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Новые бутлеги Битлз

Тема: Битлз - бутлеги

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Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: илюха   Дата: 23.11.07 20:00:04   
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Не знаю, как кому, а вот мне как раз демо From A Window особенно не нужно.
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 23.11.07 23:04:20   
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ребята, а чем эти файлы открывать ? sitx ???????????
на компе уж места не осталось из за всех этих декомпрессионных прог
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Felix   Дата: 24.11.07 00:18:28   
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Хорошо, сядит Мартин-младший за пульт намиксует еще штук пять Love, и миксов наделает еще на бутлегов 30Ю а где же сами битлы? Нет духа времени.
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.11.07 00:22:41   
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>Самое печальное заключается в том, что на бутлегах
>за последние лет десять ничего нового не вышло,

Последняя новинка - Sgt.Pepper Multitracks. Слышал?
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Felix   Дата: 24.11.07 00:49:50   
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нет, что входит?
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 24.11.07 01:03:43   
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Дайте пожалуйста ссылку на прогу чтобы эти архивы с пурпурным воробьем открыть
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Prof   Дата: 24.11.07 01:19:13   
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John Lennon & Friends - Let's Have A Party:John Lennon & Friends - Let's Have A Party:
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: илюха   Дата: 26.11.07 12:25:36   
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Архивы sitx открываются прогой StuffIt, там где-то ссылка была на том же блоге - прога ужасно бестолковая, работает по принципу "тихо завелся и тихо пошел, кто-та в буханке платочек нашел", в смысле нельзя отследить прогресс выполнения задачи - после того, как ей дана команда распаковать нужные архивы, лучше всего чем-то другим заняться, покак она незаметно для глаза делает свое дело.
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: K_A_O_S   Дата: 26.11.07 13:35:33   
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Илюха: спасибо, да вот попробовал, архиваторы - мазохисты, вот как это называется ))
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Prof   Дата: 29.11.07 07:01:15   
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Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Prof   Дата: 05.12.07 17:22:24   
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Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Prof   Дата: 12.12.07 02:16:04   
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Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Prof   Дата: 16.12.07 19:34:45   
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Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Prof   Дата: 20.02.08 02:47:51   
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Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Crystal Ship   Дата: 17.06.08 13:00:20   
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Подскажите, что это за бутлег, или это альбом -
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: илюха   Дата: 17.06.08 13:15:37   
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Выглядит как бутлежный сборник, что-то оттуда, что-то отсюда.
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.08.08 17:54:06   
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Complete Rooftop Concert 1969 (Misterclaudel mccd-85/86/87)Complete Rooftop Concert 1969 (Misterclaudel mccd-85/86/87)

Disc 1, Complete Rooftop Concert Apple Building, London, UK - January 30th, 1969: Stage Settings, Get Back #1 [DDSI.30.01], Get Back #2 [DDSI.30.02], I Want You [DDSI.30.03], Get Back #3 [DDSI.30.04], Don’t Let Me Down #1 [DDSI.30.05], I’ve Got A Feeling #1 [DDSI.30.06], One After 909 #1 [DDSI.30.07], One After 909 #2 [DDSI.30.08], Danny Boy [DDSI.30.09], Dig A Pony #1 [DDSI.30.10], Dig A Pony #2 [DDSI.30.11], God Save The Queen [DDSI.30.12 P], I’ve Got A Feeling #2 [DDSI.30.13], A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody [DDSI.30.14], Get Back #4 [DDSI.30.15], Don’t Let Me Down #2 [DDSI.30.16], Get Back #5 [DDSI.30.17]Rooftop Concert (Movie Film Soundtrack): Stage Settings, Get Back, Don’t Let Me Down, I’ve Got A Feeling, One After 909, Danny Boy, Dig A Pony, Get Back

Disc 2: 4 Cameras, 1 Is Wild Camera A, Roll 562 : Take 2 All Cameras Take 3 Get Back #2 [DDSI.30.02] Get Back #3 [DDSI.30.04] Don’t Let Me Down #1 [DDSI.30.05] I’ve Got A Feeling #1 [DDSI.30.06] One After 909 #1 [DDSI.30.07] One After 909 #2 [DDSI.30.08] Danny Boy [DDSI.30.09] Dig A Pony #2 [DDSI.30.11]

Camera A, Roll 563 I’ve Got A Feeling #2 [DDSI.30.13] A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody [DDSI.30.14] Get Back #4 [DDSI.30.15] Don’t Let Me Down #2 [DDSI.30.16] Get Back #5 [DDSI.30.17]

Camera B1, Roll 1146 Slate 1 Various Views, Get Back #1 Warm Up Jam [DDSI.30.01] Get Back #2 [DDSI.30.02] I Want You [DDSI.30.03] Get Back #3 [DDSI.30.04] Don’t Let Me Down #1 [DDSI.30.05] I’ve Got A Feeling #1 [DDSI.30.06]

Camera B1, Roll 1147 Various Interviews, One After 909 #2 [DDSI.30.08] Danny Boy [DDSI.30.09] Dig A Pony #1 [DDSI.30.10] Dig A Pony #2 [DDSI.30.11] God Save The Queen [DDSI.30.12] I’ve Got A Feeling #2 [DDSI.30.13] Don’t Let Me Down #2 [DDSI.30.16] Get Back #5 [DDSI.30.17][DISC THREE]
01. Camera B1, Roll 1148 Take 3
Announcement Only
02. Camera B1, Roll 1149 Beatles In Apple Studio Talking About And Listening To Rooftop Concert.
God Save The Queen [DDSI.30.12 P] I’ve Got A Feeling #2 [DDSI.30.13 P] A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody [DDSI.30.14 P] Get Back #4 [DDSI.30.15 P] Don’t Let Me Down #2 [DDSI.30.16 P] Get Back #5 [DDSI.30.17 P]
03. Camera B3, Roll Saville Row Street
People’s Reactions I’ve Got A Feeling #2 [DDSI.30.13] Don’t Let Me Down #2 [DDSI.30.16] Get Back #5 [DDSI.30.17]
04. Camera C Recordings At Apple Reception Desk
I’ve Got A Feeling #1 [DDSI.30.06] One After 909 #2 [DDSI.30.08] Danny Boy [DDSI.30.09] Dig A Pony #1 [DDSI.30.10] Dig A Pony #2 [DDSI.30.11]
05. Camera D, Roll 1 Take 3 Rooftop
Get Back #2 [DDSI.30.02] Get Back #3 [DDSI.30.04] Don’t Let Me Down #1 [DDSI.30.05] I’ve Got A Feeling #1 [DDSI.30.06] One After 909 #2 [DDSI.30.08] Danny Boy [DDSI.30.09] Dig A Pony #2 [DDSI.30.11]
06. Camera D, Roll 3 Rooftop
I’ve Got A Feeling #2 [DDSI.30.13] A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody [DDSI.30.14] Get Back #4 [DDSI.30.15] Get Back #5 [DDSI.30.17]

Disc one is the complete concert from the four rolls filmed for the movie, and discs two and three are copied from Yellow Dog’s release. There is nothing new here and it is basically a worthless rehash.
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.08.08 17:55:27   
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The Lost On-Line Master (Misterclaudel mccd-097)The Lost On-Line Master (Misterclaudel mccd-097)

Original On Line Tape Source Version
01. From Me To You 02. I Saw Her Standing There 03. All My Loving 04. Roll Over Beethoven 05. Boys 06. Till There Was You 07. She Loves You 08. This Boy 09. I Want To Hold Your Hand 10. Money 11. Twist And Shout 12. From Me To You (instrumental)

On Line Tape Source Fixed Version
13. From Me To You 14. I Saw Her Standing There 15. All My Loving 16. Roll Over Beethoven 17. Boys 18. Till There Was You 19. She Loves You 20. This Boy 21. I Want To Hold Your Hand 22. Money 23. Twist And Shout 24. From Me To You (instrumental) - The Third Man Theme

This is a release by Wanderlust of the “It’s The Beatles” broadcast. He released this before several months ago in similar quality. Not sure if it’s worth the money.
Re: Бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.08.08 17:56:27   
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Cold Cuts (Secret Garden SGCD-02/03/04/05)Cold Cuts (Secret Garden SGCD-02/03/04/05)

Disc 1, 1978 version: Mama’s Little Girl, I Would Only Smile, Tragedy, Night Out, Oriental Nightfish, Lunch Box / Odd Sox, My Carnival, Send Me The Hert, Hey Diddle, Wide Prarie, Tomorrow, Proud Mum, Proud Mum Reprise, Same Time Next Year, Did We Meet Somewhere Before? Bonus tracks: A Love For You (basic instrumental track), Hey Diddle (basic instrumental backing track), Best Friend (live in Antwerp, Beligum August 22nd, 1972 original soundboard, no overdub)

Disc 2, 1980 version: A Love For You, Mama’s Little Girl, Night Out, Hey Diddle, Best Friend, Tragedy, Waterspout, Same Time Next Year, Cage, My Carnival, Did We Meet Somewhere Before?, Robber’s Ball. Bonus tracks: Night Out (basic backing track), Lunch Box / Odd Sox (basic track with count-in)

Disc 3, mid-80’s version: A Love For You, My Carnival, Waterspout, Mama’s Little Girl, Night Out, Robber’s Ball, Cage, Did We Meet Somewhere Before?, Hey Diddle, Tragedy, Best Friend, Same Time Next Year. Bonus tracks: Waterspout (basic backing track with long ending), Cage (unused home instrumetnal demo)

Disc 4, extra version: A Love For You, Hey Diddle, Mama’s Little Girl, Best Friend, Best Friend, Tragedy, Tragedy, Wide Prarie, Night Out, Mardi Gras In New Orleans, Waterspout, Cage, Cage

Smile (Final Mix 2 - “Cold Cuts” 1978 Version Mix.) 03. Tragedy (Final Mix 1: 1978 Mix. ) 04. Night Out (Final Mix 1: 1978 Mix. ) 05. Oriental Nightfish (Final Mix: 1978 Mix.) 06. Lunch Box-Odd Sox (Final Mix: 1978 Mix.) 07. My Carnival (Final Mix 1: 1978 Mix.) 08. Send Me The Heart (Final Mix 1: 1978 Mix.) 09. Hey Diddle (Final Mix 2 - “Cold Cuts” 1978 Version Mix.) 10. Wide Prairie (Final Mix 1: 1973 Mix - recorded at Paris, November 1973.) 11. Tomorrow (Instrumentals - “Cold Cuts” 1978 Version.) 12. Proud Mum (Instrumentals - “Cold Cuts” 1978 Version.) 13. Proud Mum Reprise (Instrumentals - “Cold Cuts” 1978 Version. ) 14. Same Time Next Year (Final Mix 1: 1978 Mi) 15. Did We Meet Somewhere Before (Final Mix 3: 1978 Mix used for the movie “Rock’n Roll High School”.) 16. A Love For You (Basic instrumental backing track.) 17. Hey Diddle (Basic instrumental backing track.) 18. Best Friend (Live at Antwerp, Belgium, 22 August 1972, original soundboard tape, no overdub.)

Disc 2 1980 Version
01. A Love For You (Final Mix 2 with more backing vocal & guitar overdubs “Cold Cuts” 1980 Version Mix.) 02. Mama’s Little Girl (Final Mix 3 - “Cold Cuts” 1980 Version Mix.) 03. Night Out (Final Mix 2: 1980 Mix with different vocals.) 04. Hey Diddle (Final Mix 3 with percussion overdubs “Cold Cuts” 1980 Version Mix.) 05. Best Friend (Final Mix 3: 1980 Version Mix with lead guitar overdubs.) 06. Tragedy (Final Mix 2: 1980 Mix.) 07. Waterspout (Final Mix 1: 1980 Mix with final lead & backing vocal overdubs.) 08. Same Time Next Year (Final Mix 2: 1980 Mix.) 09. Cage (Final Mix 1: 1980 Mix.) 10. My Carnival (Final Mix 2: 1980 Mix.) 11. Did We Meet Somewhere Before (Final Mix 1: 1980 Mix (recorded circa 1978). 12. Robber’s Ball (McCartney II outtake recorded Summer 1979 - Final Mix 1: 1980 Mix with long intro.) 13. Night Out (Basic backing track - Recorded Circa 1974) 14. Lunch Box - Odd Sox (Basic track with count-in. Venus & Mars outtake)

Disc 3 Mid-80’s Version
01. A Love For You (Final Mix 3 with even more backing vocal & bass & organ “Cold Cuts” Mid-80’s Mix.) 02. My Carnival (Final Mix 3: Mid-80’s Mix, with additional lead vocal and piano overdubs.) 03. Waterspout (Final Mix 2: Mid-80’s with horn overdub.) 04. Mama’s Little Girl (Final Mix 4 with percussion & different clarinet overdubs - “Cold Cuts” Mid-80’s Mix.) 05. Night Out (Final Mix 3: Mid-80’s Mix.) 06. Robber’s Ball (Final Mix 2: Mid-80’s Mix with reverb and vocal effects.) 07. Cage (Final Mix 2: Mid-80’s Mix.) 08. Did We Meet Somewhere Before (Final Mix 2: Mid-80’s Mix.) 09. Hey Diddle (Final Mix 4 - “Cold Cuts” Mid-80’s Mix.) 10. Tragedy (Final Mix 3: Mid-80’s Mix with vocal-up mixing & harp overdubs.) 11. Best Friend (Final Mix 4: Mid-80’s Version Mix with more reverb on vocal.) 12. Same Time Next Year (Final Mix 3: Mid-80’s Mix.) 13. Waterspout (Basic backing track with long ending - London Town outtake) 14. Cage ( Back To The Egg outtake Home intrumental demo with unused)

Disc 4 Extra Version
01. A Love For You (Final Mix 1 with vocal & guitar overdubs.) 02. Hey Diddle (Final Mix 1 with country music instruments overdubs Nashville, Summer 1974.) 03. Mama’s Little Girl ( Red Rose Speedway Outtake - Original 1972 Mix) 04 Best Friend (Final Mix 1: original 1972 Mix with acoustic & rhythm guitar & percussion overdubs.) 05. Best Friend(Final Mix 2 : Alternate Mix.) 06. Tragedy (Red Rose Speedway Outtake - Basic Track Olympic & Abbey Road Studios, March-October 1972.) 07. Tragedy (1972 rough Mix with sitar overdub.) 08. Wide Prairie (Final Mix 2: Short remixed version from Oobu Joobu radio broadcast, 1995.) 09. Night Out (Rough Mix with original vocals.) 10. Mardi Gras In New Orleans (Cover version of Professor Longhair’s song, prototype for My Carnival.) 11. Waterspout (Rough Monitor Mix with extra percussion.) 12. Cage (Home demo with lead vocal.) 13. Cage (Back To The Egg original line up - Rough Mix)

Three different versions of the unreleased Cold Cuts album. The fourth disc is a hogpodge of the three. The sound quality on disc one is a bit rough, but the others are okay.
Re: Новые бутлеги Битлз
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.08.08 11:04:15   
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Here And There Live! (Audiofön AF-07)Here And There Live! (Audiofön AF-07)

Hall Of Fame Performance - March 15th, 1999: Blue Suede Shoes, What I’d Say, Let It Be.

Here There And Everywhere, A Concert For Linda - April 10th, 1999: Lonesome Town, All My Love.

Live In Hollywood, PETA Gala - September 18th, 1999: Honey Hush, Brown Eyed Handsome Man (false start), Brown Eyed Handsome Man, Run Devil Run, Try Not To Cry, No Other Baby.

Jools Holland - November 6th, 1999: Honey Hush, No Other Baby, Brown Eyed Handsome Man, Party.

National Lottery Show - November 13th, 1999: Brown Eyed Handsome Man (with Lulu), No Other Baby, Party (with Lulu).

Michael Parkinson Show - December 3rd, 1999: Introduction, Honey Hush, Twenty Flight Rock, May’s Song (Picasso’s Whistle), Yesterday, The Long And Winding Road, Hope To Reach Your Love, New York Song, Suicide, All Shook Up.

Here And There Live! is a one disc collection of various Paul McCartney appearances in 1999. After the death of his wife Linda on April 17th, 1998, McCartney disappeared from the public eye and live appearance for almost a year and this disc is a nice document of his first tentative steps to returning to public life. Also at this time McCartney was working on Run Devil Run, which was recorded between March 1st to May 5th at Abbey Road Studios for its October release. Much of the material performed reflects these sessions and serve as promotion for this new album. All of the sets on Audiofön are sourced from professional recordings and are in generally excellent sound quality.

The first part of the disc is devoted to the 14th Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony on March 15th, 1999 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. McCartney was voted in with the Beatles in 1988 but the second time was as a solo artist and came in along with Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Dusty Springfield, Curtis Mayfield, Del Shannon and the Staple Singers. I Got Stung (Yellow Cat YC066) has “Blue Suede Shoes” and “Let It Be” but Always Back To You on the CDR label No Label Records (NLR 9911) has all three songs. The final jam session turned into “a generation-crossing jubilee” according to the New York Times. McCartney introduces “Blue Suede Shoes” by saying, “This is a song by a beautiful man, Carl Perkins….Everybody does it different, but Carl does it this way.” Robbie Robertson takes the first solo and Eric Clapton takes the second. Billy Joel revves up Ray Charles’s ”What’d I Say.” The Curtis Mayfield song “People Get Ready” with Bono taking the lead came next, but is omitted on this collection. The final song is “Let It Be” with Joel singing the first verse. It’s a ragged version but fun to hear all the different contributions.

The Concert For Linda was held on April 10th, 1999 almost a complete year after her death. The evening was organised by Linda’s friends Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders, director Kevin Godley and scriptwriter Carla Lane to “reflect something of Linda’s personality and her upbeat sense of humour.” The tribute show was held at the Royal Albert Hall and contains performances by George Michael, The Pretenders, Elvis Costello and Tom Jones Sinead O’Connor, Des’ree and M People vocalist Heather Small also appeared, along with Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr, Neil Finn, Marianne Faithfull and Ladysmith Black Mambazo. Paul’s appearance wasn’t originally planned but he said fans’ expressions of support had convinced him to attend. Paul’s contribution is short, only two numbers. The first is the Ricky Nelson cover “Lonesome Town,” which he introduces as a favorite of Linda’s.

The Peta Gala was filmed at Paramount Studios in LA on September 18th with Paul himself acting as the host. He plays six songs from the new album although only five are present on this release including a restart for “Brown Eyed Handsome Man,” which is initially stopped because they weren’t tight enough. “Hang on hang on hang on…We’re gonna start that again because it wasn’t awfully good. A little discrepancy there and we’re not having that lads. We came all the way bloody way from England with discrepancies.” McCartney closes the show with a rousing performance of the album’s greatest rocker, the title track, “Run Devil Run,” with David Gilmour playing lap slide guitar.

On November 6th Paul McCartney played four songs from ‘Run Devil Run’ on the ‘Later With Jools Holland’ Show. Making his first live appearance on British TV for six years Paul played Honey Hush, No Other Baby, Brown Eyed Handsome Man and Party. Paul’s band was the same as on the album but was augmented by Jools Holland on piano for Party. Paul also gave a brief interview with Jools which isn’t included ont his release. A week later Paul made another TV appearance on Saturday 13th on the National Lottery Show, presented by Lulu. The final portion of the disc is occupied with his appearance with Michael Parkinson, perhaps Britain’s best interviewer. Only the musical parts are included and not the whole broadcast.
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