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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.12.06 09:41:09   
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Sir Paul McCartney Reveals Junk Collecting Obsession
He's a rag and bone man...

Sir Paul McCartney may be worth hundreds of millions of pounds but apparently he likes nothing more than a good root round a pile of rubbish.

The Beatle turned rag and bone man says he can’t walk past a pile of junk without looking for any discarded valuables.

He said: “I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t like to see things in skips. I go past a skip and I’ll say, ‘I could use that. That’s a cupboard, that’s a nice bit of wood.’”

“I’ll see a rubbish heap and see an odd bit of a bicycle or something and think, ‘Picasso’s Bull’s Head.’”

“I’ll think, ‘Interesting shape that,’ because he used the bike seat, didn’t he. Only last night I saw some stuff in a skip and had to be pulled away.”

However, it doesn’t sound as if Macca is very good at his new obsession.

He went on to The Sun: “I found a white pillow case with a zip. It had paint stains on it from a house painter. I also found a nice yellow beaker.”

“I found a real sponge in the Caribbean too. I stepped on it to see if it was still spongy and it was. So I rinsed it out and it went in the pillow case and I use that for washing the sailboat.”
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 30.12.06 03:24:16   
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Пол совершает прикольные поступки, но я его понимаю: с какой стати оставлять свои вещи этой хизе.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.06 13:19:02   
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Маккартни оставил жену без Пикассо и РенуараМаккартни оставил жену без Пикассо и Ренуара

Сэр Пол Маккартни забрал из дома, где проживает Хизер Миллс, вторая жена бывшего "битла", картины Пикассо и Ренуара. По сведениям британского таблоида The Sun, общая стоимость живописи, вывезенной Маккартни, составляет 10 миллионов фунтов стерлингов (19 миллионов долларов).

Полотна были вывезены в отсутствие Миллс. Когда она и несколько ее друзей вернулись домой, то обнаружили, что сигнализация в особняке выключена. Миллс вызвала полицию. Офицеры связались со службой охраны Маккартни, которая и сообщила, что картины вывезены по просьбе сэра Пола, обеспокоенного возможностью кражи ценной живописи.

Вместе с картинами Маккартни забрал фотографии своей с Миллс дочери Беатрис. Источник, близкий к Миллс, сообщил таблоиду, что настоящим ударом для Хизер стало именно отсутствие снимков ребенка.

Пол Маккартни и его вторая жена Хизер Миллс объявили о разводе в мае 2006 года, юридическое оформление процесса началось в октябре. В британских СМИ сообщалось, что "отступные" для Миллс могут составить от 20 до 235 миллионов долларов.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 30.12.06 13:46:24   
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2Primal Scream:  Этой профуре (пардон!)банан гнилой нужно в качестве отступных выплатить!!!2Primal Scream:

Этой профуре (пардон!)банан гнилой нужно в качестве отступных выплатить!!!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.01.07 23:29:12   
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Хеза мочит людей искуственной ногой!Хеза мочит людей искуственной ногой!

January 4, 2007 -- The Sun

Mucca hit me with false leg

A mum told last night how Heather Mills booted her in the bottom with her false leg in a coffee shop bust-up.

She said Sir Paul McCartney's estranged wife grabbed her by the throat and shoved her out the door.

Emma Levy, just 5ft and six stone, had tried to snap her with her mobile phone in a Starbucks. She said Heather - dubbed Lady Mucca because of her porn model past - "flipped out".

Emma, 38, said: "Heather came in looking glamorous in a cowboy hat, brown polo neck jumper, skintight jeans and boots.

"She sat down with a man and they were drinking coffee. I took out my mobile and tried to take her picture.

"She jumped up, grabbed me by the throat and pushed me towards the door. She lashed out with her left leg, kicking me in the bum. I have a big bruise."

Heather, 38, who lost her leg when she was hit by a police motorcycle, was with a lawyer at the branch in Belsize Park, North West London. She split from ex-Beatle Macca, 64, in May. They have a daughter Beatrice, three.

Passer-by Hayleigh Sands, 16, said: "Heather's face was contorted with anger. She started rifling through the woman's bag to find her mobile phone. She broke down and started crying, 'I do not need this right now. I am getting death threats, going through a divorce and bringing up a baby'.

"Heather gave the woman her phone back and it all ended."

Emma, 38, said she had reported the incident to police, who told her they would quiz Heather within days.

A Starbucks worker said: "Heather acted only after the woman had been so rude when she was having a coffee."

A spokesman for Heather said: "She was taking private notes from a lawyer when a woman tried to take her picture.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 08.01.07 12:31:18   
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Список пострадавших увеличивается:

Heather Mills Attacks a Woman in Cafe

Heather Mills recently attacked another woman. According to the website Femalefirst, Mills was temporarily held by police after she attacked a woman in a London cafe who was attempting to take her picture. Mills, 38, is currently embroiled in a bitter divorce battle from Paul McCartney. The woman became furious when Emmy Levy began using her cellular phone to take pictures. Levy explained, "She jumped up, grabbed me by the throat and pushed me towards the door. She lashed out with her left leg, kicking me in the bum. I have a big bruise." A representative for Mills confirmed the incident, but added that the former model became violent because she thought Levy was a journalist.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Appletree   Дата: 08.01.07 12:36:49   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 08.01.07 12:47:25   
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Вот и спрашивается, кто от кого должен защищаться: Хизер Миллз от общественности или общественность от Хизер Миллз
Я тащусь!  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 09.01.07 10:03:00   
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В телеобъектив кончай лосниться.
Выпей чаю с пудингом. Уймись.
Не касайся шуйцей и десницей
Бывшего супруга, Хизер Миллс.

Всенародный сэр Маккартни Пол
Знает ноты, яйца пьет сырые.
Ты же, Хизер, в молодости в пор-
Но, прости, пахала в индустрии.

"All my troubles seemed so far away",
Так и будет. Выражаясь проще,
Хренушки тебе, а не жилплощадь,
Поумерь бурление кровей.

Я рифмую, Миллс, не на хапок
И на понимание надеюсь,
Потому что есть на свете Б-г,
Хизер. И полоний-210.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Кир Гуцков   Дата: 09.01.07 10:45:09   
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Великолепно! Надо будет заучить и декламировать в британских общественных местах.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 09.01.07 10:47:34   
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Оставляйте комменты в ЖЖ автора, ему будет приятно ;-))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 09.01.07 13:25:41   
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видимо, это все-таки не сюда нужно постить... :)видимо, это все-таки не сюда нужно постить... :)

Brown Wants To Team With McCartney

Rocker Ian Brown has asked Sir Paul Mccartney to play bass guitar on his new album.

The former Stone Roses frontman promises his new solo effort will be "something really beautiful, with violins, dead sharp beats, socially conscious lyrics" - and he wants the former Beatle to help him top the charts.

Brown says, "I'm trying to get Paul McCartney. I spoke to his assistant. I was like, 'Me name's Ian Brown and I'm a singer,' and she was like, 'Yeah, I've heard of you.'

"I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I don't mind waiting for him. I'd put it back for him. I just think in the last 40 years, no-one's touched McCartney on the bass. It's a bit of a pipe dream, but if you don't ask, you don't get, so I'm going for it."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 10.01.07 08:36:26   
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Судя по фоте, Хитер сильно сдала за последнее время. Но держится, в чем-то даже бравирует. Бицепсы демонстрирует.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.01.07 12:35:45   
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Хизер Миллз откроет косметический бизнес

Бывшая жена Пола Маккартни Хизер Миллз сообщила о намерении запустить собственный бизнес. Она собирается открыть розничную сеть по реализации косметической продукции под своим именем, став тем самым конкурентом дочери Маккартни Стеллы, запустившей недавно свою парфюмерную линию.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 10.01.07 12:42:49   
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2Primal Scream:
Во-во, как раз для нее, для Хезы...
- средства от блох (которые в мозгах водятся)
- съедобные противозачаточные средства
- скипидар (для повышения собственного самомнения)
и т.п.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 10.01.07 13:29:22   
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А с чего она, собственно, взяла, что непременно станет КОНКУРЕНТОМ Стеллы? Кому, интересно, захочется вонять как Хизер?
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 10.01.07 20:02:26   
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January 10, 2007 -- The MirrorJanuary 10, 2007 -- The Mirror


Looking ice cool on a ski trip, Heather Mills chills out during her bitter divorce battle.

The mum of one - who split with Sir Paul McCartney, 64, in May - told pals: "I feel better than I have for months."

Heather has whisked 40 friends and family off to Slovenia to celebrate her 39th birthday on Friday.

They include fitness instructor Ben Amigoni, 22, whom she has denied having a fling with.

She booked economy flights and took bags stuffed with vegan grub.

One guest admitted: "I could kill for a steak."


January 10, 2007 -- The Sun

Mucca is such a cheapskate

Lady Mucca has sloped off on a cheapie skiing holiday - despite being offered a £30 million ($58 million) divorce payout.

The estranged wife of ex-Beatle Paul McCartney, 64, is staying at a £27-a-night no-frills ($52) hotel in Slovenia with friends and family.

Heather, 39 on Friday, had to travel two hours to Krvavec for snow as the mild winter left the slopes dry at Bohinjsko.

A fellow Brit tourist said: "It was a shock to see her somewhere so cheap. She could easily afford the best resorts."

Mucca must have got a nice package deal.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.01.07 20:34:11   
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Пол загорает на Карибах. Смотрите фотки,,2-2007010600,00.html
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.01.07 20:42:42   
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January 11, 2007 -- The SunJanuary 11, 2007 -- The Sun

Jamaica: Paul's Caribbean holiday

Pop legend Sir Paul McCartney takes a break from his divorce battle - in late wife Linda's favourite Caribbean resort.

Macca, 64, is on holiday with daughter Beatrice in Jamaica.

They are staying in a villa at a five-star resort with pals. Sir Paul - estranged from second wife Heather - recently told how Linda, who died in 1998, loved the island's "freedom".

He was spotted playing in the sea with Bea, three, before stretching in the sun aboard a floating platform.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.01.07 18:33:28   
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Сэр Пол: "С женщинами покончено. Я рад, что сбежал с Беатрис. Она самый главный человечек в моей жизни. Она все, что у меня есть".,,2-2007010726,00.html
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