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Джордж Мартин

Тема: George Martin (Джордж Мартин)

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Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Wandering_Jenny   Дата: 05.01.06 21:14:48   
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Оу, уже 80!! Ну поздравляем его!))
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: sweet_lord   Дата: 05.01.06 23:03:33   
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А у него есть личный сайт?- может как то через него поздравить
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: sweet_lord   Дата: 05.01.06 23:36:50   
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Спасибо, Кот, теперь нужно коллективное поздравление, желательно конечно официальное.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Juls Maksi   Дата: 06.01.06 00:30:54   
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Oh, my God... I can't bielive this...
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Majic   Дата: 06.01.06 00:33:38   
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С Днем же его, Великого Человека! Спасибо ему за все.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: BlueBerd   Дата: 06.01.06 01:51:58   
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хорошая идея! :)
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: McCashka   Дата: 07.01.06 22:23:23   
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Именинник с Полом:)))Именинник с Полом:)))
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 11.01.08 12:44:27   
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George Henry Martin 3 января 2008 отметил свое 82-летие.George Henry Martin 3 января 2008 отметил свое 82-летие.
С Днем рождения!

Спасибо за все...
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Leon A.   Дата: 11.01.08 14:42:10   
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Ох, как-то за новогодним угаром и не вспомнили про день рождения такого человека! Нехорошо.
А все потому, что он на форуме не зарегистрирован.

С Днем Рождения, Сэр Джордж Мартин!
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Minin&Pojarskyi   Дата: 11.01.08 18:49:52   
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2Holy Roller:

>George Henry Martin - действительно СЭР!
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Вася битломан   Дата: 11.01.08 18:55:36   
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И мои поздравления Джорджу Мартину.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:21:43   
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In Pictures: How To Become A Millionaire Like The BeatlesIn Pictures: How To Become A Millionaire Like The Beatles

Beatles producer Sir George Martin's life can inspire and empower anyone from the receptionist to the CEO. His natural gifts for music sought education, training and experience. His wisdom, hard work, values and integrity guided him. He strove for excellence in all he did. Setbacks, bad decisions and problems were no match for his innovative mind, natural curiosity and love of a challenge. Combining all of that with his ambition, vision, dreams and goals proves the adage "Luck is when opportunity meets preparation." Here are 10 tips he used and taught the four lads from Liverpool.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:22:54   
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Lesson No. 1Lesson No. 1
List goals, dreams, talents and what you love, and then go for them.

Blessed with perfect pitch, Martin started a band, "George Martin and the Four Tune Tellers," to pay for piano lessons from Mr. Urquhart. Martin finally realized he had talent, fantasizing how he could have been the next Rachmaninoff with the proper musical education, and he thought about writing and orchestrating film scores. "Little did I realize what bloody hard work it really is," he says. But he eventually did just that with the films Help!, A Hard Day's Night, Yellow Submarine, Live and Let Die, and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:23:39   
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Lesson No. 2Lesson No. 2
Seek mentors, training, education to enhance natural talents.

After serving in World War II in the British Navy, Martin (shown at right, with Beatles manager Brian Epstein) met Sidney Harrison, a professor at London's Guildhall School of Music, who recognized his talent and taught him to read and write music, encouraging his aspirations to be a composer, musician, orchestrator and arranger. He then sorted scores for BBC's Music Library. Oscar Preuss, legendary head of EMI's Parlophone, asked colleague Victor Carne to find him an assistant. Carne asked Harrison, who recommended Martin. Destiny beckoned.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:24:37   
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Lesson No. 3 Lesson No. 3
Establish a reputation as a dependable pro.

Despite long hours, little pay and Preuss's legendary toughness, Martin became a dependable, reputable, no-nonsense producer of quirky comedy albums for Peter Ustinov and groups like the Goons (shown at left), along with Peter Sellers and Spike Milligan, Flanders and Swann, and Beyond the Fringe, a comedy troupe starring Alan Bennett, Peter Cook, Dudley Moore and Jonathan Miller, who all became famous writers, directors, producers and/or actors. Preuss gave Martin leeway because his comedy records were so lucrative for EMI. Retiring in 1955, Preuss handed the reins of Parlophone to Martin, 29, the youngest head of a label in England in the pre-rock era.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:25:15   
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Lesson No. 4Lesson No. 4
The powerful combination of desperation, ambition, ethics, integrity.

Martin faced humiliation and loss of huge revenues for selecting the Vipers over their lead singer, Tommy Steele, who became England's first huge rock star. Meanwhile, an ambitious manager, Brian Epstein, had received rejections from Decca, Pye, Phillips, Capitol and EMI for his Liverpool band. Epstein contacted Martin to hear the Beatles' demo, Epstein's chance for a record deal. Martin, needing to restore his stellar reputation, was hungry for a hot commodity and loved a challenge. But neither knew just how desperate the other was. The date? April 1962.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:25:57   
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Lesson No. 5Lesson No. 5
See possibilities where others don't.

"The thought of anything coming out of the provinces was extraordinary at that time," recalls Martin. "The recording, to put it kindly, was by no means a knock-out, but I sensed an unusual quality of sound, a certain roughness that I hadn't encountered before. Also that more than one person was a singer, which at the time was different. I wasn't knocked out, didn't do handstands or say 'That's the greatest group ever.' There was something tangible that made me want to hear more, meet them and see what they could do. ... I simply thought it was worth a shot.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:26:43   
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Lesson No. 6Lesson No. 6
Notice trends, observe crowds, do research, trust your gut.

The music didn't impress Martin as much as the Beatles' energy, wit, charm and humor did. "It was love at first sight ... we hit it off straight away. … The most impressive thing was their engaging personalities. They were just great people to be with … and if they had this effect on me after a short audition, they would have a similar affect on an audience." It was a billion-dollar bet. Martin and wife Judy drove to Liverpool's Cavern Club to see them live. It was "electric," he says. The place was packed with screaming teenagers who loved them. Martin knew he had struck gold.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:27:30   
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Lesson No. 7Lesson No. 7
Think "brand" and marketing. Keep it simple.

Curious George was impressed and wondered: Who was the leader? Would the band be called Paul and the Beatles or John and the Beatles? Charmed by their enthusiasm, witty repartee, talent and intelligence, he realized it was a group, and it had to stay that way, with no single "leader." It was the Beatles, a takeoff from Buddy Holly and the Crickets, with a linguistic twist: Beetles to Beatles, for the music reference. Their unique hair styles, sound and suits completed the picture. The brand was set.
Re: Джорджу Мартину — 80
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.08 14:28:14   
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Lesson No. 8Lesson No. 8
Correct what's wrong and move on.

Martin felt drummer Pete Best (second from left) was weak and booked Andy White, a competent drummer he knew, for the Beatles' first scheduled recording session. The boys had found Richard Starkey, or Ringo Starr, but Martin didn't know his playing. They recorded "P.S. I Love You," and finally Martin let Starr drum on one of their two takes of "Love Me Do," realizing that Starr was, "a good, solid rock drummer with a super-steady beat" with "an individual sound." Ringo stayed. Sept. 11, 1962, launched the band's sensational recording career.
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