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The Hollies

Тема: The Hollies

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Re: The Hollies
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 28.02.06 01:22:22   
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Вот такие вот Complete Recordings по 1969. 1Вот такие вот Complete Recordings по 1969.
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 28.02.06 01:25:30   
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In the style 2In the style
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 28.02.06 01:26:25   
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Hollies 3Hollies
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 28.02.06 01:28:45   
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Would You Believe? 4Would You Believe?
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 28.02.06 01:31:31   
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For certain... 5For certain...
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 28.02.06 01:35:31   
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Evolution 6Evolution
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 28.02.06 01:38:33   
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Butterfly 7Butterfly
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 28.02.06 01:41:11   
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Sing Dylan 8Sing Dylan
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 28.02.06 11:37:15   
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Смотрится приятно.
По звуку - это переупакованные ремастеры, выпущенные к 100-летию EMI.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 28.02.06 15:09:09   
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Тони Хикс заводит свои любимые песни в программе Кена Брюса Tracks of my years с 27 февраля по 3 марта с 9.30 до 12.00 (время тамошнее) на Radio BBC2. вот список песен:
27 February
Lilac Wine Elkie Brooks
Good Vibrations The Beach Boys

28 February
Summer In The City The Lovin' Spoonful
I Want To Know What Love Is Foreigner

1 March
Little Red Corvette Prince
Man Of Mystery The Shadows

2 March
Upside Down Diana Ross
Your Song Elton John

3 March
California Dreamin' Mamas & Papas
Theme From Harry's Game Clannad
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Стас   Дата: 28.02.06 18:51:10   
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2Лена me mine:

>новый альбом????? невероятно!!!

Купил этот альбом и СЕЙЧАС слушаю,Холлиз себе не изменили и опять используют многоголосье.Конечно саунд слишком современен,но это даже неплохо!
И вообще диск у меня идёт на ура,есть ещё у стариков порох в пороховницах :)))
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 03.04.06 15:11:44   
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Только финал печальный - два последних трека слезу выжымают
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.07.06 07:33:46   
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July 18, 2006 -- Deseret News (Utah)

Guitarist knew greats in Liverpool

As a young teen in Liverpool, England, Terry Sylvester often walked to the bus stop, guitar in hand, to play his music downtown. If he was lucky, sometimes one of the older neighbor boys named Paul would stop and give him a ride.

Little did Sylvester know where Paul was really taking him, not to mention the rest of us. It would not be overstatement to say that Paul McCartney - the kid who lived on the next road over from Sylvester's house - changed the world and charted the course for Sylvester's life. Some 45 years later, Sylvester - formerly of the Hollies and one of the Beatles' peers - is still playing music.

"People always ask what Paul is like," says Sylvester. "Well, he's a nice guy, and I'm grateful to him and his pals for paving the way."

If anyone knows that era, it's Sylvester. He was right in the middle of it when it all began four decades ago. You have to understand that being a musician in England in the early '60s, and especially in Liverpool, was like being an impressionist painter in Paris during the 1860s. The musical foment in Liverpool spawned some 300 musical venues and more than 500 bands from 1958 to 1964. Liverpool produced Jerry and the Pacemakers, the Searchers, the Beatles and, up the road in Manchester, the Hollies.

"No one could have foreseen what happened - the music of that area taking over the world," says Sylvester. "How the whole thing evolved is unbelievable."

Many of the future stars' lives were intertwined. Sylvester took up music at 14 and quickly formed his own group, the Escorts, whose drummer was the cousin of Ringo Starr. Sylvester dropped out of school a year later and took a job as an apprentice in a garage pounding out dents in cars. His boss was Peter Harrison, brother of George Harrison.

One of Sylvester's friends was Michael McCartney, younger brother of Paul. Their fathers once played together in a band.

Years later, when Graham Nash left the Hollies to form "Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young," the Hollies turned to Sylvester as his replacement and the group continued to produce hits. When the Hollies needed a piano player for their smash hit "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother," they turned to a young teenager named Elton John.

Sylvester shared the stage regularly with the Beatles until they outgrew Liverpool. (McCartney played tambourine for one of the Escorts' records.) "They were just another Liverpool band," he recalls of the Beatles.

The Beatles were atop the British Chart when they returned to play one last show at Liverpool's famed Cavern Club to honor a contractual obligation. The Beatles handpicked Sylvester's "Escorts" as the lead act that night. A year later, the Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan and the group took off.

"I was a bit jealous," says Sylvester, "but they were a few years older than I was. They were always a bit different. They didn't sing the same songs. They were doing their own songs. Paul would say, 'Here's one I wrote in the bathroom this morning.' He wrote 'When I'm 64' about his dad long before it was a hit. They dressed different, too. We were all wearing Cliff Richards outfits (suits and ties), and they were wearing black leather. It's funny, when they made it big, Epstein cleaned them and they wore suits."

Now a youthful 59, Sylvester has four platinum records to his credit. After Sylvester joined the Hollies in 1969, the group recorded hits such as "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother," "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress," and "Air that I Breathe," among others.

He cut his first solo album in 1974. A few years later he quit the Hollies and continued to work steadily. Looking back, he counts the Beatles as friends and pioneers.|

"They're the ones who paved the way for everybody else," he says. "I'm very proud of the Beatles."
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Ирина   Дата: 13.09.06 22:15:26   
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"One time I trusted a stranger
'cause I heard his sweet song
And it was gently enticing me
though there was something wrong
When I turned he was gone "

Любимая песня из любимого фильма
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.10.06 14:36:01   
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Out on the RoadOut on the Road
Audio CD (October 10, 2006)

1. Out On The Road Pt 1
2. Better Place
3. They Don't Realise I'm Down
4. Last Wind Mr. Heartbreaker
5. I Was Born A Man
6. Slow Down - Go Down
7. Don't Leave The Child Alone Nearer To You
8. Pick Up The Pieces
9. Trans-Atlantic West Bound Jet
10. Baby (Bonus Track)
11. Oh Granny (Bonus Track)
12. Magic Woman Touch (Acoustic) (Bonus Track)
13. Indian Girl (Bonus Track)
14. If It Wasn't For The Reason That I Love You (Bonus Track)
15. I Had A Dream (Bonus Track)
16. Mexico Gold (Bonus Track)

Originally Released in 1973 in Spain and Germany Only. Several Tracks Are Now on CD for the First Time.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 25.10.06 16:13:23   
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30 октября на лейбле Raven выйдет компиляция хитов, входивших в Топ20 On A Carousel 1963-1974-The Ultimate Hollies 30 октября на лейбле Raven выйдет компиляция хитов, входивших в Топ20 "On A Carousel 1963-1974-The Ultimate Hollies"
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.11.06 13:53:37   
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On a Carousel, 1963-1974: The Ultimate Hollies On a Carousel, 1963-1974: The Ultimate Hollies
Audio CD (October 30, 2006)

1. Stay
2. Just One Look
3. Here I Go Again
4. We're Through
5. I'm Alive
6. Yes I Will
7. Look Through Any Window
8. I Can't Let Go
9. If I Needed Someone
10. Bus Stop
11. Stop, Stop, Stop
12. On a Carousel
13. Pay You Back With Interest
14. Carrie Anne
15. King Midas in Reverse
16. Dear Eloise
17. Jennifer Eccles
18. Listen to Me
19. Sorry Suzanne
20. He Ain't Heavy… He's My Brother
21. I Can't Tell the Bottom from the Top
22. Gasoline Alley Bred
23. Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress)
24. Long Dark Road
25. Air That I Breathe

The Ultimate Hollies 1963-1974: On a Carousel combines every UK Top 20 and USA Top 20 HOLLIES hit, from 1964 to 1974 on one CD. The Hollies were superlative pop craftsmen and their exhilarating vocal harmonies remain some of the richest and most celebrated in the entire history of pop music. Compiled from the group's recordings for Parlophone and Polydor, this is hit after hit, 25 tracks and 77 minutes of unforgettable melodies. Every song contained here is a three-minute pop masterpiece: Bus Stop, Carrie Anne, Stop Stop Stop, On a Carousel, King Midas in Reverse, He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother, Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress, The Air That I Breathe, all their greatest hits and more! With superb quality audio transferred from the original analogue masters, this is the perfect Hollies collection on one definitive CD.
Re: The Hollies
Автор: papan   Дата: 25.02.07 02:37:40   
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Одна из любимейших песен Холлиз,всё отлично,и вокал,и игра.Очень стильная,слегка индийская гитара.
The Hollies - Gasoline Alley Bred

Re: The Hollies
Автор: papan   Дата: 25.02.07 12:35:48   
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Даже и не знал,что есть такой душещипательный клип.
The HOLLIES - The Air That I Breathe

Re: The Hollies
Автор: papan   Дата: 25.02.07 12:40:38   
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Hollies - Carrie Anne

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