Петр Налич - The Beatlove (55-летие пластинки "Abbey Road") - Zebra Band ("A Hard Day's Night" Tribute) - Евгений Маргулис и "Степные Битлы" - Father McKenzie ("Beatles For Sale" Tribute) - Сергей Гуцан (The Beatles Acoustic)
Петр Налич - The Beatlove (55-летие пластинки "Abbey Road") - Zebra Band ("A Hard Day's Night" Tribute) - Евгений Маргулис и "Степные Битлы" - Father McKenzie ("Beatles For Sale" Tribute) - Сергей Гуцан (The Beatles Acoustic)
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12.03 Интервью с Алексеем Курбановским, переводчиком книг Джона Леннона



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Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 22.11.01 14:47:36
Подмостки, на которых встретились Леннон и Маккартни, выставлены на аукцион.
А эксклюзивная запись разговора между участниками Beatles и Beach Boys уже продана за 10.400 $. Ее приобрел один из американских поклонников обеих групп. Кстати, первоначально шестиминутная запись была приобретена на барахолке всего за 5 $. На пленке - переговоры четырех битлов с лидером Beach Boys Брайаном Уилсоном и гитаристом Диком Дейлом о съемках будущего фильма, позднее получившего название A Hard Day`s Night. А 27 ноября с аукциона будет продана сцена, на которой состоялось первое знакомство Джона Леннона и Пола Маккартни в 1957 году. Ожидается, что подмостки, находящиеся в зале церкви Святого Петра в Вултоне, уйдут за 72.000 $. На этой сцене Леннон выступал со своей группой Quarrymen 6 июля 1957 годаю Его знакомство с Полом Маккартни состоялось сразу после концерта.

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 27.11.01 11:30:57   
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Битловская сцена идет с молотка

Сцена, на которой Джон Леннон впервые встретил Пола Маккартни, выставляется на продажу в числе других предметов, связанных с памятью о легендарной четверке. Ожидается, что покупатели выложат за деревянные подмостки из зала церкви Святого Петра в Ливерпуле около 50 тысяч фунтов стерлингов (70 тысяч долларов США).
Кроме сцены с молотка уйдут рояль Bechstein, вибрацию струн которого можно услышать на большей части композиций, записанных на White Album и в сингле Hey Jude. Этот же инструмент звучал и на композиции All Things Must Pass Джорджа Харрисона, первая гитара которого, кстати, является одним из самых многообещающих лотов предстоящего аукциона.

На торгах, которые пройдут в лондонском ресторане, принадлежащем бывшему басисту Rolling Stone Биллу Уайману, будет лично присутствовать рок-звезда Мик Флитвуд, совладелец аукциона Fleetwood Owen.

В числе прочих вещиц, предлагаемых на продажу, - зеленая деревянная дверь зала церкви Святого Петра, лампочка, висевшая когда-то над входом, и надпись "выход" из того же помещения, которую, между прочим, оценивают в 600 фунтов.

"Вывеска "Выход" - это не просто вывеска "Выход": для фанатов она - вместилище истории, - говорит аукционер Тед Оуэн. - Когда закрылся клуб "Каверн", в котором, как известно, играли на первых порах Beatles, кирпичи из его стен расходились по 70 фунтов за штуку".

В зале церкви Святого Петра Леннон играл со своей группой Quarrymen 6 ноября 1957 года. Именно в тот вечер его и познакомили с Маккартни.

Рояли и прочее

При записи своих альбомов рояль Bechstein использовали и многие другие артисты - Элтон Джон, Дэвид Боуи, группы Queen и Supertramp. Звучит он и в бессмертном хите Мэри Хопкинс Those Were the Days.

Другой выставляемый на аукцион рояль - черный Baldwin - был подарком Джоном Ленноном и Йоко Оно Сэму Грину. Он был близким другом Джона и Йоко и помогал им в покупке произведений искусства для их коллекции. Он же был и доверенным лицом в исполнении завещания Леннона.

После того, как Джон подарил Сэму этот рояль, он нередко играл на нем, когда бывал у Грина в гостях. Сейчас инструмент стоит в вестибюле одного из банков американского штата Алабама. Ожидается, что за него продавец выручит до 350 тысяч фунтов.

В числе других лотов - отрывок стихов и рукописные записки Джона Леннона, плакаты, редкие кинокадры на пленке Супер-8 и всевозможные фотографии.

Русская служба ВВС
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.08.04 16:09:37   
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An auction benefiting the Kenya Project (Progetto Kenya) to aid the "Fatima Health Center" situated in Ongata Rongai (Kenya) is featuring some rare Beatles items. Autographs from George Martin, Pete Best, Peter Blake and Tony Sheridan.

The auction runs until September 2, 2004. To see the items click http://www.progettokenya.com/eng/asta-beatles.htm
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.08.04 17:09:07   
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Beatles Grammy Award up for sale

Two Grammy Award trophies won by the Beatles and singer Sir Paul McCartney are to be auctioned in California.

The Beatles picked up the award for A Hard Day's Night, while Sir Paul's was for the Wings' track Band on the Run.

The Fab Four's award is estimated to fetch up to $60,000 (£32,760), and Sir Paul's about half that sum.

They form part of a memorabilia sale taking place in Monterey on Saturday, which also includes the Golden Globe won for the 1959 film Ben Hur.

The Golden Globe has been given an estimate of $9,000 (£4,910)

A pair of sunglasses worn by John Lennon will also go under the hammer.

A shirt worn by Tom Cruise in the military thriller A Few Good Men will be available for sale at the auction, along with a costume worn by Mike Myers in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.

A pair of boxing gloves donned by Sylvester Stallone in Rocky are expected to fetch up to $3,000 (£1,636).
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.04 07:23:54   
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August 14, 2004 -- Newswire

Converse Sells Lennon Peace Shoe

Converse announced a longstanding commitment to achieving world peace through the launch of the Chuck Taylor All Star Peace Collection and an annual donation to organizations dedicated to promoting cultural tolerance and understanding.

The initial Collection, part of an ongoing and broader Chuck Taylor Peace Project effort, features artwork by John Lennon and was designed with the help of Yoko Ono.

The John Lennon All Star Peace Chuck sneaker, retailing for $60, has the words "Imagine all the People Living Life In Peace" embossed on the toe cap and features a self-portrait of Lennon standing on top of the world.

A significant percentage of pre-tax sales from each year's designated Peace Chuck will be donated to peace education causes.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.08.04 07:29:29   
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Love for sale

Grammys won by the Beatles and Paul McCartney and Wings that were put up for auction were withdrawn from the market — and an insider says it’s because Apple Records and McCartney were threatening to sue if they were sold.

Apple and reps for McCartney are currently negotiating to buy the awards. A source says that the talks have gone smoothly for the Beatles’ Grammy, but that McCartney is balking on the price of the one won by Wings.

“The Beatles’ Grammy [for “A Hard Day’s Night”] would have fetched at least $120,000 and the Wings [award] wouldn’t have been too far behind,” says the source. “Apple Records is paying the full price for the Grammy, but Paul’s people only want to pay $50,000 to $60,000, which is ironic since he’s one of the richest entertainers on this planet. They’re not sure they can reach a deal.”

Darren Julien of Julien Entertainment, which conducted the sale, denies that there’s a dispute over the price of the Wings’ Grammy. “[McCartney] obviously wants to pay as little as possible but [his reps] didn’t take an aggressive position,” Julien told The Scoop. “We’re very optimistic that a deal can be reached.”
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.10.04 15:32:19   
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Более 200 поп-реликвий были выставлены на аукционе Кристи в Лондоне в среду.Более 200 поп-реликвий были выставлены на аукционе "Кристи" в Лондоне в среду.

1. Искусно сделанная кобура, подаренная Брайану Эпстайну Элвисом Пресли во время его встречи с "Битлз" в Лос-Анджелесе в августе 1965 г. Ожидаемая конечная цена - £5000. Не продана.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.10.04 15:35:57   
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2. Ранее не публиковавшийся комический рисунок Джона Леннона датированный 1957 годом. Редкий двусторонний листок - акварель, чернила.2. Ранее не публиковавшийся комический рисунок Джона Леннона датированный 1957 годом. Редкий двусторонний листок - акварель, чернила.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.10.04 15:38:13   
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3. Обратная сторона комического рисунка со страницей литературного выпуска Леннона The Daily Howl. Ожидаемая конечная цена - £20000.3. Обратная сторона комического рисунка со страницей литературного выпуска Леннона The Daily Howl. Ожидаемая конечная цена - £20000.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.10.04 15:40:37   
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Here is your invitation to participate in a very special celebrity auction from the UK.

Viva! (Vegetarians International Voice for Animals) is delighted to be auctioning unique 'one of one' personally signed LPs by Paul and Linda McCartney and John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The auction ends on October 23.

"Press To Play" - signed by Paul & Linda McCartney

"Give My Regards To Broad Street" - signed by Paul McCartney

"Double Fantasy" - signed by John Lennon

To place bids on this items click on this link http://www.viva.org.uk/auction/
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.10.04 07:27:07   
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Signature McCartney Guitar Heads to Auction
Tue Oct 5

NEW YORK (Billboard) - The first Paul McCartney Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan, serial No. 001, will be auctioned to benefit Adopt-A-Minefield, the land mine clearance and survivor assistance program.

The auction begins Wednesday (Oct. 6) at 8 a.m. EST and concludes Oct. 14. It coincides with the Oct. 15 Adopt-A-Minefield Los Angeles Gala, hosted by McCartney and his wife, Heather Mills McCartney, at the Century City Plaza Hotel. McCartney will perform with Neil Young at the event, which will be hosted by Jay Leno.

The guitar is an exact replica of the one McCartney used to write and perform the Beatles' "Yesterday" in 1965. It will be signed by the artist and made available to bidders exclusively at Charityfolks.com and Gibson.com.

The Oct. 15 benefit will feature a live auction of the second Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan (serial No. 002). Both guitars are part of the first of a run of 40 handmade Epiphones produced in the United States by Gibson Guitar Corp. under McCartney's supervision.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.10.04 09:15:36   
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October 6, 2004 -- Reuters http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=musicNews&storyID=6421483October 6, 2004 -- Reuters http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=musicNews&storyID=6421483

Paul McCartney was on NBC's "Today Show" Wednesday, October 6 talking about the October 15 landmine benefit and auctioning off replica's of his Signature Epiphone Texan acoustic.

Signature McCartney Guitar Heads To Auction

The first Paul McCartney Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan, serial No. 001, will be auctioned to benefit Adopt-A-Minefield, the landmine clearance and survivor assistance program.

The auction begins today (Oct. 6) at 8 a.m. EST and concludes Oct. 14. It coincides with the Oct. 15 Adopt-A-Minefield Los Angeles Gala, hosted by McCartney and his wife, Heather Mills McCartney at the Century City Plaza Hotel. McCartney will perform with Neil Young at the event, which will be hosted by Jay Leno.

The guitar is an exact replica of the one McCartney used to write and perform the Beatles' "Yesterday" in 1965. It will be signed by the artist and made available to bidders exclusively at https://www01.charityfolks.com/cfauctions/auction_vertical.asp...opt-A-Minefield%20Auction and http://www.gibson.com/absolutenm/templates/FeatureTemplate.aspx?articleid=89&zoneid=2.

The Oct. 15 benefit will feature a live auction of the second Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan (serial No. 002). Both guitars are part of the first of a run of 40 hand-made Epiphones produced in the United States by Gibson Guitar Corp. under McCartney's supervision.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.10.04 09:16:37   
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Paul and Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan (serial No. 002)Paul and Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan (serial No. 002)
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.10.04 09:17:12   
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Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan (serial No. 002)Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan (serial No. 002)
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.03.05 09:46:48   
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February 28, 2005 -- Community NewswireFebruary 28, 2005 -- Community Newswire


A host of signed celebrity memorabilia has today gone on sale in an online auction to help raise money for a Manchester-based charity which works to clear mines across the globe.

The star lot in the sale for the MAG - the Mines Advisory Group - is a limited edition signed print by Sir Paul McCartney.

Sir Paul has donated the rare print alongside items from the award-winning comedy Phoenix Nights and Celebrity Big Brother 2005 winner and Happy Mondays 'dancer Bez.

MAG's Julia Wright said: "We have a fabulous selection of items that will appeal to serious music and comedy fans.

"The limited edition print by Paul McCartney is a real gem. Sir Paul and his wife Heather have been supporters of the landmine cause for many years and now fans of his music will also be able to support this very worthwhile cause."

All the items in MAG's Music Beats Mines auction will be up for grabs on eBay for one week from today until Friday, March 4.

MAG was launched in 1989 and currently runs clearing operations in 14 countries worldwide. As one of the largest humanitarian mine action organisations in the world MAG is at the forefront of mine action.

MAG is a pioneer in mine action clearance and recruits and trains local staff, creates multi-skilled teams, provides emergency response, promotes mine risk education in schools and invests in new technology.

For a full list of items and starting prices visit MAG's website at www.magclearsmines.org and click on the link for the MAG auction.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.04.05 20:24:54   
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The annual ROCK LEGENDS AUCTION, April 13th at London's Hard Rock Cafe, features several Paul McCartney items. Absentee bids can be placed at www.cooperowen.com and live bidding will take place at www.ebayliveauctions.com

LOT #100

Paul McCartney Back in the World program and crowd promo heart

An official programme for Paul McCartney Back In The World 2003 Together with a printed heart with the words home is where the heart is Liverpool 1 June 2003 as waved by the crowd at the last date of the 2003 tour, in black marker pen.

£25-30 ($50 to $60)

LOT #108A

Paul McCartney handwritten lyrics

The lyrics for "Giddy" written by McCartney for Roger Daltrey of The Who, additionally signed by Daltrey. This collaboration appeared on Daltrey's 1977 solo release "One of the Boys."

£5,000-6,000 ($9,455 to $11,345)

LOT #112

Beatles photo card signed by John, Paul, George and Ringo, 1964

A black and white Parlophone Beatles promo card signed on the reverse, in green ink Ringo Starr, John Lennon x x x and in blue ink George Harrison, Paul McCartney, the autographs are matted (with the front of the promo card visible from the back of the frame) with a colour image of the band and a descriptive plaque. Framed and glazed. Price on application.

Overall measurement approx. 22 x 17 inch. (56 x 43 cm)

£3,000-4,000 ($5,675 to $7,565)

LOT #119

A set of Beatles autographs, circa 1963

A sheet of white lined paper clearly signed John Lennon Ringo Starr George Harrison and Paul McCartney, all in blue ink. Mounted framed and glazed with fan club publicity photograph with printed signatures. The owner obtained these autographs from a school friend whose father was the owner of the NME paper, and happened to be 'seeing Uncle Paul, John George and Ringo' one evening, and was kind enough to acquire them for her.

Overall measurements approx. 15 x 11 inch (38 x 28 cm)

Accompanied by a letter of authenticity from the owner explaining how she acquired the signatures

All Beatles related autographs sold by Cooper Owen are verified by Frank Caiazzo

£3,500-4,000 ($6,620 to $7,565)

LOT #122

Paul McCartney signed T-shirt

A "Flaming Pie" promo t-shirt signed on the front in black marker pen "All The Best Paul McCartney" with smiley doodle. Framed and glazed.

Overall measurements approx. 32 x 13 inch. (81 x 33 cm)

£250-300 ($475 to $575)

LOT #140

Paul McCartney autographed page

A page signed in black ballpoint pen "To Jackie, love from Paul McCartney."

Measures approx. 5.5 x 7.5 inch. (14 x 19 cm)

All Beatle related signatures sold by Cooper Owen are verified by Frank Caiazzo.

£300-400 ($575 to $755)
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.04.05 16:46:11   
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Beatles letter up for grabs

A LETTER that marked a key stage in the break-up of the Beatles is to be auctioned.

Dated April 18, 1969, it marks the growing division between Paul McCartney and his fellow band members.

The letter formally notifies Lee Eastman - Linda McCartney's music lawyer father - that he is not authorised to be the Beatles' legal representative.

Expected to sell for up to $147,000, the correspondence marks the demise of arguably the world's greatest band.

It was written because John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr wanted Rolling Stones manager Allen Klein to take on their band.

But McCartney favoured Lee Eastman.

The letter will be sold as part of the Pop Memorabilia auction at Christie's in London on May 5.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.05.05 09:19:03   
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Beatles 'split letter' to be sold      Beatles 'split letter' to be sold

London, Apr 30: A letter that marked a key stage in the break-up of The Beatles is to go under the hammer in London.

The 1969 letter informed Lee Eastman, Paul McCartney's then music lawyer and father-in-law, he was not authorised to represent the band as well.

It came amid an acrimonious dispute between McCartney and the other Beatles over who should manage the band.

McCartney wanted Eastman but the others wanted the Rolling Stones' manager. The letter could fetch up to Ј60,000.

The letter was co-signed by John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr under his real name Richard Starkey.

It told Eastman he was "not authorized to act... as the attourney (sic) or legal representative of 'The Beatles' or of any of the companies which the Beatles own or control".

It followed the realisation that the Beatles' company Apple was in financial chaos and new management was needed.
Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.05.05 09:20:02   
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Several pairs of hands hold a framed document written by the rock band the Beatles giving details of their break up in 1969 as it is put on display at Christies Auctioneers in central London Friday April 29, 2005. The document is to be sold at auction in their Pop Memorabilia sale May 5, 2005 and is expected to fetch Several pairs of hands hold a framed document written by the rock band the Beatles giving details of their break up in 1969 as it is put on display at Christies Auctioneers in central London Friday April 29, 2005. The document is to be sold at auction in their Pop Memorabilia sale May 5, 2005 and is expected to fetch

Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.05.05 07:54:26   
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Beatles 'split letter' auctioned

The letter documenting the break-up of The Beatles in 1969

A letter marking a key stage in the break-up of The Beatles has been sold for £48,000 at a London auction.

The 1969 letter informed Lee Eastman, Paul McCartney's then music lawyer and father-in-law, he was not authorised to represent the band as well.

It came during a row over management between McCartney and his bandmates.

McCartney wanted Eastman but the others wanted the Rolling Stones' manager. The letter was sold on Thursday to a private collector from Nottinghamshire.

'Financial chaos'

The letter was co-signed by John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr under his real name Richard Starkey.

It told Eastman he was "not authorized to act... as the attourney (sic) or legal representative of 'The Beatles' or of any of the companies which the Beatles own or control".

It followed the band's realisation that their company Apple was in financial chaos and new management was needed.

But while Lennon, Harrison and Starr opted for the Rolling Stones' manager Allan Klein, McCartney proposed Eastman and his son John.

The Beatles' partnership was finally dissolved in court in 1975.

Auctioneers Christie's had predicted the letter might fetch as much as £60,000 as part of a music memorabilia sale.

The auction totalled just under £500,000 including £24,000 for a guitar owned by Pete Townshend of The Who. A rare concert poster for a Who concert in New Zealand in 1968 fetched £20,400.

Re: Аукционы
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.05.05 22:51:11   
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John Lennon's Stamp Collection Is Up For Grabs!!

John Lennon’s stamp collection has gone on sale today for a mere £29,950.

Not very rock and roll…but the stamps were collected by Lennon when he was a scouse school boy, reports Breaking News.

The collection is held in its hardback Mercury Stamp Album and features 565 stamps from Australia, India and Italy.

Lennon wrote his name and address in the flysheet and signed his name in blue ballpoint pen. Practice signatures/autographs are also visible.

The collection is currently on display at Fraser’s Autograph Gallery in London. It is being sold by London-based stamp and autograph traders Stanley Gibbons.

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