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Интервью с Дани Харрисоном 22 мая 2003

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Dhani Harrison (Дани Харрисон)

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Интервью с Дани Харрисоном 22 мая 2003
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.05.03 13:15:31
Radio 2 which took place on 22nd May 2003.
elow is a transcript taken from Dhani Harrison's interview with disc jockey Johnnie Walker on BBC Radio 2 which took place on 22nd May 2003.

Looking For My Life>
George Harrison and a song called Looking For My Life from the album Brainwashed, an album that was completed thanks to the good work of Jeff Lynne, and Dhani Harrison, George's son, who is here at Radio 2. A very warm welcome to you.

Thank-you very much.

So, um, did you go to Los Angeles to Jeff Lynne's house to work on this?

We did. We'd originally planned to finish it (my dad and I) off at the same time, when we did it, my dad called Jeff about a year before we were there and ah, we planned to go to LA and finish it in his studio because of the way that the album had been recorded - some on 24 tracks, some on a digital machine called a radar, and then we planned to finish it all on protools, and Jeff had a very good set up that was very similar to the set up that we have at our house. And the year before that, unfortunately, Jeff had had a minor illness which had prevented us from going there. He recovered from that and he was fine. So that put it off, and then we'd planned scheduled studio time for him and a release date of when we actually had the album released. And it was just a shame because when we did the final production of the record and just the sort of polishing off, it was just, y'know, sad because my father wasn't there. But the time scale was exactly the same as it should have been, that my father and I had planned to have, so that's why I stuck to it.
Yeah. Did he leave you an idea of how he wanted various songs to sound, cos he wanted kind of a rough demo sort of quality to it didn't he? And Jeff Lynne polished it a bit.

I think people also misinterpret that as well because, y'know, I was there every second of the way with Jeff, and I've known Jeff my whole life, and the work that he did on Cloud Nine and that he's done in Free As A Bird and Real Love and songs like that. I mean, his technical ability as a producer is incredible, and a lot of people think the demos that aren't posh. Usually demos are recorded on an eight track or y'know, they're demos, they're very very rough. Now when my dad says that they're not posh, they're not posh but they're still recorded on a twenty four track system and they're all there, and Jim Keltner was playing drums on them and you know, you've got all these Indian musicians and amazing players and all that.

Well that's fairly posh.

So that's pretty posh to start off with,and now to then take songs that have been done with that kind of care and attention even just as demos,and to just tidy them that little bit. We didn't actually do anything that my father wouldn't have done. And I think that Jeff was quite paranoid about that when we were working on the record. I mean, not to say paranoid, but he was very very aware of that. And so, y'know, if people think they turned out posher than they did, we had all the string parts, we had everything done. A chap called Mike Moran had played them on a synthesiser and my father had written the parts with him. So songs like Rising Sun, the string arranger that we used, Marc Mann, he was always gonna be in on the project. My father had told me about this great guy who was gonna come and score all the parts, and so it was just completing the process how he would have done it. It's just because Jeff has a little bit of a reputation for over-polishing things, it's easy to interpret it that way. But I'm pretty sure that these songs would have turned out crazier if my dad had still been here. Like we didn't go quite as far as maybe he would have gone, because we were too nervous of being, y'know, blamed.

Right, I mean, it must have been nerve-wracking, but also a bit of an emotional rollercoaster really. You're dealing with your own grieving process which takes a long time, but here you are in a room and coming out of the speakers is your dad, you know, loud and clear. So he must have been very present in a way.

It was a tough thing to do so soon after he'd died but I wouldn't have ever - and nor would Jeff actually - we would never have attempted something like that unless the sort of energy was right at the time. And I felt that when... it was always he gave us the energy to carry on really, I mean the momentum was there. And we love him so much that it was one of those things where to not meet the release date that we'd had before would have been, would have been harder for us than to just carry on as if everything was normal. And so it was, I'd say it was very cathartic to do the record y'know. And some days we'd just be laughing and sharing all jokes, and some days we'd all be quiet and sitting there with lumps in our throats and, y'know, it is a tough procedure. But what was hardest about it I think was finishing something like Rising Sun with all this beautiful string arranging that Mark did and getting it all how he obviously had heard it in his head, how we'd never heard it before. And then to listen to it and then think, oh but he never heard it coming out of the speakers y'know, and we've heard it. And that was more like the toughest thing, every time. Every, say, week or two weeks we'd finish a track and we'd mix it down. And then we'd listen to it and then we'd all just have to go outside and kind of, oh, you know. But it was, yeah, and it was tough. It was tough for Jeff and it was tough for myself, but it was a good process.

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Re: Интервью с Дани Харрисоном 22 мая 2003 (часть2)
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.05.03 13:18:36   
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Cos you've played guitar on virtually all the tracks and did vocals as well. Was that done with your dad or was that done afterwards?
Some of it was done before in our studio and some of it was done when we were travelling. We had a sort of portable digital unit that we could record with. So my dad and I did a lot of playing together. Some of the stuff, A Horse To Water was already done.

There's this track on the album that I believe is your favourite and it's George's favourite number, track seven. Stuck Inside A Cloud.

Stuck Inside A Cloud's a great song, yeah.

Well we'll play it and then talk about it shall we?


<Stuck Inside A Cloud>

George Harrison and Stuck Inside A Cloud from the album Brainwashed. Son Dhani Harrison is here, and ah, we've got a lot of emails from people knowing that you were coming here. And a lovely one from Julian Martin from Guernsey in the Channel Islands. "Dear Dhani, we just wanted to especially thank you, your mum Olivia and Jeff Lynn for releasing your dad's breathtaking album Brainwashed. It has brought so much pleasure and inspiration to our lives, and I'm sure a lot of other people too. We really love and adore the track Stuck Inside A Cloud, and also love the song your dad sings called Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea. We play this one to cheer ourselves when we're feeling fed up. Marwa Blues is also beautiful and I love the words to Never Get Over You. We're in love with the whole album. My partner's been a fan since he was eleven when your dad was in the Beatles, and in the twenty odd years we've listened to your dad's music he's never failed to bring either a smile to our face or tears to our eyes when singing such thought provoking words that stay with you forever. Sending you and your family much love, peace and best wishes for the future."

Wow that's...
You can take that one with you.

Thank-you. We should be paying these people to say this nice stuff about us. Thank-you very much to Julian Martin. Very nice of you.

He had an amazing life your dad in a way. Two distinct parts in a way. All the mayhem of the Beatles and quite a fantastic experience for a young person to have y'know, to conquer the world with your music and there was nothing seen like it before or since really. And then the later part of his life just very quiet, very peaceful, spending a lot of time in the garden.

Yeah, that's kind of how I knew him really. The whole time that we were, or that I was growing up y'know I'd be at school and I'd come home and he'd always be in the garden, and I'd go to school and he'd be in the garden and I'd come home. And then when I was away at University I'd come home and he'd be in the garden, it was just the whole time. He was relentless. He'd garden until it went dark, and I know my friends will all be agreeing with this, when I say it. But literally the man gardened until it was pitch black, and you know, it was, I think night time gardening was one of his favourite activities, cos you couldn't see any of the weeds y'see. And you get to imagine what it would look like when it was all done. And so he'd go out there, y'know maybe take a beer and go out in the garden at night and garden as well. So he was a very very relentless gardener.

When did he decide though that it was time to come in the house and maybe work on doing some songs.

That was the hardest part, getting him in the house. The lovely lovely man who recorded most of this album, John Etchells, who's a good friend of mine, and a reason why we've got most of this great stuff down on tape. I know I'd come in the studio and John would be sitting there. Where is he John? Oh, ah, he's in the garden. And John would be ready y'know and then suddenly he'd come in and right, ready to go y'know and we'd all sit down and he'd get it down. But I know, God, how many hours must he have sat there in the studio waiting for him to come in from the garden. And bless you John, that was ah...

I mean what was happening out there? Was it flowers or was it vegetables, was he growing his own food?

Everything, everything. He'd get a truck load of, y'know, I've got a hundred thousand aces to plant this week. And they'd all be in by the end of the week, and then the next truck would turn up and then, y'know, he'd just be out there whether it was just pulling weeds out or whether it was, literally, he'd be driving around on a JCB with a giant two ton rock on it going, Hey Dan where should I put this, you know. Driving around. It was great. He just loved gardening. And whatever he did he did to a very high standard I think, my dad. He had very good taste and he liked nice things, and he liked people to enjoy nice things. There's a sort of small inscription in a stone in our house that says something like, cast not vengeful stones, or something something, the gardener has toiled to make this garden fair, and that was kind of the way I think he saw it.

Did he thrust a guitar in your hand at an early age or were you picking it up?
Never never never. I had a mini drumkit when I was a kid and I would sit around clattering. I dunno what happened to that mini drumkit, my mum gave it away. But ah, I learned piano when I was a kid. I learned piano for a while until I got to about nine and then I suddenly said, hey, why don't I know how to play the guitar? There are all these guitars around. But he did very well in shielding me from thinking that I had to grow up and be a guitar player. And when I wanted to learn he showed me chords, but he never said, right you have to play it like this or that. The only thing he ever made me do was learn how to play a proper twelve bar blues, but everyone should know how to play a proper twelve bar blues.

Yeah, the basic of everything. Well what about the future, and people are asking would there be a George Harrison Anthology.

Yes, there will be eventually. Give me a holiday first though.

Re: Интервью с Дани Харрисоном 22 мая 2003 (3 часть)
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.05.03 13:19:57   
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I mean how do you feel about that because you're interested in design, you're interested in doing your own music and stuff. You obviously have huge love for your dad's work, so how are you gonna work that out about?

I think that in a couple of years, well next year we're re-issuing his entire catalogue cos my dad never really cared about the music industry. I don't think his records are in the stores right now, other than the ones that aren't owned by him. Which have been re-released. So we'd always planned to, certain albums record companies didn't like tracks so I think there were three tracks that didn't get onto George Harrison, there was a couple of tracks that didn't get onto Dark Horse. And so here and there he'd been unhappy with the way that they'd turned out. Not very unhappy but just slightly miffed, and we plan to put all the original tracks back on and make the artwork how it was and certain covers were to be changed, and just sort of re-package everything, and release it. And the wilbury records as well because none of them are actually in the shops and people keep writing me letters saying can we have a copy of the Wilbury record please cos no-one can buy it. So as of next year we'll be re-releasing the back catalogue.

Including the Wilburys?

I think the Wilbury's will be coming after the end of the back catalogue. Wilbury One and Wilburys Three. But my dad was always really excited about getting this done, and then he filmed a lot my dad. And anyone who knew him, he just never put his video camera down. From the second he got a palmcorder it was all over. And I've got hours and hours and miles and miles of footage which I've looked through, and some of it is just the most hysterical stuff you'll ever see. It's absolutely, it's his eye-view of the world which is brilliant, and so there must be something done with all this. And I think that he'd always planned to do a little George anthology. Nothing too major, just y'know a good little video documentary, and maybe to release on DVD all the videos for all the various albums that had slipped through the net on the way, you know, the past 20 years.

Did you pick up his love of motor racing?

I did, I did.

Who's your favourite Formula One driver?
Ayrton Senna, it has to be. There is no other Formula One driver for me. Ayrton Senna was just one of the greatest men that will ever walk the face of this earth.

Did you meet him?

I did, I met him, twice actually at the British Grand Prix. I remember being at the British Grand Prix and then seeing the first McLaren F1 road car being demonstrated, and sitting in the drivers seat and thinking, wow I'm in the coolest place on earth and I couldn't be any cooler. I'm sitting in the McLaren F1, that is the coolest thing ever. And then looking through the windscreen and seeing my dad, thinking you're talking to Ayrton Senna and just thinking, Get me out of this car I wanna go and talk to Senna. And yeah, he was just incredible, and I think his whole philosophy and everything that he was about goes way beyond the level of understanding that Formula One drivers have at the moment. I think it's been dummed down.

Do you ever think that your father was such a worker for peace and trying to make the world a better place, is that a mantle that you feel you would like to pick up and go with, or is it in a way too heavy a weight for you, or you wanna carve your own way or what?

We do a lot, I mean our family we do a lot of charity work and all the proceeds for the reissue of My Sweet Lord went to charity, and all the proceeds of my father's concert that we had last November, Basically the majority of the work that we do goes to charity, so I mean I think if you can, give to charity as much as you can, but affective charities that work as opposed to things that get lost along the wayside. But I don't really have any desire to go and be a charity worker, I feel that my talents are best used in other places I think.

Alright, well great to see you, and thank-you very much for coming in.

Thank-you very much.

Take care.

Take care.

<Run So Far>

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