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Контракт Beatles с продюсером Брайаном Эпштейном разыграют в лотерее

Дата: 19 июня 2009 года
Разместил: Jos
Тема: Битлз - ранние годы...
Просмотры: 4311

Оригинальный контракт, подписанный в 1962 году участниками The Beatles и их продюсером Брайаном Эпштейном, разыграют в лотерее (Brian Epstein), сообщает NME. Договор содержит в себе подписи Джона Леннона (John Lennon), Джорджа Харрисона (George Harrison), Пола Маккартни (Paul McCartney), Ринго Стара (Ringo Starr) и самого Эпштейна.

Мероприятие проводит компания The Imagine Corporation. Участвовать в конкурсе может любой желающий в возрасте от 18 лет. Для обладания историческим документом необходимо заплатить всего десять фунтов (около 16 долларов). По условиям конкурса, необходимо угадать сумму, за которую эксперты рассчитывали продать контракт в апреле прошлого года. Известно, что документ застрахован на 500 тысяч фунтов (примерно 811 тысяч долларов). Однако точная его стоимость никогда не называлась.

Брайан Эпштейн выступал продюсером легендарной ливерпульской четверки с 1962 по 1967 годы. Благодаря ему группа добилась успеха сначала в Англии, а затем и во всем мире. Эпштейн также поспособствовал тому, чтобы Beatles попали на прослушивание в лондонскую студию Abbey Road и вскоре заключили договор на запись. В 1967 году продюсер скончался от передозировки снотворного.

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Автор: JosДата: 19.06.09 12:45:37
The 1962 contract signed by John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr for manager Brian Epstein before they became famous as The Beatles is up for grabs in a pay-to-enter competition. The 1962 contract signed by John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr for manager Brian Epstein before they became famous as The Beatles is up for grabs in a pay-to-enter competition.
The competition costs £10 to enter, and in order to win players have to guess what the contract was valued at by a panel of experts in April 2008.
The contract is insured for £500,000, but entrants will have to work out what the experts believed it would have sold for if it had been auctioned last April.
The competition is being run by The Imagine Corporation, and entrants must be 18 or over.
The contract can be viewed at See for more information.

The Beatles First Fully Signed Contract with Brian Epstein.
On October 1st 1962 Brian Epstein handed the four Beatles a revised management contract. Their previous management contract with Epstein had been signed by all four Beatles on the 24th January 1962 but Epstein's signature had been absent. Epstein commented in his memoirs that he deliberately refrained from signing the first contract to give the Beatles the ability to walk away from the agreement, if he did not fulfill his promise of a major recording contract for the young band. It is likely that the Beatles at that time , were never aware of the advantage Epstein had given them On the 1st October, however, Epstein signature was firmly on the contract, with a recording deal with EMI already established and the first single 'Love me Do' about to be released, Epstein now felt he had fulfilled his role and was about to reap his rewards in the form of 25% of the gross earnings of the band. The Beatles signed the agreement alongside Epstein thereby appointing him there manager for the following five years. It details Brian Epstein's obligations amongst others as:- undertaking all necessary advertising and publicity for the artists including publicity in connection with gramophone records..... To advise the artists on all matters concerning clothes make up and the presentation and construction of the artists' acts and also on all music to be performed in the course of, or in connection with such acts....
Included within this historic document are the signatures of Both Harrison and McCartney's fathers, required, as both young Beatles were under the age of 21. The Management Contract also contains two signatures by John Lennon , who, inadvertently signed in the wrong place and realising his mistake has struck through the first signature and signed again in the correct position.
This contract was later updated by a supplementary agreement signed,again, by all parties on the 22nd January 1963 and is included with this lot.
The revision removed the clause allowing either party to terminate the agreement with three months notice. All signatures on both the revised management contract and the supplementary agreement are accompanied by a bold red wax seal and the signatures of the attending witnesses. This incredible document established the most famous manager/group partnership in the music world and is itself a part of both music and British history. ВЈ125,000.00 If you have interest in purchasing this item please contact The Fame Bureau
Автор: Standing StoneДата: 19.06.09 16:12:56
Меломаны всего мира получили уникальную возможность принять участие в конкурсе на право стать обладателем исторического документа – первого контракта, подписанного участниками The Beatles. Об этом сообщает ClashMusic.
Для того, чтобы принять участие в конкурсе, любой желающий, достигший 18-летнего возраста может зарегистрироваться на сайте компании Imagine и стать кандидатом на получение одного из самых ценных документов в истории музыки.
Стоимость регистрации составляет 10 фунтов стерлингов. Условия конкурса предельно просты – участнику предлагается угадать, какова аукционная стоимость первого контракта The Beatles. Бумага с подписями участников ливерпульской четверки была застрахована на 500 тысяч фунтов.
Автор: Грибушин Сергей ИвановичДата: 19.06.09 17:56:33
Standing Stone:

>Стоимость регистрации составляет 10 фунтов стерлингов.

Гениальный маркетинговый ход! Сборы, вероятно, превзойдут аукционную стоимость артефакта.


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