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B.B. King - King Of The Blues

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Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 19.09.05 00:39:18   
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Взял в Пурпуре диск BB King & Friends : A Night Of Blistering Blues Взял в Пурпуре диск "BB King & Friends : A Night Of Blistering Blues"

Cаундтрек с известного видео "A Night Of The Red Hot Blues" 1986
Пр-во Голландия 2005
Запись - моно.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 19.09.05 00:44:47   
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>Взял в Пурпуре диск "BB King & Friends : A Night
>Of Blistering Blues"
>Cаундтрек с известного видео "A Night Of The
>Red Hot Blues" 1986
>Пр-во Голландия 2005
>Запись - моно.

Забавно, шо и в крупных "белых" магазинах попадаются "бутлеги" ;-)
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 19.09.05 00:50:01   
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2john lee hooker:
>Забавно, шо и в крупных "белых" магазинах попадаются "бутлеги" ;-)
Там еще 3 его бутлега лежат ;))))
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.05 09:50:05   
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Обожаю этот концерт, но на аудио это уже не совсем то, что на видео. Это надо ВИДЕО!
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 21.09.05 00:17:01   
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B B King looks back at 80 years of blues B B King looks back at 80 years of blues
21 September 2005

ATLANTIC CITY: Now that he's a beloved musical icon, has turned 80 and been embraced by both blacks and whites, it's difficult to understand that B B King comes from a time when there were two Americas.

Before the 13 Grammys, induction in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Kennedy Centre honours, the eponymous night clubs, even before he picked up a guitar, the blues singer picked cotton, drove tractors and sawed wood. He never finished high school.

And despite all the fame, the worldwide accolades and the records with rock kings like Eric Clapton and Bono, he has never forgotten growing up in the segregated South, where they just opened the B B King museum in Indianola, Mississippi, near his birthplace on a plantation.

"We went through some hard times," King, who turned 80 last week, recalled.

"Let me tell you this, if we didn't have good white friends during that era when I was growing up, there would be no blacks in Mississippi. At that time, a white person could kill you any time they wished and nothing would ever be done about it.

"But there was a lot of white people who didn't believe in that and wouldn't allow it. So I was lucky."

Sitting in his tour bus before a House of Blues gig in Atlantic City, King talked in an interview about life on the road, of his 30 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, of his love of flying and nature and old cowboy movies.

But mostly, he talked about the blues, that music, which like King himself, grew out of the suffering and hardships of plantation labour.

"I think of blues this way: it's life as we've lived it in the past, life as we're living it today and life I believe we will live tomorrow. Because, to me, it has to do with people, places and things," he said.

"Now this old bus here may be OK, but 10 years from now there's no telling what buses will look like, it's the same with blues." But considering that a majority of his audiences are boomer-generation whites and young blacks have turned their back on the blues for rap, isn't the music irrelevant now?

"No," he said. "I don't think it's the same as it was and ever will be because each generation bring their own people.

"Think of it this way: Beethoven and Brahms and all those guys, the music hasn't changed, the people have. But you still hear it and it's still good. I think of the blues the same way."

AdvertisementAdvertisementAsked about his punishing 300-plus days-a-year touring schedule, King said: "I only had three months off in 60 years.

"I haven't been lucky like some of the rock 'n roll players. A lot of them go out for three or four months and then they stop for two or three years. I've never been able to do that, I'm a blues singer.

"Blues singers, blues players, we haven't been popular," said King, a bear of a man laid low now by diabetes that forces him to sit on stage with his guitar "Lucille" across his lap.

But it is obvious that King, who had a big hit in 1970 with The Thrill is Gone, still gets a thrill from performing.

At age 80, doesn't he ever consider retiring?

"I couldn't afford to do it," King laughed. "I have days off, but we don't get airplay like other styles of music, so I learned at an early age that unless I go out and carry music to the people, it sure don't come to them by air."

He harks back to the plantation in Itta Bena, Mississippi, where he was born on September 16, 1925.

"I never thought I'd make 80 years, even 50 seemed very old, because where I grew up in the country there, we didn't have the medicines, the doctors, the hospitals, like people in the city have.

"The Bible says three score and ten and here I am a bit older than that," he giggled. "I've been in 18 automobile accidents, but I've never had one myself ... it was always someone else!"

King said he was driving at age 13.

"I was a truck driver, a tractor driver. I picked cotton, I ploughed (with) mules. I did most of the stuff people do on a plantation, your work is never done. You survive."

And survive he has, to become probably the last of the blues greats after the deaths of two Mississippi contemporaries - R L Burnside this month and John Lee Hooker in 2001.

The break came after the war when King hitch-hiked to Memphis and got a job as a disc-jockey at radio station WDIA. People heard his guitar-playing and singing and he recorded with the legendary Sam Phillips, who later founded Sun Records.

It was in Memphis that Riley King won the nickname The Beale Street Blues Boy, which was shortened to just Blues Boy and then plain B B.

King's first record was cut with the Nashville label, Bullet, and typically for a musical pro, he remembers the tracks. "There were four sides. I was married at the time - so one was called Miss Martha King, the second was How Do You Feel when Your Baby Packs Up to Go, the third was Take a Swing with Me and the fourth I've Got the Blues."

Hundreds of recordings later, King's career is being feted, with Virgin putting out a double album of his early hits and Geffen/Universal releasing B B King and Friends - 80, which features him playing with the likes of Clapton, Van Morrison, Mark Knopfler, Elton John and Sheryl Crow.

Also there is a book, The B B King Treasures, from Bullfinch Press, which is full of facsimiles of memorabilia - notes, photos, programmes - from King's life.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.09.05 17:20:34   
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The thrill remains for neo-octogenarian

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - They probably had to talk him out of it, but B.B. King, who still plays about 100 shows a year, did not perform on his 80th birthday last Friday.

"Some of my children came to Las Vegas, where I live," King said Tuesday night at a belated birthday gig. "They wanted me to have a party, and I said no, but I'm glad I did."

Well-wishers hovered near the blues eminence in a den at the Encino, Calif. home of former William Morris agent Sam Haskell, and his wife, Mary. The Haskells hosted an event that doubled as a birthday celebration and a $1,000-a-head fundraiser for the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center in Indianola, Miss., where King was raised.

A bounty of commemorative releases have marked King's natal milestone: "80," a new all-star duets album, issued September 13 by Geffen Records/Universal Music Enterprises; "Treasures," Bullfinch Press' lavishly illustrated memoir/scrapbook; and "Original Greatest Hits," a two-CD collection of early recordings from EMI Music Marketing.

And recent events have heightened the realization that King is the last of a disappearing line: Within the past two months, death has claimed Little Milton, R.L. Burnside and Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown, blues titans all.

Befitting the occasion, King was in a reflective mood Tuesday. "It's been a long journey," he said.

He spoke of how his guitar-playing church pastor inspired him to pick up the instrument. He remembered plying his trade on the streets of Indianola, while he was making $22 a month driving a tractor: "They'd pat me on the head, compliment me. They'd say, 'Keep it up, son,' but they wouldn't put nothin' in the bucket."

King's bucket overflows today. He has sold millions of records, won 13 Grammys, toured the world and received Sweden's prestigious Polar Prize. He has influenced generations of blues performers and enjoys the universal respect of the musical community.

So what's left to accomplish?

"I've been in many movies in cameo appearances, but I'd like to have more than one line," he said. "Something to make me work a little bit. I was in one picture, playing a CIA agent, and I had one line, 'Would you gentlemen like a Pepsi?"'

Hollywood sat at B.B. King's feet Tuesday. Ray Romano, Sela Ward, Elliott Gould and Marilu Henner were among the crowd. "Desperate Housewives" star Felicity Huffman, fresh from her Emmy win, laid down $14,000 for an autographed Gibson guitar at auction.

After a Southern-style buffet, guests occupied folding chairs before a stage in the Haskells' backyard. King's manager Floyd Lieberman and his wife Arlene presented him with an enormous birthday portrait.

There was music, naturally: King's niece, Gladys Knight; warhorse Della Reese; actor-bluesman Chris Thomas King; and the tag team of Buddy Guy and Kenny Wayne Shepherd paid tribute.

Then it was B.B.'s -- and his ax Lucille's -- turn. He sang "The Thrill Is Gone" (which he described as "the only tune I had that was played like other records"). Then he turned to "Please Accept My Love," a song he cut for Kent in 1958 -- "before your parents were born," he remarked.

And he cut it dead, uncorking that guitar sting, that trademark vocal roar, reminding the celebrants that, still, the blues is King.;_ylt=AhiqLGxQBHP10bzSuJaL_96...
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 23.09.05 01:26:11   
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Последний 80-летний Би-би-Диск удался.Последний "80-летний" Би-би-Диск удался.
По мне, он куда органичнее, чем предыдущий ("Отражения").
Достойный подарок на большой Ю
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.05 02:20:03   
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2john lee hooker: Я же говорил! Уже 100 раз наверно, его прослушал...2john lee hooker:
Я же говорил! Уже 100 раз наверно, его прослушал...
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 23.09.05 02:36:29   
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а знаете, што вызвало раздражение? Угадайте с трех раз? :)
Неа, не Майер :)))
Полное "затоваривание гитарной бочкотарой" трильизгона одним белым парнем...
Не шучу...То же самое , меня поразило, этот же "белый парень" "убил" своей "небрежной фразирофкой выше ватерлинии" Сэма Кука на "Дне рождении у дедушки Леса Пола"...
"Ту мэни слоухэндоф...ту мэни..."
Добрый профессор  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.05 02:43:29   
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2john lee hooker:
А вот отвечу...
Абсолютно не согласен. Альбом Лес Пола -комерческий хлам, с первой до последней ноты. Бездушно-бестолковая пластинка.
Прослушал несколько раз и... короче больше не услышу.

На БиБи, слабый трэк - первый, остальное - выше всяких похвал.
Майер... Когда мальчик найдет собственное лицо и будет играть уверенее, возможно, это можно будет слушать.
Пока, это очередная СРВ-тень...
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 23.09.05 02:50:02   
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Лес Пол решил поэкспериментировать с той музыкой, какой никогда не играл...
Учтите, шо у него прогрессирующий артрит, да и возраст, извините...Поэтому вполне простительно, шо он на "вторых ролях",да и пластиночка абсолютно чартовая, т.с. для массового потребления и в этом её прелесть: эксперимент удался (увы, у Макки это, кажися, вообще не получилось). А в трильизгоне Би-БиКа откровенно "оттер" его "белый сынок"...Спасибо, шо не киксанул Патриекич, как на " Night Of The Red Hot Blues" :)))
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.05 03:12:27   
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2john lee hooker:
>т.с. для массового потребления и в этом её прелесть

В таком случае/разряде, я лучше Агильеру послушаю...

>А в трильизгоне Би-БиКа откровенно "оттер" его "белый сынок"...
Давно пора, он на ЭРИКОВСКОМ "РАЙДИНГЕ" превалировал, пусть хоть здесь подвинется... :р
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 23.09.05 03:17:52   
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А Вы вообще как к блюз-року относитесь?
Вот я терпимо...и не более...Но чёта мне подсказывает, что дедушкину пластиночку прикупят не только поклонники блюз-рока :)
Насчёт Глистины -- не скажу :)
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.05 03:22:14   
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2john lee hooker:
>А Вы вообще как к блюз-року относитесь?
Может для начала выясним, что подразумевается под этим понятием? ;)))

>что дедушкину пластиночку прикупят не только поклонники блюз-рока :)
Фетишистов в мире много... УсПус -тому подтверждение...

>Насчёт Глистины -- не скажу :)
Я тоже не говорил, пока не услышал Рождественскую пластинку. С Др Джоном там итд...
Вот это да!!!  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 23.09.05 03:25:31   
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давайте выясним :))))
Я тащусь!  
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 23.09.05 03:27:10   
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"-два - это куча?
- Нет!
- А три - это куча?"
- Да!"
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.05 03:29:41   
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2john lee hooker:
Какие будут предложения? :)))
По моим понятиям Блюз-Рок, это белый, утяжеленный блюз, с расширенными гармониями. Ну типа ЛЗ и Кингдом Кам...

Ваш ход! ;)
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 23.09.05 03:38:39   
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>>что дедушкину пластиночку прикупят не только
>поклонники блюз-рока :)
>Фетишистов в мире много...
Ага, особенно много среди тех, хто мечтает поиметь кусок древесины под напряжением с маленькой такой нашлёпочкой на грифе - "Les Paul" :)))))))
(Помните, на медиаторах Лес Пола , что написано: "What's My Name?" и на обороте "It's On Your Guitar!") :)))
Лес Пол последний раз записывался в 70-х с Четом Эткинсом...И вот его "камбэк", вероятно, "лебединная песенка". Дедушке выразили почтение куча всяких именитых "фетишистоф", наверное, шоб дедушке было приятно, да и на старость денюшек шоб накапало. Поэтому я к этой работе абсолютно положительно отношусь...
Есть, канешна, шерховатости, но, повторюсь, в коммерческом плане -- идеально.
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.09.05 03:43:38   
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2john lee hooker:
если относиться к этому как к благотворительности - пожалуйста.
Но меня больше устраивает благотворительность а-ля Клэптон в сторону Дж Роджерса на ФромЗэКрейдл.
Качественно и с драйвом, а здесь - пффффффффффф...
Re: B.B. King - King Of The Blues
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 23.09.05 03:53:56   
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>2john lee hooker:
>Какие будут предложения? :)))
>По моим понятиям Блюз-Рок, это белый, утяжеленный
>блюз, с расширенными гармониями. Ну типа ЛЗ и
>Кингдом Кам...
>Ваш ход! ;)
Угу...белый, прибелый....иногда без расширения гармонии (в пределах "квадрата" ( "12-ти барной системе")...Могу даже сказать , шо это, то жэ самое , шо и "бугги" загруженное гитарами, солягами и проч. электронными контрабасами...
"Во фсём виноваты ВИА "Сливки" (Англия) :))))
А к чему мы говорим о блюз-роке? Альбинос Уинтер разве не достаточно снежен со своим "рок-енроллом хучи-ку"??? :)))))Вот уж, прям хрестоматийный пример: тут те и рок, тут те и блю :)))) Да ысчо и на "дедушкиной" пластинке :)
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