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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 10.03.05 17:34:11   
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Paul McCartney donates painting to New York firefighters


Paul McCartney and his wife have donated a painting from their private collection to the members of the Fire Department of New York - and the subject is something likely very close to their hearts.
The 1974 painting by Ron Kleinman features a Mack truck once operated by the members of the FDNY's Engine Co. 33 on Great Jones Street in Manhattan.

The painting, 57 1/2 inches by 62 1/2 inches, was presented by the ex-Beatle and his wife, Heather, earlier this month to the members of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, union spokesman Tom Butler said Wednesday.

"This is given with a deep respect and gratitude, from our family to yours, for all that you (the firefighters) have done," McCartney, the son of a former Liverpool, England, firefighter, said in a statement. "A heartfelt thanks, and I hope that all of the firefighters will be able to enjoy its beauty once it finds its resting place."

The painting will be displayed at firehouses throughout the city, UFA President Steve Cassidy said.

McCartney was one of the featured performers in a benefit concert following the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, which killed 343 New York firefighters.

Originally published on March 9, 2005

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.03.05 12:49:19   
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MACCA BABY RIDDLE Is Heather pregnant again?

HAVE Sir Paul McCartney and his wife Heather Mills tumthing to tell us?

I only ask because,according to their pals, the happy couple are set to announce some more nappy news.

Father-of-five Macca, 52, and 37-year-old charity worker, Heather, insist they're not expecting the patter of yet more tiny feet.

But, according to friends, Heather - whose daughter Beatrice with Paul is 16 months old - is believed to be coming up to three months pregnant and the baby is due at the end of September.

They say the couple are keeping their baby news under wraps until Heather has had the all-important three-month scan.

Heather was told motherhood was only a remote possibility when she lost a leg in a road accident in 1993 and had to have a metal plate in her pelvis.

This made delivering Beatrice naturally difficult - leading to birth by Caesarean section.

Pals also say the baby riddle is why Macca - who has three grandchildren - has delayed announcing a three-month US tour planned this autumn.

The former Beatle has pencilled in September 16 in Miami to begin his concerts in the States.

One insider said: "Paul was all set to go on a US tour. Following his successful appearance at the Superbowl at the end of January, plans were put in place to announce the massive US tour the following month. But that hasn't happened so far."

Just what can it all mean?
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.03.05 12:55:35   
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Heather: Being a mum is hardest job of all

08:03am 11th March 2005
There are rumours that she is expecting her second child.
But given Heather Mills McCartney's latest comments about motherhood, she may not exactly be looking forward to it.

The wife of Sir Paul McCartney - who, thanks to his £800million fortune, could employ an army of nannies - has complained that being a mother is almost too difficult to bear.

"Motherhood is the hardest job in the world - all mothers should be paid a wage," said the 37-year-old former model, who presented Sir Paul, 62, with a daughter, Bea, 16 months ago.
"Now, going to work feels like a holiday, even though I adore my baby.

"Whenever I speak to my friends they say the longer you're at home the more confidence you lose. It's absolutely true - talk about multi-tasking!

"I've just started to get a babysitter to give me a bit more time but usually my baby is climbing on my lap deleting my e-mails or cc'ing private ones to inappropriate people."

Career ambitions

Her comments come in an interview with the magazine Hello! in which she reveals she has no desire to be a full-time mother, preferring to concentrate on her broadcasting ambitions.

"I'd love my own TV show," she says.

"Presenting is what I did for years before meeting Paul and I gave it up as he wanted me to be with him when he travelled.

"I loved presenting Larry King's talk show in the States and look forward to doing more in the future."

Although she says she is struggling to get time away from her daughter, she admits to having time to exercise five times a week, with a bevy of personal trainers.

"I do five days in a row, one hour a day, with weekends off to allow my muscle tissue to recover," she says.

"As we travel all the time, how and with whom I work out varies. Now, my biggest treat is to work with a personal trainer where possible and that's Richard in London, Chad in LA and Claus in New York."

She also reveals that the latest member of Sir Paul's family is being raised as a vegetarian, as were the ex-Beatle's children with his wife Linda, who died in 1998.

"Paul and Linda brought their children up on a vegetarian diet and none of them are in any way inadequate," she says.

"Our child is veggie and is blossoming. There are so many alternatives to meat that taste fab and are full of soy protein, as well as tofu, avocado, pulses, seeds and beans."

Although she has denied that she is pregnant, sources close to her and Sir Paul say she will admit she is expecting another baby in the next few weeks, after she has had her three-month scan.

If she is pregnant, it will be a sixth child for Sir Paul. He has three from his marriage to Linda - designer Stella, 33, photographer Mary, 35, and musician James, 27 - and an adopted daughter, Heather, 31.

He recently became a grandfather for the third time when Stella had her first child. Mary has two sons.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.03.05 12:57:51   
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SIR PAUL McCARTNEY's wife HEATHER MILLS is determined to protect their daughter BEATRICE from media intrusion by any means necessary.

The former model refuses to poss with her 16-month-old daughter for press photographs - and she is more than prepared to put her martial arts training into practice if anyone crosses her boundaries.

She says, "I'd love to talk about my baby but she deserves her privacy so I protect her like a wild woman from the jungle.

"I'm becoming proficient at martial arts now so if needed I'll use it, especially after what happened to poor JOHN (LENNON) and GEORGE (HARRISON).

"You'd think the media would understand our concern. I will never exploit my baby because if I do, it gives the press the freedom to pursue and photograph her all day."

The 37-year-old has already hit back at paparazzi photographers who have over-stepped the mark and invaded her privacy. One snapper tried to get a picture of Beatrice as McCartney and Mills enjoyed breakfast in a London restaurant, while two paparazzi chased Mills as she travelled alone in a taxi.

She continues, "Paul covered Bea with an umbrella while I tried to distract the photographer. Then I felt he needed some cleansing so I poured a bottle of mineral water down his chest."

"On another occasion I decided to film two guys dangerously pursuing me in a taxi. I wasn't with my husband or baby, yet they overtook a car to catch up with my taxi, mounted a kerb and nearly knocked over a mother and child in a buggy... I was forced to get out of the taxi and them take a picture before they killed someone.

10/03/2005 18:04
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.03.05 17:47:31   
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Mills & Boon Next oHell! story   Mills & Boon Next oHell! story

14 Mar 2005

HEATHER Mills McCartney is the sum of so many parts that to understand her you first need to deconstruct her.
Boxing clever
So, we’ll start at the top and work our way down.

Her hair is by Jerome Obry, a stylist at the reassuringly expensive Bergdorf Goodman department store, New York.

Heather found him while out shopping. She’d not washed her hair for a whopping two whole days(!), and asked a sales assistant if she knew of a hair salon.

As luck had it, the store assistant did, and she directed Heather upstairs to the ninth floor where a charming Frenchman was working his magic with dyes, bacofoil and shampoo.

Wowed at such providence, Heather started to go regularly, and on one visit she noticed some snaps Jerome had taken.

A conversation ensued, during which Jerome asked her to pose for him, and faster that you can say “It’s not what you know, it’s who you blow( dry)”, Jerome was snapping and Heather was posing for an Hello! photo montage.

So much for the hair, now for the body.

Heather doesn’t believe in diets, so instead she eats a “varied and wholesome”, er, diet. “I simply eat no white produce if I’m gaining a few pounds and treat myself when my clothes feel loose,” says the non-dieter.

When she did eventually get back to the gym after giving birth, she went two days a week, “varying my workouts with Pilates, yoga, bike training, and weights. Now I do five days in a row, one hour a day, with weekends off to allow my muscle tissue to recover.”

But anyone waiting to ape Heather’s lifestyle should note that she doesn’t do it alone, but elicits the help of Richard in London, Chad in LA and Claus in New York.

It’s not all shopping and salons in the life on an international model and campaigner for world harmony. There’s a lot of hard graft involved.

Especially for someone like Heather, who is saddened by the return of fur to the catwalk. “How shallow to kill for the superficiality of fashion,” says Heather. “Why not be happy in your own skin?”

Which brings us neatly to the subject of Heather’s skin. For the photoshoot by up-and-coming snapper Jerome, Heather’s skin is wrapped in dresses by J Mendel, John Anthony and Valentino. Her shoes may or may not be made of leather.

But after mention of her leg (missing) and her pelvis (metal), Heather tells us about her greatest accessory - her 16-month-old daughter.

The little love’s not in shot – Heather would “never exploit” her baby – but she wants us know that motherhood is the “hardest job in the world”.

What’s this? Harder than styling Heather’s unwashed hair? Harder than killing dogs and turning them into fur coats? You betcha it is.

“All mothers should be paid a wage,” says Heather, who manages to stretch the family allowance a long, long way.

But we can stretch things no further. And there we must stop. We’ve reached the end. It’s time to put Heather back together again.

And take care to do it right. You wouldn’t want to get it wrong and do something silly, like putting her head where her heart is...
Снесло крышу  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 14.03.05 22:03:33   
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"But, according to friends, Heather - whose daughter Beatrice with Paul is 16 months old - is believed to be coming up to three months pregnant and the baby is due at the end of September."

Если это правда, Пол... :))))))))))))))))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.03.05 20:16:03   
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Marcher 16, 2005 -- ET

Entertainment Tonight said a spokesperson for Heather Mills McCartney denies she is pregnant.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news 1
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.03.05 20:17:54   
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March 16, 2005 -- Hello Magazine

While baby Beatrice sleeps peacefully in the corner of a smart New York office, her mother Heather Mills McCartney poses for the camera wearing creations by some of the world's top designers. She is looking fabulous, thanks in part to a one-hour workout every day ­ "come rain, sleet or snow".

It is incredibly unusual for Heather to agree to a photoshoot of this kind, but the circumstances are quite unique as her hairstylist, Jerome Obry of Bergdorf Goodman, is also the man behind the lens. The stunning results show just how well she works with the camera.

There is an aura of confidence and contentment around Heather, who lost her left leg in an accident with a police motorbike in 1993. She has been married to former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney for almost three years and they spend most of their time together, travelling the world or relaxing at home in the country with their 16-month-old daughter. "I protect her like a wild woman of the jungle," she admits.

Heather, who has worked with some of the world's most influential people, including UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and ex-presidents Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev through her campaigning work with the charity Adopt-A-Minefield, admits motherhood is the toughest job she's ever faced.

In this exclusive interview for HELLO! she talks frankly and openly about family life for the first time, and explains why she and Paul are so fiercely protective of their privacy.

Heather, how did these pictures come to be taken? "I was in Bergdorf Goodman at the 75 per cent sale ­ so exciting for us women! ­ when I got a call to an urgent meeting. My hair was hidden under my hat as I'd had no time to wash it for two days, so I asked the sales assistant if she knew of a hair salon. She directed me to the ninth floor where I managed to get a last-minute appointment with a charming French man called Jerome. He was so good I started to go regularly.

"One day I noticed a page of contact sheets under his hairspray can, so I asked if I could have a look. He was very modest and shy and said, `Oh no, they're nothing.' Eventually, he did let me look and they were amazing ­ and so was the model. So imagine how surprised I was as a 37-year-old mum when he asked to photograph me. `Well, why not?' I said. `Let's do it!'

"He came to our office in New York, set up when the baby slept, blow- dried my hair and photographed me in two hours ­ and two days later shocked me with the results.

"The dresses were on loan from Bergdorf Goodman ­ Valentino, John Anthony, Roland Nivelais and J Mendel. I wanted the photos to be published to help Jerome and because I love them."

You look amazing. How did you lose weight after Beatrice's birth? "Having needed a Caesarean because my metal pelvic plates wouldn't allow my baby to come out naturally, I had to wait for a frustrating five weeks before I could get back to the gym. I don't believe in diets because I tried them all while modelling in my 20s ­ my weight yoyo'd and all I could think about was food.

"Being a vegetarian, I eat a varied and wholesome diet. I simply eat no white produce if I'm gaining a few pounds and treat myself when my clothes feel loose. So no white pasta, no white rice, no white potatoes ­ only sweet potatoes ­ no white bread ­ only real wholewheat and not brown bread, which is generally full of white flour. I bake cakes with wholewheat flour and maple syrup or honey. This keeps my weight stable as these foods minimise the glycaemic effect ­ the rise in blood sugars ­ which creates hunger sooner.

"When I eventually did get back to the gym I started gradually with two days a week, varying my workouts with Pilates, yoga, bike training and weights. Now I do five days in a row, one hour a day, with weekends off to allow my muscle tissue to recover."

What was the hardest part of getting back in shape? "The discipline of going to the gym in the rain, sleet and snow when all you want to do is stay in bed! I remember that 5am wake-up call and the two-hour drive into town to work out before going into the office when I was in my 20s. Now I work out when the baby sleeps and my sister Fiona watches her. It's the sole hour I have to myself in the day and it gives me the energy I need to cope with our hectic lifestyle."

Where do you work out and do you use a trainer? "As we travel all the time, how and with whom I work out varies. Now, my biggest treat is to work with a personal trainer where possible and that's Richard in London, Chad in LA and Claus in New York. Sometimes it's one-on-one at home or at a local gym. The rest of the time I train by myself in the bedroom with a fit ball and two ankle weights. There are many mat-based Pilates movements you can do with next to no equipment ­ it just takes discipline early in the morning or when the baby's asleep."

Could you ever see yourself returning to modelling? "I've only modelled once in the last five years and that was for INC, the group owned by Macy's department store in the States. They helped us raise thousands of dollars for our charity Adopt-A- Minefield in 2001 by donating a percentage of sales from the clothes. Their sales skyrocketed, so they asked me to do three more campaigns. I enjoy modelling and love the fact that you don't have to be a teenager any more to do it.

"But the saddest part of modelling at the moment is the return of fur. A lot of it is dog and cat fur, mislabelled as fox, mink or sable, and dyed to order. It takes 16 puppies to make one coat and the horrific thing is they're skinned alive to make the fur better quality. How shallow to kill for the superficiality of fashion ­ why not be happy in your own skin?"

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news 2
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.03.05 20:19:03   
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What do you think about the fox-hunting bill? "The arrogance of the hunters going out the week after the ban was enforced didn't surprise me. Anyone who wishes to chase and terrorise a wild animal for sport has a cruel streak in their personality. Drag hunting would allow them to carry on the sport with an artificial scent and a prize at the end, and would even employ additional people to lay the scent. The artificial scent is much stronger than that of a real fox so the hounds would be unlikely to be distracted by a fox on the hunt.

"Foxes in towns are trapped and taken back to Gloucestershire for hunts so this proves that farmers are not overrun with them, and anyway they naturally populate. Paul has lived on 1,000 acres for more than 20 years and never had to kill one animal. And even though he has lambs he doesn't have a problem with foxes or any wildlife.

"These arrogant hunters break the law and, worse, wasted all that time in parliament debating the issue that could have been better spent elsewhere."

Has motherhood been easy for you? "Motherhood is the hardest job in the world ­ all mothers should be paid a wage. Now, going to work feels like a holiday even though I adore my baby. Whenever I speak to my friends they say the longer you're at home the more confidence you lose. It's absolutely true ­ talk about multi-tasking! I've just started to get a babysitter to give me a bit more time, but usually my baby is climbing on my lap deleting my emails or cc'ing private ones to inappropriate people."

You must be delighted at the birth of your stepdaughter Stella's baby. "I'm overjoyed for her as she'll make a great mum, just as Alasdhair will make a wonderful father."

Who are your favourite designers? "Stella McCartney, Valentino, John Anthony, Dolce & Gabbana, Chloe and Nanette Lapore, as well as high street brands like Top Shop and Zara."

How are you coping with the paparazzi? "Because we live in the countryside and only visit town for work, we aren't too bothered by them. It only annoys me when they try to photograph my daughter as I like to keep her privacy so she can decide for herself one day what kind of life she wants.

"One Saturday morning, my husband and I took her out to breakfast and some sad person telephoned a paparazzo. Our security asked the man for 30 minutes to leave so we could get in our car without stressing out the baby. He didn't care. Paul covered her with an umbrella while I tried to distract the photographer. Then I felt he needed some cleansing so I poured a bottle of mineral water down his chest, which is perfectly legal ­ though he wasn't too happy to find his Prada T-shirt soaking wet!

"On another occasion I decided to film two guys dangerously pursuing me in a taxi. I wasn't with my husband or baby, yet they overtook a car to catch up with my taxi, mounted a kerb and nearly knocked over a mother and child in a buggy. Then I filmed them going through a red light while the driver was on his mobile, then down a bus lane. They kept this up until I was forced to get out of the taxi and let them take a picture before they killed someone."

You've always co-operated with the press, but you want to draw the line with Beatrice. Please explain. "It's a Catch-22 situation. I'd love to talk about my baby but she deserves her privacy so I protect her like a wild woman from the jungle. I'm becoming proficient at martial arts now, so if needed I'll use it, especially after what happened to poor John and George. You'd think the media would understand our concern."

Why won't you pose for pictures with her? "I will never exploit my baby because if I do, it gives the press the freedom to pursue and photograph her all day."

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news 3
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.03.05 20:23:22   
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What is your view about children being fed a vegetarian diet? "Paul and Linda brought their children up on a vegetarian diet and none of them are in any way inadequate. Our child is veggie and is blossoming. There are many alternatives to meat that taste fab and are full of soy protein, as well as tofu, avocado, pulses, seeds and beans. How uneducated a doctor is to say a baby cannot have the best of health as a vegetarian. It's worth visiting, which has a multitude of books on the subject.

"If I'd listened to my doctor when I lost my leg and not discharged myself to a health clinic, I would have had my knee amputated due to infection and no antibiotics would have cured it ­ but a pure vegetarian diet would and did cure it".

What are you doing workwise right now? "I'm producing a series of programmes for Classic FM in the UK with my brother. I had an idea I put down on tape ten years ago and my brother recently found it in a drawer. We approached the station and they loved it. We were all brought up on classical music, especially Wagner, by my father, who thought he was a reincarnation of the composer himself! I played oboe from the age of ten and hated every minute of it as I wanted to play saxophone. My sister played flute and my brother bass trombone. Once I left home I took up alto sax. I love Charlie Parker and David Sanborn.

"My day-to-day work is with Adopt-A-Minefield ­ check out our website ­ and I have many other charitable commitments."

Do you have any other ambitions workwise? "I'd love my own TV show. Presenting is what I did for years before meeting Paul and I gave it up as he wanted me to be with him when he travelled. I loved presenting Larry King's talk show in the States and look forward to doing more in the future."

Is it true you're moving to America permanently? "No, that's a made-up headline. We have houses in the US but only stay there on holidays or when Paul is touring or recording."

What world leaders have you met and what did you talk about? "I've met Bill Clinton and discussed his work with regards to the landmine problem and the mine ban treaty. He was absolutely charming, as is his formidable wife Hillary, who I received an award with the day before the September 11 atrocity. She helped us immensely when we organised the New York firemen's concert. When I visited the disaster zone to give tickets to the firemen they all spoke of her support.

"President Putin was another charmer. He even escorted me to his personal loo as it was many corridors away from our meeting room. It was a pleasant surprise when Paul introduced me as his wife ­ Paul was doing his first ever Russian gig in Red Square at the time ­ and he replied, `Yes I know. I've heard a lot about her involvement in the landmine issue.' When I questioned him on the Russian landmine problem he was very forthcoming and later wrote to me with more information as he'd promised to do, addressing it to Heather, not Paul. I thought he'd have no interest in me, seeing as he'd come to see Paul's concert.

"The same week I met my favourite leader, President Gorbachev. He gave me some flowers he'd handpicked from his garden and paid me the highest compliment: `Your compassion for humanity reminds me of my beloved late wife.'

"I met Colin Powell twice, once at the State Department to discuss the US position on the mine ban treaty and its use of landmines, and the other time over lunch where I was more impressed by his fantastic wife and her love for him.

"Talking of love, Kofi Annan was like a little boy around his wife Nan and was delighted at a UN awards dinner, where we received an award along with Muhammad Ali and Ted Turner, when Paul wanted to sit next to me and we swapped the place cards around. Kofi said, `Oooh, I never get to sit next to my wife at functions. What a treat!'."

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.03.05 07:44:23   
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March 17, 2005 -- Entertainment News

Renee Zellweger has a crush on Paul McCartney

Oscar winning actress Renee Zellweger has revealed she has a crush on British rock star Sir Paul McCartney.

According to The Sun, Zellweger said that she hasn't shared the secret with McCartney, but her friends might have told him.

"I haven't told Paul yet but some friends might have outed me," Fox News quoted the 'Bridget Jones' Diary' star, who is dating Irish singer Damian Rice, as saying.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.03.05 07:45:25   
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March 17, 2005 -- Westword.comMarch 17, 2005 --

...the paparazzi keep coming around -- no surprise, given that Norman Cook (Fat Boy Slim) lives next door to none other than Paul McCartney. Cook says he and Sir Paul "never talk music. I'm such a Beatles fan that if we did, I'd bore the pants off him." Rather, "we compare notes about dodgy figures. If there's a photographer prowling around, we phone each other up and say, 'Watch out.'"
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.03.05 22:04:33   
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March 19, 2005

Jessica Lee assistant manager for Ocean Way studios talks about Paul McCartney

Okay, it's drooling fan time for me did Paul McCartney bring his '63 Hofner Bass (Ed Sullivan show 1964), his Epiphone '62 Casino ("Taxman" solo) and '65 Texan acoustic ("Yesterday"), and his '60 Les Paul Standard sunburst (RARE) that Linda bought him???? Did you get to see them???

Jessica: Yes, he brought a whole truck full of gear including his favorite guitars! He came back last month in October for the entire month and we got reacquainted with him!

I hear McCartney is a pretty nice person to have around, what was the session like?

Jessica: The sessions were very chill. Since it's the second time around for him, I think he was substantially more relaxed. He liked to hang out on the roof during his breaks because the weather is so nice in L.A. compared to England especially during October. And he would wander the building and pop his head in on all the staff members and chat it up with them. He would like to chat to me about his wife and new baby and give me advice about my life! Sometimes it would be like, "!!!! Paul's giving me advice about my love life!!!!" He was in during Halloween and he popped in wearing a Beatles era Paul McCartney mask! It was hilarious!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.03.05 08:59:37   
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March 22, 2005 -- PA News

Veggie Diet Helps Me Live Longer - Mills McCartney

Heather Mills McCartney claims a vegetarian diet may help cure cancer.

The former model has joined husband Sir Paul in extolling the virtues of a meat-free lifestyle.

She became a vegetarian after losing a leg in a motorcycle accident 12 years ago.

The wound became infected and she was in danger of undergoing further amputation, she said, until she cut meat and fish from her diet.

In an article for London's Evening Standard, Mills McCartney wrote: "As I watched more and more of my leg disappear, I decided to discharge myself from hospital.

"A girlfriend of mine had breast cancer. Although not scientifically proven, she believed she went into remission after following a vegetarian programme at America's Hippocrates centre in West Palm Beach, Florida.

"In desperation, I went to the States. The moment I arrived they took me off all my medication... Just 10 days of a strict vegetarian diet, wheatgrass juice and placing garlic poultices on my wound (Owwww!) and I was healed ­ as were scores of people around me, from addicts to cancer sufferers and non-insulin dependent diabetics."

She added: "I managed to stay meat and fish-free for years. When I briefly went back to eating it, it coincided with my contracting cancer of the uterus. I vowed from then on that vegetarianism was the healthy lifestyle for me."

And Mills McCartney declared: "I find it astonishing that people keep fuelling their bodies with junk as if they were immortal. Maybe nearly dying four times, as I did after an accident with a police motorbike in 1993, has made me really appreciate life."

Since meeting former Beatle Sir Paul she is now a vegetarian for ethical reasons too, she said.

Mills McCartney wrote the article after a recent study which claimed parents who put their children on a vegan diet could be harming their development.

Sir Paul was so incensed that he rang a radio station to rubbish the report.

Like the musician's late wife, Linda, Mills McCartney serves up only vegetarian food at home.
The anti-landmines campaigner Mills McCartney said dinner party guests are treated to "fake chicken, duck and steak" made from soya or tofu.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.03.05 21:00:30   
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March 23, 2005


Sir Paul McCartney's fame school leaves no stone unturned in its quest to unearth the stars of tomorrow and now it has taken its trawl to Austin, Texas!

The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA) has announced plans to hold US auditions in Austin on April 9.

LIPA rarely holds auditions in the United States and hundreds of talented young Americans are expected to try and win a place at the college.

Sir Paul says: "LIPA provides a tremendous learning experience for many young people who want to enter the music business and other performing arts.

"We are so pleased to offer auditions in the US, and are especially pleased to have them in Austin, a city where music is such an important part of the culture."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.03.05 10:11:59   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII Дата: 10.03.05 17:33:36

Correction: Paul McCartney Story

In a March 10 story about Paul McCartney and his wife donating a painting to the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York, The Associated Press, relying on information from the union, misidentified the artist. His name is Ron Kleemann, not Ron Kleinman.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.04.05 11:25:37   
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Veteran crooner TONY BENNETT ensured SIR PAUL McCARTNEY's first dance with HEATHER MILLS was a particularly special moment - he recorded an exclusive song for them.

The BEATLES star contacted Bennett shortly before exchanging marital vows with his wife HEATHER MILLS in 2002 and asked the singer to cover the RAY NOBLE tune THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU for his wedding reception.

Bennett happily obliged, and remains honoured McCartney singled him out for the privilege.

He says, "When Paul McCartney got married in 2002, he asked me to make a private recording of The Very Thought Of You for his wedding.

"He used it for his first dance at the ceremony, which was a great honour for me."

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.04.05 17:48:03   
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April 1, 2005 -- Connection Newspapers

Peter Max paints portrait of Heather and Beatrice McCartney

Iconic '60s pop artist Peter Max, who has spent the better part of the past four decades creating colorful, patriotic art had a short stint with the Beatles.

"I gave the Yellow Submarine album its style," Max said. "By the time the contracts were drawn up, my staff had grown from one person to 55 people and I just couldn't do it."

Heinz Edelman was hired by the Beatle's management to complete the cover and followed Max's original designs.

The artist's relationship with the remaining Beatles has continued: Max recently painted a portrait of Heather Mills, wife of Paul McCartney, and their newborn daughter Beatrice.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.04.05 09:05:42   
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April 2, 2005 -- Reuters

Billionaire Calder tops music rich list

A former independent record label boss who signed stars Britney Spears and 'N Sync has topped a British music industry rich list with a fortune of £1.3 billion ($2.5 billion).

South African-born Clive Calder, known as the "Howard Hughes of the music industry," was top of the pops in the 2005 Sunday Times music rich list, out-earning Britain's biggest names in rock and pop.

Calder, who acquired British citizenship in the 1970s, launched Zomba records in 1971. He sold the label for £1.2 billion ($2.3 billion) to music giant BMG in 2002.

Holding at number two from last year's list was former Beatle Paul McCartney, who recently padded out his £800 million ($1.5 billion) fortune with a world tour and a lucrative appearance at the Super Bowl half-time show.

Other notable names on a list dominated by stars of the 1960s and 70s include Elton John at seven with £185 million ($350 million), Rolling Stone Mick Jagger at nine with £180 million ($340 million) and Welsh singing legend Tom Jones at 10 with £175 million ($330 million).

Guitar hero Eric Clapton was at 15 with £130 million ($245 million), Beatle drummer Ringo Starr at 17 with £125 million ($236 million) and David Gilmour of Pink Floyd at 26 with £75 million ($142 million).

The Sunday Times said its list was based on identifiable wealth such as land, property, shares and other assets, but excludes bank accounts.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.04.05 07:37:25   
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Paul McCartney, Paul Newman, Julia Roberts, Robin Williams and More Set for April 21 Benefit at Avery Fisher Hall
By Andrew Gans
04 Apr 2005

A star-studded benefit for Hole in the Wall Camps, the world's largest association of camps for children with serious illnesses and life-threatening conditions, will be held April 21 Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall.

Produced by Lou Adler and Kevin Duncan, the 7 PM performance will feature appearances by Paul McCartney, Paul Newman, Julia Roberts, Robin Williams, Tony Bennett, Mary J. Blige, the Emerson String Quartet and the acrobatic group AntiGravity. Tony Award winner James Naughton will direct the evening, which is titled Stars in the Sky and will include a post-performance dinner and auction.

Paul Newman founded the first Hole in the Wall Camp in 1988 in Ashford, CT. The Association of Hole in the Wall Camps now includes nine camps and will serve over 10,000 children in 2005. For more information visit

Tickets for Stars in the Sky are available by calling (212) 462-2900. Tickets range from $250 (performance only) to $50,000 (tickets for ten, prime seating for ten at a post-performance dinner plus listings on the invitation and in the program).
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