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Автор: jjvvll   Дата: 13.03.04 16:41:24   
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to shandi!
Да, я в курсе, но неужели Полу, Джину не захотелось за время после pcyho circus записать что-то новое. Пол говорил что они не смогут достигнуть ничего больше того что они достигли, но carnival of soul и психо цирк гораздо лучше , чем некоторые альбомы 80-х.
Автор: jjvvll   Дата: 13.03.04 16:43:21   
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Автор: shandi   Дата: 28.03.04 09:36:52   
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Автор: shandi   Дата: 28.03.04 09:38:04   
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новый клуб Релакс нахожится в бывшем здании Норд-оста...
Валяюсь от смеха  
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.03.04 09:40:36   
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"Релакс" - это такой черный юмор?
Автор: shandi   Дата: 28.03.04 12:38:42   
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вернее в подвале этого здания..... это не юмор- просто в жилых домах под рок-клуб место не дают... кстати весь клуб-это сплошной лабиринт и там страшная духота,..
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.04.04 21:44:22   
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Gene Simmons Is an AssholeGene Simmons Is an "Asshole"

Kiss man plans to party around star-studded album

Kiss bassist Gene Simmons plans to hold "asshole parties" to promote his first solo album in twenty-six years. The disc, appropriately titled Asshole, includes contributions from Bob Dylan, Dave Navarro and the late Frank Zappa, and will be released May 18th.

During off-nights on the upcoming Kiss tour, Simmons, who claims to be "the world's biggest asshole," will take over a club, where only true assholes will be admitted. "No fakers allowed," says the fifty-four-year-old rocker. "And, of course, once you come in, you'll be given a certificate which will certify that you're a real asshole."

Simmons' winning personality didn't stop rock's most celebrated songwriter from working with him. The fruit of his and Dylan's collaboration is "Waiting for the Morning Light," a song Simmons had begun nine years earlier. "I called Bob Dylan cold one day," Simmons says. "I said, 'Hi Bob, it's Gene Simmons. Do you want to write a song together? And I was surprised to hear, 'Yeah, sure, come on.' So we got together at my house, and in one afternoon we came up with some chords that Bob put together and I sang a melody against it, and bingo: 'Waiting for the Morning Light.'"

Another years-in-the-making track is "Black Tongue," a song begun by Frank Zappa. "When Frank was alive, he invited me over to his home and I sat around with his family, and he was very gracious," Simmons recalls. "After he passed away, I asked his wife whether or not he had any unfinished songs, and [Zappa's son] Dweezil brought over a thirty-second tidbit of a piece originally called 'Black Tongue.'" Simmons then layered guitars, drums and vocals over it, and kept the title. He also invited the entire Zappa family -- wife Gail, Dweezil, daughter Moon, and son Ahmet -- to join him on background vocals, with Dweezil adding more guitar to his father's original part.

Asshole also features Simmons' own family. Shannon Tweed, his live-in girlfriend of twenty years, and her mother Louise sing on "Whatever Turns You On"; Simmons' fifteen-year-old son Nick sings on "Carnival of Souls"; and his eleven-year-old daughter Sophie sings on "Now That You're Gone."

The album's single is a cover of Prodigy's "Firestarter," featuring Jane's Addiction guitarist Navarro.

Simmons, who begins touring the U.S. with Kiss June 10th in San Antonio, has no plans to hit the road behind Asshole . . . yet. "If somebody stands up with a large enough check," he says, "I'll go out."

The Asshole track listing:

Carnival of Souls
If I Had a Gun
Waiting for the Morning Light
Whatever Turns You On
Sweet and Dirty Love
Now That You're Gone
Black Tongue
I Dream a Thousand Dreams
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.04.04 22:00:02   
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Kiss Summer Tour: No Ace, No Peter — But The Opening Act Is Poison

Poison's Bret Michaels says opening for Kiss is 'a complete honor.'

Sirens will blare, fake blood will mingle with greasepaint and flames will lick the sky again — yep, Kiss are coming back for yet another summer tour of North America.

The last time they trekked across this continent, Kiss were opening for Aerosmith. This go-round, they'll drag along '80s glam-metal band Poison, which ensures Kiss headlining status.

"Throughout our entire career, we have been headlining, but I look at the opportunity to go on the road with Kiss as a complete honor," said Poison singer Bret Michaels. "Poison's set will be nothing but hits — a balls-to-the-wall, all-thriller-no-filler stage show."

The tour will launch June 6 in Selma, Texas, and will wrap up on August 4 in Atlanta.

Kiss will perform on a new stage set and will play many rarely performed songs along with tried-and-true hits like "Rock and Roll All Nite," "Detroit Rock City" and "God of Thunder." The tour is being sponsored by VH1 Classic and is called Rock the Nation.

When they opened for Aerosmith last summer, Kiss played without original guitarist Ace Frehley, who was replaced by longtime songwriting contributor Tommy Thayer. This time, they'll also be without founding drummer Peter Criss, whose contract with the band was not renewed. In an interview with Kiss merchandise designer Christopher Franchi for Kiss Kollector magazine, Simmons blamed Criss' absence on a bad attitude. "During the entire Aerosmith/ Kiss tour, Peter kept saying to the band while we were putting on makeup, and I quote, 'I've had enough of this sh--. I've got enough money, I have a great house and a great wife. I don't want to do this anymore.' "

Simmons added that the road was taking a physical toll on the then 55-year-old drummer, who admitted to his bandmates that his energy level was "very low." "He would sleep until one or two in the afternoon on days off," Simmons said. "And he had to put his elbow into ice water to relieve aches and pains."

Criss will be replaced by Eric Singer, who served as Kiss' drummer during the early '90s until the original lineup reformed in 1996.

In a post earlier this month on his Web site, Criss defended himself by writing, "I sang and drummed my heart out on the Aerosmith tour. The real fans know that. End of story. And I also missed Ace on the tour."

The drummer also said that he's now recognizing the advantages of not being on tour. "I have never been so happy in my whole life," he wrote. "I can finally be free to be an artist again. I am in excellent health, wealthy and working on being wiser. The original band is over. And as a founding member I am not shocked at Gene and Paul turning a legendary band into a cover act for just plain profit. How very sad."

Kiss will begin a tour of Australia and Japan on May 8 in Perth, Australia; the last date is June 3 in Kanazawa, Japan. While Kiss continue to play shows, Criss will write new material for an upcoming album that may also feature older songs from his archives.
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 27.04.04 21:48:43   
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Сегодня 27 апреля. В Бронксе, в Нью-Йорке в 1951 году родился гитарист "Kiss", Эйс Пол Фрехли.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.05.04 13:53:21   
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KISS bassist offends Muslims

KISS bass player Gene Simmons has caused an uproar among Australia's Muslim community by launching an attack on Islamic culture while in Melbourne.

The lizard-tongued rock god who is touring Australia with the world's most enduring glam rock band launched an attack on Muslim extremists during an interview on Melbourne's 3AW radio.

"Extremism believes that it's okay to strap bombs on to your children and send them to paradise and whatever else and to behead people," he said yesterday.

The Israeli-born US musician went on to say Islam was a "vile culture" that treated women worse than dogs.

Muslim women had to walk behind their men and were not allowed to be educated or own houses, he said.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.05.04 21:42:13   
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Изгнанный Питер Крисс назвал Эрика Сингера и Томми Тейера самозванцами
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.04 14:08:36   
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   GENE SIMMONS: Release Date Set For 'Speaking In Tongues' DVD - July 17, 2004  GENE SIMMONS: Release Date Set For 'Speaking In Tongues' DVD - July 17, 2004

Simmons Audio Visual/Sanctuary Records Group has set an August 10 release date for the Gene Simmons DVD and CD, "Speaking In Tongues".

"Speaking In Tongues" (view cover here) chronicles Gene Simmons' first-ever, no-holds-barred "lecture tour" of Australia, shocking and tantalizing his audiences by speaking his mind on his favorite topics — money, success, fame, KISS and, of course — women! Other highlights from "Speaking In Tongues" include a fascinating in-depth look at one of rock 'n' roll's most legendary icon's private life, including his home, his family and his various business dealings. Additionally, the DVD and CD includes for the first time anywhere, over ten unheard and never-before-released Gene Simmons songs from the Seventies through the Nineties.

"Speaking In Tongues" is an intimate and revealing portrayal of Simmons' personal philosophies of life. Simmons (arguably the most opinionated man in music) states, "I decide things for myself, convention in society says I'm supposed to get married, I'm supposed to do this…I refuse. I'm a contradiction to all this stuff…I'm willing to bear all the criticism and I'm willing to take all the rewards. All the blame, but all the credit."
Автор: Alice Cooper   Дата: 18.07.04 15:59:10   
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Сингер и есть самозванец. Раньше я уважал этого человека, но тот факт, что он БРОСИЛ группу Alice Cooper перед началом гастрольного тура и записью альбома, вызывает у меня лишь отвращение. Типичное проявление звездной болезни :(
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.04 16:15:01   
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Однако Пол Стэнли говорит, что Фрили и Криссу в гуппе больше не место.

Q: Are Peter and Ace done for good?

A: Yeah. No question. I wish both of them the best, but they don't belong in the band. You can't have members coming and going and we don't know what to expect and the fans don't know what to expect. It's unacceptable at some point. It's just better for everybody. I hope they pursue what makes them happy. Meanwhile, the band continues because it should. The team and the army is about making sure the athlete or the soldiers believe in the cause. That's what makes for a victory. When people no longer share the same drive or focus, it's neither fair to the band or the fans.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.07.04 13:07:51   
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Kiss Alive V

Kiss played in Washington DC on Saturday night (July 24) and announced that the show was being recorded for a live DVD.

Kiss Live In Washington will be their first live recording since the show with the Melbourne Symphony in 2003. The Melbourne show was released as Kiss Alive IV.

The setlist for the show was pretty much as they have been playing in recent months.

Based on Saturday night's show, the expected tracklisting is:

1. Love Gun
2. Deuce
3. Makin' Love
4. Lick It Up
5. All The Way
6. Got To Choose
7. I Love It Loud
8. Love Her All I Can
9. I Want You
10. Parasite
11. Psycho Circus
12. War Machine
13. 100,000 Years
14. Unholy
15. Shout It Out Loud
16. I Was Made For Lovin' You
17. Detroit Rock City
18. God Gave Rock N Roll To You
19. Rock N Roll All Night
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.08.04 19:01:02   
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Kiss Announces Plans for Concert DVD

MEXICO CITY - Kiss announced it will tape a concert in Mexico this month for distribution on DVD.

In a conference call Tuesday from Palm Beach, Fla., singer Paul Stanley said the band would tape its Aug. 17 show in Mexico City. Tickets for the concert at the Palacio de los Deportes sold out quickly.

Stanley didn't indicate when the DVD would go on sale, but said it would be distributed internationally.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.08.04 07:29:31   
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KISS: 40-Track Anthology To Include 'Exposed' DVD - Aug. 30, 2004

KISS will be issuing a brand-new 40-track two-CD anthology, entitled "Gold Sound+Vision", on October 5 through Universal. In addition to the discs listed below, the release will also include the DVD "KISS Exposed" — the behind-the-scenes look at "the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band," featuring 15 selections spanning 1975 through 1986.

"Gold Sound+Vision" track listing:

Disc One:

01. Strutter
02. Nothin’ To Lose
03. Firehouse
04. Deuce
05. Black Diamond
06. Got To Choose
07. Parasite
08. Hotter Than Hell
09. C'mon And Love Me
10. She
11. Anything For My Baby
12. Rock Bottom Live
13. Cold Gin Live
14. Rock And Roll All Nite (live)
15. Let Me Go, Rock ‘N Roll (live)
16. Detroit Rock City
17. King Of The Night Time World
18. Shout It Out Loud
19. Beth
20. Do You Love Me?

Disc Two:

01. I Want You
02. Calling Dr. Love
03. Hard Luck Woman
04. I Stole Your Love
05. Love Gun
06. Christine Sixteen
07. Shock Me
08. Makin' Love Live
09. God Of Thunder Live
10. Tonight You Belong To Me
11. New York Groove
12. Radioactive
13. Don’t You Let Me Down
14. I Was Made For Loving You
15. Sure Know Something
16. Shandi
17. Talk To Me
18. A World Without Heroes
19. Nowhere To Run
20. I’m A Legend Tonight

More information is available at

Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.01.05 12:35:06   
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Здесь можно почитать дело, которое ФБР шило на Киссов.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.06.05 20:33:52   
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Российский фэн-сайт взял небольшое интервью у бывшей жены Питера Крисса Лидии по случаю выхода ее книги. Английский там... Ну да ладно.Российский фэн-сайт взял небольшое интервью у бывшей жены Питера Крисса Лидии по случаю выхода ее книги. Английский там... Ну да ладно.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.08.05 18:40:52   
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Kiss' Paul Stanley will attend the opening of an exhibit featuring his original paintings Aug. 24 in Wailea, Hawaii. The singer-guitarist expects to display his art at other U.S. galleries in the coming months. In other news, Kiss' forthcoming Rock the Nation Live! DVD, originally announced as a two-disc package, now is set to be issued as a four-DVD collection. A release date has not been finalized for the long-awaited video package.Kiss' Paul Stanley will attend the opening of an exhibit featuring his original paintings Aug. 24 in Wailea, Hawaii. The singer-guitarist expects to display his art at other U.S. galleries in the coming months. In other news, Kiss' forthcoming Rock the Nation Live! DVD, originally announced as a two-disc package, now is set to be issued as a four-DVD collection. A release date has not been finalized for the long-awaited video package.

художества Пола Стэнли

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