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George Harrison - Brainwashed

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Brainwashed (2002)

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Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 21.11.02 15:31:07   
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2John Lennon Knows Your Name:
Расскажи подробней про DVD, что за материал и на сколько минут, нет ли старых клипов, ну и вообще...
Под кайфом  
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 21.11.02 15:35:37   
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2> деду - советую сходить на почту>
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 21.11.02 15:48:56   
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Если кто еще не читал - вот по этому адресу:

лежит довольно большое интервью Джеффа Линна с парой интересных фактов.
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 21.11.02 18:01:59   
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Кстати о птичках.
Людям незнакомым с итальянскими реалиями может быть не совсем понятно значение песни P2 Vatican Blues.
Общая тема песни: земные интересы Римской катлогической церкви. В название вынесена знаменитая ложа П2, организованная по типу массонской ложи, в которую входили многие влиятельные политики, бизнесмены и банкиры Италии времен золотых 80-х. Причем один из этих банкиров, которого впоследствии нашли повешенным под мостом Черных братьев в Лондоне был тесно связан с Ватиканом (епископом Марцинкусом, отвечавшим тогда за банковские операции Святого Престола -который тоже вскольз упоминается в песне).
В песне пародируется католическое отношение к греху: можно грешить, главное не забывать после этого каяться:
"один Отче Наш и три Богородица Дева Радуйся" и все в порядке.
Другие ключи к пониманию песни: белый дым - это знак, который оповещает об избрании нового Папы Римского при его выборах после смерти предыдущего.
"Правда прячется, скрывается, занимается банковскими операциями - чем то они занимаются по ночам?" - продолжение той же разболачительной (правда без пафоса) темы.
Очевидно, эта песня навеяна частыми визитами Харрисона в последние годы его жизни в Италию, он довольно много жил во Флоренции, потом на юге Швейцарии в клинике.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.11.02 18:07:54   
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Спасибо. Кстати - лишнее доказательство того, что эта вещь написана Джорджем еще в конце 80-х....
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 21.11.02 20:10:26   
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А диск с Горбушки похоже все-таки фирменный. Вряд ли за 2 дня можно успеть оформить ТАКОЙ буклет. Кстати, его (а также, обложки и диск) можно посмотреть по адресу:
На первой странице - сканы с плохим разрешением (но небольшие по размеру), на второй - с хорошим.
А каталожный номер не совпадает ни с одним из указанных в новостях: 7243 5 41969 2 8.
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: papan   Дата: 21.11.02 21:47:36   
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Вот я не понял,а разве на Горбушке фирменными торгуют?Но я знаю точно,что в Москве есть правильные (не МП3) пиратские диски.Мне уже предлагали.
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Slavik   Дата: 21.11.02 21:57:46   
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To papan: На Горбушке торгуют всем, и левыми, и лицензионными, и фирменными дисками. Но в данном случае Андрей наверно имел в виду, что пираты содрали диск Джорджа с фирменного СиДи, а не с МП3.
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 21.11.02 22:09:19   
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Дорогой Дед!
DVD - это интервью, всего понемножку, несколько кусков их стидийных записей последнего альбома, впечатления Дхани, впечатления Джеффа Лина, Келтнера, воспоминания и философствования самого Джоржда. Занятно, но явно без намерения создать фильм - просто смонтированные кусочки. Всего минут так на 15-20.
Только из-за них покупать специальное издание не стоит. Но я не раскаиваюсь - коробка приятная, и вообще потенциально редкая вещь.
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 21.11.02 22:15:49   
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Дорогой Дед!
Кстати DVD - это The Making of Brainwashed, который Вы прекрасно можете посмотреть в под соответсвующей рубрикой.
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 22.11.02 00:36:51   
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Продолжаю делиться своими впечатлениями от прослушивания диска в реальном масштабе времени.
После нескольких прослушиваний бросается в глаза его очевидная "слабая сторона": в нем нехватает энергии, чистой агрессии, это отнюдь не рок. В буквальном смысле это даже не поп.
Трудно сказать в какой степени это повлияет на продажи, но диск явно лишен агрессивного ядра. За исключением пожалуй игривого П2 Ватикана - остальное это либо баллады, либо опять-таки философские притчи.
Впрочем, "ленноновской" агрессии в Джордже не был и раньше. Он стал "индусом" по определению Пола. Его за это критиковали, говорили, сколько можно всей этой "индийщины", надоел, это даже не смешно, это никому не интересно.
Этот его посмертный диск показывает насколько для него это было жизненно важно, весь диск пронизан Индией: от посвящения гималайским мастерам-йогам, до пения мантр в финале.
Кстати, опять-таки это нигде не говорится, но знаменитый диск Рави Шанкара с мантрами, случая эти последние песнопения Джорджа мог записать (а не только продьюсировать) сам Джордж. В этом он весь: зачем я буду записывать диск (не дай Бог меня заподозрят в том, что я имеют какие-то коммерческие цели) с мантрами, когда есть пандит Шанкар, я ему помогу, он и запишет.
То, что он записал с Дхани в финале - ничуть не хуже, может быть лучше Шанкаровский штудий: но таков был Джордж.
И вообще он последнее время судя по всему не слишком "желал" что-бы то ни было записывать из музыки.
Это был для него по всей очевидности "пройденный этап". Ведь не он же выпустил этот диск, а его сын - из любви и уважения к памяти отца ... и ко всем нам.
Добрый профессор  
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 22.11.02 09:45:26   
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2>JLKYN - У меня в коробке ещё медиатор с тисненным золотом подписью Джоржа.
А что в Европейском издании?
DVD - только 7 минут, но там Джорж - уже борящийся с болезнью И зто надо иметь!
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.11.02 10:48:04   
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2John Lennon Knows Your Name: а как качество? Я пока еще не купил фирменный CD, но мне кажется, что на хорошей аппаратуре Marwa Blues должен сорвать крышу.....
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.11.02 10:50:42   
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Кстати, на показах Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets в Штатах, перед фильмом крутят рекламу Brainwashed с фрагментами из DVD.

Imagine my surprise today to walk into a movie theater with the kids to see "Harry Potter," and there on the screen is the Brainwashed DVD! They showed most of what was on GMA, then a Coke commercial, then more of the DVD that I hadn't seen before! It was wonderful on the BIG screen...tho hard to hear with a theater full of noisy kids! My older son was seeing a different movie, and he said they showed it there as well! Only thing, tho, they didn't really display that it was a promo for the new album...I knew, of course, but I don't know that the message got would have been good to show the album cover at the end. Oh...they also were showing a promo video for Paul's Back in the US (same as they showed on the monitors in some of the venues, I think) when we walked into the lobby of the theater. It was a two-fer!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.11.02 10:51:44   
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Еще на тему Гарри Поттера...

Just after George died they interviewed the authroress of Harry Potter and she was very upset. She said that George was her favourite! Perhaps it was 'her doing'that managed to get the E P K played!!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.11.02 10:55:26   
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И еще информация. Медиаторы вкладываются ТОЛЬКО в американские боксы. Так что обратите внимание на этот факт!
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Элинор Ригби   Дата: 22.11.02 11:05:23   
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Там же ( )- отрывки из интервью Дхани французской газете "Le Journal du Dimanche»:

Q : You said "I don't know if these songs [from Brainwashed] can change a life, but they changed mine." How ?
DH : The loss of a parent or a beloved one is always a upheaval. It changes you forever. Then, there was the fact that I was working on a record which the public and the business guys expect. That changes your life too. I wanted to control every part of the album to be sure the result would be what my father wanted before he died. I was always under stress, I yelled at people when something was wrong. But it makes you humble to make a record on which you're just a tool.
Q : Close your eyes. What image of your father during the recording sessions [for Brainwashed] is coming back in your mind ?
DH : I remember him during the recording of "Rising Sun". A strong memory : I'm with him in this room, I'm listening to him playing his solo. I remember people looking at him with admiration while he plays. Everything goes round and round in my mind, between sounds and vibes. It's like listening to a radio and trying to reproduce them.
Q : Do you think this album is one of your father's best ?
DH : Yes, really. You know, I'm quite snobbish about the music I listen to : I only listen to good stuff, even among his work, I only listen to what I like. I don't want to compare it with what he wrote with the Beatles, but I think it's one of his most original albums.
Q : It seems that Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr were quite close to George during his last months.
DH : Paul and Ringo are the nicest persons I know. I love them, they're like my uncles. I see them often, about twice a month. They call to have news from me. I recently started talking with their children : to Zak, Ringo's son, and Stella, Paul's daughter. We understand each other, we know what it's like being Beatles kids.
Q : Have you got musical projects ?
DH : No, like my father, I don't like to make plans. It's good to know what you want, but nothing ever happens like you planned it. That's life. I'd like to make music but never be famous. Maybe someone, somewhere would enjoy my music, would listen to it and feel better. I won't try to compete with my father or re-do what he did. Of course, my work will sound like his as he taught me to play guitar and we have the same voice. But I have different musical tastes and everybody will be surprised by the music I play with my friends. It sounds more like film music, or what the French band Air does. I love them.

Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.11.02 13:22:12   
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На сайте Канадского ТВ опубликована часть интервью с Джеффом и Дани. Там же можно посмотреть кусочек видео!
Вот текст статьи
CTV News Staff

Updated: Thurs. Nov. 21 2002 5:47 PM ET

Before former Beatle George Harrison died of cancer almost a year ago, he had been working on a new collection of music. That disc Brainwashed was released this week, with the help of Harrison's son Dhani and fellow musician Jeff Lynne, a member of the Traveling Wilburys.

Dhani and Lynne spoke with Canada AM's Seamus O'Regan and told them how putting the finishing touches on the album -- Harrison's first since 1987's Cloud Nine -- was a bittersweet task.

The 11 songs for the album were basically complete, with George's vocals and instrumentation, but Lynne says the songs sounded very much like demo tracks. So he and Dhani added backup vocals, some acoustic guitar and tidied up the songs to ready them for an album.

Lynne says he and Dhani often had to restrain themselves from overembellishing the songs beyond what Harrison would have liked.

"Before he was really ill, he asked to come and do it at my house. And we were going to do it. But then he got too sick and he did actually say to me once on the telephone, 'Now, I don't want these too posh, you know. I want them still like demos'," Lynne remembers.

Lynne says there was some difficulty making sure he was being true to Harrison's vision. But because they had worked together so often before, it took care of itself.

"You know, on the one hand, I felt equipped to do it, because I knew George so well. And musically, we were very much on the same wavelength, and I knew him. And whatever I didn't think of, Dhani would know," Lynne says.

"So Dhani stopped me going overboard with anything, which is a great help. Because I might have gone too far my way, or made it sound like me. I didn't want it to sound like that. Dhani didn't want it to sound like him, and we both wanted it to sound like George. And I think we achieved that."

The two say that working in the studio, with Harrison's voice all around them, often made them feel like he was right there with them. While it was comforting, it was also heartbreaking at times.

"At first, you know, it was quite hard and the first couple of tracks, we were really kind of just treading new ground," Lynne says. "But then once we had done a couple we felt George is actually with us and there's his voice to prove it. So we decided to enjoy it much more, because there George was with us and we were making the thing and it sounded really good."

"It was great and wonderful and it was really sad as well," Dhani says, but adds, "It was a very, you know, positive thing for me to have done so soon after his death."

The end product of their work is earning hefty praise from reviewers who are saying it's a fitting epitaph for Harrison. Now Dhani and Lynne are working on a tribute concert with Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney and Eric Clapton. It'll be a way to remember a man for whom music was everything.

Dhani says when he thinks back about his father, he remembers that everywhere he went he loved to play music for people. He says Harrison kept a ukulele in his bag wherever he went and he'd play it in the car, on the road, or on a plane, where he'd play to people in first class.

Jeff agrees that Harrison wasn't concerned with what people thought or what his legacy would be.

"I think George just wrote songs that were very meaningful. And I think what he said in his words, all his songs, were just great messages, very wise and loving, you know. And a little bit naughty sometimes, just for the fun of it. But basically, he believed in love and God. That's what I always got from him."

Dhani says his father was basically a very private man and worked hard to protect him from the public eye and the media storm that surrounded him as a former Beatle.

"I'm happy that my parents have forced me -- not even forced me, just steered me in the direction of privacy rather than the public eye, because, as not many people know, it's not all great being followed and chased and everything. It's nice to be able to go down the street and have your privacy, something that my dad never had."

Dhani says while he loves music and enjoyed working on his father's album, he's not sure he wants to be part of the music industry. The 24-year-old says he enjoys making music but has no plans to record. For now, he is managing his father's estate, all of which was willed to him. When asked whether he feels having responsibility for that kind of money to be a burden, he answers with words his father would have used.

"It's only in the letting go that we can attain everything."
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Manzie   Дата: 22.11.02 15:23:45   
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От альбома - в неописуемом восторге!
Сразу обратил внумание на Rocking Chair с легким еротическим контекстом, что определенно нехарактерно для Джорджа:))
А вот зачитки из Патанджали с польским акцентом посреди последней песни привели меня, мягко говоря, в недоумение..:)
Re: New George Harrison Studio Album Released This November!! :))))))
Автор: Manzie   Дата: 22.11.02 15:26:10   
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А еще R тут ломаю голову что ето за лиловые кустарники на фотке...ИндиR?
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