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Sean Lennon?!!

Тема: Sean Lennon (Шон Леннон)

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Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.04.06 10:28:59   
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Новые аудио клипыНовые аудио клипы
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 01.05.06 14:48:35   
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Lyrics Re-Written by Sean Ono Lennon Lyrics Re-Written by Sean Ono Lennon
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 01.05.06 14:50:54   
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Sean Lennon?!!Еще
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 01.05.06 14:53:46   
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Еще сингл... Еще сингл...
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.07.06 11:39:08   
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Sean Lennon readies first album in eight years
Tue Jul 11

NEW YORK (Billboard) - Eight years after his solo debut, Sean Lennon will return September 26 with the Capitol album "Friendly Fire," which features contributions from Jon Brion, session drummer Matt Chamberlain, Cibo Matto's Yuka Honda, Paul Simon's son Harper and actress Bijou Phillips.

Lennon describes "Friendly Fire" as "an experiment to see what it might be like to do music more publicly again" after limiting his recent recorded output to collaborations with artists such as Handsome Boy Modeling School, Money Mark, Ben Lee and Ryan Adams.

The 10-track "Friendly Fire," which includes a cover of Marc Bolan's "Would I Be the One," is the follow-up to 1998's "Into the Sun." That album, issued by the Beastie Boys' now-defunct Grand Royal label, debuted at No. 4 on Billboard's Heatseekers chart.

In conjunction with the new album, Lennon and director Michelle Civetta have created short films for each song. They feature appearances by Phillips, Lindsay Lohan, Carrie Fisher, Asia Argento and Jordana Brewster, among others. A trail is available from Lennon's Web site (

Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.07.06 11:40:55   
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Lennon Surrenders to "Friendly Fire"

Eight years after Into the Sun, Sean Lennon is not heading into the sunset.

Instead, the son of Beatles legend John Lennon has announced that his second solo album, Friendly Fire, is due out Sept. 26 on Capitol Records.

"There was a long period after the first album [which was released in 1998] where I felt disillusioned with the machinery of the industry," Lennon said in a statement. "It's not that I stopped recording, playing and performing. I did all of those things, just more discreetly."

The 30-year-old musician kept busy collaborating on projects with Ben Lee, Thurston Moore, Ryan Adams and his mother, Yoko Ono, among others, and released an EP compilation of outtakes and remixes from Into the Sun called Half Horse, Half Musician.

"Friendly Fire is an experiment to see what it might be like to do music more publicly again," Lennon said.

And more public it will be, considering which friends were on board to give him a hand.

Lennon has made a companion short film about love and its limitations to accompany each of Friendly Fire's 10 tracks, featuring appearances from pals like Lindsay Lohan, Bijou Philips, Asia Argento, Carrie Fisher, Devon Aoki and Jordana Brewster.

Pretty attractive ladies, you might say.

Lennon plays various characters, as well, including a valiant swordsman and a skate-rental shop employee. A trailer is available for viewing on the singer's website.

"Music is invisible," Lennon said. "I spend a lot of time in the studio with my eyes closed. This, thankfully, was not the case with the film."

Also contributing to the eyes-wide-shut experience are Philips, Jon Brion, session drummer Matt Chamberlain, Cibo Matto's Yuka Honda and Paul Simon's son, Harper.

Speaking of musical and visual combinations, Lennon accompanied his mother on June 30 to the Las Vegas premiere of Love, the new Cirque du Soleil show inspired by the Beatles' vast catalog. Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison's widow, Olivia, also attended the opening.

McCartney gave the appreciative audience--which included Virginia Madsen, Billy Crystal, Lauren Hutton, Helen Mirren, Megan Mullally, Gina Gershon, Steven Van Zandt, Scott Weiland, Roberto Cavalli, Brian Wilson, Kevin Nealon, Jason Patric, Michael Richards, Deborah Harry and Wayne Brady--another thrill (in addition to the high-flying theatrics) when he jumped onstage with Ono, Olivia and Starr and shouted, "John and George, this is for you!"

Since Love was in the air, Ono was in agreement. "The only thing I regret is that John is not here," she said. "He would have loved this.";_ylt=Ati5p5zGdtbOhRw.M8nxFNCVEhkF...
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Тривими   Дата: 12.07.06 16:04:46   
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2Primal Scream:

>NEW YORK (Billboard) - Eight years after his solo debut, Sean Lennon will return September 26 with the Capitol >album "Friendly Fire"

Порадовали!!! Надеюсь через систему заказов магазина Пурпурный легион будет нетрудно заполучить этот Дружеский огонь с кавером на Болана. Хороршо, что Yuka Honda и на этом диске "в команде". Именно она напридумывала сэмплов для дебютного Into The Sun. А вот гдеб достать и послушать, в предверии нового релиза, упоминаемый в тексте Half Horse, Half Musician? Или хотя бы те треки с него, которые не пересекаются с Into The Sun. Может кто-нибудь может выложить МР3 или знает ссылки?
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.07.06 19:07:59   
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"Friendly Fire", the sophomore solo album from Sean Lennon, will be released by Capitol Records on September 26th.

Following Into the Sun, Lennon's acclaimed 1998 solo debut, Friendly Fire is a cinematic suite of songs which share the same dizzying wealth of musical styles as its predecessor, but eschews some of its freeform tendencies for more traditional song structure and some unifying themes.

The years between albums found Lennon collaborating with everyone from his mother, Yoko Ono, to Money Mark, Deltron 3030, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Vincent Gallo, Thurston Moore, John Zorn, Ryan Adams, The Boredoms, and Ben Lee, to name a few. But they also provided him with the opportunity to let Friendly Fire evolve naturally, at its own pace, and to limit participation to talented friends, of which he's blessed with many.

"There was a long period after the first album where I felt disillusioned with the machinery of the industry," says Lennon. "It's not that I stopped recording, playing and performing, I did all of those things, just more discreetly. Friendly Fire is an experiment to see what it might be like to do music more publicly again."

Produced by Lennon, the Friendly Fire sessions really got underway when he asked producer/engineer Tom Biller (among other things Jon Brion's trusted mixer for his recordings with Fiona Apple and Kanye West, as well as the scores for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and I (Heart) Huckabees) and drummer Matt Chamberlain (Pearl Jam, Tori Amos) into the studio for two weeks of collaboration.

Where Lennon played most all instruments on his debut, the Friendly Fire sessions found him still writing most of the parts, but conjuring a shape-shifting "band" to record live to tape, mostly in single takes. Other participants included Jon Brion (organ, guitar, additional drums), Cibo Matto's Yuka Honda (piano, keyboards, bass), Harper Simon (guitar) and Bijou Phillips (background vocals), among others.

A childlike piano prelude introduces sweeping album opener "Dead Meat," the sweetest, most lush-sounding song to ever warn "In the end you're gonna learn/All you get is what you deserve." Similarly, the dark romanticism of the gentle, melodic "Parachute" intones "If I have to die tonight/I'd rather be with you."

The smoky, endearingly spooky "Tomorrow" is a cursed lovers' ballad picked up via deep-space transistor radio. Driven by handclaps and acoustic strumming, "Headlights" is most propelled by its gracefully-unfolding vocal harmonies. And a near-unrecognizable psychedelic reworking of Marc Bolan obscurity "Would I Be the One" floats and disperses before the album's final track, and perhaps its most literal, the forlorn and orchestral "Falling Out of Love."

Lennon has also produced a short film for each of the album''s tracks, directed by Michele Civetta. The fantastical shorts, which together comprise a conceptual film about betrayal and the failure of love, feature appearances from Lennon and friends including Lindsay Lohan, Bijou Phillips, Asia Argento, Carrie Fisher, Devon Aoki, Jordana Brewster and others.

As for the experience of creating Friendly Fire the album versus Friendly Fire the film Lennon says, "Music is invisible. I spend a lot of time in the studio with my eyes closed. This, thankfully, was not the case with the film."

1. Dead Meat
2. Wait for Me
3. Parachute
4. Friendly Fire
5. Spectacle
6. Tomorrow
7. On Again, Off Again
8. Headlights
9. Would I Be the One
10. Falling Out of Love
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Tonic   Дата: 13.07.06 00:30:13   
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Если альбом готов, почему выпуск в сентябре, а не на следующей неделе? =)
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: ИгорьИзМагазинаЦветы   Дата: 13.07.06 12:50:04   
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Да... Шон получился больше похожим на маму, чем на папу...
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.06 10:05:55   
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Late BEATLE JOHN LENNON's son SEAN has enlisted the offspring of another rock superstar, Paul Simon, to work on his forthcoming album. Harper Simon has been helping Sean Lennon record Friendly Fire, his first album since 1999.

An insider says, "Sean and Harper obviously have a lot in common and are good friends. "They know it's virtually impossible to escape from their fathers' shadows but they've had a lot of fun putting the album together." Friendly Fire is due to be released in September.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.06 21:39:15   
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Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.08.06 13:27:45   
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Lennon channels breakup through sophomore albumLennon channels breakup through sophomore album
Wed Aug 16,

NEW YORK (Billboard) - Sean Lennon has some weighty topics on his mind on "Friendly Fire," his first solo album in eight years.

"Basically, all the songs are pretty recent. They're all about my relationship with my ex-girlfriend and its demise, and also my best friend having had an affair with her," Lennon told "It was kind of beautiful to write about it."

The set is due September 26 via Capitol and will be bundled with short films for each of its 10 tracks.

Lennon said he has written "hundreds" of songs since the release of his 1998 debut, "Into the Sun," but had no interest in simply putting out highlights from his archives for the new project. "I am most interested in what I'm doing at that moment, so this is definitely a more contemporary version of myself," he said.

The sessions also brought Lennon closer to longtime friend Harper Simon (son of Paul), who was the main guitarist on the project. "He's been my friend since we were kids," Lennon said. "In the last couple of years, we discovered that playing together was also cool. He's a very talented guy." Lennon returned the favor by playing bass and piano on Simon's album, a release date for which has yet to be announced.

Lennon plans to play shows in support of "Friendly Fire" but cautioned, "I like to do things that are proportional to the demand. It's not like there's a big giant hammer I'm waiting to hit people over the head with to try to get them to like me. If people want me to play, I'll definitely play."

Бла-бла-бла... Все это старье. Вот что-то новенькое:

The artist also will be heard on the debut album from Weezer guitarist Brian Bell's new band, the name of which is still under wraps. "I've always been a huge fan of Weezer, but I didn't realize what a great songwriter Brian is," Lennon said. "I don't know when that record is coming out, but it's super cool. I hope I get a chance to tour with him."
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 17.08.06 21:14:31   
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Стареееееем, брат, стареееем!
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.06 13:16:03   
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Friendly Fire - Sean Lennon Friendly Fire - Sean Lennon
Audio CD (September 26, 2006)

Track Listings
1. Dead Meat
2. Wait for Me
3. Parachute
4. Friendly Fire
5. Spectacle
6. Tomorrow
7. On Again, Off Again
8. Headlights
9. Would I Be the One
10. Falling out of Love
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.06 11:48:25   
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Слушать "Friendly Fire"

MUSIC + FILM ... Sean Lennon has produced a short film for each of the album 's tracks, directed by Michele Civetta. The fantastical shorts, which together comprise a conceptual film about betrayal and the failure of love, feature appearances from Lennon and friends including Lindsay Lohan, Bijou Phillips, Asia Argento, Carrie Fisher, Devon Aoki, Jordana Brewster and others.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.09.06 21:08:27   
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(2006 single taken from his phenomenal album 'Friendly Fire' and is described as being based on a 'revenge' theme but set to lovely music, making reference that rappers often get away with singing harsh lyrics to a lovely melody, and he just wanted to say that he could too, including the exclusive recording 'Freaking Out').
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 22.09.06 04:41:31   
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Если кто слышал что и как поёт Шон, опишите. Никогда его не слышал. Слышал только Джулиана, и то давно.
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.09.06 07:47:53   
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Interview: Sean Lennon on 'Friendly Fire'
Re: Sean Lennon?!!
Автор: Grigory   Дата: 28.09.06 12:45:38   
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