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Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.04 00:56:43   
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Bjork hates elf image

Icelandic singer Bjork is sick of being portrayed as an eccentric "elf" by the British media.

The fiery star - who is performing at tonight's Olympic Games opening ceremony in Athens - despises the stereotype, believing the English themselves are far more bizarre.

She jokes: "I sometimes wonder what they would say if I was from Leeds, but my relationship with England is cute too.

"Anyway, Britain has druids and it was an Englishman who wrote The Lord of the Rings. I mean how many goblins and elves can you put in one story?

"Oh, and England is the best place for eccentrics too. All those totally gorgeous people like Richard James and David Bowie. They couldn't have come from anywhere else".
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.09.04 10:46:14   
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Bjork turns down island offerBjork turns down island offer

Eccentric pop superstar Bjork has turned down the offer of an island gift from the Icelandic government because she doesn't want her home to become a tourist attraction.

The singer says officials in her native Iceland wanted to present her with an island to honour her achievements, but she turned them down because she feared the offer was a tourist trap.

She says: "If you're given an island they'll have tourist boats circling around it pointing at you.

"I already get stalked down the street in Iceland and get tourists that walk up to me and poke me with their finger like they've just bought a trip to Disneyland and they met Donald Duck. They totally don't treat me like a human being."

Reclusive Bjork once considered buying an island off the coast of Scotland.

She adds: "You can actually go on the web and get islands and they'll be the same price as a house."
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 24.10.04 17:51:33   
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Новый альбом Бьорк "Medulla" просто великолепен. Настоящая нордическая музыка!
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.10.04 21:18:32   
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Ищущая девушка. Все еще моя. Полюбил ее еще со времен The Sugarcubes. Потом была "Танцующая в темноте" (без трусов). Рыдаю каждый раз, когда ее вешают. Неужели моя любовь форэва?
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.05 10:54:47   
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Drawing Restraint 9 [SOUNDTRACK]

1. Gratitude
2. Pearl
3. Ambergis March
4. Bath
5. Hunter Vessel
6. Shimenawa
7. Vessel Shimenawa
8. Storm
9. Holographic Entrypoint
10. Cetacea
11. Antarctic Return

A soundtrack composed by Björk with minimal vocals for celebrated contemporary visual artist Matthew Barney’s next film Drawing restraint 9, in which she also appears. This is a collection of delicate single instrument studies, for harp, harpsichord and celeste, large orchestral masses scored for trumpet, trombone and oboe, electronic basslines, children’s choir and, in a manner recalling the all-vocal Medulla album, Björk’s singular voice, treated as an instrument of astonishingly flexible texture.
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.05 10:55:28   
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Drawing Restraint 9 [SOUNDTRACK]   Drawing Restraint 9 [SOUNDTRACK]

Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.08.05 21:43:38   
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Bjork To Star In New Independant Film  Bjork To Star In New Independant Film


Icelandic popstar, Bjork is to star in another movie after her disastrous experience of appearing in ‘Dancer In The Dark’.

She will play the role of a woman who becomes a whale in a surreal film by her boyfriend Mathew Barney.

The anti-whaling film ‘Drawing Restraint 9’ features a couple preparing for a traditional Japanese wedding who find themselves stranded on a whaling ship.

After seeing the horrors of the whaling trade they decide to chop off their legs and mutate into whales!!!! Just a little bizarre…

The multi talented Bjork also performs tracks on the albums soundtrack.

Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.01.06 20:09:50   
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Бьорк признана самой эксцентричной звездой Бьорк признана самой эксцентричной звездой

Исландская певица Бьорк (Bjork Gudmundsdottir) была названа читателями популярного английского журнала "Home and Antiquities" самой эксцентричной звездой. Победу в этой необычной номинации ей обеспечили "эклектичное чувство моды и удивительная, хотя и необычная музыка", приводит цитату из журнала корпорация BBC.

До сих пор Бьорк являлась обладательницей многих титулов и наград, в том числе приза за лучшую женскую роль в Каннах (за фильм Ларса фон Триера "Танцующая в темноте"), премии Brit Awards. Она поразила воображение телезрителей на церемонии вручения "Оскаров" в 2001 году, появившись на публике в белом платье в форме лебедя. (см. выше)

В пятерке самых эксцентричных звезд помимо Бьорк оказались также британский боксер Крис Юбэнк (Chris Eubank), спортивный комментатор Дэвид Айк (David Icke), звезда сериала "Doctor Who" в 1970-х Том Бейкер (Tom Baker) и рокер Оззи Осборн (Ozzy Osbourne).

Всего в рейтинге оказались двадцать человек, среди которых можно выделить модельера Вивьен Вествуд, солиста группы Sex Pistols Джонни Роттена, певца и композитора Элтона Джона, экстрасенса Ури Геллера.
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.06.06 16:12:21   
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Bjork Box Set (7 Dual Disc Box Set)Bjork Box Set (7 Dual Disc Box Set)
release on 26/06/2006

All of Bjork's albums remixed in 5:1 Dolby Digital and 5:1 DTS with the videos from each album. A must for Bjork and fans of surround sound.These are Dual Discs. One side of the disc is the full length audio album. The other side offers DVD content.These discs are intended to play on standard DVD and CD players as well as ROM devices. May not play on a limited number of models.
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.06.06 22:01:59   
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(2006 Dual Disc comprising of 14-track album including the singles 'Human Behaviour', 'Venus As A Boy', 'Play Dead', 'Big Time Sensuality' & 'Violently Happy' plus DVD side featuring the entire album in superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo; and 5 Music Videos).
released 03-Jul-2006

CD side:
1. Human Behaviour
2. Crying
3. Venus As A Boy
4. There's More To Life Than This - Recorded Live At The Milk Bar Toilets
5. Like Someone In Love
6. Big Time Sensuality
7. One Day
8. Aeroplane
9. Come To Me
10. Violently Happy
11. The Anchor Song
12. Play Dead

DVD side:
- The Entire album in Superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo
- Music Videos:
1. Human Behaviour
2. Venus As A Boy
3. Play Dead
4. Big Time Sensuality
5. Violently Happy
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.06.06 22:03:09   
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(2006 Dual Disc comprising of 11-track album including the singles 'Army Of Me', 'Isobel', 'It's Oh So Quiet', 'Hyperballad', 'Possibly Maybe' & 'I Miss You' plus DVD side featuring the entire album in superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo; and 6 Music Videos).
released 03-Jul-2006

CD side:
1. Army Of Me
2. Hyperballad
3. Modern Things
4. It's Oh So Quiet
5. Enjoy
6. You've Been Flirting Again
7. Isobel
8. Possibly Maybe
9. I Miss You
10. Cover Me
11. Headphones

DVD side:
- The Entire album in Superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo
- Music Videos:
1. Army Of Me
2. Isobel
3. It's Oh So Quiet
4. Hyperballad
5. Possibly Maybe
6. I Miss You
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.06.06 22:04:18   
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BJORK HomogenicBJORK Homogenic
(2006 Dual Disc comprising of 10-track album including the singles 'Joga', 'Hunter', 'Bachelorette', 'Alarm Call' & 'All Is Full Of Love' plus DVD side featuring the entire album in superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo; and 5 Music Videos).
released 03-Jul-2006

CD side:
1. Hunter
2. Joga
3. Unravel
4. Bachelorette
5. All Neon Like
6. 5 Years
7. Immature
8. Alarm Call
9. Pluto
10. All Is Full Of Love

DVD side:
- The Entire album in Superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo
- Music Videos:
1. Joga
2. Hunter
3. Bachelorette
4. Alarm Call
5. All Is Full Of Love
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.06.06 22:05:36   
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BJORK Vespertine BJORK Vespertine
(2006 Dual Disc comprising of 12-track album including the singles 'Hidden Place', 'Pagan Poetry' & 'It's Not Up To You' plus DVD side featuring the entire album in superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo; and 5 Music Videos).
released 03-Jul-2006

CD side:
1. Hidden Place
2. Cocoon
3. It's Not Up To You
4. Undo
5. Pagan Poetry
6. Frosti
7. Aurora
8. An Echo A Stain
9. Sun In My Mouth
10. Heirloom
11. Harm Of Will
12. Unison

DVD side:
- The Entire album in Superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo
- Music Videos:
1. Hidden Place
2. Pagan Poetry
3. It's Not Up To You
4. ?
5. ?
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.06.06 22:06:49   
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BJORK SelmasongsBJORK Selmasongs
(2006 Dual Disc comprising of 7-track album plus DVD side featuring the entire album in superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo).
released 03-Jul-2006

CD side:
1. Overture
2. Cvalda
3. I've Seen It All
4. Scatterheart
5. In The Musicals
6. 107 Steps
7. New World

DVD side:
- The Entire album in Superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.06.06 22:08:04   
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BJORK Medula BJORK Medula
(2006 issue comprising of 14-track album including the singles 'Oceania', 'Who Is It', 'Triumph Of A Heart', 'Desired Constellation' & 'Where Is The Line?' plus DVD side featuring the entire album in superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo; and 5 Music Videos).
released 03-Jul-2006

CD side:
1. Pleasure Is All Mine
2. Show Me Forgiveness
3. Where Is The Line?
4. Vokuro
5. Oll Birtan
6. Who Is It
7. Oceania
8. Submarine
9. Sonnets/Unrealities XI
10. Desired Constellation
11. Ancestors
12. Mouths Cradle
13. Mivikudags
14. Triumph Of A Heart

DVD side:
- The Entire album in Superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo
- Music Videos:
1. Oceania
2. Who Is It
3. Triumph Of A Heart
4. Desired Constellation
5. Where Is The Line?
Re: Скоро - концерт Bjork
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.06.06 22:09:22   
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BJORK Drawing Restraint 9BJORK Drawing Restraint 9
(2006 Dual Disc comprising of 11-track album plus DVD side featuring the entire album in superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo; and Bonus Track 'Petrolatum').
released 03-Jul-2006

CD side:
1. Gratitude
2. Pearl
3. Ambergis March
4. Bath
5. Hunter Vessel
6. Shimenawa
7. Vessel Shimenawa
8. Storm
9. Holographic Entrypoint
10. Cetacea
11. Antarctic Return

DVD side:
- The Entire album in Superior 5.1 Surround Sound and Stereo
1. Petrolatum - Bonus Track
Re: Bjork
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 16.06.06 23:28:21   
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хорошие фотографиихорошие фотографии
Re: Bjork
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 16.06.06 23:35:24   
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люди !" скажите как называется известный вальс у Бьорк? попал в хит парад там
Re: Bjork
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 16.06.06 23:40:25   
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2Тёма Стоунз:

>люди !" скажите как называется известный вальс
>у Бьорк? попал в хит парад там

It's oh so quiet
Re: Bjork
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 16.06.06 23:51:31   
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2john lee hooker:  Точно спасибо,Джон Ли!2john lee hooker:

Точно спасибо,Джон Ли!
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