. We are working hard on these things. If you could see the list of bands we want to play and that have asked to play.

"Basically, every hour we add to the original time plan we have to pay the authorities another GBP350,000. We're already way over the time limit, but keep texting and Quo'll be on the stage. It's up to you."

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.05 21:38:30   
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Bob Geldof: Live 8 May Be "Glorious Failure"

Bob Geldof has predicted that his Live 8 demands may be a “glorious failure” because world leaders will “probably not” fully agree on a way to deal with poverty in Africa.

The ex-Boomtown Rats star also revealed that he likes “not a single part” of organising the charity concerts, reports the BBC.

Referring to G8 leaders improving trade, aid and debt in Africa, he said: “Will that happen? Probably not. So will I have failed? Yes I guess.”

Geldof also launched the Commission for Africa today outling measures to save 50,000 lives a day on the continent.

He went on to tell AFP, if Live 8 doesn’t fully succeed "we will have tried everything to the last fibre of exhaustion to make it happen and I can live with myself.

"It will be, not for me but for everyone involved, a glorious failure."
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.05 21:40:12   
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The Spice Girls Axed From Live 8  The Spice Girls Axed From Live 8

Bob Geldof has axed the Spice Girls from London’s Live 8 concert because he claims they aren’t popular enough.

The campaigning rocker ended hopes the fivesome would perform together for the first time since 1998, saying they have lost their once massive fan base – and not because they are shit.

Breaking news reports that Geldof said: “I can’t afford to have bands that won’t pull the crowds. This is a political event, not a cultural one.

“If I get people who are currently selling 15million albums, then there’s an audience of at least 15million people for the concert. It’s a question of who is popular right now; that’s the way it is.”

He adds: “The whole thing with the Spice Girls isn’t about my personal taste – my kids sing their stuff. But there just aren’t enough people out there who would want to watch them.”
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: zand   Дата: 09.06.05 21:54:07   
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А кто-нидь из этих старперов (Genesis,Pink Floyd или Zeppelin) хоть сейчас соберется? Или у них опять "непреодолимые противоречия"?
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