Sun, May 8 2011
It is a fairly common line to hear that The Beatles are the most influential band of all time but this is not an opinion shared by too many Metal fans. After all, their blend of melodious pop and then forays into the world of psychedelic never made too much of an impression on the kids who like their music a little bit heavier.
However, it would be wrong to completely write off The Beatles and they did have a major influence on some of the bands that laid the foundations for future generations of metal, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin.
Ringo had blisters on his fingers
There is also the fact that in 'Helter Skelter', included on the album commonly referred to as 'The White Album', was a thunderous blast of riffs and drumming mayhem. It is therefore not too surprising to hear that it is this track that has made its way onto a covers EP being readied by German Metal act Caliban.
The song lends itself perfectly to be played by metal acts but the vocal delivery by the group is certainly a lot more intense than anything that Paul McCartney or John Lennon ever managed to come up with. Again, it is not as though this is a bad thing and who knows, it may get one or two metal fans to look at the output of The Beatles a little bit differently.
The EP titled Cloverfield will be released later on this Summer, in the meantime check out Caliban's sample of Helter Skelter below, and the band's website calibanmetal.com