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А как же The CURE

Тема: The Cure

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Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.07.04 22:18:04   
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Неплохая новая пластинка, неплохая.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 29.07.04 09:16:46   
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И мне очень понравилась. Гораздо лучше предыдущей, несколько размазанной и скучной. Первые две вещи Lost и Labyrinth просто великолепны!
Старая гвардия - вперед!
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: sgm   Дата: 24.08.04 15:55:42   
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Согласен. Пластинка лучше предыдущей. Но до "Кисс ми..." - "Виш", на мой взгляд не дотягивает.
И еще,
Телекомпания MTV торжественно объявила, что в этому году звания "Икона года" (Icon of 2004) удостоится рок-группа The Cure.
Я бы на месте Роберта Смита, впал в депрессию.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.09.04 12:24:58   
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The Cure take the icon testThe Cure take the icon test
BBC News

British Goth-pop band The Cure have been declared an 'MTV Icon', with 26 years of music making honoured at a tribute concert at Old Billingsgate Market in London.

Uh-oh... wasn't it just a few years ago that I bobbed along to The Cure's Inbetween Days?

Nope, I'm clearly getting old - it was the mid 1980s, at which point The Cure had already been around for some eight years.

Now, a good quarter of a century after starting out and with numerous platinum albums hanging on the walls of frontman Robert Smith, can The Cure really live up to their new iconic status?

The invitation-only event in London's old fish market was packed.

Teenage angst

Floating on a big screen above stage was a full moon, eerie enough to persuade any werewolf to give away his game.

None came forward, but the evening's compère Marilyn Manson was probably as good a replacement as one could find.

Manson, complete with trademark sneer and white face paint, played the role of story-telling uncle, taking the 1,000 strong crowd through a night of music and video flashbacks.

And there were plenty of glowing tributes from musicians and bands who claimed to have been influenced by The Cure's moody tunes.

From Limp Bizkit to Linkin Park, Embrace to Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dizzee Rascal to Metallica and many more - is there any musician out there who does not claim to have been under the spell of Robert Smith's yelps?

Kicking off the evening was probably the best tribute of them all, cover versions of Cure songs played by four bands that have carried the torch of teenage angst into the 21st century.

Skate punkers Blink-182 produced a relatively tame rendition of A letter to Elise, with Robert Smith joining them for All of This.

AFI did their fast and furious best with Just Like Heaven.

The tribute highlights, though, were an incredibly edgy version of Boys don't Cry played by Razorlight, and a thundering If Only Tonight We could Sleep performed by the Deftones.

Nothing pleased me more when, for technical reasons, the Deftones were asked to retake the song.

Subconcious recognition

During the many set changes of the evening, old Cure videos entertained the crowd - providing another shocking realisation: an incredible number of Cure songs and videos have entered our subconscious, just waiting to be hummed again.

Remember Inbetween Days, Lovecats, Let's go to Bed, Charlotte Sometimes, Close to Me, A Night like This, Just Like Heaven, Love Song, Lullaby, and the incomparable Friday I'm in Love... and many more.

So, the music is iconic, and Robert Smith is still clad all in black, with trademark eyeliner, red lipstick and wild hair.

But has the band grown as stale as Smith has chubby?

It was well past midnight when The Cure themselves finally took to the stage, and from the first riff it was obvious that they have managed to haul their music firmly into the 21st century.

The Cure may still be the masters of mourning, but their performance had an edge and drive that would do any Nu Metal band proud.

Even old favourites like Friday I'm in Love were - almost - purged of the popcorn sound of the New Wave 1980s.

It's The End of the World, proclaims one song on the band's most recent album.

The Cure, though, are far from being finished yet.

MTV Icon -The Cure will be shown in the UK on 31 October 2004 at 2100 GMT.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 04.12.04 09:30:11   
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Ребята, может, кто знает выходила видео-кассета параллельно с диском, называлась - Staring At The Sea -the singles
может у кого есть? на двд или VHS, копию кто-нить могет сделать??
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: ModVampire   Дата: 06.12.04 15:47:46   
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У меня была, кажись.
Только вот 2 проблемы - найти и перекатать.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 07.12.04 04:34:09   
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было бы круто
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: Николь   Дата: 16.12.04 00:12:08   
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I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday I'm in love

Как нельзя лучше подходит под настроение6))
Отличная песня. И клип:) Забавный такой
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 05.02.05 13:59:02   
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а сегодня я купил себе DVD - mp3 THE CURE там 70 альбомов,
Самое главное, там есть акустический альбом, который я давно искал.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 05.02.05 14:02:20   
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Whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel Like I am young again  Whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel
Like I am young again
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 06.02.05 11:06:37   
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Ну, первые два зонга - страшная вещь. Слушал и боялся, а что если и дальше так будет. Хватит ли сил дослушать)) Смогу ли я съесть столько отчаяния, и в такой энергичной форме.

После прослушивания альбома, чтобы поднять настроение, заслушал все это альбомом Pressure Chief группы Cake))
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 06.02.05 17:37:02   
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о каких зонгах речь?
интересно было бы узнать..
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 06.02.05 17:42:50   
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кто слышал трибьютные альбомы?
прелюбопытная весчь, я вам доложу....
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 07.02.05 06:47:57   
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Да те же Lost и Labyrinth, о которых и Flaming Rain говорил.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 16.03.05 20:37:31   
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на той видео кассете что я ищу была вот такая картинкана той видео кассете что я ищу была вот такая картинка
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.05.05 01:28:20   
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Cure frontman ousts two members By Jason MacNeil Cure frontman ousts two members By Jason MacNeil
Sat May 28

TORONTO (Billboard) - Two veteran members of the Cure have exited the U.K. rock act, which has long featured a revolving door of musicians backing leader Robert Smith.

Keyboardist Roger O'Donnell and guitarist Perry Bamonte are out, leaving singer/guitarist Smith, bassist Simon Gallup and drummer Jason Cooper in the fold, according to the Cure's Web site (

"As of Tuesday this week I am no longer a member of the Cure," O'Donnell wrote on his Web site ( "It was sad to find out after nearly 20 years the way I did but then I should have expected no less or more."

The Cure Web site coyly said others could be part of the lineup, promising more news soon. The new lineup will be unveiled on Aug. 5 when the Cure play a festival in Castellon, Spain. The band is also confirmed for festival dates in France, Switzerland and Turkey.

O'Donnell first played with the Cure from 1987 to 1990, when he was replaced by Bamonte, a Cure roadie. Bamonte switched to lead guitar after Porl Thompson left in 1993, and O'Donnell returned to the fold in 1995.

O'Donnell has been working on a solo album, "The Truth in Me," for the past six months and will release it in the fall on an as-yet-unnamed independent label.

Rumors are also circulating that Siouxie and the Banshees principal Steve Severin will fill in at the Cure's upcoming shows in some capacity. Severin and Smith are longtime friends who recorded a 1983 side-project album, "Blue Sunshine," under the moniker the Glove.

"It is true that we are talking again, but I haven't spoken to Robert since this story broke," Severin told "All I know is that we are working together on making the most exciting remaster of 'Blue Sunshine' possible."

Photo: The rock group, Cure, from left to right are Robert Smith, Boris Williams, Roger O'Donnell, Port Thompson, and Simon Gallup, shown in this August 1989 file photo, are trying a new approach. The Cure s latest incarnation may be fresh and different, but the British band is still trying to shed its doom and gloom image
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 08.06.05 22:02:56   
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Члены Cure уходят из группы
Два члена британской группы The Cure решили уйти и тем самым положить конец составу, продержавшемуся 10 лет. Гитарист Перри Бамонт и клавишник Роджер О'Доннелл оставили коллектив на Роберта Смита, басиста Саймона Гэллапа и барабанщика Джейсона Купера. Трое оставшихся музыкантов намерены продолжать выступать на предстоящих концертах. Новый состав будет объявлен 5 августа, когда Cure должны сыграть на фестивале в Кастельоне.
О'Доннелл играл с Cure с 1987 по 1990 год, когда его заменил Бамонт, гастрольный менеджер Cure. После ухода в 1993 году Порла Томпсона Бамонт переключился на соло-гитару, а в 1995 году О'Доннелл вновь присоединился к группе.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: Пипл   Дата: 08.06.05 22:10:36   
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Группа подарила миру немеряно новых музыкальных идей и настроений.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 09.08.05 19:39:09   
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Вышли де-люксовые переиздания трёх альбомов

Seventeen Seconds

каждый из альбомов переиздан в виде двойника, где второй диск заполняют домашние и студийные демо, концертные версии и нереализованные треки.
Re: А какже The CURE
Автор: McDen   Дата: 09.08.05 20:42:19   
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>на той видео кассете что я ищу была вот такая картинка
скорее там была вот такая картинка :))
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