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Рисунки Джона

Тема: Джон Леннон - in his own write

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Рисунки Джона
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 21.11.01 11:57:36
По этому адресу можно посмотреть кое-какие рисунки Джона. Там так же есть рисунки и других музыкантов и фотографии музыкантов сделанные известными фотографами. Правда у меня не все открылось, но кое-что интересное есть.
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Geralt   Дата: 22.11.01 05:01:40   
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Огромное спасибо, начинаю копить деньги! ;))
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Идиот   Дата: 22.11.01 14:06:19   
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Зачем те рисунки Джона? Купи лучше мои...
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 22.01.03 14:08:19   
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Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.04.05 09:03:44   
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Lennon's artwork to hang in a hotel. Imagine all the proceeds ...Lennon's artwork to hang in a hotel. Imagine all the proceeds ...
Tuesday, April 5, 2005

The Hotel Monaco in San Francisco will show drawings and editioned prints by John Lennon Thursday through Sunday. "John Lennon -- the Artist" precedes the April 12 opening of "Lennon," the musical, at the Orpheum Theatre. Info: (888) 278-1969.

Lennon's widow, Yoko Ono, a Fluxus artist whose retrospective came to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in 2002, authorizes periodic shows of his artwork, including this one.

"John and I were so opposite to each other in how we expressed ourselves, " Ono told The Chronicle by phone from New York. "The humor, the simplicity and the minimalism -- that probably we shared. But the way his things are so beautifully expressed in line? I had no influence on him. We were very independent people."

Most people in the art world dismiss Lennon's graphic work as celebrity doodling. I asked Ono whether she thought the forthcoming selection of his work would surprise anyone.

"I think it will surprise people how good he was as an artist," she said. "And it may surprise others who think it's too simple. It will surprise people in showing that art is not something special, that everyone can do it."

Proceeds from sales of Lennon's work in San Francisco will benefit the Trust for Public Land. Ono permits the local organizers of Lennon's exhibitions to choose the charity that will benefit. "Unless it's something really out of line, I'll agree," she said.

So does she think Lennon's artwork should be re-evaluated? "There's no 'should be' in my dictionary," Ono said. "When you come to this show you will find that John's work communicates with you directly, without your knowledge of art history. John's work was not part of art history; it was part of people's history."

Those words called to mind a famous recent example of populist art, Christo and Jeanne-Claude's Central Park project, "The Gates." Ono saw it every day from her parkside apartment in the Dakota.

"It was beautiful. I enjoyed it so much," she said of "The Gates." "It was a courageous decision of the mayor," to let it go forward, "at a time when art programs are being cut in schools everywhere."

Dorsky screenings in Berkeley: This column does not customarily notice film events. But exception must be made for screenings of work by San Franciscan Nathaniel Dorsky, at the Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley at 7:30 p. m. on April 12 and 19. (Info:

Dorsky's little book "Devotional Cinema" (Tuumba Press; 52 pages; $10), its second edition just out, has already achieved cult classic status as a credo from which artists in any medium can learn.

To the audience at a recent San Francisco presentation of his work, Dorsky summarized his ambition for his work: to "soften the heart and awaken the mind" of its viewers. Art in any medium that can achieve this, as his films do, warrants the widest possible attention.

The PFA programs will combine work in which Dorsky relies on images and films that involve the physical materials and process of cinema. He will speak at both Berkeley screenings.

Schjeldahl at SFMOMA: New Yorker art critic Peter Schjeldahl will be the 2005 Phyllis Wattis Distinguished Lecturer at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

His lecture, "The Story of the Image," has the current exhibition "Robert Bechtle: A Retrospective" as its point of departure. It will take place Thursday at 7 p.m. in SFMOMA's Wattis Theater. Ticket prices include admission to a reception preceding the event at 6 p.m. Info: (415) 357-4000,

"A Conversation with Peter Schjeldahl," featuring SFMOMA director Neal Benezra and curator of the Bechtle exhibition Janet Bishop, will follow on Friday at 3 p.m.

The Friday event is free with museum admission.
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Sgt. Paper   Дата: 06.04.05 10:53:31   
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Рисунки Джона размещены на бонусе к кинге о Ленноне
Я тащусь!  
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 06.04.05 11:28:33   
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Рисунки Джона:))
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Al.Parker   Дата: 06.04.05 11:40:52   
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Он очень неплохо рисовал. Что-то такое эдакое.
Re: Рисунки Джона 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.06.05 17:53:57   
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An exhibit of the late Beatle's artwork, collected and curated by wife Yoko Ono, shows his artistic talent knew no bounds
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Yoko Ono might some day have achieved fame as a filmmaker, musician or performance artist all on her own. But a chance meeting in a London art gallery in 1966 settled the matter of her fame well and good.

A fellow given an early tour of an exhibit of Ono's enjoyed what he saw and asked to meet her.

His name was John Lennon, and he was a Beatle.

Lennon and Ono sparked when they met, but they were both married, and it would be another two years before they became romantically involved. Their subsequent affair and marriage was as public and sensational as any tabloid brouhaha of modern vintage -- maybe more so when you consider how unusual such media manias were at the time.

After Lennon was senselessly murdered in 1980, Ono, long resented by Beatles fans who blamed her (largely erroneously) for breaking up the band and long considered just plain odd for her art and her singing, became a living link to her husband, shepherding his unfinished projects into release and collaborating with the remaining ex-Beatles on a variety of new works.

Among the artifacts with which Ono has taken special care are Lennon's drawings and paintings, scores of which will be on display Friday through Sunday in a free exhibit and sale, "The Art of John Lennon," at downtown Portland's Pioneer Place mall.

Ono is more than just the subject and curator of Lennon's work. In many instances, she has contributed to them by coloring the images, adding a vivid brilliance that occasionally overwhelms but generally complements the loving kindness Lennon expressed in his drawings. Now 72, Ono brings decades of experience as an artist and drum-beater to the project. She spoke with The Oregonian about Lennon's art, his love of collaboration, the enduing popularity of The Beatles, and various and sundry other subjects.

Was there a certain impulse that made John want to draw instead of write music or lyrics?

Well, he started as a painter, an artist. He was a very good artist in high school, and his teachers told him, "You won't be able to get into any school, but maybe you can go to art school." And he got into Liverpool Art School, which was a very prestigious art school at the time. And he felt he was safe. He didn't want to go from high school to be an accountant or something. He was an artist. And then he got interested in rock and roll and went into that. But he was always doing some drawings. It was a security blanket. Like his guitar. He was always either strumming or drawing.

You worked on a lot of these drawings as well. And you and John did a lot of music together. And before you, he worked with his bandmates. Was he principally a collaborative artist?
Re: Рисунки Джона 2
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.06.05 17:55:15   
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Exactly, yes! He was very good at it. And I wasn't, because I was always doing things by myself. In a way, it was a little bit difficult for me, and I learned a lot about partnership from him, I suppose.

When John's fans listen to his music or see his paintings, we often think back to our own pasts. But for you, these works of art are specifically part of your past. Do these drawings still hold for you a piece of the moment in which they were made?

That's what he was doing with these things. He wasn't the kind of artist who would plan things and then do it. He was very quick in doing these things. He would get inspired and just do it. It was part of his life. And that's why it reflects his family life a lot.

So it wasn't like so much of his music, which was written to send a message to the world?

No. It was casual. He was always doing it. I noticed once when we had a meeting with lawyers and having some big conference at Apple, he was bored and was drawing. And after the conference, one of the lawyers said, "What were you doing?" and John showed him and he said, "Oh, how beautiful! May I have it?" And John was very obliging and said, "Here, here." He still has it probably.

The Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney are back out on the road. Could you imagine John, who would have been 65 later this year, still traveling around the world and playing rock and roll?

Of course! Why not? I know he announced to the world when he was 30 or something that he wouldn't do it any more, but that was just a one-off idea at the time. He did go on creating records. He would have gone back out there. Especially if he knew that Paul went. He'd say, "I've gotta do it!"

We on the outside who grew up with The Beatles still think of them all together, even with John and George gone. And we also think of you and your son Sean and all the other wives and children as this big family.

It's true, though. It is a big family, and it keeps getting bigger. There are so many kids and they're all getting married and having kids. It's great. I think it's a beautiful thing to happen. Unlike some punk rock band or something like that, each Beatle had or has a family viewpoint, more or less conservative or . . . I don't mean conservative. . . .

Re: Рисунки Джона 3
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.06.05 17:56:14   
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Yes, that's it. Traditional is the word. So they married and had long marriages and had children and took care of their children.

Does it ever surprise you that more than 40 years after The Beatles began they're still such a phenomenon?

I think that's very nice. Their songs were very sweet and loving. And the power of it has to do a lot with sweetness and caring and love. And some people probably thought, "Well, I'd like something more devilish," like the Rolling Stones. But eventually what wins has all that love and that flow of life in it. In a way, that's why we go back to it.

Compared to the music, which has a life of its own, do you feel a special responsibility toward John's drawings and other works?

Well, not really. I feel very responsible to see John's music be out there with good quality presentations. If you just leave it to other people who care only about quick money, the quality can suffer and go down. So I'm very caring about the music, too. I'm very caring about everything that he created: statements and all that.

If you were meeting someone who wasn't a longtime fan and didn't know John's drawings, how would you describe them?

Well, they should see it. And if you see it you'll get the feeling of something hitting your heart and making you feel very warm. His paintings and drawings are very, very warm. And they hit you directly, instead of some art that's intellectual and requires that you know the history of art or have a critic looking over your shoulder explaining it. John is basically an outsider as an artist, though some of his stuff has gone into the Museum of Modern Art. But mainly it's people's art, and so when you go there to see the exhibition, you will feel a direct communication from him to you.

It's also very funny. John couldn't write a sentence or make a drawing without some wit in it.

Even without trying to express something humorous, the lines of his drawings are all funny!
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.06.05 19:50:51   
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2Sgt. Paper:
>Рисунки Джона размещены на бонусе к кинге о Ленноне

Спасибо за этот диск!..
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.05 09:53:40   
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The power of Lennon's penThe power of Lennon's pen
Yoko Ono brings her famous husband's other artistic pursuit to Rehoboth Beach

Whether beginning or ending a sentence, Yoko Ono will frequently use the phrase "you know."

It's called a speech disfluency, an unconscious vocal interjection similar to "um," "uh," or "like." Everybody has them, but Ono's are different. She's not just filling time while thinking of what to say. Her speech disfluencies actually say something. More than most other figures in popular culture, people feel they do know Ono.

Or at least they think they do. As John Lennon's wife, Ono was often blamed for breaking up The Beatles, leading people to view her as a villain. As Lennon's widow, Ono has steadfastly promoted Lennon's artistic vision long after his death, leading people to know her as a hero of sorts.

An exhibit of Lennon's art, titled "When I'm Sixty Four," will be on display at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center from Friday through July 17. With the inclusion of a sketch called "Free as a Bird" that has never been on public display before, the second characterization seems more accurate right now.

Still, it would be difficult to sway the opinion of someone who knows of Ono in the other, more infamous, fashion. With the camps firmly in place, what's the point of talking to her?

Who knows what you might find out?

Why is this exhibit called "When I'm Sixty Four" when Paul McCartney wrote that song?

Yoko Ono: It's a Beatles song, isn't it? People relate to that. I always allow the local people who are curating the show to curate it. If they want, "When I'm Sixty Four," that's fine.

How would John have reacted to getting older?

He would have enjoyed it like I'm enjoying what I am. I was always told that when you're beyond 50, you have to either retire or slow down. It didn't apply in my life. I'm just as active, or more active now. I feel healthy and quite, I wouldn't say totally happy, but quite nice.

What makes this exhibit successful when John wasn't successful as an artist when he was alive?

You know, he did things too early in a way. He was always like that.

What are your favorite pieces in the exhibit?

I like the "Real Love" thing, which is a dialogue between John and Sean. I love all the animals that John did for Sean. It reminds me of the time that they were having a conversation about it.

I know that you colored some of them in yourself. As an artist, does that change the intent or message of the drawings?

I want it not to change, hopefully, so I did it in a way that's very light. I wouldn't interfere with his lines. When you look at John's drawings, you almost imagine color, you know.

How involved are you in other projects that use John's name, like the musical "Lennon" that's about to open in New York?

I'm very involved with that now. It's really in the beginning stages, you know. Rehearsal.

Has it changed since getting mixed reviews in its first run in San Francisco?

You know, critics always give mixed reviews. It would be very strange if they all had the same opinion. It's never like that. In New York, too, I'm sure that some people will like it and some people won't. You just have to come and see it yourself.

Are you involved with the July 28 Lennon auction at the Hippodrome in London?

What auction? There's so many auctions all the time.

They have the bedspread from your bed-in with John in 1969.

Oh, the bedspread. I heard about that. We used to crack jokes like that.

You never imagined people would be interested in buying it?

We never imagined it. Well, we did in a funny way. We didn't think it would happen, but we thought it would be funny.

What would be the big item in an auction of Yoko Ono stuff?

Probably something that has to do with John. He was always more popular than me, and I accept.

But you're known for being involved in various peace movements. Were you involved at all in the recent Live 8 concerts?

You know, every year I do a concert to help Africa. It's a big concert with all the famous Japanese pop stars, and they all choose one song of John's. All the proceeds go to help African children. I'm doing that every year for the past five years.

1980. He was probably bitter about the expenses that we had. It's too bad John passed away, so if he said something off the cuff, that became written in stone. I think he would feel very bad that that happens. He said that charity shows are not effective, but he did 10 of them, so what does that mean?

It's as vague as who the walrus was.

That too. He felt that, OK, the walrus was Paul. He wanted to say that. Later he said the walrus was himself. Don't you change your mind sometimes too? You say, "Oh, I like my friend Dick very much ... oh, no, no, no, I don't like him at all." Who knows? We're all human and we change our minds all the time.
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.05 09:54:30   
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John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono make sketches at their Greenwich Village apartment in 1972.John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono make sketches at their Greenwich Village apartment in 1972.
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.05 09:55:16   
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CRABS CRABBING, date uncertain "CRABS CRABBING," date uncertain
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.05 09:55:55   
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FISH WINKING, date uncertain"FISH WINKING," date uncertain
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.05 09:56:41   
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Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.05 09:57:20   
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The exhibit includes a drawing titled Free as a Bird (circa 1960) that has never been shown in public before.The exhibit includes a drawing titled "Free as a Bird" (circa 1960) that has never been shown in public before.
Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.05 09:58:06   
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Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Sgt. Paper   Дата: 11.07.05 11:07:30   
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Некоторые рисунки Джона можно также увидеть как в самой книге о Ленноне так и на бонусе к нейНекоторые рисунки Джона можно также увидеть как в самой книге о Ленноне так и на бонусе к ней
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Re: Рисунки Джона
Автор: Expert   Дата: 30.04.06 23:56:03   
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Coming Together: The artwork of John Lennon

John Lennon had two "security blankets," Yoko Ono says by phone from her home in the Dakota, the New York apartment she shared with her late husband. Most of the world knows what he did with one of those security blankets -- his guitar. As for the other . . . "He had the guitar and the pen," says Ono, her gentle voice prone to laughter, its accent revealing her roots in Tokyo. "He was always drawing. For instance, at a conference with lawyers, at Apple (Records) or something like that, 20 people all at this huge table, he wouldn't play a guitar. He would be drawing something." Fans of Lennon's music likely know he was an artist before he was a Beatle. He studied at the Liverpool Art Institute from 1957 to 1960, and he kept his artist's pen busy throughout his life. His drawings, often whimsical and witty, accompanied his writings in two books he published in the 1960s, "In His Own Write" and "A Spaniard in the Works." At a London gallery in 1970, an exhibition titled "Bag One" featured Lennon's erotic lithographs -- which promptly were declared obscene and seized by British authorities. During his so-called "house husband years" with Ono at the Dakota in the late 1970s, Lennon created childlike drawings inspired by their young son, Sean.

Those latter works sprang from "conversation between John and Sean," Ono says. "They were in the kitchen. I'd be making tea, and I'm listening. I don't want to interfere because it's just very nice they are doing this. John would go, 'So now, what is this going to be?' 'Horsey?' 'No, no. It's not going to be a horsey. It looks like a doggie now.' They were just doing that way."

About a decade after Lennon's death in 1980, Ono began spearheading touring exhibitions of his art around the country. The latest exhibition, "Come Together: The Artwork of John Lennon," will be today through Sunday at Jacobson's in Winter Park. The show will feature original drawings, lithographs and other reproductions of more than 100 works Lennon created between 1968 and 1980, including pieces signed by him and Ono.

Subjects include self-portraits and drawings of Lennon with Ono, lithographs of lyric manuscripts, erotic drawings from the "Bag One" exhibition and childlike drawings of playful animals sketched for Sean and later hand-colored by Ono. The works sometimes sport a Dali-esque whimsy, sometimes a Zen-like simplicity, sometimes a touching eroticism, sometimes a childlike glee.

Some of the pieces will be for sale. Exhibit organizers are requesting a $2 donation to benefit Adopt-A Classroom, a nonprofit organization to benefit teachers and students in public schools. Past posthumous Lennon exhibitions have benefited food banks, Gilda's Club, and cancer and AIDS research.

Lennon was often hesitant about his artist side, Ono says: "Because he was so popular and so famous, he sort of gave up the idea he could be an artist. But he was a closet artist, if you will. And he was always drawing.

"I'm the one who said, 'Well, what if you have an exhibition?' Oh, I said that only because he brought it up. (John said) 'Of course, all artists would love to have a one-man show. That's the dream of an artist. But I can't do it.' I said why? 'Well, because I'm John Lennon. I'm too famous for it.' "

She convinced him to hold his first art exhibit in 1968.

"He was right," the 73-year-old Ono says. "The art critics all felt it was silly to -- they didn't want people to laugh at them for taking John seriously."

Lennon fans may find the wit and humor that infused his music is also evident in his art work.

"I think maybe it's more direct in a way," Ono says. "You see it. It's a visual thing. He had an incredible sense of humor. In the art world, you have to be a serious artist," she says, her voice trailing into soft laughter. "When you're a comedian, they didn't want to take you seriously. But when you see it now, you see that he was incredible. So, 'taking seriously' is not the word. 'Enjoying' is the word."

Despite the number of drawings that depict a blissful John and a happy Yoko, Ono says she does not have a favorite.

"I love them all, and each one reminds me of John," she says. "And I'm sure you feel the same way. I'm sure each one of you really feels you know John in your own way. And so you walk in and you say, 'Oh hi, John.' "

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