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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

Тема: Roger Waters

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.10.05 22:31:19   
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и ещё один Рики ещё один Рик
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.10.05 22:32:50   
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Ник времён Помпей   ps хорошо сохранился :) Ник времён Помпей

ps хорошо сохранился :)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.10.05 22:33:28   
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Ник живьёмНик живьём
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.10.05 22:36:15   
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концерт 74концерт 74
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.10.05 22:39:18   
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Гилмор 74  в футболке Guinness   Гилмор 74

в футболке Guinness

Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.10.05 22:41:10   
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пластинка Ummagumma пластинка Ummagumma
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.10.05 22:42:09   
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Харп, подписанный Роджем Харп, подписанный Роджем
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 15.10.05 22:43:18   
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Джеральд Скарф со своей женой Джейн Эшер(!), известная всем битломанамДжеральд Скарф со своей женой Джейн Эшер(!), известная всем битломанам

на премьере фильма 'Pink Floyd - The Wall' 1982, Лондон
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 16.10.05 14:47:08   
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>Roger Waters first met lyricist Etienne Roda-Gil in 1968.
Сходил на этот, сделанный явно не Ватерсом сайт - и ничего такого там не нашел.
CLASSICrock в ШОКЕ!!!!
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 16.10.05 15:15:06   
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Вышел в свет октябрьский, десятый номер русского подобия журнала
CLASSICrock, со Слэйдами на обложке и надписью
=Пинк Флойд - История воссоединения= над ними.
Естественно,как бы не +не хотелось+ - пришлось купить этот
давно потерявший свой стиль журнал. Отбросим обсуждение содержания журнала -
так и хочется иногда организовать сайт антиCLASSICrock, ну да ладно -
этот номер итак изрядно всех повеселил, включая редакцию журнала.
Открываем стр 10 и читаем статью _С возвращением_ - о группе CLUTCH,
в начале статьи - классная фотка группы CLUTCH
Открываем стр 13 и читаем статью _С возвращением_ - о музыканте СТИВ ХОУ,
в начале статьи - таже самая классная фотка группы CLUTCH со станицы 10,
Ну вот мы не без приключений добрались до 28 стр популярной настольной игры
CLASSICrock - _Пинк Флойд - Долгая дорога к воссоединению_ -
не знаю, о чем нам собирался поведать журнал в этой статье,
т.к. эта статья ... обрывается на словах
- запятая, подумал я и перелистнул страницу - там был уже Royal Hunt,
с недоумением я листал и листал журнал - по моему это был первый *классик впрок* , который я с такой тщательностью читал и перечитывал...
Тем временем в редакции журнала CLASSICrock ничего не знали о проделках своего дизайнера и верстальщика Михаила Крылова ( )-
Они были в шоке от этих известий, но, ЗА НЕ ИМЕНИЕМ в редакции свежего номера журнала,
они отправились на поиски оного по близлежащим палаткам,
попутно обещая разобраться с Мишей баснодизайнером Крыловым и в след номере
ОБЪЯСНИТЬ читателю - что же это все таки было - похороны журнала или...???
Скатертью дорожка уважаемый журнал!
(На правах сатиры, экс-постоянный читатель журнала Боб Клоуз)
ШестьЯ Гилмора
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 16.10.05 16:05:47   
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Я - ТЫ ОН ОНА вместе целая 6-сть Я (Д Гилмор и С Ротару)Я - ТЫ ОН ОНА вместе целая 6-сть Я (Д Гилмор и С Ротару)
2 Окт 2005
Wallace & Gromit The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit - Party
Nello's Restaurant March 16, 2005 in New York.
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 16.10.05 16:13:54   
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Погуляли, пора баиньки!Погуляли, пора баиньки!
Nello's Restaurant March 16, 2005 in New York.
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 16.10.05 16:17:05   
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фотку не ту поместил Погуляли, пора и баиньки! фотку не ту поместил
Погуляли, пора и баиньки!
Не в себе  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 16.10.05 17:56:04   
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2Bob Close:

дааа, детей у дяди Г. очень :)
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 16.10.05 17:57:09   
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2Bob Close:

>фотку не ту поместил
>Погуляли, пора и баиньки!

ааа..это уже была
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 16.10.05 18:04:23   
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2Bob Close:

что ж...мои ожЫдания по поводу Классик Рок оправдались...

слухи о концерте 4-ки из Пинк Флойд в Австралии
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 16.10.05 23:51:35   
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Гилмор играет в бадминтон -
или как рождаются слухи о концерте 4-ки из Пинк Флойд в Австралии.

BADMINTON players now hoping MSPs can serve up a solution
The Herald - Glasgow,Scotland,UK
... "We have appealed for the decision to be overturned," said David Gilmour
who could have expected to play in Australia if a full team had been nominated.
Са Ираа буклет. Часть Первая
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 17.10.05 05:44:47   
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CA IRA - Вступление Ника Сиджвика к буклету SACD/DVD deluxe изданиe
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 17.10.05 17:39:35   
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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters,
Roger Waters MSN live chat 2005 17 oct
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 18.10.05 22:34:28   
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- Welcome to MSN Live! This afternoon we are pleased to welcome recording artist Roger Waters whose latest project is “Ca Ira” an operatic history of the French Revolution. Roger may best be known as the co-founder of the iconic band Pink Floyd.
Roger, welcome to MSN live.
Roger, “Ca Ira” is French for “It will go.” What does that mean to you?

Roger Waters: Literally it's the future tense of Cava, as in the French saying, "It will go."

- What do you think about "Wish you were here" cover by Limp Bizkit with some new words?

Roger Waters: I think they did it for 9/11 but I didn't know they changed the lyrics.

- Did you cross any stumbling blocks or areas you had hard times with during composition of your latest accomplishment Ca Ira?

Roger Waters: Yeah, there were one or two stumbling blocks. When I had translated the French into English I felt the need to write some new scenes and enhance the narrative and I was concerned the original author wouldn't want his original work changed. He was so good about it, Etienne Roda-Gil said to me, "You know, Roger I think it's better in English anyway." (laughs) So it wasn't a stumbling block in the end.

- Is there any artist that you would love to perform with? Or one artist in particular that you really love to jam it out with?

Roger Waters: I always enjoy working with Eric who was in my band in 1985. I also worked with Don Henley, but these are friends of mine, and I'm trying to think of somebody. I'm a big fan of singer songwriters like Neil Young are loners and sometimes hard to imagine working with. I find it hard to answer that question, I don't really jam with people so it doesn't enter my mind when it comes to fun. Fishing, sex, but jamming, no.

- When do we get a chance to see and hear you live in Argentina again?

Roger Waters: Wow, I was just there in 2002! I had a great time in South America. Argentina was fantastic. Definately not in '06 but I'm seriously looking in '07. A big tour with the Northern and Southern hemisphere.

- What about a Ca Ira presentation at "place de la Bastille" in Paris?! I live next to it! It would be awesome!

Roger Waters: It would be great to do a production there, I am doing one in Rome Nov. 17th and 18th this year, and if I do one in Paris, a better place would be Place de Concord.

- How do you define Happiness?

Roger Waters: I think that happiness resides somewhere between the extremes of personal, religious, and political. I think happiness resides where we understand someone else's point of view and needs. Happiness resides where we are not lost in the solitary dream.

- According to tradition operas are handwritten on music paper. In an interview a few years ago, you said you scripted Ca Ira with a computer program. Where does tradition start and where has it to stop from your point of view.

Roger Waters: The tradition in unimportant in my point of view, it's whether the music moves you or not. It doesn't matter if it's hand written on paper or on music software. I work in a softward system called Logic which is a wonderful system. I don't think the means to the end are relavent. You have to hear the music before you can write it down, whether you use a swan feather or a computer it seems irrelevant.

- What is the last book you read?

Roger Waters: I guess the last book I read was by Ian McEwen called "Saturday." And I've been dipping into a book by Jeffery Sacks who is a professor at Columbia who is working on world poverty and everyone should check him out and see the work he's doing.

- When did you first get into music?

Roger Waters: When I was 14 I had an aunt who gave me a guitar and it was acustic, steel strung guitar and I tried to learn but it hurt my fingers too much so I gave up. Then in college I bought a classical guitar and it had better strings and I began to play then. I was studying Architecture and I used letrocet letters to write on my guitar "I Believe to my Soul" because I loved that song by Ray Charles.

- congratulations on you opera, its beautiful, and moving. i'd like to know, if you could change one thing in the world, meaning absolutely anything, even about the past, future, present, humanity or youself, what would it be?

Roger Waters: I guess I wish the world was a kinder place. I wish we human beings had more empathy for one another. That would be a good thing.
DishDiva says: How much research into the French Revolution did you do to prepare for this album? Well, I bought Robert Carlisle, this is a long book so I looked into something easier and I bought a pictoral history and it had letters and documents from people and I got an interesting impression of those 5 or 6 years and when I wanted more detail I would go back to Carlisle.
DishDiva says: What kind of music are you listening to these days?
Yesterday I was driving back to New York and we were listening to Ray LaFontane, and the whole album is good but the song "Trouble" is fantastic. I have just recently discovered this guy, he's got a fantastic voice.

- when and how did you learn music composing?

Roger Waters: It just sort of happened. I don't think it's something you are taught, you hear it in your mind. You either have a desire to express yourself and you do. Maybe there is something about the way the brain is constructed that lets you organize the mathmatics of music so that others can understand. There are many people out there, I'm sure, that want to express something, but can't so I don' don't know where it comes from. Having said that there are techniques you can learn and technical steps you can take.

- What was the highlight of your career so far? Thanks, from a big fan, Matt

Roger Waters: I don't know, in the recent past I guess the "Live 8" those few minutes were very cool to be back on stage with the band. It was a very cool moment.

MSN: Roger, thank you for joining us today on MSN Live! From all of us here at MSN Live, best of luck with “Ca Ira.”

Roger Waters: Thank you very much for paying attention, now and before, and whenever. It means a lot to me to see fans that care about what I do and understand it and are interested in asking me questions. I just want to thank you all.

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