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Elvis Aaron Presley

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Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 02.09.08 20:13:37   
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Вчера, 1 сентября скончался Джерри Рид Хаббард, гитарист и исполнитель. Джерри Рид работал с такими звездами, как Элвис Пресли, Глен Кэмпбелл и Джерри Ли Льюс, а так же является автором знаменитых песен Элвиса Пресли "Guitar Man" и "Thing Called Love".

Rest in Peace, Guitar Мan.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 22.09.08 23:18:33   
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Послушал последний концертный альбом от FTD - America. Очень неплохой концерт, правда звук подкачал. Ощущения, что концерт не Элвиса, а The Sweet Inspiraions. Элвису вроде тут не так скучно, он исполняет классические Heartbreak Hotel и It's Now Or Never, новую вещь Hurt и великолепную How Great Thou Art. Что бы было совсем весело, BMG добавили в качестве бонуса Burning Love и My Way. Если бы не ужасный микс, было бы на 5+. А так - 4.Послушал последний концертный альбом от FTD - "America". Очень неплохой концерт, правда звук подкачал. Ощущения, что концерт не Элвиса, а "The Sweet Inspiraions". Элвису вроде тут не так скучно, он исполняет классические "Heartbreak Hotel" и "It's Now Or Never", новую вещь "Hurt" и великолепную "How Great Thou Art". Что бы было совсем весело, BMG добавили в качестве бонуса "Burning Love" и "My Way". Если бы не ужасный микс, было бы на 5+. А так - 4.

Also Sprach Zarathustra (*)
See See Rider (*)
I Got A Woman/Amen
Love Me
If You Love Me
You Gave Me A Mountain
Trying To Get To You
All Shook Up
Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel
Heartbreak Hotel
Polk Salad Annie
Hound Dog [incomplete]
Help Me
How Great Thou Art
Little Darlin'
It's Now Or Never
Funny How Time Slips Away
Can't Help Falling In Love
Burning Love (*)
My Way (*)

(*) Spokane April 27 1976
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 22.09.08 23:55:08   
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Эрнст Майкл Йоргенсен и Роджер Семон. Вот от кого зависит, что будут слушать элвисоманы.Эрнст Майкл Йоргенсен и Роджер Семон. Вот от кого зависит, что будут слушать элвисоманы.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 12.10.08 22:27:35   
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Лиза Мари Пресли родила двойню

Дочь легендарного американского певца Элвиса Пресли (Elvis Presley), Лиза Мари Пресли (Lisa Marie Presley) еще раз стала мамой. Певица родила двух девочек-близняшек еще во вторник, однако прессе сообщили об этом лишь в субботу.

Дети появились на свет при помощи кесарева сечения. 40-летняя Лиза Мари и девочки чувствуют себя хорошо.

У Пресли есть 19-летняя дочь и 15-летний сын от предыдущего брака. Сейчас певица замужем за музыкальным продюсером Майклом Локвудом.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 13.10.08 12:44:46   
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Элвис ведь тоже с близнецом родился...
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 14.10.08 00:00:13   
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ND 89013 "Elvis Is Back!" 1993

Make Me Know It
The Girl of My Best Friend
I Will Be Home Again
Dirty, Dirty Feeling
Thrill Of Your Love
Soldier Boy
Such A Night
It Feels So Right
Girl Next Door Went A' Walking
Like A Baby
Reconsider Baby
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 14.10.08 12:29:47   
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Как мило! "Желтая Роза" и "Глаза" обозначены как разные песни.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: илюха   Дата: 17.10.08 15:38:01   
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Элвис был инопланетянином, это хорошо известно.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 02.11.08 15:10:14   
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Presley girlfriend cropped from history! Presley girlfriend cropped from history!

By Jason George | Tribune reporter
October 29, 2008

"Million Dollar Quartet," at the Apollo Theatre, tells the story of the impromptu 1956 jam session of Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash.

What it doesn't divulge is an Elvis-related mystery that continues to confound historians as well as the show's playwrights.

Only five of the six "Quartet" cast members existed in real life: the singers plus Sun Studios founder Sam Phillips, who preserved the magical '56 meeting in Memphis by flipping on his tape recorders. It's that sixth character, Dyanne, Elvis' girlfriend, who was created because no one knows what happened to the young woman who actually did appear on Elvis' arm that day.

"I think she's one of the few Elvis girlfriends to completely vanish into the ozone," said Colin Escott, who co-wrote the play with Floyd Mutrux and who is the author of "Good Rockin' Tonight: Sun Records & the Birth of Rock & Roll."

In fact, unlike other women who told (and sometimes sold) their story of time with Presley, the woman that day—believed to be named Marilyn Evans—has never appeared in any article, fanzine or made-for-TV movie, said Peter Guralnick, author of an authoritative two-volume Elvis biography ("Last Train to Memphis" and "Careless Love"). Only those there that day have provided the scant information about her: Evans was 19, performed as a showgirl at Las Vegas' New Frontier Hotel and Casino and dated Elvis only for a few weeks.

"After that, it's a mystery," said Guralnick, who added that Perkins, before his death, insisted that the woman had a different name.

Lewis, the only living member of the quartet, is touring Europe this week and could not be reached for comment.

Either way, a woman surely was there at Sun: a female voice, believed to be hers, can be heard on the recordings from that day as she suggests a song title to the singers. And while there is an iconic photo from that session, which shows the quartet clustered around a piano, another version—believed to be the uncropped original of the famous photo—features a woman, believed to be Evans.

And because of that photo, "Dyanne" was born.

Escott said he included her because she helps move the story along, but he changed the name for legal reasons, just in case Evans is alive, a fact that would prevent producers from telling her story without her permission.

"Given that lawyers govern everything these days, they said, if you don't know where she is, [then] we had to create a fictitious character."

Not that he's opposed to her being found—Escott said he'd love to know what happened to her. (If alive, Evans would be 70 or 71.) Given that Evans has kept quiet this long, it seems doubtful she will raise her voice any time soon.

Finding her is nearly impossible as well, given her common name, the fact that most entertainers did not stay in Las Vegas and the lack of employment records from that period. (Last year, developers demolished the New Frontier.)

Several Las Vegas historians, including a retired showgirl who performed in Vegas in 1956, told the Tribune they haven't a clue where Evans went.

"The name just doesn't ring a bell," said Betty Bunch, who danced at The Sahara, just down the Strip from the New Frontier, and who lectured on that era of Vegas' past.

"That was the year before it got really big out here, so I should remember her, but I don't."

Someone must, of course, know something, so if you're out there and reading this, give us a shout.

The Million Dollar Quartet needs your two cents.,0,59...
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 21.11.08 16:29:55   
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Elvis Aaron Presley
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Maikcool   Дата: 24.11.08 13:35:57   
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Andy, hi! :)

Красота (я про родные FTD)!

расскажи плз. про FTD America? я пока не заимел сие издание. Весчь?
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 24.11.08 15:53:17   
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Здорово, Майк!

Про "Америку" хорошо не скажу, потому что сведно все так, что на первом плане Кэти Уэстморленд и "Sweet Inspiration", а Элвис типа на бэк-вокале. К тому же часть песен откромсана, а в одном месте между песнями фэйд присутствует. Так что не советую брать сразу, уступает и "Tucson '76" и 2-му диску "Rockin Across Texas".
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Maikcool   Дата: 25.11.08 16:31:47   
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Andy, спасибо. На бэк-вакале значит.. :)) Ну если уж их так тянет на эксперименты со сведением, взяли бы да издали A New Kind Of Rhythm ! (там Дэвид Бриггс с его эл. пианино на первом месте + Larrie Londin работает драммером) - очень даже свежо! :)
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Maikcool   Дата: 25.11.08 16:33:10   
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а что за фэйд они придумали?
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 25.11.08 19:43:01   
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Между "Hurt" и "Hound Dog" не хватает куска записи.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: neplox   Дата: 28.02.09 15:39:11   
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Почему Only You приписывают Элвису? Если у солиста Platters такой шикарный голос, что его путают с Элвисом, то почему широкому слушателю не известна эта группа??
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 18.03.09 22:38:41   
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Стишок про птичку уйдет с молотка. Текущая цена лота 3 тыс. долларов. Стишок про птичку уйдет с молотка. Текущая цена лота 3 тыс. долларов.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 29.03.09 22:43:56   
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This is the complete package and tracklisting of the Elvis - That's The Way It Is - The Complete Works CD / DVD package which is due for release from the new International import label. The set contains 6 CDs, 3 DVDs and book in a beautiful box.This is the complete package and tracklisting of the "Elvis - That's The Way It Is - The Complete Works" CD / DVD package which is due for release from the new "International" import label. The set contains 6 CDs, 3 DVDs and book in a beautiful box.

From the press-releases:

Elvis – That’s The Way It Is – The Complete Works is a mammoth project 38 years overdue. It’s a chronicle through audio, video and still photography of a special era in the life of the King of Rock and Roll.

For the first time, fans now have a documented project on one of Elvis’ most popular movies. The new ‘International’ label will release the spectacular 9 Disc/Book Limited Edition box set imminently, with a run of only 999 copies being made available. No more will be produced.

Fans will have all complete six shows, recorded for the 1970 movie ‘That’s The Way It Is’ on 6 CD’s and 3 dual layer DVD’s filled with over 9 hours of complete shows with excellent edits, amazing multi angle sequences and much more. In addition to this, a 125 page hardback book with lots of interesting facts and photographs accompanies the box set.

The 6 CD’s are complete from beginning to end and contains many unreleased live recordings and monologues (also some that were left out of previously released shows) that only the privilege few have heard before. Collectors will notice the different mixes even in previously released audio.

The 3 Dual Layer DVD’s video footage has been culled from over 50 different discs to find the best quality with thousands of hours put in to make the 9 hours of concert and rehearsal video contained in the DVD’s. Collectors will note verses and sections cut out of songs in the original MGM edits now present in their entirety and in the proper sequence. The added multi angle sequences throughout the DVD’s makes it a pleasure to finally watch in one go.

See Complete Track listing below.

Great care has been taken to give the fans a limited edition package that will provide hours of pleasure for many years to come. With such a limited run, ensure you ask your dealer to hold your copy now. The set is almost sold out before it’s released.
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 29.03.09 22:45:13   
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CD 1 Show 1 : August 10 1970 Dinner Show Opening: 62.21

1. Opening Theme
2. That’s All Right
3. Mystery Train/Tiger Man
4. Monologue I
5. I Can’t Stop Loving You
6. Love Me Tender
7. The Next Step Is Love
8. Words
9. I Just Can’t Help Believin’
10. Something
11. Sweet Caroline
12. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’
13. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
14. Polk Salad Annie
15. Introductions
16. I’ve Lost You
17. Monologue Ii
18. Bridge Over Troubled Water
19. Patch It Up
20. Can’t Help Falling In Love/Closing Vamp

CD Show 2 : August 11 1970 Dinner Show: 68.27

1. Opening Theme
2. That’s All Right
3. I Got A Woman
4. Hound Dog
5. Monologue I (Technical Problem)
6. Heartbreak Hotel
7. Monologue Ii (Toreador Joke)
8. Love Me Tender
9. I’ve Lost You
10. Monologue Iii
11. I Just Can’t Help Believin’
12. Something
13. I Can’t Stop Loving You
14. Sweet Caroline
15. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’
16. Polk Salad Annie
17. Introductions (Introducing Sonny King)
18. Bridge Over Troubled Water
19. Suspicious Minds
20. Can’t Help Falling In Love/Closing Vamp

CD 3: Show 3 : August 11 1970 Midnite Show: 78.34

Opening Act:

1. A Thing Called Love Performed By “The Imperials”
2. On The Other Side Performed By “The Imperials”
3. Opening Theme
4. That’s All Right
5. I Got A Woman
6. Hound Dog
7. Love Me Tender
8. There Goes My Everything
9. Just Pretend
10. I Just Can’t Help Believin’
11. Something
12. Men With Broken Hearts – Short Poem
13. Walk A Mile In My Shoes
14. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’
15. Polk Salad Annie
16. One Night
17. Don’t Be Cruel
18. Love Me
19. Instrumental Break (Elvis Walks Through The Audience)
20. Heartbreak Hotel
21. Introductions
22. Bridge Over Troubled Water
23. Suspicious Minds
24. Can’t Help Falling In Love/Closing Vamp

CD 4: Show 4 : August 12 1970 Dinner Show: 71.54

1. Opening Theme (With False Start)
2. That’s All Right
3. I Got A Woman
4. Hound Dog
5. Heartbreak Hotel
6. Monologue (Microphone Problems)
7. Love Me Tender
8. I’ve Lost You
9. I Just Can’t Help Believin’
10. Patch It Up
11. Monologue
12. Twenty Days And Twenty Nights
13. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’
14. Polk Salad Annie
15. Introductions
16. Blue Suede Shoes
17. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
18. Bridge Over Troubled Water
19. Suspicious Minds
20. Can’t Help Falling In Love/Closing Vamp

CD 5: Show 5: August 12 1970 Midnite Show: 77.23

1. Opening Theme
2. That’s All Right
3. Mystery Train/Tiger Man
4. Monologue
5. Hound Dog
6. Monologue
7. Love Me Tender
8. Just Pretend
9. Walk A Mile In My Shoes
10. There Goes My Everything
11. Words
12. Sweet Caroline
13. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’
14. Polk Salad Annie
15. Introductions
16. Heartbreak Hotel )
17. One Night
18. Blue Suede Shoe)
19. All Shook Up
20. Little Sister /Get Back
21. I Was The One
22. Love Me
23. Are You Lonesome Tonight ?
24. Bridge Over Troubled Water
25. Suspicious Minds
26. Can’t Help Falling In Love/Closing Vamp

CD 6: Show 6: August 13 1970 Dinner Show: 73.32

1. Opening Theme
2. That’s All Right
3. I Got A Woman
4. Hound Dog
5. Monologue
6. Love Me Tender
7. Don’t Cry Daddy
8. In The Ghetto
9. I Just Can’t Help Believin’
10. Stranger In The Crowd
11. Make The World Go Away
12. Sweet Caroline (With False Start)
13. You’ve Lost That Lovin Feelin’
14. Polk Salad Annie
15. Introductions I/Instrumental Break (Elvis Walks Through The Audience)
16. Introductions Ii (Introducing Art Carney)
17. The Wonder Of You
18. Heartbreak Hotel
19. Blue Suede Shoes
20. One Night
21. All Shook Up
22. Bridge Over Troubled Water
23. Suspicious Minds
24. Can’t Help Falling In Love/Closing Vamp
Re: Elvis Aaron Presley
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 29.03.09 22:45:39   
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DVD 1:
August 10th Opening

1. Elvis In Blue Suit
2. Reading Telegrams
3. Backstage
4. That's All Right
5. Mystery Train/Tiger Man
6. I Can't Stop Loving You
7. Love Me Tender
8. The Next Step Is Love
9. Words
10. Something
11. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
12. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
13. Polk Salad Annie
14. Patch It Up
15. Can't Help Falling In Love.
16. After Show Party

August 11th D/S

1. That's All Right
2. I Got A Woman
3. Hound Dog
4. Heartbreak Hotel
5. Elvis Talks
6. Love Me Tender
7. I've Lost You
8. I Just Can't Help Believin
9. Something
10. I Can't Stop Loving You
11. Sweet Caroline
12. You've Lost That Loving Feeling
13. Polk Salad Annie
14. Bridge Over Troubled Water
15. Suspicious Minds
16. Can't Help Falling In Love

August 11th M/S

1. Backstage
2. That's All Right
3. I Got A Woman
4. Elvis Talks
5. Hound Dog
6. Elvis Talks
7. Love Me Tender
8. Elvis And Fan
9. There Goes My Everything
10. Just Pretend
11. I Just Can't Help Believin'
12. Men With Broken Hearts
13. Walk A Mile In My Shoes
14. You've Lost That Loving Feeling
15. Polk Salad Annie
16. One Night
17. Don't Be Cruel
18. Love Me
19. Looks Like I Started Something
20. Heartbreak Hotel
21. Bridge Over Troubled Water
22. Suspicious Minds
23. Can't Help Falling In Love
24. Leaving Stage

Bonus Footage:

August 14th M/S

1. That's All Right
2. Love Me Tender
3. Polk Salad Annie
4. All Shook Up
5. Blue Suede Shoes
6. One Night
7. Suspicious Minds
8. Can't Help Falling In Love

August 15th M/S

1. That’s Alright
2. I Got A Woman

DVD 2:

August 12th D/S

2. Backstage
3. Hound Dog
4. Heartbreak Hotel
5. Love Me Tender/Instrumental
6. I’ve Lost You
7. I Just Can’t Help Believing
8. Patch It Up
9. Twenty Days And Twenty Nights
10. You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
11. Polk Salad Annie
12. Band Introductions
13. Blue Suede Shoes
14. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
15. Bridge Over Troubled Water
16. Suspicious Minds
17. Can’t Help Falling In Love

August 12th M/S

1. Backstage
2. That’s All Right
3. Mystery Train/Tiger Man
4. Hound Dog
5. Love Me Tender
6. Just Pretend
7. Walk A Mile In My Shoes
8. There Goes My Everything
9. Words
10. Sweet Caroline
11. You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
12. You’ve Lost That’s Loving Feeling (Reprise)
13. Polk Salad Annie
14. Heart Break Hotel
15. One Night
16. Blue Suede Shoes
17. All Shook Up
18. Little Sister/Get Back
19. I Was The One
20. Love Me
21. Are You Lonesome Tonight?
22. Bridge Over Troubled Water
23. Suspicious Minds
24. Can’t Help Falling In Love.

August 13th D/S

1. Love Me Tender
2. Don’t Cry Daddy/In The Ghetto
3. Stranger In The Crowd
4. Make The World Go Away
5. Ed Sullivan & Milton Berle Show Dialogue
6. The Wonder Of You
7. All Shook Up

DVD 3: Rehearsals

Rehearsal Recording For M.G.M: That’s The Way It Is
July 14th, 1970. M.G.M Stage 1, Culver City, California.

1. Arriving And Greeting Crew
2. Baby What You Want Me To Do
3. The Next Step Is Love
4. Polk Salad Annie
5. Words
6. Words (Take 2)
7. Elvis Talks
8. Words
9. Bridge Over Troubled Water
10. I’ve Lost You (Playback)
11. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
12. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me (Take 2)
13. Bridge Over Troubled Waters
14. Elvis And Band Talk
15. Elvis And Crew Eating Lunch
16. Packing Up

Rehearsal Recording For M.G.M: That’s The Way It Is
July 15th, 1970. M.G.M Stage 1, Culver City, California.

1. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
2. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me (Take 2)
3. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me (Take 3)
4. Sweet Caroline (Ending)
5. Yesterday
6. Hey Jude
7. I Can’t Stop Loving You
8. Tomorrow Never Comes
9. Love Me
10. One Night
11. That’s All Right
12. Elvis And Band Talking
13. Twenty Days & Twenty Nights
14. Crying Time
15. How The Web Was Woven
16. I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen (Piano)

Rehearsal Recording For M.G.M: That’s The Way It Is
July 29th, 1970. M.G.M, Culver City, California.

1. Don’t It Make You Wanna Go Home/Something
2. Words
3. I Just Can’t Help Believing
4. Little Sister/Get Back
5. I Washed My Hands In Muddy Water
6. I Was The One/Cattle Call
7. Baby Lets Play House
8. Don’t
9. Money Honey
10. A Fool Such As I
11. Such A Night
12. It’s Now Or Never
13. What’d I Say
14. My Baby Left Me
15. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
16. Stranger In The Crowd

Rehearsal Recording For M.G.M: That’s The Way It Is
August 4th, 1970. The International Hotel’s Convention Centre, Las Vegas, Nevada.

1. Arriving
2. Talking To Sweet Inspirations
3. Words
4. Cattle Call
5. Yodel
6. Twenty Days & Twenty Nights
7. Something
8. Father Along
9. Something/Mother In-Law (One Line)
10. Santa Claus Is Back In Town
11. Don’t Cry Daddy
12. In The Ghetto
13. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
14. Bridge Over Troubled Water
15. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Take 2)
16. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Take 3)

Rehearsal Recording For M.G.M: That’s The Way It Is
August 7th, 1970. The International Hotel’s Showroom, Las Vegas, Nevada.

1. You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
2. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
3. The Next Step Is Love
4. Twenty Days & Twenty Nights
5. Polk Salad Annie
6. I’ll Take You Home Kathleen
7. Oh Happy Day
8. I’ve Lost You
9. Mary In The Morning
10. Words
11. Patch It Up
12. Goodbyes
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