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Умер Barney Kessel

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Умер Barney Kessel
Автор: Dvas Nickolas   Дата: 09.05.04 13:47:48
Popular, influential jazz guitaristPopular, influential jazz guitarist

Los Angeles Times Service

Barney Kessel, the innovative and influential jazz guitarist known for his lyrical voice and harmonic improvisation, has died. He was 80.

Kessel, a pioneer of the electric guitar, died Thursday night in San Diego, where he had lived since 1989. The cause of death was a malignant brain tumor. He had been in poor health since 1992 when he had a stroke that effectively curtailed his nearly six-decade musical career.

''Barney was a wonderfully lyrical and melodic player and could also swing very hard,'' jazz critic Nat Hentoff said. 'He was a guy who could sit in and play with everybody. He had what jazz players call `big ears,' meaning he had a great capacity to listen and to respond musically to what he was hearing.''

Between 1947 and 1960, Kessel was rated the No. 1 guitarist in many of the music polls in Esquire, Downbeat and Playboy magazines. In the 1950s, he recorded several albums and performed with drummer Shelly Manne and bassist Ray Brown in a groundbreaking piano-less trio. Kessel also appeared and recorded with Charlie Byrd and Herb Ellis as the ``Great Guitars.''

A Times reviewer catching a 1982 concert by Kessel and Byrd wrote that it was 'such a near-perfect performance of melodic, swinging jazz that a more appropriate appellation might be the `Heavenly Guitars.' ''

Kessel left jazz for many years for more lucrative work as a studio musician but returned to the road full time in 1972, saying, ``I wanted to be able to take my guitar out of the case and always be me, not a guy doing a dog-food commercial.''

Kessel played not only with the Oscar Peterson Trio (in a 1952 tour of 14 countries), Charlie Parker, Charlie Barnet, Art Tatum and Artie Shaw, but also with such diverse musicians as Elvis Presley, the Beach Boys and Liberace.

The guitarist is survived by his wife, Phyllis; two sons, guitarists and music producers Dan and David Kessel; three stepchildren, Christina Wand, Colette Wand Wirtschafter and Cleo Dougherty; and five grandchildren.
Re: Умер Barney Kessel
Автор: Juri Rosenfeld   Дата: 09.05.04 18:49:18   
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Он был один из виртуозов джазовой гитары такого уровня,что,когда его слушаешь за гитару браться не особенно хочеться..Жалко и печально.
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