Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here - Live) -
Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti Tribute) -
Forever Queen (Queen: A Night At The Opera Tribute) -
Dans Ramblers (John Lennon: Rock'n'roll - Live) -
Ракеты (Aerosmith: Toys In The Attic Tribute) -
Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute)
Terminal Frost (Pink Floyd Tribute) -
Time Arrow (Led Zeppelin Tribute) -
Forever Queen (Queen Tribute) -
Dans Ramblers (John Lennon Tribute) -
Ракеты (Aerosmith Tribute) -
Юрий Новгородский (Eric Clapton Tribute) и другие!
Уже которое десятилетие Пол Маккартни будоражит фанов перспективой издания диска "Cold Cuts and Hot Hits", на котором он обещает издать все редкости, записанные в течение всей пост-битловской карьеры. На бутлегах изданы несколько вариантов этого альбома, но пластинка так и не вышла официально. Когда в начале десятилетия Маккартни выпустил сборник "Wingspan", многие поклонники были разочарованы, так как экс-битл пошел проторенной дорогой и в очередной раз переиздал свои хиты, практически не открыв свои архивы с неизданными песнями.
Как пишет сайт MaccaBlog.co.uk, в 2010 году диск наконец-то запланирован к выходу и выйдет в виде 4-х дисковой коробки. Вот его трэк-листинг:
Disc 1: 1969-1972.
1. Goodbye 2. Maybe I'm Amazed - 1st original mix by Chris Thomas 3. Every Night - take 1 4. Rode All Night - edit 5. A Love For You 6. Little Lamb Dragonfly - without strings 7. Get On The Right Thing - take 1 8. Monkberry Moon Delight - alternate vocal take 9. Sunshine Sometime 10. Big Barn Bed - complete Ram ukulele version 11. Dear Friend - w/o strings and horns 12. Some People Never Know - oboe version 13. Breakfast Blues - instrumental edit 14. Mary Had A Little Lamb - long version 15. Give Ireland Back To The Irish - slow version take 2 16. Tragedy 17. Thank You Darling 18. Soily -1972 studio version 19. Best Friend - studio version 20. The Mess - studio version 21. C Moon Jam - with John Bonham 22. Lazy Dynamite - long version 23. Night Out - instrumental 24. Hi Hi Hi - slow verson 25. Only One More Kiss - take 1
Hidden Bonus Track: Radio spot with untitled instrumental for Hi Hi Hi / C Moon recorded at Abbey Road.
Disc 2 - 1973/1978
1. Gotta Sing Gotta Dance 2. Why am I crying 3. I Lie Around 4. Six o'Clock 5. Bluebird 6. Let's Love (April 1974 Version) 7. Send Me The Heart (Take 1) 8. Blackpool 9. One Hand Clapping Theme 1O. Live & Let Die (74 Version) 11. Soily (74 Version) 12. Love In Song (Take 1) 13. Rockshow (74 Version) 14. Wild Cat 15. Baby Face 16. The Note You Never Wrote (Take 1, Paul & Denny Everly's Version) 17. Silly Love Songs (Fun Version) 18. Must Do Something About It (Paul on vocal) 19. She's My Baby (Rock Version) 20. Waterspout 21. One Woman 22. Girlfriend (First Version) 23. Twelve Of The Clock 24. Did We Meet Somewhere Before 25. Goodnight Tonight (Original 1978 Version)
Bonus hidden track : Wings 1974 Audio Ad for the Bread Company ("Proud Mum")
Disc 3 - 1979/1986
1. Love awake (Ranachan Version) 2. Rockestra Theme (Wings Version) 3. Cage 4. Robber's Ball 5. Blue Sway 6. Attention (Paul's guide vocal) 7. Ode to a koala bear (Take 1) 8. Rainclouds + George Martin & Paul moving impromptu dialogue about John 9. Blackpool (1981 version) 10. All the Love is There (With Stewart Copeland on Drums) 11. I'll Give You a Ring 12. No Values (1981 Montserrat Version) 13. Tug Of War (1st string arrangement version) 14. Stop You Don't Know Where She Came From (With great Brass section) 15. Long & Winding Road / Ebony & Ivory Strawberry jam medley (With Stevie Wonder) 16. Tug Of War acoustic reprise 17. The Fool On The Hill 18. Martha My Dear / Gloriana Medieval Guitar Piece Medley 19. Your School 20. Lindiana 21. Yvonne 22. Goodtimes Coming / Feel The Sun (Long Version) 23. Angry long jam version (with Pete Townsend & Phil Collins) 24. Hey Diddle (Paul & Linda duet, Chris Thomas 1986 version) 25. Linda