Даже забавно: у Ринго буит звЮзда, а у Пола - всё ещё нет))) (Всё-таки Голливуд по кино больше срубается) Хотя надо признать, кинематографическая карьера Ринго была куда успешнее! Даже фильмы такие... весьма неплохие!)

Ever since it was noticed that John Lennon's star had been removed from its regular spot on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and a plastic cover put in its place, there have been several blog reports with theories of sinister reasons.
Ana Martinez of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce contacted us from on vacation and reassured us that there's nothing to worry about. The star has been moved next to George Harrison's star, which is right nearby at the Capitol Tower, in hopes that someday all the solo Beatles stars will be all together, she told us.
"No, the star of John Lennon has not been stolen!," she emailed us. "The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce along with Capitol Records have moved the star of John Lennon next to the star of his friend George Harrison as a holiday gift to the community and fans of the Beatles. The star is still at the same address. And the star of Ringo Starr will also be at that same site, this coming Feb. 8, the 50th anniversary of the Walk of Fame. Happy Holidays!"
Along with Ringo Starr's Walk of Fame star dedication, which place on Feb. 8, she told us Paul McCartney's star will also be located in that same area when his star is finally dedicated. But she said so far McCartney hasn't set up a date for a star ceremony, though he has been approached about it.
This does not, however, affect the star for the Beatles as a group, which is located at 7051 Hollywood Blvd. and not with John Lennon's or George Harrison's stars. It will not be moving from where it is now, she said.