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Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005

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Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 07.02.05 04:52:21
Пол выступил в перерыве на Суперболе 2005 с 4 песнями: Drive My Car, Get Back, Live and Let Die, Hey Jude. Прекрасное исполнение - жаль что мало. Детали на  Пол выступил в перерыве на Суперболе 2005 с 4 песнями: Drive My Car, Get Back, Live and Let Die, Hey Jude. Прекрасное исполнение - жаль что мало. Детали на
Re: Paul McCartney at Superball 2005
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 07.02.05 10:07:28   
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Фотографии с сего события
Re: Paul McCartney at Superball 2005
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 07.02.05 10:15:50   
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А у нас тоже показывали?
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Жора Ленонян   Дата: 07.02.05 10:48:08   
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Ему бы бороду опять отростить!!! Ему бы бороду опять отростить!!!
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 09.02.05 20:26:52   
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Молодец, Пашка! %) Продолжай в том же духе! :))
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.02.05 17:03:57   
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JACKSONVILLE, FL - FEBRUARY 06: (L-R) FOX Sports Broadcasters James Brown, Terry Bradshaw, musician Paul McCartney, Howie Long and Jimmy Johnson with Former U.S. prepare for game in the FOX Broadcast booth during the XXXIX Superbowl at Alltel Stadium on February 6, 2005 in Jacksonville, Florida. JACKSONVILLE, FL - FEBRUARY 06: (L-R) FOX Sports Broadcasters James Brown, Terry Bradshaw, musician Paul McCartney, Howie Long and Jimmy Johnson with Former U.S. prepare for game in the FOX Broadcast booth during the XXXIX Superbowl at Alltel Stadium on February 6, 2005 in Jacksonville, Florida.
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.02.05 17:05:36   
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Sportscaster Terry Bradshaw speaks with musician Paul McCartney in the FOX Broadcast booth during the XXXIX Superbowl pregame show at Alltel Stadium on February 6, 2005 in Jacksonville, FloridaSportscaster Terry Bradshaw speaks with musician Paul McCartney in the FOX Broadcast booth during the XXXIX Superbowl pregame show at Alltel Stadium on February 6, 2005 in Jacksonville, Florida
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.02.05 10:24:01   
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MP3 version of Sir Paul's Half Time interview for 39th SuperBowl:MP3 version of Sir Paul's Half Time interview for 39th SuperBowl:
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: BassPaul   Дата: 15.02.05 15:23:59   
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Лёш,а сколько весит мп3?
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Irene McBeatle   Дата: 15.02.05 15:34:28   
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8 февраля мы получили письмо от папиного одноклассника и лучшего друга, который давно уже живет в Америке. Оно содержало P.S.: "Известным битломанам будет интересно узнать, что концерт в перерыве вчерашнего финального матча по американскому футболу давал Paul McCartney. Это звучит странно, но надо иметь в виду, что игру (и концерт) смотрят около 150 миллионов зрителей!!" Вот счастливые люди: сидят дома, смотрят футбол (хоть и американский), в перерыве Маккартни выступает... Вот это да!
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.02.05 15:49:48   
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>Лёш,а сколько весит мп3?

Примерно 7 мегабайт.
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.02.05 15:50:47   
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P.S. А Макка-то (образца 2005) немного оброс!
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: BassPaul   Дата: 15.02.05 16:23:16   
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Ага.Оброс.Я тоже смотрю.Вроде короткие рукава у его футболки красной были...
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Sundari-Xvostyadeva   Дата: 22.02.05 02:11:35   
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у меня просто нет слов, КАК ЭТО ОФИГЕННО БЫЛО СПЕТО И СЫГРАНО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ПРОСТО НЕТ СЛОВ!!!!!!!!!!!!

видео - ~700 метров
NTSC MPEG-2 720x480 16:9 29.97FPS, 384kbps Dolby 5.1
завтра чтонить придумаю насчет выложить хотя бы звук для начала
а потом и видео

Снесло крышу  
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.02.05 08:08:21   
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2Sundari-Xvostyadeva: ыыыыы!!!
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.02.05 08:40:45   
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By Paul Freundlich
(Paul McCartney’s US Publicist)

Thursday, February 4th

1:49AM, …I’ve just ducked out of the 8th Floor meeting room at The Ritz-Carlton on Amelia Island to begin the ‘homework assignment’ that I’ve received unexpectedly about 45 minutes ago over tofu with Paul. A diary has been requested, for no particular reason mind you, to highlight our moments leading up to Superbowl XXXIX between the heavily favored New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles. It’s to be written ‘as I would write a letter to my wife.’ And so, with the television blaring some meaningless junk (what should I expect at 2:00 in the morning) I’ve quickly gotten out my computer to write down some thoughts for fear that my memory will fail some of the moments, the names, the events and details that have already moved into the past.

Monday, January 31st…

8:00AM…Work begins with a barrage of phone calls from NFL, FOX and NFL Network representatives, not to mention the members of the media from across the country wondering when, where, how or if they’ll get some b-roll of rehearsal, photos or even their shot at the title interviewing Paul. They prod, push and demand but the reality is that I really have no idea what, if anything, that Paul will want to do in regard to the media as he hasn’t arrived yet and I haven’t had the opportunity to speak with him. The line remains the same as it has for the past few weeks, prior to arriving in Jacksonville, and I do my best tap-dancing to ensure that I can be prepared given any scenario.

12:05PM…Just arrived at the stadium after an hour spent driving in a white van with other members of the team – Bill Bernstein, our tour photographer, Mark Haefeli, whose shooting a ‘making of’ for the NFL Network, Robby Montgomery, who’s more or less worked for the past few months putting this gig together with Barrie Marshall, the tour director (even though we’re not on tour) and Brian, the driver. Most of the ‘ride’ is spent at a security checkpoint where all of us are asked to leave our vehicle for the pat-down and wand waving, sign-in and credential check, while our van, along with 4 or 5 other cars is screened by a giant military x-ray machine. I’ve never seen anything like this before. A large truck, which has an ‘arm’ that extends above and over each vehicle, moves along at about 1 or 2 miles per hour, produces an x-ray print out which I’m sure reveals any weapons of mass destruction that might be concealed. None found.

12:10PM…The rehearsal area or compound as it’s been affectionately dubbed, is situated on a practice field outside the Alltell Stadium. Damn it’s cold outside. This is Florida? One very large tent houses the stage and hundreds of people are running around working, building, moving lights and enormous video screens into place. I’ve been told that our guys have literally been working for months to put the staging together. Coop, Scottie, Springo and Pab tell me it’s taken nearly 10 days just to put the 18 MILES of cable, 650 moving lights and all the gear into place, not to mention the sound system which will release nearly 500,000 watts of sound. It’s good to see them again, not only are they great people, but they’re the best at what they do.

3:00PM…I’ve managed to corral our team, John Hammel, Barrie Marshall, Charles Bayfield, our newly appointed head of security, Robby Montgomery (Mark Haefeli and his crew of Craig Braden and Bill Shackleton in tow) for a visit to the media center. Paul will be giving a press conference and there is much to be done. I figure good to have everyone on hand so that there are no surprises and everyone is in the loop. Phil, our tour manager, puts us into a couple of vehicles and we’re on our way. We meet with Brian McCarthy from the NFL and his team of NFLites. We start from where Paul will enter. Who will be in this area? Are you putting barricades down? How many security people will be on hand? Will they be uniformed, etc. Moving right along, we’re shown a green room for Paul. We ask about catering, pipe and drape to curtain off a makeup area, lighting, a mirror, etc. They show us an interview room that we’ve requested (just in case) and we map out possible routes to the bathroom as well as to the press conference room. This place, the media center, is buzzing. There is media everywhere. There are live broadcasts going on and television and radio crews all over the place interviewing football know-it-alls. The press conference room is huge. We’re thinking about 350 will be on hand. We discuss placement of the media. We argue a bit over the placement of the photographers (we get what we want) and television crews, we discuss where the barricades and security will be placed, where Paul will be, the minute by minute details of the actual press conference as well as where and on what Paul will sit (or stand), the microphone, the signage, the content, the questions, the water, the placement of football helmets and more. After about 2 hours we leave to return to our compound. No doubt that we’ll be returning to double-check.

5:00PM…Barrie, Charles, John and I move right along (with Haefeli crew in tow) to the stadium. Walking out onto the field is quite a site. Crews are busy at work on the field and the paint isn’t yet dry from the insignia’s being placed on the field for the game. Wow, it’s cold out here. Anyway, we meet to map out Paul’s entrance (and exit), where media will be placed during the game, to find out where the broadcast crew will be situated (I’m thinking that Paul might want to interview with Terry Bradshaw again) and to see the corporate box where Paul will be during the game. Everything seems in order and about an hour later we return to our compound knowing that this won’t be the last time that we meet with these folks.
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.02.05 08:42:09   
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6:00PM…The work continues back at the compound as darkness falls. The cell phones ring like mad, the computers are still out and there are hundreds running around like mice. They’re moving the stage components out from the tent to a practice field situated nearby. Ultimately, there will be 600 stagehands that will be responsible for setting up and breaking down the stage in just 6 minutes. Very glad I’m not one of them.

It’s been a long day, with everyone preparing for Paul’s arrival tomorrow. As for the band, Wix has already completed his journey to Jacksonville and the rest of them – Brian, Rusty and Abe are due in late tonight. The logistics, planning and details are staggering for an appearance like this. Somewhere the lawyers are probably still squabbling and men in suits are arguing over what will and won’t be allowed. We don’t care about that down in the trenches, unless it would adversely affect Paul in some way. In any case, I’m certain that everyone is crossing their t’s and dotting their i’s. Everything must be perfect for the show. I know that I for one am hoping that a mistake doesn’t park itself somewhere on our road to perfection. We take the 45-minute ride back to the hotel and grab a bite to eat. Haven’t had anything since breakfast. Tomorrow Paul arrives for his first day of rehearsals.

Tuesday, February 1st…
10:00AM…Took a run, ate breakfast and now I’m back on the van with my comrades on our way to the compound for rehearsal. The phones haven’t stopped ringing, the preparations have continued, Barrie and his crew have worked through the night. But today is the day. I saw Paul a few weeks ago, but many haven’t seen or spoken to him in quite some time – not even John Hammel from what he tells me. Will he, won’t he, can he, should he – who knows. Perhaps we’ll have answers to all, some or none of our questions, but regardless the team is top notch and everyone is as prepared as can be.

11:15AM…Here we are again. We’ve arrived at the security Checkpoint Charlie. Did I mention that we have to leave the vehicles while they scan them with darth-x-rayer. Damn it’s cold out here. I will say this though – watching Robby go through a security checkpoint is all that one needs to defuse the tension that is bubbling under all of us. He has so much junk, loose change and things that go beep from the pass of the security wand that he’s unloading the stuff in the middle of the roadway. Priceless.

11:25AM…We get ourselves situated in our office, plug ourselves into civilization, while organized chaos surrounds. We check the scores of emails and return the calls that were missed moving around the sporadic cell phone coverage that seems to be the norm in Jacksonville. They are sure to be there for all of us in all of our respective areas. After all, as we prepare for an event that is to be seen by 144.4 million in the US alone, there is an agenda that surrounds an A&E DVD, Fall tour and album to mention a few. Sleep is for the dead and rest is for the weary. I walk outside after a bit to witness the hundreds who continue, in what is now sure to be 30 degree Floridian weather, to move the stage practicing for their 6 minutes of fame. They seem to take great pride in their work. I’m certain that one day their grandchildren will be telling their children how they were part of this performance.

12:30AM…Word that Paul’s arrival is within an hour filters through the compound. His estimated time of arrival is growing close. I for one begin to gather my thoughts, as I know that we all do, so that we can keep our questions and comments direct and to the point. There is little time for much else. The new stylist, the seamstress, the publicist, the tour director, the project manager, the video crew, the tour manager, the production manager not to mention the producers will no doubt all want something. And then of course there’s the valuable time that slips into oblivion for some unknown reason.

1:45AM…Paul arrives behind his police escort. Never have seen one like the one that we had following Superbowl XXXVI in New Orleans, where this football thing all started. He pops out to what no doubt by now are the familiar faces of the team many of whom have greeted him in the rain, the snow, the sunshine, the good times and the bad. Hugs for all. Great to see you. To the trailer. Time to get to work. Mike, John, Barrie, Robby and I bound up the stairs to Paul’s trailer to go over the business at hand. Haefeli and Bernstein enter gracefully to document. Paul establishes that he wants to go through wardrobe before rehearsal. I’m told, no interviews, but ask if he’ll answer some questions with Haefeli’s crew. He agrees and then requests a word with Barrie, we leave and stand by outside as Paul turns his trailer into the House O Style.

2:30AM…With wardrobe plans in motion and seemingly squared away for the time being, Paul makes his way from his trailer to the stage inside the tent in our compound. He stops along the way for a hug here and a handshake there for those familiar to the process. Like all, or 99% of the gigs that I’ve been part of, he kicks off the rehearsal with the familiar bars of “Coming Up.” I can hear the producers thinking, “funny, that’s not in the script.” It was nice though. You could see that nothing had changed for the band since the last gig, except for the mud and spontaneity of Glastonbury.
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.02.05 08:42:26   
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5:45AM…The rehearsal ends. Paul has requested a meeting in his trailer and Don Mischer, the show’s producer/director has video of the roughly 13-minute performance to show to Paul. We all pile into the trailer, vital crew-members, Roy Bennett and ‘the team,’ as Paul takes a seat atop a coffee table directly in front of the flat-screened television. A young runner, a girl, has been dispatched to the trailer to work the machine, which she does better then all assembled. Don goes through his list of disclaimers, reasons for black screens and bars along the bottom of the frame and finally lets all view. “Drive My Car,” to “Get Back,” to “Live And Let Die” and finally “Hey Jude” make for a great set. Paul and Don have a quiet exchange, which I barely hear. Adjust a camera angle here and correct a shot there and it appears as though Paul, Don, etc. know that there is much work to be done. All vacate the trailer as Robby requests 1 minute more of Paul’s time to view and approve two trailers that no doubt Ameriquest, NFL, FOX and NFL Network have fought over. Paul agrees and while Robby dexterously pulls out his already connected Apple laptop to load up the videos, Bernstein jumps in so that Paul can see and approve some photos to hold and/or to release to the media. “That’s good, not really, that’s cool. Lets go with that one.” We all concur, Bill’s done his job for the day and I have something new to play with for press. Robby’s ready. But wait. Bill and Paul are now planning a photo shoot for Thursday. Would be great to get some new photos for the tour in the Fall. Bill now has his mission, a brief photo shoot to be done on a trailer? Will have to do. “Right then, let’s have a look at those videos.” Paul moves over to the Apple on the table, that’s a computer of course, and he watches intently. He nods, smiles and asks what these promos are for. Robby answers knowledgeably and Paul approves them.

Paul departs at about 6:30, says his good-byes and the work continues. Bill begins planning with Springo and Barrie as to how to convert a trailer to a photo studio and I alert the NFL, The Associated Press and the local papers that we have a photo to release. I also request a meeting with Scott Ackerman, the executive vice president of FOX in charge of the pre-show for a possible Bradshaw/McCartney interview. About an hour later, Bill has squared away all that he can for the night for his photo shoot and we leave the compound at roughly 7:30/8:00. Robby remains with Barrie as there are apparently still some hotly contested issues that are still being banged out between our camp and the NFL. Barrie also needs to dispatch a special team of engineers who will come in first thing in the morning to ensure that the bathroom in Paul’s trailer is working properly. It wasn’t. A day’s work is never done.

Wednesday, February 2nd…
10:45AM…We arrive on the compound for another day. I’ve spent much of the morning letting all those that have been calling me for the past few weeks know that Paul will not be conducting interviews. There’s a lot going on, but first and foremost I call Scott Ackerman, to have him come over to our compound to sit with Robby, Barrie and I to discuss the possible Bradshaw/McCartney showdown. We ask the usual questions. Who’s on throughout the show, what’s the timeframe that we’d have, where each host (there are four) would be seated, time that we’d need to be on hand, proximity to Paul’s box, whether we could have a holding room for powder, interview content, location, etc. Scott seems amenable not only to making it all work, but to Haefeli’s cameras which have appeared to film the meeting. After about an hour, I let them know that we’ll get back to him after we’ve presented the opportunity to Paul. He leaves and then realizes that he should ask Mark not to use comments that he had made regarding the Secret Service. President’s Clinton and Bush41 will be appearing on the Pre-Show just prior to Paul, if he agrees.

11:00AM…I receive a call from John Eastman regarding a painting that Paul has bought. He tells me that Paul wants me to arrange for him to give this painting to the fire department. In an effort to have information ready for Paul regarding this matter I burn the phones and find that the Uniformed Firefighters Association, which represents the 5000plus of the rank and file of the New York City Fire Department seems the best choice. I present the concept and await their call back at some point in the next 24 hours. Recognizable faces are pacing back and forth on cell phones outside the trailers, bundled up in clothing to keep warm, dealing with their issues of the moment. The crews are rushing about making preparations for rehearsals: Day Two.

12:00NOON…I see online that there is a plane-crash back home – a small New Jersey airport, Teterboro, where I would think Paul would depart New York for Jacksonville. Sure enough, Paul’s arrival is to be delayed and it seems as though 2:00pm is more likely. There is more time to prepare, but less time for rehearsal. Not good. The weather is terrible, very cold.
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.02.05 08:42:39   
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2:15PM…Paul arrives. Kiss to Phil Kaz. Greetings to all. Let’s get to the trailer. Paul once again reviews his clothing undecided on what to wear, and I enter to discuss the information I’ve just gotten regarding the New York City Fire Department. All seems okay and I tell him that I’ll have more information within 24 hours. I ask several questions regarding the press conference, but sense that time is tight so I wait on the Bradshaw interview and leave. Paul remains on the trailer for a short time and then heads to rehearsal.

3:30PM…Once Paul is settled into rehearsal Barrie and I depart for the media center for another advance of the press conference. They’ve promised that they’ll have the rooms open and that the set-up will be underway so it will be easier to make changes (or not). Once again we walk Paul’s walk and go through each and every detail. Things appear to be in place except for a few minor details concerning the setup of the press conference room itself. We’re stopped by several reporters all requesting one on one interviews for the following day and after about 3 conversations, which take far too long given the timeframe that we are on, we discover that it’s easier to give hope then to step on the possibility. On our way out, Barrie is stopped by Jim Steeg the outgoing special events coordinator for the NFL. They discuss something about Hooters, an American franchised eatery famous for, well you get the idea, and after checking the watch we realize unless we leave at that moment we will be late for Paul’s departure.

5:30PM…The light drizzle that started earlier in the day has stopped. We get into our van only to find that Jacksonville’s urban planners must have lied to the Superbowl host committee about their ability to deal with traffic. We get out of the van and run. We don’t want to miss Paul before he leaves. We arrive on foot in time to see everyone piling into the television truck presumably to watch the results of the day’s work. Paul and Don sit side by side and discuss camera angles, camera switches, lighting and clothing color. The band, the team and other members of Don’s staff stand by, watch and listen. After about 30 minutes, Paul and Don go over tomorrow’s schedule (the final day of rehearsal). It’s to consist of 3 run-throughs and a real-time dress rehearsal inside the stadium. Pyrotechnics will operate at 30-50% capacity and the ‘fans’ will be brought in to surround the 360-degree stage. The day is now done, everyone leaves the truck and a few last minute conversations take place. It has begun to rain again.

6:15PM…Paul does his best Fred Astaire and plays around with Robby under his umbrella. He gives Robby (and me) another thought concerning his wardrobe and then gives him the umbrella and leaves.

Our day continues in the wardrobe trailer. Robby, Barrie and I discuss what Paul has requested, while Haefeli rolls tape. Robby has his cell phone to one ear quietly listening for the outcome of a clearance issue, while Barrie’s cell phone is in his other ear awaiting a conversation with the newly appointed stylist. She’s in New York City. Clearance issue settled, Robby gives HIS phone to Barrie who begins to put the wheels in motion for the stylist’s transportation back to Florida. I find a couch and sit. Haefeli looks over at me and laughs and proclaims this as his best comedy scene yet for his making of film. I realize that he’s caught me rubbing my brow in a moment of complete exhaustion. Wardrobe matter closed, Barrie returns to his trailer to solidify plans with Springo for Paul’s photo shoot with Bernstein and Robby and I depart for the night. An array of colored lettering, felt and various sweatshirts are to arrive in the morning for the aforementioned wardrobe concept. Paul will ultimately decide against it.

Thursday, February 3rd…
11:00AM…I depart from the hotel with Robby. There is much to do in preparation for Paul’s press conference today. We’ll be there early to run through all the last minute details, to make any changes necessary to the set-up and we’ll have time (I think) for any last minute disasters that could need fixing. You never know.
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.02.05 08:42:53   
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12:15PM…Robby and I arrive at the media center and move into action. Another walk-through. Entrance to the building is secure and looks good. Paul’s green room is definitely not ready. Robby and I move some furniture around, I demand pipe and drape to separate his makeup area and I haven’t seen a mirror for the makeup area just yet. Patience is wearing thin and as time moves along, so do I – to the press conference room. Some press has already gathered. I notice some cardboard on chairs towards the front and realize that some photographers have staked out their space. Not what we discussed. I tell the NFL representatives, security and press, no photographers in chairs – they’re to be in the back. Period. No exceptions, except for Bernstein, who I point out to their head of security. I discuss placement of some stanchions, no big deal, and return to Paul’s holding room to see if our mirror and pipe and drape have arrived. Pipe and drape is not there yet and as time moves along I suggest taking some existing pipe and drape in the hall and moving into Paul’s room – they concur and it’s done. Where’s the mirror? I figure out that telling them 6 times that we need one isn’t enough. The NFL decides to take matters into their own hands. Their security team will rip a mirror from the bathroom wall and 10 minutes later there is a massive mirror with the black glue still attached at the back moved into place in Paul’s dressing room. Another classic manoeuvre I think.

1:00PM…I call Haefeli and Charles to check on Paul’s arrival status. They’re waiting at the airport. He’s to land at 1:50, which means a 2:00 – 2:15 arrival is assured with his police escort. I tell them to let John Hammel know that there is a mirror in place (without the details of the story of how) and ask them to buzz me when they roll. I inform the NFL reps that 2:30 should be our rough start time. That will give Paul time for powder, bathroom (if necessary) and for a quick briefing.

1:10PM…I check the interview room that by now has been set up by our boys Braden and Shackleton. I’m not really worried about this one as I figure they’ve shot interviews with Paul at least a dozen times. True to form, they tell me that they’re all set.

1:15PM…I’m not happy with the crowds that are forming out near our ‘corridor’. Paul’s dressing room, interview room, etc. is all in one hall off the main stretch of radio networks conducting interviews and John Hammel and I had clocked this days earlier. I inform security that at 1:30 I want more stanchions and men in place so that I can see a secure area prior to Paul’s arrival. I return to the press conference room.

1:25PM…Everything seems in order in the conference room now. The room is filling fast – a good thing – and I place some water on Paul’s desk where he’ll be sitting for the conference itself. The photographers begin to congregate in their designated area and the television crews begin to set up. The locals and NFL Network will be carrying the conference live. I inform Brian McCarthy, the conference’s MC, that we’re going to make an announcement at roughly 1:45 informing all media in attendance of the ground rules. We’ll also make it clear that there are to be no photographers in front of the barricades in the back of the house. We’ll meet back in the conference room in 20.

1:30PM…Time for all the last minute requests that seemingly take up minutes we don’t have, that are not planned for and can throw everything into total chaos. This is where life becomes difficult. The several items that Paul has agreed to sign have now become bountiful. I notice that some items have come in that were not discussed, including some leather footballs. I politely remind the NFL of what we did agree to sign and they’re removed shortly after. Ameriquest reps are now asking for a brief meeting. Apparently, I’m informed that this is already slated? I tell them no autographs (don’t have the time), no cameras (Bill can take the pic) and I’ll give them the word when and if I can make it happen. They have no choice but to agree. Next I hear it’s the mayor. Well, I guess it is his town. We’ll see what we can do and I promise nothing reminding his reps that we’re on a very tight schedule. Afterall, it’s my mission to deliver a seamless event for Paul and to return him to rehearsal on time – I cannot forget that the music is what has brought us here and it is what we are truly here for.
Re: Paul McCartney at Superbowl 2005
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.02.05 08:43:06   
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1:52PM…My phone rings. I know who this will be. Paul’s on the ground and arrival is 10-15 minutes away.

1:53PM…I inform security and our team to get into place and I move into the conference room, which is now absolutely wall to wall people, to make the announcement concerning content, photographers and timing. Brian McCarthy stays to the script. No personal questions and photographers must stay within their designated area in the back. I’m feeling okay.

1:59PM…I make my way to the back entrance and await Paul’s arrival.

2:08PM…Sirens blare. Paul’s close. He arrives and asks how much time we have. I inform him 20 minutes. He seems okay with that. He’s in good spirits from his journey as he opens his fly to show us the ‘Lucky You’ logo embroidered in his jeans crotch. He jokes that this is to be his wardrobe malfunction. He knows that the Janet Jackson debacle of SuperBowl XXXVIII is front and center in the minds of those in attendance today. A good thing from a content perspective – he’ll joke about it.

2:10PM…I introduce him to his make-up artist Paulette, he moves over to the table of merchandise, and signs everything in front of him – it is somewhat excessive. I’m sure somewhere some NFL exec is breathing a heavy sigh of relief. But it is to be for charity.

2:15PM…Into makeup. My opportunity comes to brief him on what will happen today.

2:17PM…John Hammel informs me of a concern regarding sound. He says that he’s spoken to Brian McCarthy of the NFL, who he’s met days earlier, and I tell him that I’ll reinforce the request before we enter the room.

2:20PM…Paul completes makeup. I ask if he’ll meet with the small Ameriquest contingent and he agrees. “It’s what we’re here for.”

2:22PM…I signal for the Ameriquest people to come – OH SHIT – Here come 20 people, Robby told me that Paul had agreed to 10 and there are the proverbial guitar cases, LPs, CD’s, shirts, photos and whatever else will hold the ink from a Sharpie. I stop them firmly and remind the NFLites of my requests earlier. All the ‘merch’ is dropped and I wing it with everyone in tow – what else can I do? Paul is as gracious as usual, he shakes everyone’s hand (I grab an errant magazine and photo from one that has slipped away which I return after the meet and greet is over), we take the photo and escort them out.

2:24PM…Paul agrees to meet the mayor, picture is taken, and he, in a moment of great comedy, shows him his wardrobe malfunction that he’s shown us earlier. He’s respectfully asked the ladies to leave the room beforehand. Classic moment.

2:27PM…I inform Charles that we’re ready to move and we go. The corridor that I’m concerned about going through is clear, even though Paul mentions jokingly that he feels like a boxer heading to the ring.
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