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"Let It Be....Naked", выход 17-ого ноября 2003-его года!!!

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Вот это да!!!
"Let It Be....Naked", выход 17-ого ноября 2003-его года!!!
Автор: Still Beatle   Дата: 06.11.03 12:23:26
17-ого ноября этого года выходит новый альбом The Beatles "Let It Be....Naked":)))) Будем ооочень ждать!!!

P.S. Даже после распада группы они способны выпускать альбомы!!! И я этому искренне рад!!!
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: "Let It Be....Naked", выход 17-ого ноября 2003-его года!!!
Автор: Still Beatle   Дата: 06.11.03 12:33:10   
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Единственную инфу, которую я нашёл, была на
Там далее можно кликнуть на альбом Let It Be....Naked, и та инфа, которую я привел ниже, будет высвечена:))))))))))))))))))))

After a wait of more than 30 years, Let It Be will be heard as it was meant to be.

October 28th will be the day of the first UK radio play of the song "Let It Be", from the forthcoming album "Let It Be...Naked". BBC Radio 2, the most listened-to radio station in the country, will be broadcasting the track tomorrow morning from 8.10 AM on the Terry Wogan show. 27 Oct 2003

To hear clips from "Fly On The Wall", the disc that accompanies the new album, register on, and we will send you a link. You can send it on to a friend by entering their email address at the end of the clip. We will send you more clips as they become available.... 27 Oct 2003



At last revealed - The Beatles album that has taken more than 30 years to finish, Let It Be...Naked, just the bare sound of the band inside The Beatles.

Let It Be...Naked is the no frills, back-to-basics album that The Beatles first set out to make back in 1969 - but which was never released as they intended, the band back to the bone.

Now, through the smart digital technology of Abbey Road studios, the never-heard band's take of the original sessions will be finally released worldwide by EMI Records in November.

Naked is Let It Be brought right up to now for the '1 Generation', de-mixed and re-mixed, un-dubbed of orchestration, choirs and effects and stripped-back to the raw to reveal The Beatles simply as what they were very best at being - just a great band.

"If we'd have had today's technology back then, it would sound like this because this is the noise we made in the studio", said Paul McCartney "It's all exactly as it was in the room. You're right there now".

"When I first heard it, it was really uplifting. It took you back again to the times when we were this band, the Beatle band", said Ringo Starr.

When The Beatles first set out to make the album in 1969, they intended to record an album that would be a return to live performance of just the bare necessities of the band, no studio effects or overdubbing of voices or instruments would be allowed. However, caught in the turmoil of the break-up of the band, the album was re-produced by Phil Spector and never released as The Beatles had originally meant it to sound. Until now.

Let It Be...Naked's track listing differs from the 1970 release; background dialogue, 'Dig It' and 'Maggie Mae' have been taken off the album and 'Don't Let Me Down' has been added to the running order, which now is as follows: Get Back, Dig A Pony, For You Blue, The Long And Winding Road, Two Of Us, I've Got A Feeling, One After 909, Don't Let Me Down, I Me Mine, Across The Universe, Let It Be.

Let It Be...Naked will be issued together with a bonus fly-on-the-wall disc that features extracts from tapes of The Beatles at the time of first making the Let It Be album and movie in the Sixties.

The 20-minute bonus disc is a unique insight into The Beatles at work in rehearsal and in the studios in January 1969.

Let It Be...Naked will also come with a booklet that features historic photography of the recording sessions and extracts of band dialogue from the original booklet that first accompanied early copies of the 1970 album.

Released worldwide from November 17th, Let It Be...Naked is the sound of The Beatles as nature intended; raw and rocking.

"The music always surpassed any bullshit we were going through; once the count-in happened we turned back into those brothers and musicians."

"It's just us playing, in our best voices, it's very honest".

"For all our success The Beatles were always a great little band. When we sat down to play, we played good".

"In spite of all things, The Beatles could really play music together"
Re: "Let It Be....Naked", выход 17-ого ноября 2003-его года!!!
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 06.11.03 12:47:00   
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