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The Who

Тема: The Who

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Re: The Who
Автор: Alexander Prolubnikov   Дата: 20.05.04 06:27:01   
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Вот это да!!!  
Re: The Who
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 20.05.04 11:59:08   
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Кстати, вчера имел место быть День Варения у Пита Тауншенда, так что всех всех поздравляю с этим праздником, но прежде всего самого Пита!!!
Re: The Who
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.05.04 10:41:43   
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He Won't Get Fooled Again

(05/25/04) -- After a turbulent year of public scrutiny, police harassment and unfounded accusations, The Who's Pete Townshend is starting to feel the love. With a new girlfriend - singer/songwriter Rachel Fuller - and a well-received, blistering show at New York's Madison Square Garden last Saturday, Townshend seems to be taking life in stride. In a recent diary entry on his website, Townshend describes his life as something that's simply being lived to its fullest: "I spent some time in the rest of the week joining Rachel to write some songs (we wrote three together on my birthday). She had a few meetings with her record label too. Things are looking clearer now for her with a likely release date at the end of August. Then, finally, Madison Square Garden. This was just the best thing that's happened to me in two years. So many beautiful, friendly faces, and at a show that sold out in just 20 minutes. Roger connected with the crowd just as he and on the last dates in 2002. I was just happy to be up there, grateful to be alive, and lucky to have such a great team around me. Home now. I'm spending a holiday with my son. I'll get to see the four dogs at home. And hopefully hook up with old friends who will be anxious to know how things went on this first Who trip to the USA since 2002. I can tell them, it was a joy." To read the whole journal entry, go to
Re: The Who
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.06.04 10:29:10   
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Image Entertainment has a June 29 date for The John Entwistle Band Live, a DVD featuring a 45-minute performance from a 1999 appearance at the Itchycoo Park Festival in Manchester, Tenn., as well as an additional 20 minutes of informal footage shot at the deceased Who bassist’s estate in the United Kingdom’s Cotswolds, plus a remembrance by John Entwistle Band drummer Steve Luongo. The songs: Horror Rock, The Real Thing, Had Enough, Success Story, Trick of the Light, Shakin’ All Over, Summertime Blues and Young Man Blues. The performance is in 5.1 Surround Sound. Image Entertainment has a June 29 date for The John Entwistle Band Live, a DVD featuring a 45-minute performance from a 1999 appearance at the Itchycoo Park Festival in Manchester, Tenn., as well as an additional 20 minutes of informal footage shot at the deceased Who bassist’s estate in the United Kingdom’s Cotswolds, plus a remembrance by John Entwistle Band drummer Steve Luongo. The songs: "Horror Rock," "The Real Thing," "Had Enough," "Success Story," "Trick of the Light," "Shakin’ All Over," "Summertime Blues" and "Young Man Blues." The performance is in 5.1 Surround Sound.
Re: The Who
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.04 07:59:58   
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The Who Play The Isle Of Wight

The Who headlined Saturday night at the Isle of Wight festival on the weekend. The greatest hits setlist will give Australians a taste of what they can expect next month when The Who performs for the first time in the country in more than 35 years.

The set included their two new songs 'Old Red Wine' and 'Real Good Looking Boy' but was mainly an all-hit show. The two rock operas 'Tommy' and 'Quadrophenia' were both featured with a cluster of songs from both and The Who's Next album also featured highly with four songs in the set including 'Won't Get Fooled Again' and 'Behind Blue Eyes'.

Here is the setlist from Saturday, June 12, 2004:

I Can't Explain (single, 1964)
Substitute (single 1966)
Anyway Anyhow Anywhere (single, 1965)
Who Are You (from Who Are You, 1978)
Behind Blue Eyes (from Who's Next, 1971)
Bargain (from Who's Next, 1971)
Baba O'Riley (from Who's Next, 1971)
Punk and the Godfather (from Quadrophenia, 1973)
5.15 (from Quadrophenia, 1973)
Love Reign O'er Me (from Quadrophenia, 1973)
Eminence Front (from It's Hard, 1982)
Drowned (from Quadrophenia, 1973)
Naked Eye (from Odds and Sods, 1974)
Real Good Looking Boy (from Then and Now, 2004)
You Better You Bet (from Face Dances, 1981)
My Generation / Old Red Wine (from The Who Sings My Generation, 1965 and Then and Now, 2004)
Won't Get Fooled Again (from Who's Next, 1971)
Pinball Wizard (from Tommy, 1969)
Amazing Journey / Sparks (from Tommy, 1969)
See Me Feel Me (from Tommy, 1969)
Listening To You (from Tommy, 1969)

Magic Bus (extended jam) (single, 1968)
Ты мне нравишься!  
Re: The Who
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 16.06.04 23:28:33   
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Цветы-это чудесноЦветы-это чудесно
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: The Who
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 17.06.04 09:57:18   
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Re: The Who
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 17.06.04 15:22:12   
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Тут на Горбатого заехал - отыскал концертный бутлег The Who 1968 года. За сто р. приобрел. Наши в свою очередь, коль судить по надписям, содрали его с какого-то то ли итальянского, то ли еще какого изготовления бутлега. Для концертного бутлега качество звучания отменное.

Из плюсов - классика - I'm One, Happy Jack и пр. Минус - запечатлен как раз тот период, когда носатому Питу, видать спокойно не давали лавры некоего Хендрикса (это такой негр, который по свидетельствам очевидцев неплохо что-то эдакое откаблучивал на шестиструнной электрической гитаре.)Пит очень старается и добросовестно скребет свою балалайку. Толку - ноль. Как следствие - все песни слишком затянуты и воспринимаются не очень, как-то все громоздко и тяжеловесно. Хард-рокеры, надо признать, из них никакие. До Led Zep, скажем - как до луны. Остается гадать, что заставляло превосходных поп-музыкантов, сочинивших кучу великолепных песен, лезть на территорию, занятую Лед Зеппелин и пр.? Это не их чашка чая, поверьте. Прекрасно понимаю Кейта Ричардса, который в душе симпатизируя им, сказал несколько уклончиво: "Мне всегда больше нравились их старые вещи".

Еще загадка - концертное исполнение A Quick One. Запись начинается со слов: "Little girl, why don't you stop your crying?" Куда отвалилась первая треть этого шедевра - неизвестно... Насколько я мог судить по разным видеосъемкам исполнялась она целиком. Оставшаяся часть звучит как раздолбанная телега, несущаяся с холма, шустро, но при этом бестолково. А с "Ю ар форгивен" в конце они просто переборщили, повторяли, пока видать, не надоело окончательно. Обложка тоже малость не соответствует - фото классное, но относится к раннему, модовскому периоду. Мун там выглядит совсем молодо, прям школьник. Такой вот документ эпохи.
Re: The Who
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 17.06.04 15:57:49   
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Модно тогда было... под хард-рокеров делаться... Слава богу, нынче они, видать, осознали ошибки юности, по крайней мере концертные записи 2000 года слушаются с ностальгической слезою в глазу (глазе?..))) Очень бодренько и совсем не занудно.
Re: The Who
Автор: Nickolay   Дата: 17.06.04 17:29:31   
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Мне всегда казалось, что они там под Крим косят, а не под Хендрикса.
Кроме того сами они себя к тому моменту особо попм не считали, Энтуисл где-то говорил, что когдаони впервые услышали Лед Зеппелин, им всем показалось, что с них опять передрали.
Re: The Who
Автор: Nickolay   Дата: 17.06.04 17:43:20   
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PS А уж если говорить о сравнении Лед Зеппелин, The Who как хард-роккеров (на концертах), то тут можно поспорить. Зеппы очень часто опускались до "блюзового занудства" (что в принципе не есть плохо). Кроме того этот концерт отнюдь не считается хорошим)) У Зеппов таких же - 10-ки.
Re: The Who
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.06.04 08:00:08   
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Low-End WizardLow-End Wizard

A 90-minute documentary about the life of the Who's John Entwistle currently is in production. John Entwistle: An Ox's Tale reportedly will feature some of the final known footage of the legendary bassist, who died in 2002. The project was spearheaded by Steve Luongo, a longtime friend and the drummer in Entwistle's solo band. Click here to watch a preview of the flick -
Re: The Who
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.07.04 09:31:17   
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Don't Get Fooled

According to the Who's Pete Townshend, Michael Moore has been unfairly critical of him since he refused to allow the director to use "Won't Get Fooled Again" in his controversial film Fahrenheit 9/11. Townshend writes online that Moore has been falsely claiming that the guitar great turned down the request because he supports the current Iraq war. "I resent being bullied and slurred by [Moore] in interviews just because he didn't get what he wanted from me," Townshend explains.
Re: The Who
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.07.04 19:29:06   
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The Who Revisits 'Isle Of Wight' The Who Revisits 'Isle Of Wight'

The Who's classic concert film "Live at the Isle of Wight" has been restored for a three-pronged release in 49 North American movie theaters (Aug. 9), on DVD (Aug. 10 via Eagle Rock) an on the INHD high-definition television network (Aug. 14). The film captures the Who's Aug. 30, 1970, performance at the U.K. festival, which fans regard as one of the best of the band's career.

The theatrical release will include a 10-minute excerpt of a new interview with guitarist Pete Townshend plus an introduction by director Murray Lerner.

Townshend's full 40-minute interview can be found on the "Wight" DVD, which features DTS sound and a digitally restored picture from the original negatives. The show sports a complete performance of the rock opera "Tommy," plus a storming run through Mose Allison's "Young Man Blues," the John Entwistle-penned rarity "Heaven and Hell" and such favorites as "Magic Bus," "My Generation" and "I Can't Explain."

The band's set ran from 2 to 5 a.m., and featured Entwistle decked out in his infamous skeleton outfit. As was a common practice at the time, band members destroyed their instruments once the show concluded.

The Who is gearing up for a host of summer shows, beginning July 24-25 at Japan's Rock Odyssey Festival. The group then heads to Australia for three shows and then to the United States for appearances in Honolulu, outside San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Re: The Who
Автор: sweet   Дата: 14.07.04 23:15:27   
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у них самый лучший басист в мире имхо!
Добрый профессор  
Re: The Who
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 15.07.04 00:21:50   
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sweet: Это никакое не имхо, а общественно признанный факт. Посмотрите сюда -
Горыныч: Хоть влияния и имели место быть, и не иметь его не могли, но утверждать, что Таунзенд подделывался то под Хендрикса, то под Пейджа, по-моему, не стоит. Он вполне самоценный артист и не стоит унижать его подобными мнениями. Более того, я где-то слышал, что Пейдж облизывался на ритм-секцию The Who, и даже звал их в ЛедЗеп, пока не нашел Джонса с Бонэмом... как у Вас там: "до ЛедЗеп им как до Луны"? ну-ну. Тем более - а зачем им до ЛедЗеп? Они - The Who; этого вполне достаточно.
Re: The Who
Автор: Dvas Nickolas   Дата: 15.07.04 00:29:14   
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sweet, уточни, плз., согласно твоему humble opinion - лучший басист рока, или вообще лучший басист?
Если второе, то знакома ли ты с творчеством Жако Пасториуса?
Re: The Who
Автор: sweet   Дата: 15.07.04 01:08:13   
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ты тоже вредный!
Re: The Who
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 15.07.04 17:16:54   
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Кстати, на новом только что вышедшем альбоме Motorhead : "Inferno" - 2004, на второй странице буклета есть небольшие комментарии от Лемми :
"In The Memory of John Entwistle;
My Friend, My Hero;
May His Generous Soul
Live Forever!!"

Re: The Who
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.04 09:00:12   
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The Who Rocks Boston On DVD

One of the Who's first concerts following the 2002 death of bassist John Entwistle is heading to DVD Aug. 17 via Rhino/Warner Vision. Taped July 26, 2002, at the Tweeter Center, "Live in Boston" features such classic rock evergreens as "Won't Get Fooled Again," "Behind Blue Eyes," "Who Are You" and "Baba O'Riley," plus oddities like "Relay," "Another Tricky Day" and "Eminence Front."

The show concludes with run of cuts from the 1969 rock opera "Tommy": "Pinball Wizard," "Amazing Journey/Sparks," "See Me Feel Me" and "Listening to You." Interviews with the Who's Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey are also featured, as is a gallery of Entwistle's drawings.

The Who is gearing up for a host of summer shows, beginning Saturday (July 24) at Japan's Rock Odyssey Festival. The group then heads to Australia for three shows and then to the United States for appearances in Honolulu, outside San Francisco and Los Angeles.

As previously reported, the Who's classic concert film "Live at the Isle of Wight" has been restored for a three-pronged release in 49 North American movie theaters (Aug. 9), on DVD (Aug. 10 via Eagle Rock) an on the INHD high-definition television network (Aug. 14). The film captures the Who's Aug. 30, 1970, performance at the U.K. festival, which fans regard as one of the best of the band's career.

Here is the "Live in Boston" track list:

"I Can't Explain"
"Anyway Anyhow Anywhere"
"Who Are You"
"Another Tricky Day "
"Baba O'Riley"
"Sea and Sand"
"Love Reign O'er Me"
"Eminence Front"
"Behind Blue Eyes"
"You Better You Bet"
"The Kids Are Alright"
"My Generation"
"Won't Get Fooled Again"
"Pinball Wizard"
"Amazing Journey"
"See Me Feel Me"
"Listening to You"
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