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Тема: Doors

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Re: Doors
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 11.12.04 18:37:46   
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2Primal Scream2Primal Scream
Я тащусь!  
Re: Doors
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 11.12.04 18:41:39   
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Я тащусь!  
Re: Doors
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 11.12.04 19:45:45   
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Дорз образца 2004 Дорз образца 2004

The Doors of the 21 century
Location - Glasgow, Scotland, July 13th, 2004
Re: Doors
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 11.12.04 19:47:02   
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оттуда же...оттуда же...
Re: Doors
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.12.04 23:08:06   
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Betsy, привет! Вы сами фотографировали? Я снял мои в конце ноября. Сканы неудачные, к сожалению. Хотел еще найти по крайней мере могилы Эдит Пиаф и Оскара Уайлда, но было уже поздно. Кладбище Пер Ляшез волистину огромное. У могилы Джима стоял полицейский (!) и две девушки неопределенного происхождения. У одной из них что-то выпало из сумочки, и я, как типа джентльмен, вознамерился поднять, но это была прокладка.... Жест не получился. Так в нашей жизни сочетается печальное и смешное.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Doors
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 20.12.04 10:36:18   
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2Primal Scream:
Привет! К сожалению, не мои фотки, я там никогда не была. Фотки из интернет. Я всего лишь мечтаю пока:)
Однажды моя подруга была в Париже (тоже поклонница Моррисона) и собиралась посетить кладбище, положить от нас цветочки, но оно почему-то было закрыто.
Re: Doors
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 29.12.04 15:15:24   
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Primal Scream, спасибо тебе за новость!
Хоть бы они в Россию приехали....!
Re: Doors
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.04 15:59:20   
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Да на здоровье!
Пока видов на Россию у них нет. Но кажется, что никто не против, что они выступают с Ианом Астбери в отличии от бурной реакции на гастроли другой известной группы с другим певцом.
Re: Doors
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 29.12.04 19:17:50   
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Давно хотел спросить..
Первой пластинкой Дорз у меня был двойной сборник из серии Music History (Halahup Records). Так вот на втором диске там присутствует небезызвестное произведение Carmina Burana (Introduction). Вопрос: какое отношение этa композиция имеет к Дорз?
Re: Doors
Автор: илюха   Дата: 29.12.04 19:20:25   
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Это сольная запись Рэя 1983 года, а отношение к Дорз она имеет единственно потому, что Рэй ее пропихнул на саундтрэк фильма Оливера Стоуна.
Re: Doors
Автор: karp   Дата: 29.12.04 19:34:43   
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>что Рэй ее пропихнул на саундтрэк фильма Оливера Стоуна.
А он ее же пропихнул (т.е. свою запись)?

Кстати, этот сольник Манзарека мне не "покатил" абсолютно.
Re: Doors
Автор: илюха   Дата: 29.12.04 19:41:18   
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Да наверняка пропихнул, ведь фильм принес огромное количество бабок и саундтрэк к нему наверняка продался бОльшим числом копий, чем все альбомы Рэя. На прогнившем Западе просто так кошки не плодятся, там все завязано на "позиционировании".

Re: Doors
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.01.05 09:46:34   
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Doors Manager Danny Sugerman Dead at 50Doors Manager Danny Sugerman Dead at 50
Thu Jan 6

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Danny Sugerman, longtime manager of the Doors and the principal caretaker of the Los Angeles band's legend, died Wednesday in West Hollywood after a long battle with cancer. He was 50.

Sugerman became involved with the Doors as a teenage fan during the group's heyday in the late '60s. He worked as a go-fer for the band, and idolized flamboyant lead singer Jim Morrison. After Morrison's death in Paris in 1971, he became increasingly involved with the surviving members' career and eventually served as their manager.

At his death, he was partnered with co-manager Jeff Jambol. Beyond his work on the business side, Sugerman promoted the Doors tirelessly and prolifically as a writer. With Jerry Hopkins, he co-authored the lurid 1980 Doors biography "No One Here Gets Out Alive," which became a best seller and reignited interest in the band's music. He also wrote or edited other books about Morrison and the band, including "The Doors" and "The Complete Illustrated Lyrics." Sugerman served as a technical advisor on Oliver Stone's 1991 biopic "The Doors." He also penned an autobiographical novel, "Wonderland Avenue: Tales of Glamour and Excess," and a book about the L.A. hard rock band Guns N' Roses, "Appetite for Destruction."

Sugerman is survived by his wife Fawn Hall Sugerman, and a brother and sister.
Re: Doors
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 08.01.05 20:25:20   
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Мне на e-mail тоже такое прислали... Печально...
Re: Doors
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.01.05 10:20:05   
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Кто сказал, что не надо грязи?


Fans of tragic rocker JIM MORRISON can now rent out THE DOORS star's last-known US address - and buy dirt from his garden.

Realtor CHERI WOODS stumbled across the West Hollywood apartment block Morrison and his girlfriend PAMELA COURSON called home in 1970 while she was looking for a property to develop.

She had no idea of the block's connection to rock history until her new tenants started referring to apartment 8216 as `Morrison's Place.'

Woods persuaded the tenants of the apartment to move into another unit and started a 15 month renovation of the whole property to give Doors fans a flavour of what the place was like when their hero lived there.

She says, "The place was like a jungle, in serious disarray, so I set about cleaning it up and, while I was at it, I restored the Morrison apartment and gave it a little flavour with vintage furniture and fixtures. I even put Jim Morrison posters up."

Cheri has already had two paying tenants, who have paid the $200 (GBP105.30)-per-night to stay in a piece of rock history, and she's using the Internet and word-of-mouth to bring in more Doors fans.

The enterprising realtor is also offering daily tours of the West Norton Avenue property, which includes the chance to check out scratch marks Morrison left on outer walls as he attempted to drive his girlfriend's car in and out of the yard - while drunk.

The tour culminates in a small meditation garden Woods has created, where fans can gather their thoughts.

And fans who can't make it to the property can still own a little piece of the place - Woods is selling Zip-loc bags of dirt from the garden on eBay.

Woods explains, "When I dug up the front garden I had this pile of dirt and instead of paying to get it removed, I decided to sell it.

"I get up to $20 for a bag and I'll keep selling it until it's gone. Those who buy a bag get a certificate of authentication and a little piece of Jim Morrison."
Re: Doors
Автор: ARoad   Дата: 16.01.05 02:03:38   
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Спасибо, ребята! С удовольствием прочитал всю инфу. DOORS - forever!
Re: Doors
Автор: илюха   Дата: 17.01.05 12:28:19   
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Шери Вудс - известная проходимка. Одурачила было нескольких известных фанов группы на Западе, втершись им в доверие. А еще облапошила нескольких простаков, которые у нее через Е-бей всякую байду решили купить. К группе она никакого отношения не имеет.
Re: Doors
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.01.05 13:08:24   
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Планируется выпуск авторизованной биографии Дорз п/н 'Break On Thru'. Она основана на беседах с Манзареком, Кригером и Дензмором, плюс отрывки их интервью с Моррисоном. Книжку будет, вероятно, сопровождать DVD с эксклюзивными кадрами.
Re: Doors
Автор: илюха   Дата: 24.01.05 14:31:28   
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А также выпуск всех их альбомов на ДВД-Аудио, четверной коробки лучших концертных записей, и кучи ауттейков.

Они долго мозги фанам полощут. Посмотрим, как скоро все это появится.
Re: Doors
Автор: илюха   Дата: 02.02.05 14:42:13   
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Вот мне недавно эксклюзив обломился в виде нередактированного письма биографа группы Джерри Хопкинса в журнал Rolling Stone по поводу смерти Дэнни Шугермана. Кто купил журнал, оно там сильно редактированное. Обратите самое пристальное внимание на предпоследний абзац.

Here's Jerry's original letter to Jann Wenner:

Dear Jann,
I’m submitting an obit for Danny Sugerman, the longtime Doors manager and my collaborator on
NO ONE HERE GETS OUT ALIVE, also a dear friend. There are several previously untold stories
here and the surviving Doors won’t like my telling them, but fuck ‘em. I hope you can use
this. Danny earned it.


Danny Sugerman was what every rock band might dream about---a loyal fan from
adolescence who in adulthood became a tireless and trusted career manager, a champion whose
loyalty never ebbed. For the Doors, Danny wrote books and articles, pestered everyone about
how great they were and actually believed his hype, and when it came to negotiating contracts,
he could be a pit bull on steroids. It wasn’t just Jim Morrison’s cult status that made the
surviving Doors multi-millionaires; it was for good fiscal reason that kept Danny on the Doors
payroll for more than 20 years.
Born in 1954 in Los Angeles, he was one of three children of a garment manufacturer
who would have liked his son to follow in his footsteps. But from the time he was 16, after
he saw the Doors in concert and started cutting classes to hang out in the band’s West
Hollywood offices and answer fan mail, rock and roll was virtually all he was cared about.
He idolized Morrison, who encouraged his early efforts at writing---predictably
glowing reviews of the Doors’ music that he gladly contributed to anyone who’d print them.
Jim died in 1971 and after more than 30 publishers rejected a book manuscript I wrote called
No One Here Gets Out Alive, Danny sold it to Warner Books (who actually took it on the third
submission), then contributed a worshipful introduction, got poet Michael McClure to write an
afterward, organized the discography and photos, and thus became my "co-writer." Later, he
wrote a slightly fictionalized autobiography called Wonderland Avenue in which Morrison again
played a huge role.
Initially it was the group’s keyboard player, Ray Manzarek, who paid Danny’s bills
and gave him shelter, in exchange for helping keep the Doors name alive. After the band’s
revival in the 1980s, he started getting a percentage as manager. He also produced an
illustrated history of the band, compiled a Doors book of lyrics, and wrote the introduction
for a Doors box set, as well as managed marketing of the Doors catalog and the release of
several videos. A book about Guns n’ Roses and, briefly, management of Iggy Pop, may have
been his only outside interests, though it could be argued that Iggy and Axl Rose owed much to
the late Lizard King.
Through it all, Danny juggled and cajoled and pampered the three separate
personalities who survived their singer’s death. When Jim was alive, decisions were never
made by majority rule---it had to be unanimous. They all agreed to sell the rights to their
music to Oliver Stone for his 1990 movie The Doors---something they hadn’t done when
approached by other filmmakers---but then Ray Manzarek decided he didn’t like the script and
he acrimoniously pulled out as a consultant. Later, when Apple introduced The Cube, the Doors
were offered $3 million for the use of one of their songs for a TV commercial; previously,
they’d turned away all such use of their material, giving away rights instead to Greenpeace
and the like, but now guitarist Robbie Krieger and Ray said yes and drummer John Densmore
voted no, sending Apple to the Jimi Hendrix estate. Finally, when Ray wanted to put the trio
back on the road with a new singer, John pulled out completely and took Ray and Robbie to
Danny also had Jim’s estate to handle---ironically shared by authority figures Jim
had no time for when he was alive, Jim’s parents (his father was a Navy admiral) and those of
his longtime girlfriend Pamela (whose father was a high school principal).
Danny did have one other fixation: drugs. When Fawn Hall became his secretary---
after she fled Washington, D.C., and the Iran-Contra scandal that spotlighted her former boss,
Oliver North---and then, in 1991, his wife, he shared with her his favorite, heroin. (Later,
he asked me to collaborate on a book called Heroin Honeymoon, but it wasn’t written.) Fawn
retaliated by introducing him to crack.
Eventually, they cleaned up and Danny worked for organizations like the Drug Policy
Foundation and Musicians Assistance Program. But then Danny was hit by lung cancer, and when
it went into remission, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He won that fight, but the
cancer returned, payback for a lifetime of cigarettes. Adding insult to carcinoma, in 2004
Ray fired him. Danny told me he didn’t know why.
Danny died at age 50 on Jan. 5 in Los Angeles, survived by his brother, sister, and
wife. The family asked that instead of flowers, donations be made in Danny’s name to the
MusiCares/MAP Fund, 817 S. Vine St., Hollywood, CA 90038.
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