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19.07 Элис Купер запустил новую сатирическую президентскую кампанию
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Новое на DVD

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Новое на DVD
Автор: Toha   Дата: 21.06.02 12:48:21
Привет всем!
В начале июня вышел знаменитый The Last Waltz группы The Band. Если кто не знает - там Ринго, Дилан и еще много знаковых фигур. Ждемс...
Кстати, если кому будет интересно, могу сграбить в MPEG и выслать. Пишите на мыло.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 21.06.02 23:14:55   
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Спасибо за инфо. Ты уже его приобрел?
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Toha   Дата: 23.06.02 00:41:28   
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Да, как раз сегодня.
Оформление конечно супер (может мне просто так повезло - мне Limited Edition привезли). А вот с самим кино (да-да, это действо сделано в виде фильма, и не кем нибудь а Мартином Скорцезе - с чередованием концерта и разных интервью-сцен) я пока не очень разобрался. Но что хорошо - вроде как можно запустить только концерт... я пока только посмотрел Дилана, Клэптона, ну и заключительную вещь, где все вместе (там и Ринго подошел).
Из бонусов в диске вычищенный оригинальный альбом, всякие закулисные сцены, коментарии музыкантов (это все я еще не нашел, так на коробке написано), небольшой джем, фотогалерея (а это я уже нашел). Вообще, я уже начинаю привыкать что внутри DVD-диска часто полно всякой всячины, не сразу все и найдешь (с Wingspan та жа шштука вышла - случайно наткнулся на разные бонусы), так что со временем полазию, может еще чего найду.
И, sorry, я кажется немного поторопился с оцифровкой в MPEG - фильм длинный (2 часа) и надо еще подумать как его цифровать чтобы не сильно качество пострадало, кроме того, опять же эти бонусы...
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 23.06.02 01:06:28   
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Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 11.06.03 10:58:55   
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Пожалуйста, поделитесь впечатлениями и информацией
Что существует на данный момент хорошего на ДВД ?
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Александр Панин   Дата: 11.06.03 11:44:08   
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Интересный вопрос. Вы бы еще спросили, что существует на данный момент хорошего на аудио-CD? :)
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Toha   Дата: 11.06.03 11:46:38   
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Много чего! ;-)
А вообще, зависит от того, какую музыку слушаешь.
Меня в этом отношении, например, Горбушка приятно порадовала: пишут (на DVD-R) даже то, что на нормальных DVD и не выходило. Видимо конвертируют с LD-дисков в формат DVD. И весьма неплохо - я пару таких дисков таких приобрел. Класс!
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 11.06.03 12:18:02   
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Интересуют муз. DVD
все околобитловское и
Slade, B.J.H, Neil Young, E.L.O, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison
И еще хотел спросить про DVD-болванки. Те что продают (в Уфе) по 100 руб. Сколько (по времени) на них можно записать?
с аудио СД, так и быть, сам разберусь
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Toha   Дата: 11.06.03 13:30:39   
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у ELO, насколько я помню, пару DVD-шек точно выходило. Из них меня заинтересовал лишь Zoom (поскольку другие диски - перепечатки старых записей).
У Тома Пэтти как таковых пока было лишь 2 DVD-диска: Playback и Live in Filmore. "Как таковых", поскольку есть еще DVD-шки, где он "мелькал" и вроде выходил еще DVD-бонус к аудиоальбому "Last DJ".
У Роя выходило 4 DVD: "Black'n'White Night", "Anthology", "Live 1982 года" и недавно "Greatest Hits".
Neil Young был на Last Waltz, больше его нигде пока не видел. Остальных не слушаю, поэтому не знаю.
Понятие "околобитловские" очень обширное. Поэтому все не перечислить. А проще зайти на какой-нибудь и сделать поиск по исполнителю. Мнооого чего можно найти. Пираты тоже идут в ногу и большинство DVD-дисков уже можно встретить на левых дисках (правда, часто в урезанном виде, без разного рода бонусов).
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Toha   Дата: 11.06.03 13:44:47   
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По поводу DVD-болванок.
По идее, чем известнее фирма-изготовитель - тем лучше (и дороже). На практике же у меня был случай, когда казалось бы приличная DVD-R-ка от Пионера быстро перестала читаться. А так называемые "технологические" (такие... молочного цвета) читаются везде на ура. Но некоторые пишущие DVD-приводы (Пионер, например) просто не хотят записывать на такие болванки. Так что, будьте бдительны. :-)
На обычную DVD-болванку влезает 4.5Гбайта данных (из заявленных 4.7 200мегов используется для служебных целей и не доступно на запись). Насчет времени... вопрос некорректный. Здесь нет привязки по времени. При желании (и умении) на болванку можно запихнуть и 3-часовой фильм. Только смысл - качество пострадает. Может на обычном телике это и не будет заметно - на широкоформатном или плазме точно увидите разницу. Впрочем, здесь разница все равно не такого порядка как на MPEG-ах, да и, мягко говоря, не у всех есть плазма...
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: St.R@nger   Дата: 11.06.03 15:08:05   
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добавлю - нигде не видел ни Slade, ни Barclay James Harvest
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same + недавно вышедший 5,5 часовой двойник
Pink Floyd - The Wall (просто супер диск от Sony Music, с двумя фильмами о..., и вообще кучей бонусов)
- Delicate Sound Of Thunder
- Live at Pompeii
Waters - Wall (Live)
- In the Flesh
Gilmore - At The Concert (2002)!
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Rakot   Дата: 11.06.03 15:22:22   
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Ты вроде бы говорил, что видел на Горбушке DVD Blackmore's Night. Если видел, то не вспомнишь хоть примерно на каком месте?
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 11.06.03 19:14:35   
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От себя добавлю, что Флойдовские PULSE, Delicate Sound Of Thunder и Live at Pompeii перенесены с лазерных дисков. Официального релиза этих позиций еще не было.
Звук на всех этих ДВД двухканальный. Если Помпею еще смотреть и слушать можно, то Пульс записан по звуку отвратительно. На лазерном диске звук лучше раза в три.
Официальный релиз Пульса уже откладывался неоднократно. Об остальных – ничего не известно. Следует ждать…
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 12.06.03 12:57:49   
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Barclay James Harvest продавался в "Пурпурном Легионе".
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: St.R@nger   Дата: 12.06.03 14:12:16   
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А что это было за видео? А то зашел на сайт Пурпурника, там ни одного DVD BJH нет.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: St.R@nger   Дата: 12.06.03 18:16:53   
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проверь мэйл!
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Ptichka Webbird   Дата: 14.06.03 19:57:00   
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2 Walrus
Neil Young еще мелькает несколько раз на недавно вышедшем DVD Brian Wilson on Tour.
Там он
a) чуть-чуть играет на keyboards в Good Vibrations
b) в составе целой кучи народа вместе с Roger Daltrey, Sheril Crow, Emilou Harris и Eddiie Vedder кайфует, "поя" вместе с Брайаном и его нынешними парнями Surfin'USA
c) в самом начале диска говорит очень хорошие слова о Брайане
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 17.03.04 11:43:25   
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Following George's introduction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Monday night, my friend Kevin and I had the good fortune of bumping into Neil Aspinall outside the Waldorf Astoria.

We asked about future Apple releases, specifically a collection of the promo films. Neil said the plan had been considered in connection with the "1" greatest hits CD but was rejected as "too obvious."

He twice promised a new Beatles project to be released two years from now that will "blow you away." He did not elaborate further. Whether he is referring to 5.1 remixes, a complete remastered Shea concert video or something else is anybody's guess. He was very personable, but it was quite late and cold so it was not a long talk.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.05.06 12:40:18   
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Rock’s legendary performers graced the stage of the famed television show Beat Club. Performing on television with no time limitations, these artists were able to pull out all the stops on, what today are, some of their most recognizable songs. This collection brings us back to a period between 1970 and 1972, when these songs began their path to immortality. Rock’s legendary performers graced the stage of the famed television show Beat Club. Performing on television with no time limitations, these artists were able to pull out all the stops on, what today are, some of their most recognizable songs. This collection brings us back to a period between 1970 and 1972, when these songs began their path to immortality.

1. DEEP PURPLE - Highway Star
2. JOE WALSH - Walk Away
3. JOHNNY WINTER - Mean Town Blues
4. SANTANA - Black Magic Woman
5. PROCOL HARUM - Simple Sister
6. NAZARETH - Morning Dew
7. FREE - All Right Now
8. HUMBLE PIE - For Your Love
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.05.06 12:41:29   
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1. JETHRO TULL - Nothing is Easy1. JETHRO TULL - Nothing is Easy
2. ALICE COOPER - Eighteen
3. KIKI DEE BAND - I’ve Got the Music In Me
4. JOHNNY RIVERS - Rockin Pneumonia & The Boogie Woogie Flu
5. BADFINGER - Come & Get It
6. THE HOLLIES - Look Through Any Window
7. BACHMAN TURNER OVERDRIVE - You Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet
8. DOOBIE BROTHERS – China Grove
9. TEN YEARS AFTER - Good Morning Little School Girl
10. CANNED HEAT - Let’s Work Together
11. THREE DOG NIGHT - Try A Little Tenderness
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.05.06 12:58:34   
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Greatest Hits (CD + DVD Combo) Greatest Hits (CD + DVD Combo)
Huey Lewis & The News
May 23, 2006

Disc: 1
1. The Heart Of Rock & Roll
2. I Want A New Drug
3. The Power Of Love
4. Jacob's Ladder (Step By Step)
5. Stuck With You
6. Doing It All For My Baby
7. If This Is It
8. Do You Believe In Love
9. Heart And Soul
10. Back In Time (from "Back To The Future")
11. Perfect World
12. I Know What I Like
13. Trouble In Paradise (from the "We Are The World" album-live in San Francisco 2/21/85)
14. It’s Alright
15. Cruisin’ (w/Gwyneth Paltrow)
16. Hope You Love Me Like You Say You Do
17. Small World
18. But It’s Alright
19. Hip To Be Square
20. Couple Days Off
21. Workin' For A Livin'

Disc: 2
1. Do You Believe In Love (DVD)
2. Heart And Soul (DVD)
3. I Want A New Drug (DVD)
4. The Heart Of Rock & Roll (DVD)
5. If This Is It (DVD)
6. Bad Is Bad (DVD)
7. The Power Of Love (DVD)
8. Stuck With You (DVD)
9. Doing It All For My Baby (original long version-DVD)
10. Workin' For A Livin' (live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA, 4/29/82-DVD)
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.05.06 13:06:27   
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All Mod Cons - Jam All Mod Cons - Jam
June 8, 2006

UK Deluxe CD/DVD (PAL/Region 0) pressing. ALL MOD CONS, for many, remains the ultimate Jam album, where the dynamic promise of their earliest sides was brought to maturity by Paul Weller’s remarkable growth as a songwriter and musician, underpinned by the tightest post-punk rhythm section of the lot, Bruce Foxton and Rick Buckler.This two-disc special package, which comes complete with new interviews and liner notes by Lois Wilson from Mojo Magazine and rare period photos, will feature a remastered version of the original album as well as single b-sides, demos and rarities including never-released demos of Mr Clean and Fly. Initial copies will also include a limited edition replica of original LP poster. The bonus DVD (PAL/Region 0) features an exclusively-shot new film, directed by Don Letts, ‘The Making Of All Mod Cons’. The project has been personally overseen by Paul Weller, Rick Buckler & Bruce Foxton and the film features exclusive new interviews with all three band members. The 40-minute film also includes promo clips, previously-unseen live footage of The Jam at The Roxy Club and an exclusive solo acoustic rendition of English Rose by Paul Weller at his rehearsal studio. Universal. 2006.

1. All Mod Cons
2. To Be Someone (Didn't We Have A Nice Time)
3. Mr Clean
4. David Watts
5. English Rose
6. In The Crowd
7. Billy Hunt
8. It's Too Bad
9. Fly
10. Place I Love
11. 'a' Bomb In Wardour Street
12. Down In The Tube Station At Midnight
13. News Of The World (Single Version)
14. Aunties & Uncles (Impulsive Youths) (B-Side)
15. Innocent Man (B-Side)
16. Down In The Tube Station At Midnight (Single Version)
17. So Sad About Us (B-Side)
18. Night (B-Side)
19. So Sad About Us (Demo)
20. Worlds Apart (Demo)
21. It's Too Bad (Demo)
22. To Be Someone (Didn't We Have A Nice Time) (Demo)
23. David Watts (Demo)
24. Billy Hunt (Demo)
25. Mr. Clean (Demo)
26. Fly (Demo)
27. Making Of "All Mod Cons" (Dvd Documentary)
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 04.05.06 03:01:22   
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у барклая есть 2 двд
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST 25th Anniversary Concert 1992
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.05.06 19:03:06   
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LEO SAYER One Night In Sydney LEO SAYER One Night In Sydney
(2006 DVD featuring his live performance in Sydney, Australia and includes the hits 'Thunder In My Heart', 'Feel Like Dancing' and 'When I Need You', more details to follow...).
released 29 May 2006

1. Giving It All Away
2. Thunder In My Heart
3. Blame It On The Night
4. One Man Band
5. Moonlighting
6. Show Must Go On
7. Bedsitterland
8. More Than I Can Say
9. Orchard Road
10. Raining In My Heart
11. Reflections
12. Easy To Love
13. Feel Like Dancing
14. When I Need You
15. Long Tall Glasses
16. How Much Love
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.05.06 20:44:26   
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Charlatans UK - Live At LastCharlatans UK - Live At Last
DVD Release Date: May 30, 2006
Run Time: 111 minutes

Experience the explosive power of The Charlatans UK in performance on their first full-length, live DVD!. A band for the big occasion, they live it like they love it, from Wembley Arena to the Roseland in New York City. In this live performance the magnetic presence of Tim Burgess holds sway,riding the heads-down, no-nonsense monster rock groove that has become their trademark. The hits roll, one to another, but this band has never been limited by a single ‘golden period’ and they remain forever as good as their latest recording. But it is on the live stage that they are at their most comfortable, at their most invincible. Whether it’s the rumbling funk of ‘Toothache’ or their smash hit ‘The Only One I Know’, this is where The Charlatans are the kings, rocking the house to a generation of fans who won’t let them go. Band Members:Martin Blunt, Jon Brooke, Tim Burgess, Mark Collins, Tony Rogers. Song listing: Forever, Up At The Lake, Toothache, Feel The Pressure, Impossible, Crashin’ In, You’re So Pretty, North Country Boy, How High, Lovin’ You Is Easy, The Only One I Know..
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.06.06 20:57:46   
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Journey: Live in Houston 1981 - The Escape TourJourney: Live in Houston 1981 - The Escape Tour

DVD Release Date: June 20, 2006

1. Escape
2. Line Of Fire
3. Lights
4. Stay Awhile
5. Open Arms
6. Mother, Father
7. Jonathan Cain Solo
8. Who's Crying Now
9. Where Were You
10. Steve Smith Solo
11. Dead Or Alive
12. Don't Stop Believin'
13. Stone In Love
14. Keep On Runnin'
15. Neal Schon Solo
16. Wheel In The Sky
17. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
18. Any Way You Want It
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 30.06.06 22:55:19   
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Srs records 001)))))))Srs records 001)))))))
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 30.06.06 22:55:46   
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Srs records 002Srs records 002
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 30.06.06 22:56:25   
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Srs records 003Srs records 003
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 30.06.06 22:56:41   
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Srs records 004Srs records 004
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 30.06.06 22:56:57   
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Srs records 005Srs records 005
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 21.07.06 21:06:24   
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Концерт с участием Ринго Старра.Концерт с участием Ринго Старра.

Группа всех звезд Gary Brooker'а "Band Du Lac" 11 июня 2005 года дала благотворительный концерт для фонда "Heart And Stroke Trust Endeavour".
Спустя год, состоявшийся концерт издали на DVD 5 июня в Великобритании и 13 июня в Северной Америке под названием "Band Du Lac - One Night Only".
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 22.07.06 12:40:21   
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Еще одна новинка для фанатов старого доброго Криденс…Еще одна новинка для фанатов старого доброго Криденс…
Специально сканирую с разворотом, чтобы был виден каталог композиций и для того, чтобы иметь представление об этом издании «в картоне».
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 22.07.06 12:40:53   
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Внутренности. Внутренности.
Несмотря на то, что диск двухслойный уже есть пиратская копия на однослойнике. Должен отметить, что как раз в случае с этим диском сжатия практически не видно.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 22.07.06 12:41:22   
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Долгожданное издание.Долгожданное издание.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 22.07.06 12:41:47   
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Все больше и больше исполнителей в последнее время упаковывают свои  ДВД в дигипаки. Конечно это не столько их изобретение, как все-таки заслуга дизайнеров компаний. Здесь мне понравилось решение проблемы с двойником. Честно скажу, что впервые встречаю такую упаковку дисков.Все больше и больше исполнителей в последнее время упаковывают свои ДВД в дигипаки. Конечно это не столько их изобретение, как все-таки заслуга дизайнеров компаний. Здесь мне понравилось решение проблемы с двойником. Честно скажу, что впервые встречаю такую упаковку дисков.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 22.07.06 12:44:15   
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Хоть я и не люблю современный состав Deep Purple, но этот диск смотрел с удовольствием. Длительность концерта 1996 года примерно полтора часа, концерта 2000 года – почти 40 минут.Хоть я и не люблю современный состав Deep Purple, но этот диск смотрел с удовольствием. Длительность концерта 1996 года примерно полтора часа, концерта 2000 года – почти 40 минут.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 24.07.06 11:18:16   
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>Еще одна новинка для фанатов старого доброго Криденс…

Замечательный концерт. Был просмотрен в субботу. Кайф - полный.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 25.07.06 02:08:34   
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У Барклай Джеймс Харвес выходило не знаю чего, но у меня имеются два ДВД
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST 25th Anniversary Concert 1992
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Snookerrr   Дата: 25.07.06 02:20:11   
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>Здесь мне понравилось решение проблемы с двойником. Честно скажу, что впервые >встречаю такую упаковку дисков.

Мне уже попадались такие двойные футляры, в частности так были упакованы некоторые лицензионные фильмы (фильм + доп.материалы и интервью)
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.08.06 10:07:20   
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Stop the War Coalition Benefit Concert Featuring Brian Eno (2006)Stop the War Coalition Benefit Concert Featuring Brian Eno (2006)
DVD Release Date: October 31, 2006

This Benefit Concert for the Stop The War Coalition (StWC) was filmed & recorded at The Astoria in London on November 27th, 2005. It features performances by The Rachid Taha Band with Brian Eno, Nitin Sawhney, Imogen Heap, and special guest Mick Jones. It's presented here in a widescreen format and Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. The StWC is a UK anti-war group set up shortly after the attacks on the World Trade Center. The "war" in the Coalition's title refers to the various wars that are claimed to be part of the war on terrorism. The Coalition has been the most prominent group in Britain campaigning against the war in Afghanistan and the invasion of Iraq.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 28.08.06 10:57:27   
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Издан диджипаком у пиратов. Разницы в качестве полиграфии не замечено. Приведенная картинка является картонным боксом, куда вкладывается gatefold с двумя дисками, здесь, в отличие от импортного издания диски крепятся на разных сторонах. Хотя это и нарушает концепт, тем не менее намного удобнее. Звук и изображение идеальны. 300 рэ всего. Издан диджипаком у пиратов. Разницы в качестве полиграфии не замечено. Приведенная картинка является картонным боксом, куда вкладывается gatefold с двумя дисками, здесь, в отличие от импортного издания диски крепятся на разных сторонах. Хотя это и нарушает концепт, тем не менее намного удобнее. Звук и изображение идеальны. 300 рэ всего.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: MiheyS   Дата: 28.08.06 11:14:49   
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2 Flaming Rain
А какая там у пиратов версия? Пал, или НТСЦ?
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 28.08.06 11:15:35   
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Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: MiheyS   Дата: 28.08.06 11:40:11   
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2Flaming Rain:


Сорри, что сразу не спросил... Диски двуслойные?
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 28.08.06 11:47:04   
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>Диски двуслойные?

Да, двуслойные, цвет рабочей поверхности характерный. До этого ходила двусторонняя пиратка этого же издания, так вот обсуждаемая версия выше ее на несколько порядков по всем позициям, а про стародавний ЛД-вариант Пульса и речи нет.
Кстати, на развороте gatefold'a подробная графическая схема содержания каждого диска.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: MiheyS   Дата: 28.08.06 11:50:37   
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2Flaming Rain:

>>Диски двуслойные?
>Да, двуслойные, цвет рабочей поверхности характерный.
>До этого ходила двусторонняя пиратка этого же
>издания, так вот обсуждаемая версия выше ее на
>несколько порядков по всем позициям, а про стародавний
>ЛД-вариант Пульса и речи нет.
>Кстати, на развороте gatefold'a подробная графическая
>схема содержания каждого диска.

Тики-так. Как стемнеет будем брать :)
(с) Джентельмены удачи
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.10.06 11:12:55   
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The Plasmatics and Wendy O. Williams: 10 Year of Revolutionary Rock and RollThe Plasmatics and Wendy O. Williams: 10 Year of Revolutionary Rock and Roll
DVD Release Date: November 21, 2006

Banned in London, busted in Milwaukee, the legendary Wendy O. Williams and the Plasmatics caused a seismic cultural shock still felt today. They pioneered the mohawk, the fusing of punk and metal and did shows including the blowing up of cars yet to be matched. Labeled 'the greatest punk band in the world' by Tom Snyder on his 1981 TV show, by 1982 their next album was hailed by the LA Times as the best heavy metal since AC/DC. This 2 hour 'rockumentary', much never before released spans the full 10 jaw-dropping years, the arrests, triumphs and challenges, interviews with critics, band and crew members plus over an hour of bonus footage that could be a DVD itself.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.11.06 13:03:33   
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The Harry Smith Project - Live (2006)The Harry Smith Project - Live (2006)
DVD Release Date: November 7, 2006
Run Time: 150 minutes

"I'm sure you'll love some of it," says Hal Willner, who conceived and organized the shows represented on The Harry Smith Project Live, a collection of performances culled from five concerts (in London, New York, and Los Angeles) that took place in 1999 and 2001. "I'm sure you'll hate some of it." The average music fan, and plenty who aren't so average, will likely have never heard of Harry Smith, a musicologist, filmmaker, magician, and record collector who died in 1991. But musicians sure know who he was--especially those who were part of the '60s folk boom, as the dozens of commercial recordings Smith compiled and anthologized, first released in 1952 as The Anthology of American Folk Music, inspired Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, and many others. 23 of those songs are interpreted here by a disparate, intriguing line-up organized by Willner, who specializes in such things (cf. Leonard Cohen – I'm Your Man, another multi-artist tribute concert). All of this mostly-traditional material was originally recorded from 1927-34, and much of it is mighty grim: musically, there are lots of dark, single-chord dirges and drones, while the lyrics are laced with tales of murder and suicide, love and betrayal, shipwrecks and cruelty. But that results in numerous riveting performances. Some come from folks so perfectly matched to the material that they seem almost obvious, like Kate and Anna McGarrigle, Geoff Muldaur, Richard Thompson (joined by Eliza Carthy and the Band's Garth Hudson), and David Johansen (whose current, very un-Doll-like band is called the Harry Smiths). But others are more surprising, including Sonic Youth (backing trombonist Roswell Rudd with rocking intensity), Lou Reed, Todd Rundgren, and jazz bassist Percy Heath (who, with guitarist Bill Frisell, swings like crazy); and there is no one other than Willner who could successfully pair a former Captain Beefheart guitarist (Gary Lucas) with the child of a jazz immortal (Eric Mingus, son of Charles), let alone find a way to include the Folksmen, the hilarious trio featuring Spinal Tap stalwarts Harry Shearer, Michael McKean, and Christopher Guest. Various interview segments (with Willner and others) are scattered throughout the disc; there's also an excerpt from "The Old, Weird America: Harry Smith's Anthology of American Folk Music." Note: all 23 performances can be found in the four-disc (two CDs, two DVDs) box set The Harry Smith Project: The Anthology of American Folk Music Revisited as well. --Sam Graham

Product Description
2 1/2 hours and 23 performances featuring Elvis Costello, Beck, Steve Earle and more!

The Harry Smith Project Live DVD compiles the best moments from Hal Willner’s Harry Smith Project concerts in London, New York and Los Angeles, celebrating the eccentric collector and his influential Grammy®-winning box set, Anthology Of American Folk Music. Drawing on this rich legacy, these landmark shows brought together a remarkable roster of artists performing their own unique interpretations of these classic songs.

From Nick Cave's cathartic take on spirituals, to Lou Reed’s mesmerizing evocation of Blind Lemon Jefferson, these passionate reinterpretations (as well as performances by Elvis Costello, Beck, Sonic Youth, Steve Earle, Beth Orton and Richard Thompson, among others) connect the leading musicians of today with the greatest songs of America’s past.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: McDen   Дата: 18.11.06 13:13:45   
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The Beatles - The Mark Jones Beatles Video Collection Vol. 01 - vol.12

подскажите что за серия?
может брал уже кто??
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 18.11.06 15:48:46   
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сбылась мечта идиота :) Это голландский Дженезис сбылась мечта идиота :)
Это голландский Дженезис
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 18.11.06 21:09:30   
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Radio Bremen
Halbstark (The Yankees), See See Rider (The Phantoms), I Gonna Knock Your Door (The Mushroams), Peanut Butter (The Liverbirds), Living Loving Wreck (Ian And The Zodiacs), Come On And Sing (The Rattles), Too Much Monkey Business (German Blue Flames), Ferry Cross The Mersey (Gerry & The Pacemakers), Tequila (The Yankees), Please, Ptease, Mr Postman (The Phantoms), Diddley Daddy (The Livebirds), Face in The Crowd (Ian Ann The Zodiacs), Little Oueeny (The Rattles), You’ve Got Your Troubles, I've Got Mine (German Blue Flames), Dizzy Lizzy [Gerry & The Pacemakers), Help (The Yankees), Hang On Sloopy (The Phantoms). All Of Me (Ian And The Zodiacs), My Babe (Gerry & The Pacemakers), Why Do You Hang Around Me? (The Liverbirds), She's The One (The Rattles), Get Off Of My Cloud (The Mushroams)

Peter Gunn (Ramo Four), I Can’t Let Go (The Hollies), Poor Bay (The Lords). Leave It To Me (Ian And The Zodiacs}, Keap On Running (Spencer Davis Group), Bread And Butter (Isabella Bend & The Tramps), Hold Tight (Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky. Mick & Tich), The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Any More (Walker Brothers), In The Midnight Hour (The Boots), Shout (The Birds And The Bess). Bye Bye Bird (Moody Blues), Bend It (Davc Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich), Sha-La-La-La-Lee [Twinkle), You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (The Silkies), Hideaway (Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich), Super Girl (Graham Bonney & Remo Four), Got To Get You Into My Life (Cliff Bennett & The Rebel), I Really Haven't Got The Time (Moody Blues), Hard To Love You (Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich), Friday On My Mind (The Easybeats)

Happy Jack (The Who), Thank You Baby (Graham Bonney), I Won'l Be There (The Equals), True Story (Twice As Much). Painter Man {The Creation), Single Girl (Sandy Possy), Hey Joe (Jimi Hendrix), Michael (Geno Washington & The Ram), I Take What I Want (Cliff Bennett), Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix), My Generation {The Who), Upside Down, Inside Out (The Snappers), I Can't Touch The Sun (Julie Felix), What Are You Gonna Do? (Lee Curtis’ Allstars), Touch Me, Touch Me (Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich), Strange Brew (Cream), Lets Go To San Francisco (Flower Pot Men), Tin Soldier (Small Faces)

Do It Again (Beach Boys), Animal Crackers (Melanie), Bobo's Party (Melanie), Bom To Be Wild (Steppenwolf), Lady Madonna (Richie Havens), Sookie Sookie (Steppenwolf), Natural Born Boogie (Humble Pie), Mr. Moonshine (Fat Mattress), Naturally (Fat Mattress), Modem Alchemist (Bloodwyn Pig), Goodmorning Little Schoolgirl (Ten Years After), Hang On To A Dream (The Nice), Calcutta (Champion Jack Dupree), Poor Elljah (Tribute To R. Johnson) (Delaney & Bonny), No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed (Yes), I'm A Man (Chicago Transit Authority)

Heartbreaker (B.B. King), This Wheel's On Fire (J. Driscoll / B. Auger Trinity), Picture Me Gone (Madeline Bell), Mony Mony (Tommy James & The Shondells), I Can't Drive (At Last The 1958 R & R Show), Muffin Man (The World Of Oz), You Ain't Going Nowhere (Unit 4 Plus 2), Baby Come Back (The Equals), Gingerbread Man (The Mirror), Sweet Soul Music (Arthur Conley), What Is Soul (Ben E. King), On The Road Again (Canned Heat), Ice In The Sun (Status Quo), Wild Tiger Woman (The Move), America (The Nice), C'Mon Marianne (The Grapefruit), Eloise (Barry Ryan), I m The Urban Spaceman (Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band), With A Little Help From My Friends (Joe Cocker)

’70 (1)
Let's Work Together (Canned Heat), I'm Gonna Fight For You, G.B. (John Mayall), Come And Get It (Badfinger), If The Day Was Any Longer (Taste), Rolling Home (Ashton, Gardner & Dyke), Keep The Customer Satisfied (Marslia Hunt), Jonny B. Goode (Jonny Winler), Tomorrow Will Not Be Another Day (Taj Mahal), Black Sabbath (Black Sabbath), The Weavers Answer (Family), In The Summertime (Mungo Jerry), Jingo-Lo-Ba (Jingo) (Santana), Proud Mary (Ike & Tina Turner)

’70 (2)
Save Me (Atomic Rooster), With You There To Help Me (Jethro Tull), All Right Now (Free), For Your Love (Humple Pie), Cries From A Midnight Circus (Pretty Things), Paranoid (Black Sabbath), Spill The Wine (Eric Burdon & War), Spinning Wheel Blues (Status Quo), Take Me Back To Doomsday (Colosseum), Honey Bee (Muddy Waters), Danger Zone (Stone The Crows)

Easy Rider (Iron Butterfly), Tomorrow Night (Atomic Rooster), Holy, Holy Life (Golden Earring), River Deep, Mountain High (Ike & Tina Turner), Ride A White Swan (T Rex), Ruckstossgondoliere (Kraftwerk), Chestnut Mare (The Byrds), Dragonfly (Fleetwood Mac), Walk Away (James Gang), No, No, No (Deep Purple), Here Comes The Sun (Richie Havens), Jeepster (You're My Love) (T. Rex), Coz I Luv U (Slade), Used To Be (Rory Gallagher), Black Magic Women (Santana)

Refried Boogie (Canned Heat), Morning Dew (Nazareth), Definitely Maybe (Jeff Beck Group), Kick Out The Jams (Mc 5). Johnny B. Good (Chuck Berry), One More Saturday Night (Grateful Dead), Tightrope Ride (The Doors), Highway Star (Deep Purple), Vincent (Starry Starry Night) (Don McLean), Going To The Country (Frumpy), So You Want to Be A Rock And Roll Star (The Byrds), Eighteen (Alice Cooper), Gudbuy T'Jane (Slade), All I Have To Do Is Dream (The Everly Brothers)

20th Century Boy (T Rex), Memphis '72 (Johnny Rivers), Evening Blue (Traffic), Maybe Tomorrow, Maybe Tonight (Earth And Fire), Do The Strand (Roxy Music), Sail Away (Blood, Sweat & Tears), Everything I Want To Do (Albert Hammond), Larks Tongues In Aspic (King Crimson), Flight Of The Bumble-Bee (Ekseption), Hang On Sloopy (Ramsey Lewis Trio), In Outer Space (Billy Preston), Only The Blues (Donovan), Knife Edge (Emerson, Lake & Palmer), Breakthrough (Atomic Rooster)
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.11.06 13:13:30   
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Tower of Song - An Epic Story of Canada and Its MusicTower of Song - An Epic Story of Canada and Its Music
DVD Release Date: December 5, 2006

Everybody comes from somewhere, and many of the inductees in the Canadian Music Hall of Fame come from some mighty rugged places. Take Anne Murray, product of a mining town where the children would gather at the end of every day to watch their fathers emerge from the bowels of the Earth. Or Hank Snow, whose nearly 40-year-old, career-making hit record "I'm Movin' On," as he says in this chipper documentary about the roots of some 30 Canadian musicians, was a testament to the joys of rattling around one-horse towns in the nation's west.

Tower of Song: An Epic Story of Canada and Its Music has a way of narrowing the fame gap between ordinary folks and the likes of Denny Doherty (lead singer of the Mamas & Papas), jazz great Maynard Ferguson, folk legends Ian and Sylvia, and even the wondrous Joni Mitchell, all of whom are products of the frontier expansiveness, freezing winters, and scattered city lights of the Great White North. The point is that you can't take Canada out of its homegrown artists, and that the thriving music scenes of Toronto, Winnipeg, and elsewhere during the 1950s, '60s, and '70s may be unparalleled in their historic eclecticism and sense of comradeship. Highlights include a highly entertaining history of the Guess Who, whose story is as emblematic of rock & roll transformation as any, and the fascinating careers of doo-wop groups the Crew- Cuts and the Diamonds. And, uh, let's see: some old hippie named Neil Young shows up at the end.

"Tower of Song," a remarkable story set to an extraordinary soundtrack, is a two-hour television special spotlighting the 30 artists currently in the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. Shot on location across Canada, "Tower of Song" places the artists and their music in the context of their homeland as the camera catches the changing panorama of Canada's vast landscape. An inspiring set of musical portraits created and voiced by the country's greatest singers, songwriters and musicians: Paul Anka, The Band, Lenny Breau, Wilf Carter, David Clayton-Thomas (Blood, Sweat and Tears), Leonard Cohen, The Crew Cuts, The Diamonds, Denny Doherty (The Mamas and the Papas), Gil Evans, Maynard Ferguson, Maureen Forrester, The Four Lads, Glenn Gould, The Guess Who, Ian and Sylvia, John Kay (Steppenwolf), Moe Koffman, Gordon Lightfoot, Guy Lombardo, Rob McConnell, Joni Mitchell, Anne Murray, Oscar Peterson, Rush, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Hank Snow, Domenic Troiano, Zal Yanovsky (The Lovin' Spoonful), and Neil Young.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.12.06 13:12:36   
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Before the Music DiesBefore the Music Dies

Plot Synopsis: With outstanding performances and revealing interviews Before the Music Dies takes a critical look at the homogenization of popular music with commentary by some of the industry's biggest talents like Eric Clapton, Dave Matthews, Elvis Costello, Erykah Badu, Branford Marsalis, Bonnie Raitt and more. Using historic footage the film looks at the evolution of American music and the artists who created it and pulls back the curtain (in a very creative way) to expose the sad truth behind today's "artificial" music stars. "The reality is that superficiality is in," says Marsalis. "And depth and quality is kind of out." Inspired by the death of his brother, director Andrew Shapter and his crew traveled thousands of miles, visiting dozens of cities, speaking with hundreds of fans, journalists, record executives and musicians while searching for "real" American music. What they found were mega-talents without a major label, including one artist Eric Clapton believes is "the real thing."

DVD Release Date: December 12, 2006

Editorial Reviews

Before the Music Dies is an extraordinary documentary and cautionary overview about the state of the music business in America. Written by Andrew Shapter and Joel Rasmussen (and directed by Shapter), each of whom lost loved ones who happened to be musicians, Before the Music Dies is a journey through a vital music scene in the U.S.—-artistically speaking—-that is no longer nurtured and supported commercially. Shapter and Rasmussen take a chapter-like approach to demonstrating how every phase of getting music from artists to consumers is under the control of conglomerates and bottom-line analysts primarily concerned with keeping investors happy. Thus, we see musicians with enormous potential eschewed by the handful of major record labels that are still around. Meanwhile—-as Eric Clapton, interviewed for the film, puts it—-entire teams of makeover people and technicians exist to turn tone-deaf but attractive women into pop stars. Also highlighted is the record industry's love-hate relationship with file-sharing and downloadable music stored on sundry listening devices, which threatens control over commercially-packaged content as well as the enormous profits reaped from highly-priced CDs. Several case studies—-especially the story of singer-songwriter-bluesman Doyle Bramhall II and how he survived ill treatment by a major only to find success on the same independent label as Dave Matthews-—is fascinating. Interviewees include Branford Marsalis, Bonnie Raitt, Matthews, Elvis Costello, and Erykah Badu. --Tom Keogh

Product Description
BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES tells the story of American music at this precarious moment. Filmmakers Andrew Shapter and Joel Rasmussen traveled the country, hoping to understand why mainstream music seems so packaged and repetitive, and whether corporations really had the power to silence musical innovation. The answers they found on this journey–ultimately, the promise that the future holds–are what makes BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES both riveting and exhilarating.
At the heart of BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES are interviews with musicians, industry insiders, music critics, and fans that reveal how music has reached this moment of truth. Featured performances from a truly diverse group of artists, ranging from The Dave Matthews Band and Erykah Badu to Seattle street performers and Mississippi gospel singers show us that great music is always out there… as long as you know where to look. BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES will renew your passion for great music, and inspire you to play an active part in its future.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.02.07 11:08:18   
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LEON RUSSELL Leon Russell & The New Grass Revival LEON RUSSELL Leon Russell & The New Grass Revival
(2007 DVD capturing the Musician extraordinaire as he teams up with the groundbreaking Bluegrass band The New Grass Revival in a live performance from 1980 plus Bonus Material including a biography and 9 bonus audio recordings).
26 February 2007

1. Over The Rainbow
2. I've Just Seen A Face
3. One More Love Song
4. I Am A Pilgram / Columbus Stockade
5. Jesus Will Take Me Home
6. Stranger In A Strange Land
7. I Want To Be At The Meeting
8. I Believe To My Soul
9. Prince Of Peace
10. Rollin My Sweet Baby's Arms
11. Wild Horses
12. Right Before My Eyes Something Strange
13. Amazing Grace
14. Jambalaya
15. Jumpin Jack Flash
16. Truck Driving Man
17. Down In The Caribbean
18. A Song For You

Special Features:
* Biography
* Bonus Audio Tracks:
1. Cajun Love Songs
2. Dancing With Angels
3. I Will Fly Away
4. La La
5. Randy Lynn Rag
6. Out In The Woods
7. Roll Over Beethoven
8. Uncle Penn
9. Lead Highway Blues
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.02.07 11:09:32   
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(2007 DVD capturing footage from Edgar's legendary live performance with the ultimate rock n' roll musician Leon Russell on the 4th May 1988 in Tennessee, USA).
26 February 2007

1. Key To The Highway
2. Harlem Nocturne
3. Back To The Island
4. Dixie Lullaby
5. Against The Law
6. Lady Blue
7. Fly Away
8. Rollin' In My Sweet Baby's Arms
9. Free Ride
10. Fannie Mae
11. Frankenstein
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 20.02.07 14:15:33   
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Коля, ну, Винтер у меня этот давно есть. Это что, европейцы только щаз проснулись?
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 21.02.07 03:24:33   
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Новое на DVDвот
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 21.02.07 03:27:29   
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вот Ыcчо одЫн вот Ыcчо одЫн
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 21.02.07 03:28:00   
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Новое на DVDЫ
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 21.02.07 03:28:59   
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Новое на DVDЫ
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.04.07 21:38:40   
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TONY BENNETT An American Classic
(2007 DVD capturing the groundbreaking performance which takes the viewer on an emotional musical journey re-creating seminal venues of Tony Bennett's music career, from the 52nd Street Swing Club to the early Columbia recording studio, from the 'rat pack' stage in Las Vegas to the famous Carnegie Hall, featuring duets with Barbra Streisand, K.D. Lang, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Christina Aguilera and more plus Bonus Material including making-of footage, featurettes and more...).

1. Smile – with Barbra Streisand
2. Sing, You Sinners – with John Legend
3. Because of You – with K.D. Lang & Chris Botti
4. The Best Is Yet to Come – with Diana Krall
5. The Shadow of Your Smile – with Juanes
6. Rags to Riches – with Elton John
7. Just in Time – with Michael Buble
8. For Once in My Life – with Stevie Wonder
9. Steppin' Out – with Christina Aguilera
10. I Left My Heart in San Francisco

Bonus Material:
11. The Making of
12. 3 bonus featurettes
13. The Tony Bennett Dancers' Rehearsals
14. Trailer
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.04.07 14:50:21   
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My Fleeting House (2007)
DVD Release Date: May 15, 2007

This is the first-ever collection of rare videos from Tim Buckley's live performances, including thirteen full-length songs. The footage spans his entire career, from 1967 to 1974, and includes unreleased video of interaction with Buckley on The Steve Allen Show (1969) and on WITF's The Show (1970). This DVD also features interviews with Larry Beckett (co-writer of many songs with Buckley), Lee Underwood (Buckley's guitarist) and David Browne (author of "Dream Brother: The Lives of Jeff and Tim Buckley").
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.04.07 14:54:08   
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25 Years at New Morning (2pc)
DVD Release Date: June 5, 2007

25 years of challanges and gambles won have made of the New Morning a cult institution, much like the Blue Note and the Village Vanguard in New York. The club celebrated their birthday in December 2006. In-akustik and MVD Visual commemorate the occasion with this special DVD-package featuring a ton of gifted performers including the Archie Shepp Band, Art Farmer, Larry Carlton, Steve Lukather Band, Robben Ford, Billy Cobham, Mike Stern, John Hammond, Larry Coryell, and many more. Thanks to entertaining commentaries and backround artist information by legends Alvin Queen and Manu DiBango, the 2-DVD-Digipack offers an exciting view at the history of this legendary club.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.05.07 11:31:02   
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JEFF BUCKLEY Live In Chicago
(2007 DVD comprising unforgettable, definitive performances of his finest original songs and signature covers captured live at the Cabaret Metro on May 13th 1995, including 'Dream Brother', 'Mojo Pin', 'Grace', 'Hallelujah' and more plus Bonus Material featuring 2 bonus acoustic recordings, previously unreleased EPK and discography, presented in a digipak picture sleeve complete with revised artwork).
28 May 2007

1. Intro
2. Dream Brother
3. Lover, You Should've Come Over
4. Mojo Pin
5. So Real
6. Last Goodbye
7. Eternal Life
8. Kick out the Jams
9. Lilac Wine
10. What Will You Say
11. Grace
12. Vancouver
13. Kanga Roo
14. Hallelujah

Bonus Material:
15. 2 Bonus Acoustic Songs
16. Previously Unreleased EPK
17. Discography
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.07.07 11:22:49   
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Return To Bangleonia: The Bangles Live In ConcertReturn To Bangleonia: The Bangles Live In Concert
Release Date: 8/14/2007

One of the most successful female groups of all time, The Bangles make a triumphant return to their hometown of L.A. with their first-ever concert DVD.

The queens of power pop pull out all of their hits from “Walk Like An Egyptian” to “Eternal Flame” along with early fan favorites like “Hero Takes A Fall.”

Extras include acoustic performances of “Ride The Ride” and Prince’s “Manic Monday,” a candid interview with the band about their storied history and a photo gallery with rare and never-before-seen photos.

Recorded September 2000 at the House Of Blues in Hollywood, CA

1 Hazy Shade Of Winter The Bangles
2 Live The Bangles
3 If She Knew What She Wants The Bangles
4 Between The Two The Bangles
5 The Rain Song The Bangles
6 Manic Monday The Bangles
7 Here Right Now The Bangles
8 September Gurls The Bangles
9 Going Down To Liverpool The Bangles
10 I Will Take Care Of You The Bangles
11 Get The Girl The Bangles
12 In Your Room The Bangles
13 Stealing Rosemary The Bangles
14 Angels Don’t Fall In Love The Bangles
15 Hero Takes A Fall The Bangles
16 Walk Like An Egyptian The Bangles
17 Pushin’ Too Hard The Bangles
18 Eternal Flame The Bangles
19 BONUS - Manic Monday (acoustic performance) The Bangles
20 BONUS - Ride The Ride (acoustic performance) The Bangles
21 BONUS - The Story Of Bangleonia - Interview with the band The Bangles
22 BONUS - Band Commentary The Bangles
23 BONUS - Photo Gallery
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.07.07 09:08:32   
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American Bandstand  American Bandstand

Time Life proudly presents the 50th Anniversary Collection of Dick Clark's American Bandstand. Relive precious memories from 25 years of American Bandstand with 201 songs on 12 CDs, 2 Free! This special edition includes a Bonus DVD of Dick Clark's greatest interviews, a 40-page collector's booklet, and a special collector's box for this one-of-a-kind compilation!


Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.07.07 12:37:24   
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(2007 DVD capturing the star-studded event which sees Willie joined by both veteran musical icons [Merle Haggard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bob Dylan, Al Green, to name a few] and up-and-coming stars, from Shelby Lynne to Los Lonely Boys to Kid Rock).
13 August 2007
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 30.07.07 14:15:50   
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Paul Rodgers: Live in Glasgow 2007Paul Rodgers: Live in Glasgow 2007

1. I'll Be Creepin'
2. The Stealer
3. Ride On A Pony
4. Radioactive
5. Be My Friend
6. Warboys
7. Feel Like Makin' Love
8. Bad Company
9. (I Just Wanna) See You Smile
10. Louisiana Blues
11. Fire And Water
12. Wishing Well
13. All Right Now
14. I'm A Mover
15. The Hunter
16. Can't Get Enough
17. Seagull

Bonus Features:
1. Interviews with Paul Rodgers, the band and the fans
2. Performance of "Sunshine" by Paul's son Steven Rodgers who was the support act on the tour.

Run Time: 127 minutes
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.07 13:56:46   
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Concert For Diana (2 Discs)Concert For Diana (2 Discs)

Special Features

'Diana & Me' featurettes (4)
30-minute documentary
'Personal Playlist' function
"The Making of Concert for Diana"

31st August 2007 marked 10 years since the passing of Princess Diana. To mark this special occasion Princes William and Harry wanted to celebrate the life of their mother by putting together a moving and inspirational concert, the 'Concert for Diana'. More than 60,000 people joined Prince William and Prince Harry at Wembley Stadium on 1st July 2007 to celebrate the life of their mother Diana, Princess of Wales. Around 15 million people from across the UK watched Concert for Diana at home, and it was broadcast to over 500 million homes in 140 countries.
At the end of the concert Prince William and Prince Harry said a huge thank you to everyone involved in making the evening such a success. Prince William said: "For us, this has been the most perfect way of remembering her. And this is how she would want to be remembered."


1. Elton John: Your Song
2. Prince William And Prince Harry: Welcome
3. Duran Duran: Sunrise, Wild Boys, Rio
4. James Morrison - You Give Me Something, Wonderful World
5. 'Diana & Me': Professor Sir Magdi And Lisa Yacoub
6. Sienna Miller And Dennis Hopper
7. Lily Allen: Ldn, Smile
8. Diana & Me: Doug Smith
9. Fergie: Glamorous, Big Girls Don't Cry
10. 'Diana & Me': Clark Denmark
11. Kiefer Sutherland
12. The Feeling: Fill My Little World, I Love It When You Call
13. 'Diana & Me': Gemma Quinn
14. Pharrell Williams: Drop It Like It's Hot, She Wants To Move
15. Tribute: Bill Clinton
16. 'Diana & Me': Mike Whitlam And Sandra Tigica
17. Simon Cowell, Ryan Seacrest And Randy Jackson
18. Nelly Furtado: Say It Right, I'm Like A Bird, Maneater
19. "Diana And Ballet"
20. Natasha Kaplinsky
21. English National Ballet: Swan Lake
22. Introduction: Live Aid
23. Status Quo: Rocking All Over The World
24. 'Diana & Me': Colin Dawson
25. Dennis Hopper
26. Joss Stone: You Had Me, Under Pressure
27. Roger Hodgson: Dreamer, The Logical Song, Breakfast In America, Give A Little Bit
28. 'Diana & Me': Audrey Watson
29. Fearne Cotton
30. Orson: Happiness, No Tomorrow
31. 'Diana & Me': Ruth Sims And Jonathan Grimshaw
32. Gillian Anderson
33. Tom Jones With Joe Perry: Kiss, I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor
34. Tom Jones With Joe Perry And Joss Stone: Ain't That A Lot Of Love
35. Will Young: Switch It On
36. Natasha Bedingfield: Unwritten
37. Diana & Me: Chris Anderson And Anne Grindrod
38. Boris Becker And John Mcenroe
39. Bryan Ferry: Slave To Love, Make You Feel My Love, Let's Stick Together
40. Tribute: Tony Blair
41. Cat Deeley
42. Diana And Musicals
43. Andrew Lloyd Webber
44. Anastacia: Jesus Christ Superstar
45. Connie Fisher And Andrea Ross: Memory
46. Overture: Phantom Of The Opera
47. Andrea Bocelli: Music Of The Night
48. Sarah Brightman And Josh Groban: All I Ask Of You
49. Donny Osmond, Jason Donovan And Lee Mead: Any Dream Will Do
50. Kiefer Sutherland
51. Rod Stewart: Maggie May, Baby Jane, Sailing
52. Diana And Photographers
53. Patsy Kensit
54. Kanye West: Gold Digger, Touch The Sky, Stronger, Diamonds From Sierra Leone, Jesus Walks
55. Diana & Me: Simon Barnes And Danny Aykroyd
56. Jamie Oliver
57. P. Diddy: I'll Be Missing You
58. Diana & Me: Jill, Howard, Richard And Matthew Attfield
59. David Beckham
60. Take That: Shine, Patience, Back For Good
61. 'Diana & Me': David Leonard
62. Ben Stiller
63. Ricky Gervais With Mackenzie Crook
64. Elton John: Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting, Tiny Dancer, Are You Ready For Love
65. Prince William And Prince Harry - Goodnight
66. Tribute - Nelson Mandella
67. 'Diana's Childhood' (Soundtrack: Queen - "These Are The Days Of Our Lives")
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.11.07 14:49:13   
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Saturday Night Live - The Complete Second SeasonSaturday Night Live - The Complete Second Season

Format: Box set, Color, Dolby, DVD-Video, Full Screen, Subtitled, NTSC
Language: English
Region: All Regions
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Number of discs: 8
Studio: Universal Studios
DVD Release Date: December 4, 2007

For over three decades, Saturday Night Live has been the source of young comedic talent and helped to launch the careers of countless performers, making them household names.

Still considered iconic for their live performances from Studio 8H in New York, the original cast of SNL (including Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner and John Belushi) set the tone for years to follow with their irreverent, edgy humor. They combined anti-establishment political satire with rock-and-roll attitude for a show that spoke to the youth of the 1970's, turning it into an instant sensation.

Although only the second year on the air, the 1976-1977 season turned out to be the last for Chevy Chase, but the first for a young comedian named Bill Murray.

The complete second season of SNL contains legendary musical performances by artists Joe Cocker, The Band, Brian Wilson, Paul Simon, George Harrison, Frank Zappa, Chuck Berry, The Kinks, Santana and Tom Waits and classic appearances by hosts Lily Tomlin, Norman Lear, Steve Martin, Dick Cavett, Jodie Foster, Candice Bergen, Ralph Nader, Fran Tarkenton, Sissy Spacek, Elliott Gould and Shelly Duvall.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.01.08 12:39:35   
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Mike Douglas - Moments & Memories / John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Rolling Stones, Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Luther King Jr., Steve MartinMike Douglas - Moments & Memories / John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Rolling Stones, Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Martin

DVD Release Date: March 25, 2008
Run Time: 115 minutes

- Before there was Oprah or Dr. Phil or Ellen, or any of these people, there was Mike Douglas.-
- Jay Leno, remembering Mike Douglas on The Tonight Show
Legendary daytime talk show host Mike Douglas influenced many of today's biggest stars, including Barbara Walters, Jay Leno, Regis Philbin, and Rosie O'Donnell, among many others. He ruled daytime talk from 1961 to 1982, reaching as many as 15 million people with a single show and averaging an astounding seven million viewers a day. MOMENTS AND MEMORIES takes a look back at Douglas' tenure as talk-show-host extraordinaire. The program unlocks a plethora of amazing performances and interviews from the show's vaults, including Tiger Woods' first appearance on television and Marlon Brando's personal commentary on his role as The Godfather.

Douglas' charming disposition drew in the viewers while also setting his high-profile guests at ease. Almost every major celebrity who hit it big in the 60s and 70s appeared on the show either as a guest or co-host. John Lennon and Yoko Ono co-hosted the program for a week in 1972, producing several poignant and memorable moments such as the duo's live performance of Imagine and their collaboration with Chuck Berry on the rock n roll classic Johnny B. Goode. A 2- year-old Tiger Woods also charmed the crowds like a seasoned performer, showcasing his early talent for golf while unknowingly matching wits with comedic heavyweight Bob Hope.

Priceless moments like these captured the hearts and imaginations of viewers throughout the country. But it was Douglas' innate charm that endeared him to his fans. He frequently sang on the show, crooning out classic numbers like The Men in My Little Girl s Life. Douglas also kept the show light-hearted and entertaining, frequently choosing silly and outlandish stunts to make his audience laugh. Throughout the course of the program, Douglas wrestles with Andre the Giant, talks to a chimpanzee and clowns around with a variety of comedians.

MIKE DOUGLAS MOMENTS AND MEMORIES gathers all these clips and more, taking viewers back to a bygone era filled with all the fun outfits, hairstyles, songs and attitudes of the 60s and 70s.

1. Opening
2. Getting Started with Ginny Simms and Kay Kyser
3. Cinderella
4. A New Show in Cleveland
5. The Rolling Stones
6. Mike and Legendary Entertainers (Alfred Hitchcock, Rodney Dangerfield, Bette Davis, Mel Brooks, Paul Newman, Jack Benny, Marlon Brando, Ingrid Bergman, Bill Cosby, Carol Burnett, Ron Howard)
7. Domestic Olympics (Mariette Hartley and Don Rickles)
8. Tiger Woods and Bob Hope
9. Newsmakers and Newsbreakers (Della Reese, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mike Wallace, Billie Jean King, Mother Teresa)
10. Time for Fun (Robert Goulet, Muhammad Ali & Howard Cosell, Joi Lansing & Dennis Day, Dom DeLuise, Red Skelton , Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sally Field)
11. A Week with John Lennon and Yoko Ono (Imagine, Bobby Seale, George Carlin, Jerry Rubin, Ralph Nader, Chuck Berry)
12. Introducing New Talent (Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley of KISS, Billy Crystal, Lily Tomlin, Steve Martin, George Carlin, Jay Leno, David Letterman)
13. Let's Have a Party! (Bob Hope, Tim Conway, Allen & Rossi, Dolly Parton, Professor Irwin Corey, Sammy Davis, Jr.)
14. Singing with Mike (Bill Cosby, Vic Damone, Louis Armstrong & Pearl Bailey, Bobby Darin)
15. The Men in My Little Girl's Life

Bonus Features and Clips:
Mike Douglas Biography
Ingrid Bergman
Alex Haley
Mike Douglas
John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Tim Conway
Paul Newman
Johnny Cash
Ron Howard
Alfred Hitchcock
Mother Teresa
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.02.08 22:38:59   
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Saturday Night Live: Lost and Found - SNL in the 80'sSaturday Night Live: Lost and Found - SNL in the 80's

DVD Release Date: March 4, 2008

Following the departure of the show's original cast and creator after five seasons, SNL in the '80s is a look back at a decade of turbulent, often uncertain times that included the hiring and firing of several casts, numerous writers, producers and ultimately the revitalization of the show with the return of executive producer Lorne Michaels. Documentary filmmaker Kenneth Bowser juxtaposes '80s musical acts from the show to illustrate the mood of the times with interviews and stories from SNL alumni Billy Crystal, Martin Short, Gilbert Gottfried, Jim Belushi, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Al Franken, Kevin Nealon, Nora Dunn, Jon Lovitz, Dana Carvey, Robert Smigel, and Conan O'Brien to give you a first-hand look at the highs and lows that occurred behind the scenes. SNL in the '80s also features rare performances by artists James Brown, Queen, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Bonnie Raitt, Roy Orbison, Elvis Costello, Harry Connick, Jr., Don Henley and The Kinks as well as interviews and footage that have never been seen before!
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.03.08 14:53:50   
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The Story Of Popular Music: Tony Palmer's Classic Series (5 Discs)The Story Of Popular Music: Tony Palmer's Classic Series (5 Discs)

Available to own for the first time!!!!!
All You Need Is Love makes it DVD debut as a lavish boxed set containing all 17 episodes of this groundbreaking documentary spread across 5 discs. The series covers the "Story OF Popular Music", encompassing ragtime, blues, jazz, vaudeville, musicals, folk, swing, country and rock n'roll and features some of the major names from the past 50+ years including, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Hendrix, Bing Crosby, Dizzy Gillespie, Muddy Waters, Frank Zappa, Mike Oldfield, Tina Turner, Eric Clapton, Bill Wyman and many more!! Frequently described as "THE definitive music documentary" and regarded as much "cult" viewing today as it was upon original broadcast 30 years ago. It was in the mid 70's, at the suggestion of John Lennon, that celebrated journalist and film maker TONY PALMER decided to document the "Story Of Popular Music" and set about interviewing all the major players, past and present, at the time. Even in the 70's this was a monumental task but despite the undertaking the finished project was one that aspiring film makers would look to for inspiration even today. The program was originally broadcast between 1976 and 1981, but since that time it has neither been commercially released or repeated.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.03.08 10:19:50   
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TCT: The Who And Friends Live At The Royal Albert HallTCT: The Who And Friends Live At The Royal Albert Hall

The best show in town The Who, Noel Gallagher, Kaiser Chiefs, Paul Weller, The Coral, The Cure, Razor Light, The View, Block Party, The Bees, Gruff Rhys, Judas Priest & Kasabian perform some of their greatest hits for what was one of the best shows in town, all in aid of the teenage cancer trust all filmed in HDTV.

1. The Who - The Seeker
2. Noel Gallagher - Don't Look Back In Anger
3. Kaiser Chiefs - Take My Tempurature
4. Noel Gallagher & Paul Weller
5. The Coral - Dreaming Of You
6. The Cure - The Kiss
7. Razorlight And Roger Daltrey - Summertime Blues
8. The View - Face For The Radio
9. Block Party - Like Eating Glass
10. The Bees - Got To Let Go
11. Gruff Rhys - Ni Wn
12. Judas Priest - Hell Bent For Leather
13. Kasabian - L.S.F.
14. The Who - Baba O' Riley
15. The Who - Tea And Theatre
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.04.08 14:05:31   
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(2008 DVD - Willie Nelson, Neil Young & John Mellencamp organized the first Farm Aid concert in 1985; on September 18, 2005, Farm Aid celebrated its 20th anniversary with a sold-out benefit concert playing to 28000 fans in Tinley Park [outside Chicago] not far from the site of the first Farm Aid, where the music and the movement began; with performances by Kate Voegele, Arlo Guthrie, Buddy Guy & John Mayer, Los Lonely Boys, Emmylou Harris, Kenny Chesney, Dave Matthews, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp and more...).

1. Kate Voegele - That's Not Love To Me
2. Shannon Brown - Corn Fed
3. Supersuckers - Drivin' Nails In My Coffin
4. Susan Tedeschi - Lord Protect My Child
5. Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant
6. Buddy Guy/John Mayer - What Kind Of Woman
7. Kathleen Edwards - Independent Thief
8. Widespread Panic - Surprise Valley
9. Los Lonely Boys - My Way
10. Emmylou Harris - Red Dirt Girl
11. Wilco - Airline To Heaven
12. Wilco - Late Greats
13. Kenny Chesney - Young
14. Kenny Chesney - Back Where I Come From
15. Kenny Chesney - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
16. Dave Matthews - Gravedigger
17. Dave Matthews - Ants Marching
18. John Mellencamp - Love And Happiness
19. John Mellencamp - Scarecrow
20. John Mellencamp - Crumblin' Down
21. John Mellencamp - Pink Houses
22. Neil Young - When God Made Me
23. Neil Young - This Old Guitar
24. Willie Nelson - Whiskey River
25. Willie Nelson - Still Is Still Moving To Me
26. Willie Nelson - Beer For My Horses
27. Willie Nelson - Crazy
28. Willie Nelson - Night Life / Listen To The Blues
29. Willie Nelson - On The Road Again

Release date: Monday 12 May 2008
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Вад   Дата: 08.09.08 11:07:41   
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Эра высококачественного изображения на DVD уже не далёкое будущее, а сегодняшняя реальность.Эра высококачественного изображения на DVD уже не далёкое будущее, а сегодняшняя реальность.
Разрешение 1080p, это я вам скажу, нечто!
Жаль вот только, что на Blu-ray дисках зоны совсем по другому поделены, вновь проблемы... Да и на плазме смотреть надо, иначе нет смысла покупать этот формат.
Re: Новое на DVD
Автор: Drybushchak   Дата: 08.09.08 16:26:21   
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А меня мучат вопросы:
1.Есть ли смысл брать блю-рей для плазмы HD Ready?
2. Есть ли разница при просмотре блю-рей дисков и простых ДВД, если смотреть с расстояния 3 метра?
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