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Blues. Stevie Ray Vaughan. Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»

Тема: Stevie Ray Vaughan

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Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.12.05 21:48:58   
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Johhny Lee, наконец-то глянул СРВ в Токио. Он просто зверь! Потрясающий концерт, начиная с трубки и заканчивая энергетикой и продленными соло! Поет опять же потрясающе (почему-то мало говорят о Стиви Рэе как вокалисте). THANKS!Johhny Lee, наконец-то глянул СРВ в Токио. Он просто зверь! Потрясающий концерт, начиная с трубки и заканчивая энергетикой и продленными соло! Поет опять же потрясающе (почему-то мало говорят о Стиви Рэе как вокалисте). THANKS!
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: Strange bet   Дата: 04.12.05 18:52:44   
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Вокал душевный, нет слов;
Только я лично, всё внимание на гитару...
*одни эмоции*
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 06.12.05 20:15:39   
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Я знал, Прайм, шо тебе пондра... :-)Я знал, Прайм, шо тебе пондра... :-)
Чуть-чуть из книжки славной дамочки Keri Leigh "Stevie Ray: Soul To Soul" о японских гастролях и этом перформансе SRV в Токио:

Stevie journeyed to Japan for the first time that month, and to his pleasant
surprise, the Japanese audiences went crazy over Double Trouble. Plans were
made for a film company, called Black Box, Inc., to document the Tokyo concert,
but the video was never released in the states. SRV came on "Scuttle Buttin',"
with his Albert King corncob pipe smoking awsy. He bent over his guitar,
concentrating hard on the notes whirling out from his fingers. He swung his axe,
punctuating the puncy intro to "Say What!" with his wah-wah whirring away, and
found the highest bend possible, pinching the strings with a mighty force while
his right hand danced effortlessly over the pickguard.

Tommy was smiling more than usual tonight, looking buzzed and happy (actually
they were all tanked) as he nervously paced with his tobacco-sunburst Fender
Precision bass. Stevie bowed his head, finished the song in a reckless flurry,
then addressed the crowd: "Hello, Tokyo! Ya'll ready to get it? Let's Go to
Texas - yeah, you got it - real nice and personal, uh, is what we call it ... by
way of Seattle." The band ran head-on into "Voodoo Chile" to wild Japanese screams
that sounded about as American as Amarillo on a Saturday night. He rocked his torso,
hitting a stingingly high B note, then tossed his head back, allowing the piercing
sound to ring out over the beat. His legs were quivering beneath him. He'd gotten
the guitar singing, wiggling it in front of his pelvis like Hendrix did - and, sure
enough, the girls lost it. He fell out of the sky for the next verse, Whipper broke
it down, and the guitar scratch started again. Shaking his wet hair and panting a
little from the workout, Stevie was supposed to be singing but opted for another
solo because it felt so good.

Later on, during "Cold Shot," the overtly heavy chorus effect was eating his tone
up, and he paused before the solo, waiting for just the right scream to set him off.
Someone yelled and he was gone, his left leg wagging like a rubberband. Seguing into
"Couldn't Stand the Weather," Stevie worked that pile-driving funk groove. He
flubbed the lyrics, thinking only of his guitar, taking too many extended rides when
one or two would do. These were common (and understandable) criticisms of Stevie's
shows from this period. He was too excessive a guitarist, lacking the material and
the voice to stand the test of time - or so people said.

Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 06.12.05 20:15:52   
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 To prove more with less, he picked up the white Strat (Charley) for Tin Pan Alley, To prove more with less, he picked up the white Strat (Charley) for "Tin Pan Alley",
laid back and closed in on the groove, talking from his heart with tasty, light little
blue notes. Voices cried out after every twelfth bar, encouraging him to take another
turn. The blue lights turned his red velvet suit a deep voilet, and he took on a
princely appearance. His vocals were smooth and coy; if the guitar histrionics were
too much, he'd sure as hell have gotten the audience's attention when he sang "I heard
a pistol shoot." A woman screamed wildly. He was telling it like he knew this place,
and man, he'd been there. Stepping back, he whispered "It's like this..." howling on
the high e-string. Suddenly his blue-lit face was in terrible pain; he was crying silently
to himself as his guitar heaved sobs. His eyes closed tight, his teeth clenched, his lips
were saying "no, no no". He stung a high note hard and quick, opening his mouth to let a
big sigh rush out, audible over his vocal mike two feet away. Then another note, another
sigh and he was all played out.

He called a stop and growled at the crowd jumping into "Love Struck Baby", the old Rome
Inn barnburner. He snarled through the solo, tossing his hat onto the mike stand, ducking
under his guitar strap, and playing the thing behind his head. The cameras revealed the
unpleasant truth: Stevie Ray, barely thirty, was mostly bald. He busted a string on Charley,
switching over to Number One for "Texas Flood", and his tone was blasting. The mojo bag that
hung from his belt was most definitely working. He slipped into T-Bone's shoes, and they fit.
He swung around, unplugged the instrument in mid-solo, and replugged it behind his back,
playing the rest with both eyes closed. He finished the entire last verse behind his back,
flipping the guitar back and forth, never missing a note. Then he introduced the band;
Tommy kissed his bass and winked, Whipper waved. "Domo Arrigato - to you!" Stevie bid the
audience. A thick cloud of pot smoke hovered over the arena. Stevie took a deep whiff, a
maniacal grin on his lips.

He returned for an encore of "Lenny." Stevie was sutting alone with her center stage,
thinking of his woman back home, gently tugging her whammy bar, and making her quiver in his
hands. He sat relaxed, smoking a pipe that he soon ditched, coughing. The song was his
masterpiece for the night. This old girl was his companion when times were hardl he faded
paint job and smoke-yellowed crusty pickups had seen it all. He hunched over, touching her
neck softly. His head was buried deep in her body, close enough to kiss her fretboard. He
threw in some Wes Montgomery, lost in the cool jazz and memories. Dueling bass lines with
Tommy, his amp buzzed low as he turned the low E string down as far as it would go until it
just died out. After all the whang-barring and de-tuning he was horribly clangy, but
finished up with a beautiful precursor to "Riviera Paradise."

Jumping up out of the blues, he launched into "Testify". Here he went holding it like a
violin, again tuning down the already appaling cacaphony and wailing like crazy. Finally, the
sound just became too awful, and he reached to Number One for some serious trickery; he played
it backwards, forwards, upside-down and sideways, one-handed, back-handed, and no-handed - he
could do it with both hands tied behind his back. He was reciting "Third Stone", and the rhythm
section was rocking hard. While they went on, Stevie yanked off Number One and threw her to
the floor, lunging after her as if he was going to rape the poor thing. Nect he was humping it,
whanging it to death, shsking it, throwing the controls past ten, making her whistle like a
train and whinny like a horse. Stevie hunched over her, flipped her over by the whammy bar,
jumped on top and rolled around the stage with her. Leaping to his feet, he tossed her into the
air and caught her just in time to hammer the last ... excruciating ... note, and it was
"Goodnight Tokyo!"
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 18.12.05 23:54:18   
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Приятель порадовал. Принес раритетное видео SRV с финского перформанса Pori Jazz Festival - Yyteri Finland July 11. 1985. В стране горячих блондиноф похожэ Стиви оторвался: в полном угаре выступает. Драйв на всю катушку. Фины тожэ не церемонятся: када звучит Вуду чайл, зритель подходит к импровизированной сцене и жмет в знак признательности руку Стиви... Воэн одной левой продолжает своё соло на грифе...  и, чертяга, принимает правила игры и  мейк шоу: сам уже крепко держит руку аборигена, трясёт её и трясёт...А левой рукой продолжает выдавать шестьдесят четвёртые и сто двадцать восьмые :-))) Ну, реакция публики, а особенно фина-рукопожателя, вполне предсказуема аутстейндинг :-) Шоб не повадно дальше было горячим дядькам и тётькам руки жать во время ликса, часть соло в Вуду... Стиви уже продолжает по-хендриковски, зубами...Приятель порадовал. Принес раритетное видео SRV с финского перформанса "Pori Jazz Festival - Yyteri Finland July 11. 1985". В стране горячих блондиноф похожэ Стиви оторвался: в полном угаре выступает. Драйв на всю катушку. Фины тожэ не церемонятся: када звучит "Вуду чайл", зритель подходит к импровизированной сцене и жмет в знак признательности руку Стиви... Воэн одной левой продолжает своё соло на грифе... и, чертяга, принимает правила игры и "мейк шоу": сам уже крепко держит руку аборигена, трясёт её и трясёт...А левой рукой продолжает выдавать шестьдесят четвёртые и сто двадцать восьмые :-))) Ну, реакция публики, а особенно фина-рукопожателя, вполне предсказуема "аутстейндинг" :-) Шоб не повадно дальше было горячим дядькам и тётькам руки жать во время ликса, часть соло в "Вуду..." Стиви уже продолжает по-хендриковски, зубами...
Наконец-то увидел вблизи (блоу-ап) пассионарное исполнение "Life without you".
Пробирает до слёз... В конце посвящения, прикасается губами к гитаре "Чарли"...
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 18.12.05 23:58:12   
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2 Эликастер***2 Эликастер***
На этом видео хорошо видны подушечки пальцев левой руки Стиви: явно пальцы с "клеевыми прокладками"...
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 07.01.06 16:55:09   
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Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 07.01.06 17:57:57   
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японские комиксы раз....японские комиксы
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 07.01.06 17:58:31   
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Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 07.01.06 17:59:07   
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Blues. Stevie Ray Vaughan. Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»три.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 08.01.06 18:27:29   
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To: john lee hooker
А перевод?!
Страничка там где Джеф Бек, Хендрикс, С. Уандер. Кто там нарисован на втором рисунке?
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 10.01.06 18:09:51   
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>To: john lee hooker
>А перевод?!
>Страничка там где Джеф Бек, Хендрикс, С. Уандер.
>Кто там нарисован на втором рисунке?

сизу зубрю арбанский...
с ерементарным йепонским просю не приставать... читаю токма со сроварём... :-)
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 04.04.06 18:46:51   
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Сейчас в журнале на глаза попалося забавное высказывание Сантаны:Сейчас в журнале на глаза попалося забавное высказывание Сантаны:

Music helps me to connect with my spirituality.
I listen to Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley and Stevie Ray Vaughan because their music is timeless. SRV and Miles communicate with me in my dreams.
Carlos Santana 2006
(надейюся, Стиви ему ТАК не улыбаецца во снах :-)))
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: vasil ibn rashit   Дата: 04.04.06 18:55:47   
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john lee hooker
>На этом видео хорошо видны подушечки пальцев левой руки Стиви: явно пальцы с "клеевыми прокладками"...

скажите уважаемый. так не разобрать, что это? мазоли или специально наклееное что-то?
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: Elicaster   Дата: 04.04.06 20:04:47   
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john lee hooker
На самом-то деле мне тоже не ясна эта фотка с пальцами. И честно говоря, я не могу поверить про клей. Не могу представить свои пальцы окунать в клей и потом играть. Б-р-р!
Но мы уже об этом говорили с тобой когда я был в Москве.
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 04.04.06 21:59:38   
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2vasil ibn rashit:2vasil ibn rashit:

Мы ужэ писали :-)

Можно повторить:

Question: Rene, I've read that you had to glue the tips of Stevie's fingers back on after a show. Do you have any stories about that?
Rene:: Yes, I have stories. Stevie used some very heavy gauged strings that he would cut his fingers after many nights of playing. I used super glue to mend his fingers and parts of my skin (grafting) mend (his fingers) I could go on and on...
Rene Martinez
September 6, 1995 (гитарный техник- мастер SRV)

Another significant change from stock were the installation of jumbo bass-style frets. This added to the sustain, and gave Stevie added ability to bend the strings with the enormous strings that he used. He gradually went to smaller strings as he got older, but they were still heavy by modern standards. His string sizes in 1984 were generally .013, .015-.016, .019, .028, .038, and .056-.060. In the 1970s, his high E string would sometimes go as high as a .018! By the time 1989 rolled around, Rene convinced him to use a .011 or .012 to save his fingers. His fingers would get torn up so badly that he would actually use super glue to re-attach torn calluses.

Of course, Number One also gave as good as it got. Vaughan played with extra-heavy strings, and they would tear up his fingers.
"Stevie would get calluses just like any other major guitar player, and if those calluses would start to tear off, he'd just Superglue them back on," Hopkins says. "You think that's kind of outrageous, but that's what Superglue was originally designed to do. It was designed for medical uses in combat."

Craig Hopkins, author of "The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan.

На экране видно, что пальцы облуплены и черны, как бывает от засохшего супер-клея...Иногда такое бывает, ежели струны оч. грязные или краской по ним типографской прошлися...но эт вряд ли... ;-)
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 09.04.06 01:43:17   
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вот заглянул на шару халявнопырацкую Ё тьюб, шоб майером помаяцца...дык, хоть можа видео-ссылочки выковырить на SRV:
вот заглянул на шару халявнопырацкую "Ё тьюб", шоб майером помаяцца...дык, хоть можа видео-ссылочки выковырить на SRV:


Stevie Ray Vaughan - Rude Mood Live ACL 1983



Stevie Ray Vaughan BB King Albert Collins "Texas Flood" 4-22-88

Stevie Ray Vaughan and Albert collins - Frosty 1988

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Testify - MTV Unplugged 1990

Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan MAXBOX BLUES

Little Wing - SRV - El Macambo

Stevie Wonder,Stevie R Vaughan,Jody Watley Superstition

Little wing clip


SRV - Lenny (EL MOCAMBO 83)


LIFE WITHOUT YOU Stevie Ray Vaughan in Finland, 17-7-85 Pori Jazz Festival

SRV & Jeff Beck “I’m Down” live from the UCP Arena


Stevie Ray Vaughan, B.B. King, Albert King, Paul Butterfield - The Sky Is Crying!

Stevie Ray Vaughan goes crazy at El-Mocambo 83 (THIRD STONE FROM THE SUN)

Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.04.06 01:51:02   
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Похоже, youtube сегодня вошла в моду.
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 09.04.06 01:58:45   
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2Primal Scream:
Этот Хукер... ну прям плагиатчик!!!
Re: Стиви Рей Вон - Мужчина с большим «Стратом»
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.04.06 02:02:36   
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2john lee hooker:

Спасибо отдельное за Джоди Уотли! "Какая женщина!" (цитата)
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