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Tom Petty

Тема: Tom Petty

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Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 24.02.04 13:16:22   
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Продолжаем голосовать. На этой неделе Том уже на 2 месте.
1 3 Dream Theater: "As I Am" 1
2 10 Tom Petty: "Taxman (live)" 2
3 9 The Darkness: "Get Your Hands Off My Woman" 3
4 4 Red Hot Chili Peppers: "Save The Population" 4
5 12 Alice Cooper: "Bye Bye Baby" 4
6 6 David Bowie: "Waterloo Sunset" 3
7 14 Muse: "Hysteria" 3
8 13 Placebo: "20th Century Boy" 5
9 15 Peter Gabriel: "Burn You Up Burn You Down" 4
10 11 The Jeevas: "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" 10
11 17 Belushi / Aykroyd: "300 Pounds Of Joy" 11
12 8 Jon Lord: "I Just Wanna Make Love To You" 8
13 7 Cornerstone: "Passion To Warfare" 7
14 5 Ian Anderson: "A Week of Moments" 1
15 new Eric Martin (Mr.Big): "What's The Worst That Could Happen"
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 25.02.04 17:53:01   
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Дню рождения Джорджа посвящается Дню рождения Джорджа посвящается
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 25.02.04 18:04:38   
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И ещеИ еще
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.02.04 09:04:35   
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Девушку на самом деле зовут Martika
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 26.02.04 11:36:52   
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2Primal Scream
А кто она такая?
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 26.02.04 11:45:42   
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Sweetie, о ней прочитай здесь:
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 26.02.04 11:52:15   
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Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 26.02.04 11:54:24   
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Не за что!
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.03.04 12:37:05   
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2/27/4 - Info on the exclusive Tom Petty songs on itunes
We can confirm that the two exclusive songs available on itunes on March 2nd will be “Born In Chicago” and “Red Rooster” recorded live in Chicago by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers:

On April 13, 14,16, 17, 19, 2003 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers played an historic run at the 1500 seat Vic Theater in Chicago. In what has become a celebrated tradition by one of rocks great live bands, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers chose to eschew the normal 20,000 capacity venues that they normally fill. They threw away the predictable set list for what Greg Kot from the Chicago Tribune (4/15/03) called “…a fascinating glimpse into the mind, soul and inspiration of one of the rock ‘n’ roll greats.”

All this was done as a warm up for the April 21st premiere of the two-hour re-launch of PBS' revered “Soundstage” series recorded in Chicago at the WTTW studios.

"I think Buddha said something like, "Only love conquers hate." It's so true. People will say, "Oh, you're a cockeyed optimist." But if we had more cockeyed optimists, we'd be in a better place."
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.03.04 14:59:37   
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В журнале №2 2004 статья о ТР.
Ничего нового , естественно не написали. Краткий пересказ биографии , расцвеченый разными красивостями, типа " Том Петти - американский Роберт Бернс" и альбом 94 года простой как газета "Гудок".
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 16.03.04 11:35:15   
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Sweet Little Queen XIII***
так я не понял, бандероль пришла в целости и т.д.?
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.03.04 11:45:56   
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О, да! Все впорядке. Я не успела вчера написать.О, да! Все впорядке. Я не успела вчера написать.
Концерт просто великолепный. Много новых песен, много новых каверов.
Хорошие переходы от кантри к блюзу, от акустики к року. Вообщем есть на что посмотреть и что послушать.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 16.03.04 12:03:16   
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Слава Богу! Я рад.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.03.04 12:18:01   
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George was presented by Tom Petty  and Jeff Lynne , George was presented by Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne ,
bandmates of his in the Traveling Wilburys, a super-group he helped
form late in his career along with Bob Dylan and Roy Orbison .

"He was a man who lived every minute of his life," said Petty. "He
had a very keen sense of humor, sense of spirit. Years before Live
Aid, he invented the idea of rock and roll giving back to the

Harrison's look-alike son, Dhani, joined Petty and Lynne for the
Wilburys song, "Handle With Care," and Harrison's "While My Guitar
Gently Weeps," in which Prince joined in.

На фото:ТР прибывает на церемонию в Зал славы рок-н-ролла.

Небольшое интервью про песни
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 27.04.04 11:03:19   
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Mon, Mar. 18, 2002
Petty's heart remains true to rock 'n' roll

By Robert Hilburn
Los Angeles Times

HOLLYWOOD - Tom Petty's music has always reflected the purity and faith of a musician who had the courage and conviction to simply listen to his heart.

Rather than tailor his style to better fit critical or commercial trends, the singer-songwriter and his band the Heartbreakers have remained true, in themes and presentation, to the basic rock 'n' roll tradition that they learned from the records of such classic figures as Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Byrds and Bob Dylan.

Today in New York City, Petty and the Heartbreakers will join those and other early heroes as members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Jakob Dylan will induct them in a ceremony whose taped highlights will be broadcast Wednesday by VH1. Other inductees this year include Isaac Hayes, Brenda Lee, Gene Pitney, the Ramones and Talking Heads.

``I feel like a lucky man,'' Petty, 51, said at his home in Malibu. ``A lot of people really struggle to find out what they want to do in life, but I knew as soon as I saw Elvis Presley, when I was 11. From that point, music became my religion, my nourishment.

``It was also a safe haven for me. My life was very turbulent as a child and a little scary, and music made everything seem right. It has also pulled me through some other dark times. It's very touching to be voted into the Hall of Fame, because it's an award given by your peers, and it's a nice feeling to think you're going to be remembered.''

Unlike most Hall of Fame inductees over the years, Petty is still a Top 10 album sales contender and a top arena draw. His next collection is due by the fall, and he will continue to tour periodically with the Heartbreakers.

Petty finds it hard to come up with a list of his own favorite compositions, but he agreed to comment on my Petty favorites. The songs are listed chronologically.

• ``American Girl'' (1976) -- ``I wrote that in a little apartment I had in Encino. It was right next to the freeway, and the cars sometimes sounded like waves from the ocean, which is why there's the line about the waves crashing on the beach. The words just came tumbling out very quickly -- and it was the start of writing about people who are longing for something else in life, something better than they have.

``A lot of people think the girl in the song commits suicide, but it's not about suicide. It has also been interpreted as a statement about the country. I was watching the 9/11 concert in New York, and the Goo Goo Dolls played ``American Girl.'' I could see the crowd cheering in this really patriotic context. But it was just a story when I wrote it. In my mind, the girl was looking for the strength to move on -- and she found it. It's one of my favorites, and we'll probably play it Monday.''

• ``Listen To Her Heart'' (1978) -- ``This was a love song. I wrote it after my wife at the time told me about going to a party at (a famous musician's) house and there being all this cocaine around, and I think that kicked off the opening line of the song. There was a lot of resistance from radio to the word `cocaine.' The record company wanted me to change it to `champagne,' but that was a whole different image and I wouldn't do it. It started with this guitar riff I had. I was looking for something with the sound of the Searchers' record `Needles and Pins.' I still love to play the song live.''

• ``Refugee'' (1979) -- ``This was a reaction to the pressures of the music business. I wound up in a huge row with the record company when ABC Records tried to sell our contract to MCA Records without us knowing about it, despite a clause in our contract that said they didn't have the right to do that. I was so angry with the whole system that I think that had a lot to do with the tone of the `Damn the Torpedoes' album. I was in this defiant mood. I wasn't so conscious of it then, but I can look back and see what was happening. I find that's true a lot. It takes some time usually before you fully understand what's going on in a song -- or maybe what led up to it.''

• ``The Waiting'' (1981) -- ``That was a song that took a long time to write. Roger McGuinn swears he told me the line -- about the waiting being the hardest part -- but I think I got the idea from something Janis Joplin said on television. I had the chorus very quickly, but I had a very difficult time piecing together the rest of the song. It's about waiting for your dreams and not knowing if they will come true. I've always felt it was an optimistic song.''

• ``Straight Into Darkness'' (1982) -- ``I like that song a lot. I don't know why it was never put out as a single. Maybe it was just a little too dark. There were a lot of tensions going on around me, and I was trying to combat the pessimism. I wanted to say that love is the great redeemer. We played it quite a bit live, and it always went over well.''

• ``Southern Accents'' (1995) ``That may be my favorite among my songs -- just in terms of a piece of pure writing. I remember writing it very vividly. It was in the middle of the night and I was playing it on the piano at home in Encino. I was just singing into my cassette recorder, and suddenly these words came out. I was at the point in my career where I was very much trying to find some new ground. I thought I had used up what I had started with, and I wanted a new direction.

``We had lived in California for about 10 years at that point, and I started thinking about growing up in northern Florida, which is a lot different from Miami Beach. It's close to Georgia and I came from a real Southern family, and I wanted to address that world. Once I came up with this song, I decided to write an entire album about the theme.''

Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 27.04.04 11:04:35   
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• ``The Best of Everything'' (1995) -- ``I wrote that before `Southern Accents,' but Nick Lowe gave me the idea of putting it on the album. He said it sounded like a Southern story to him. I love Robbie Robertson's horn arrangement on the song. It's about a girl I was fond of when I was a teenager, and me just wondering about whatever happened to her.''

• ``You Don't Know How It Feels'' (1994) ``One of the things that happened with the `Southern Accents' album is that I started writing about specific characters, rather than just from my own experience, and this was a song in that style. This guy had no place to go, and he's just trying to find a place to fit in.''

• ``Angel Dream'' (1996, soundtrack for ``She's the One'') ``That's one of my all-time favorites. It's about my wife, Dana, and it's the truth, line for line. That has always been our song.''

• ``Room at the Top'' (1999) ``That `Echo' album was one of the dark times. I can't even play it. It scares me because I was so down when I made it. It was the toughest period of my life. The character in that song is really desperate. It was the time of my divorce and the aftermath, when I was having to rebuild a lot of relationships, including those with my daughters. There was a lot of misunderstanding. I probably spent a year withdrawn from everyone, just staying home. It was a lonely, weird time, and I guess a lot of that is captured in the song.

``But time really is a healer and my life is wonderful now. You'll be able to tell in the songs I've been writing. I feel like I'm back in control again -- that my world is whole again.''
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 27.04.04 12:00:06   
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Sweet Little Queen XIII***
Спасибо за высказывания Тома. Только почему-то тут годы издания песен перепутаны. Southern accents и The Best of everything изданы в 1985 году, а не в 1995. Да и самому Петти в этом году 54 стукнет, а не 51.
Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 27.04.04 12:26:38   
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Ага, есть такое дело.Я не стала исправлять оригинал статьи, хотя наверное стоило бы. Не все же все знают, как мы.
From RS 946, April 15, 2004
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.05.04 13:24:18   
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В одном из последних номеров журнала Rolling Stone был рассказ о наиболее выдающихся музыкантах . Статьи о них были написаны другими музыкантами.В одном из последних номеров журнала Rolling Stone был рассказ о наиболее выдающихся музыкантах . Статьи о них были написаны другими музыкантами.
Вот статья о группе Byrds, написанная Томом

The Byrds

By Tom Petty

The Byrds are immortal because they flew so high. For me, they're still way, way up there. They left a huge mark. First off, the Byrds were the first credible American answer to the British Invasion. All of folk rock -- for lack of a better term -- descends directly from the music the Byrds made. They were certainly the first to introduce any sort of country element into rock music. As if all that wasn't enough, the Byrds spurred on a good degree of Bob Dylan's popularity, too. And not to be too shallow, but they also were just the best-dressed band around. They had those great clothes and hairdos. That counted for something even then.
I'll never forget hearing "Mr. Tambourine Man" for the first time on the radio -- the feeling of that Rickenbacker twelve-string guitar and those incredible harmonies. Roger McGuinn told me he took that guitar sound from A Hard Day's Night, but McGuinn was a banjo player, and he played the Rickenbacker in this rolling, fingerpicking style -- no one had really tried it before. George Harrison admitted that "If I Needed Someone" was his take on the Byrds' "The Bells of Rhymney." The Byrds were the only American group that the Beatles were friendly with and had a dialogue with. Those original Byrds really changed the world in that short time they were together.

In some ways, they were an unlikely group to become rock & roll stars. Chris Hillman was from the bluegrass world. McGuinn had been in folk groups like the Limelighters and the Chad Mitchell Trio, as well as playing with Bobby Darin. David Crosby came out of the coffeehouse scene, too. Gene Clark played with the New Christy Minstrels. McGuinn once told me that the Byrds had to get together and really learn how to play rock & roll as a group. That was their first quest. Imagine a bunch of recovering folkies trying to learn how to make people dance.

The Byrds represented Los Angeles as much as the Beach Boys, except that the Byrds were the other side of the coin -- they were L.A.'s whacked-out beatnik rock group. They're part of what drew me to Los Angeles and made me want to be in a band. I got to see the Byrds once at the West Palm Beach pop festival on the same bill with the Rolling Stones. In the beginning, that was the original blueprint for the Heartbreakers -- we wanted to be a mix of the Byrds and the Stones. We figured, "What could be cooler than that?"

(From RS 946, April 15, 2004)

Re: Where is Petty?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.05.04 07:53:31   
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The DRIVE-BY TRUCKERS have recorded a cover of TOM PETTY's "Rebels" for the May 16th episode of Fox's King of the Hill. Petty will also add his voice to the episode
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