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Unheard Lennon tapes could fetch £70,000 at auction

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Unheard Lennon tapes could fetch £70,000 at auction
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 27.04.02 13:07:57
Two previously unheard tapes of John Lennon telling stories, nursery rhymes and improvising songs are expected to fetch £70,000 at auction.

The 80-minute tapes were recorded in 1969 and 1970 and display for the first time the bond between Lennon and Yoko Ono's daughter, Kyoko.

On one of the tapes, which will be auctioned on Tuesday by Christie's in London, Lennon is heard singing "Oh Yoko" from the 1971 hit album Imagine.

Full story:
Re: Unheard Lennon tapes could fetch £70,000 at auction
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 27.04.02 14:13:16   
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Re: Unheard Lennon tapes could fetch £70,000 at auction
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 29.04.02 10:39:32   
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Сегодня по новостям (1-й ОРТ) повторили эту новость. Только не сказали вроде о начальной цене этих катушек.
Когда в сюжете показали крупно аудио кассеты, они мне напомнили наши (советские) МК-45, очень невзрачные.
П.С. Посмотрите, может в полдень повторят этот сюжетик.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Unheard Lennon tapes could fetch £70,000 at auction
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 02.05.02 15:46:23   
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Lennon tapes sell for £134,000
May 1 2002
Liverpool Echo

TWO previously unheard recordings by John Lennon have sold for £134,000 after
they went under the hammer at an auction of pop memorabilia.

A tape of the late Beatle improvising songs and telling stories to Kyoko, his
sixyearold stepdaughter by Yoko Ono, fetched £75,250.

Recorded during the summer of 1969, it features Lennon reciting nursery
rhymes and telling the little girl a tale of a dwarf who lived in the garden.

A 25- minute cassette of Lennon developing the melody and lyrics for She
Said, She Said in 1966, which was later released on the Revolver album, went
for £58,750.

Lennon gave the tape to Tony Cox, Ono's first husband, during a visit to
Cox's home in Denmark.

It contains lyrics which never made it into the finished version, including:
"When I was a little boy, I never had no toy . . . and I might be green, I
might be green."

Both were bought by a private collector from the US at the sale at Christie's
auction house in central London.

The rare Lennon recordings were the star lots in what proved to be Christie's
best ever sale of pop memorabilia, which grossed a total of £532,642.

A one-page cartoon strip which Lennon drew for the Daily Howl, a comic he
drew while at school, was expected to fetch £8-£12,000 but went for £32,900.

A taped interview with Lennon and Ono was sold for £23,500, twice its
estimate, and a portrait of the couple drawn by Lennon fetched £12,925.

Three documents detailing the salaries of the four Beatles in 1961 fetched
between £12,900 and £18,800 each.

The highlight of the sale was supposed to be Sir Paul McCartney's
hand-written lyrics for the song Hey Jude.

But his lawyers won an order at the High Court preventing Christies from
selling them. It was estimated they would have fetched up to £80,000.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Unheard Lennon tapes could fetch Ј70,000 at auction
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 22.04.04 21:43:36   
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Lot DescriptionLot Description

In our April 2003 auction, MastroNet had the extreme pleasure to offer a pair of cassette tapes with never-released recordings from John Lennon and Yoko Ono's 1970 visit with Yoko's daughter, Kyoko Cox. The landmark cassettes were known as "The Denmark Tapes." They constituted the third and fourth installments of a quartet of previously undocumented recordings that surfaced a little over three years ago directly from Yoko Ono's ex-husband, Tony Cox. John and Yoko had arrived at Cox's Denmark farmhouse unannounced, but ended up spending several weeks there with Tony, Kyoko and Tony's wife, Melinda. Just six months before, the seven-year-old Kyoko had accompanied John, Yoko and John's son Julian to Scotland, a vacation that ended with a nearly tragic car accident. The stay in Denmark was an opportunity to salve the emotional wounds from that trip, as well as build upon the positive rapport that John and his stepdaughter had begun to establish during the previous several years. With Yoko's recent miscarriage of she and John's first conceived child, custody of Kyoko had become more important to the couple than ever before. Little did John and Yoko know at the time, it would be their final gathering with the young girl. A bitter custody battle ensued in the 1970's, and Tony succeeded in his efforts to keep Kyoko estranged from her mother and stepfather. John never saw Kyoko again, and Yoko did not have any contact with her until five years after John's 1980 death.

Presented here is the last remaining Lennon tape, a never-heard, previously undiscovered recording of John Lennon and Tony Cox's final attempt at reconciliation. Their intimate phone conversation of November 10, 1977 marked the first time the two had spoken in many years, and, according to Cox, the final conversation between them. Tony originally recorded the phone call for legal reasons. He kept this white cassette (notated "11-10-77 Call with John - Master #1") in his possession for more than 20 years before imparting it to our consignor. The nine-minute conversation is a poignant and fascinating insight into the strained relationship of Tony, John, Yoko and Kyoko. It is clear in his voice that John is trying desperately to cultivate a relationship with Tony, if only so that he and Yoko can reacquaint themselves with Kyoko. John opens up to him on many levels, particularly about his late father, yet there is a constant sadness in his inflection—as if at any moment Tony could end the conversation and take Kyoko away again, as he had seven years before. Early on in the phone call, Cox mentions a possible meeting in the future. However, when John mentions on several occasions that he'd like to tell him more in person, Tony changes the subject each time. At its heart, the conversation is extremely tenuous and tragic, as is so often the case in such delicate conversations about custody.

At the outset, John and Tony exchange greetings, discussing how long it's been since they've spoken. Tony says, "It's really nice to talk to you again," to which John responds, "And you, I've often thought about you...I hope we can get it right this time." Tony then mentions a possible future gathering. John, excited, lets down his guard, saying, "Yeah, it'll be nice. I'm the same but different, if that means anything...Well, it's been a long haul. It's a long haul for both of us." After rehashing old times for a while, bringing up names of mutual friends from Denmark, Tony asks John about his trip to Japan. John talks about taking language lessons in Japanese and then both compare notes on James Clavell's classic novel, Shogun. At this point, Kyoko can be heard in the background at Tony's side. Having read the book three times, she informs her father that it's 1,214 pages long and he passes the fact along to John. Later, Tony mentions that his father has lung cancer, news which prompts John to mention the death of his own father the previous year. In public, Lennon rarely broached the subject of his relationship with his father. Here, though, he speaks openly about the distance between them and goes on to reveal an incredible discovery. Before he died, John's father left his son with a gift: the manuscript of his life story. John, speaking passionately, says , "You know all he wanted was for me to hear his side of the story, which I hadn't heard. Why he wasn't there, etc...etc. And there's this sort of incredible manuscript about every detail of his life, you know?" He then tells Tony, "I'll let you read it one day. It's really a wild adventure." They talk about John's father for several more minutes, before the conversation comes to its climactic conclusion. John says how happy he is that Tony called him: "It's just that I didn't know when it would happen. I knew it would happen one day." When Tony comments on how great it was to talk again, John shows his poetic, visionary side, responding, "It's like having an old, old friend that something went wrong and you're not quite sure what it was. It was just like we were all in a big giant cosmic car accident and each of us were taken to separate hospitals, you know?" John and Tony then say their goodbyes. Tony says he has work to do; John replies, "Oh, okay, okay," in a jovial manner, but with underlying uneasiness about the future of their relationship—and for good reason. Reconciliation would never come during John's lifetime.

This exclusive, never-released tape, the fifth and final lost recording of John Lennon that belonged to Yoko Ono's ex-husband, Tony Cox, is presented here without copyright, broadcast rights, performer's consents and other reproduction rights, however the winning bidder may apply to the relevant parties to obtain such clearance and consents as may be necessary.
Re: Unheard Lennon tapes could fetch £70,000 at auction
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 23.04.04 00:38:19   
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А чего нормальная цена отбить можно было бы но только не в России.
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