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Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки

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Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.09.11 01:05:57   
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1991 Paul Young : From Time To Time - The Singles Collection : UK LP №1
1991 Paul Young : From Time To Time - The Singles Collection : UK LP №1

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.09.11 09:55:55   
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        15  СЕНТЯБРЯ 15 СЕНТЯБРЯ

Сегодня родились:

1941, Born on this day, Les Braid, bass, The Swinging Blue Jeans, (1964 UK No.2 single 'Hippy Hippy Shake'). Died on 31st July 2005.

1942: Signe Anderson (Jefferson Airplane)

1942: Lee Dorman (Iron Butterfly)

1946, Born on this day, Ola Brunkert, drummer with the Swedish group Abba. Was a member of the Slim Blues Gang, Science Poption and jazz-rock combo Opus III before joining Abba. He played on every Abba album and toured with the group. He was found dead with his throat cut at his home in Majorca, Spain on March 17th 2008 after he hit his head against a glass door in the dining room at his home.

1960, Born on this day, Michel Dorge drums, Crash Test Dummies, (1994 UK No.2 & US No.4 single 'MMM MMM MMM MMM').

1976, Born on this day, Ivette Sosa, Eden's Crush, (2001 US No. 8 single 'Get Over Yourself').

1976, Born on this day, KG, MN8, (1995 UK No.2 single 'I've Got A Little Something For You').

1977, Born on this day, Paul Thomson, drums, Franz Ferdinand, (winners of the 2004 Mercury Music Prize for their self-titled debut album).

Ушёл из жизни:

2008: Rick Wright (Pink Floyd)

Стали первыми в чартах:

1962 Four Seasons: 'Sherry' US 45
1966 Small Faces: 'All or Nothing' UK 45
1973 Helen Reddy: 'Delta Dawn' US 45
1990 Steve Miller: 'The Joker' UK 45
1990 Wilson Phillips : Release Me : US single
1990 George Michael : Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1 : UK LP
1997 Elton John : Candle In The Wind 97 : UK single

Получил золотой диск:

1956: Elvis Presley's "Don't Be Cruel" is certified gold


1961, A group from Hawthorne, California called The Pendletones attend their first real recording session at Hite Morgan's studio in Los Angeles. The band recorded ‘Surfin’, a song that would help shape their career as The Beach Boys.

1964, The Beatles, on tour in the USA, appeared at the Public Auditorium in Cleveland, Ohio. During the performance a group of fans managed to break through the line of police fronting the stage and get up on-stage

1967, During a UK tour Pink Floyd appeared at the Starlight Room in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

1967, Filming continued for The Beatles ‘Magical Mystery Tour’. Lunch was at James and Amy Smedley's fish and chip shop in Taunton, Somerset with The Beatles being filmed and photographed eating their fish and chips.

1968, The Doors were forced to perform as a trio at a concert in Amsterdam after singer Jim Morrison collapsed while dancing during the Jefferson Airplane's performance.

1970, Black Sabbath and The Dog That Bit People appeared at The Marquee, London.

1975, Pink Floyd released their ninth studio album Wish You Were Here in the UK. The album which explores themes of absence, the music business, and former band-mate Syd Barrett's mental decline peaked at #1 on both sides of the altlantic and went on to spend a total of 84 weeks on the chart.

1975, Bob Dylan released Slow Train Coming, an album of religious songs, including the Grammy Award winning single, ‘Gotta Serve Somebody’. The album alienated many of his long time fans.

1978, Bob Dylan kicked off his longest and most continuous US tour of his career in Augusta, Maine, playing the first of sixty-five gigs in sixty-two cities.

1979, Led Zeppelin scored their sixth US No.1 album when 'In Through The Out Door' started a seven-week run at the top of the charts.

1982, During a US tour Queen appeared at the Inglewood Forum, Inglewood, California.

1994, A reel to reel tape of The Quarry Men appearing at St Peter's Parish Church garden party Liverpool in July, 1957, sold for £69,000, ($125,000) at a Sotheby's auction.

1996, Pearl Jam went to No.1 on the US album chart with 'No Code'.

1997, A 34 year old man was awarded more than £20,000 by a French court after he lost his hearing when he stood too close to loudspeakers at a U2 concert in 1993.

2004, Ramones guitarist Johnny Ramone (John Cummings) died in Los Angeles after a five-year battle with prostate cancer. Founding member of The Ramones, major influence on many punk and 90’s bands. Scored the 1977 hit single 'Sheena Is A Punk Rocker'.

2006, The Casbah Coffee Club in Liverpool where The Beatles played their first gig was given a Grade II listed building status after a recommendation from English Heritage. John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison played in the converted coal cellar of the house in West Derby, in August 1959 as The Quarrymen.

2008, Pink Floyd keyboard player and founder member Rick Wright died aged 65 from cancer. Wright appeared on the group's first album, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, in 1967 alongside Syd Barrett, Roger Waters and Nick Mason. David Gilmour who joined the band at the start of 1968 said: "He was such a lovely, gentle, genuine man and will be missed terribly by so many who loved him." In 2005, the full band reunited - for the first time in 24 years - for the Live 8 concert in London's Hyde Park. Wright had also contributed vocals and keyboards to Gilmour's 2006 solo album On An Island.

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: superasd2   Дата: 15.09.11 13:07:01   
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Top 5 BBC 15 сентября 1976 года.
Примечателен тем, что в пятерку попали два маэстро пан-флейты и кларнета – Gheorghe Zamfir и Acker Bilk. Композиции тоже замечательные!


Gheorghe Zamfir

Acker Bilk

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.09.11 20:36:33   
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Сегодня 3 года,как перестало биться сердце замечательного музыканта-новатора,клавишника и соавтора многих песен  Rick Wright (Pink Floyd)Сегодня 3 года,как перестало биться сердце замечательного музыканта-новатора,клавишника и соавтора многих песен Rick Wright (Pink Floyd)

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.09.11 23:13:07   
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35 лет назад на первое место в Британии вышла песня группы ABBA Dancing Queen,
а 65 лет назад родился шведский барабанщик Ola Brunkert,который очень долго выступал
с группой ABBA и зависывался с ними с 1973 года(c первого сингла People Need Love) и до октября 1981 года(сингл-хит One of Us).Ola ушёл из жизни 3 года назад на Майорке,ну а музыка группы ABBA,где звучат ударные инструменты на которых играл Ola Brunkert,слушают миллионы поклонников этой замечательной группы...
Я нашёл видео 1974 года,где в сольном проекте Janne Schaffer Halkans Shop играют музыканты группы ABBA -гитарист Janne Schaffer,клавишник Blorn Lindh и барабанщик Ola Brunkert!

Ну и хит ABBA Dancing Queen,как же без него:

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.09.11 23:19:20   
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1966 Small Faces: 'All or Nothing' UK 45 №1
1966 Small Faces: 'All or Nothing' UK 45 №1

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 15.09.11 23:34:41   
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1973 Helen Reddy: 'Delta Dawn' US 45 №1   1973 Helen Reddy: 'Delta Dawn' US 45 №1

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: superasd2   Дата: 16.09.11 10:27:49   
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2игорь комсомоленко:

Действительно, странно, но мы ничего не знаем о музыкантах группы "АББА"... Ну Абба и Абба, Агнета, Аннифрид и т.д. А ведь профессиональный музыкальный фон делают тоже люди! Спасибо за инфу.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 16.09.11 20:17:17   
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Сегодня родились:

1925, Born on this day, B.B.King, US blues guitarist, (1964 US No.34 single 'Rock Me Baby', 1989 UK No.6 single with U2 'When Love Comes To Town'). Major influence on Eric Clapton.

1941, Born on this day, Joe Butler, The Lovin Spoonful, (1966 US No.1 & UK No.8 single 'Summer In The City').

1942, Born on this day, Bernie Calvert, bass, The Hollies, (joined in 1966, 1972 US No.2 single 'Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress', 1988 UK No.1 single 'He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother', first released in 1969.

1944, Born on this day, Betty Kelly, Martha And The Vandellas, (1964 US No.2 & 1969 UK No.4 single 'Dancing In The Street').

1948, Born on this day, Kenny Jones, drummer, Small Faces, (1967 UK No.3 single 'Itchycoo Park' & 1968 UK No.1 album 'Ogden's Nut Gone Flake'). The Faces, (1972 UK No.6 single 'Stay With Me'). The Who (after Keith Moon, 1981 UK No.9 single 'You Better You Bet').

1950, Born on this day, David Bellamy, Bellamy Brothers, (1976 US No.1 single 'Let Your Love Flow', 1979 UK No.3 single 'If I Said I Had A Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me').

1952, Born on this day, Ron Blair, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, (1977 single 'American Girl', 1989 UK No.28 single 'I Won't Back Down', 1991 UK No.3 album 'Into The Great Wide Open').

1953, Born on this day, Alan Barton, Black Lace, (1984 UK No.2 single 'Agadoo'). Agadoo earned them the dubious accolade of being voted as the worst song of all time by a panel of music writers for Q Magazine. Barton died on 23rd March 1995.

1954, Born on this day, Colin Newman, Wire, (1989 UK No.68 single 'Eardrum Buzz').

1961, Born on this day, Bilinda Butcher, My Bloody Valentine, (1991 UK No.29 single 'To Here Knows When').

1962, Born on this day, Stephen Jones, singer, guitarist, Babybird, (1996 UK No.3 single ‘You’re Gorgeous’, 1996 UK No. 9 album ‘Ugly Beautiful’).

1963, Born on this day, Richard Marx, singer, songwriter, (1989 US No.1 & UK No.2 single 'Right Here Waiting', 1992 UK No.3 single 'Hazard').

1969, Born on this day, Justine Frischmann, guitar, vocals, Elastica, (1995 UK No.13 single 'Waking Up'). Also a member of early Suede.

Ушли из жизни:

1977: Marc Bolan (T. Rex)
2003: Sheb Wooley
2008: Norman Whitfield

Сегодня cтали первыми в чартах:

1972 Three Dog Night: 'Black and White' US 45
1972 Rod Stewart: 'Never a Dull Moment' UK 45
1978 Boston: 'Don't Look Back' US LP
1989 'Aspects of Love' soundtrack UK LP
1995 Levellers : Zeitgest : UK LP
1996 Fugees : Ready Or Not : UK single


1960: Johnny Burnette, "You're Sixteen"
1968: The Beatles, "I Will"
1974: Bob Dylan, "Meet Me In The Morning"


1963, ‘She Loves You’ by The Beatles was released by Swan Records in the US. Although the song is currently number one in the UK, ‘She Loves You’ was ignored in the US until 1964 when it would reach the top of the US Pop chart.

1966, Member of Parliament Tom Drilberg asked Britain's House of Commons to officially "deplore" the action of a magistrate who'd earlier called the Rolling Stones "complete morons...who wear filthy clothes."

1967, Working at Abbey Road studios in London The Beatles recorded 11 takes of ‘Your Mother Should Know’, giving the song a stronger beat, but this version of the song was discarded in favour of the original recording.

1970, Led Zeppelin won 'best group' in the Melody Maker readers Poll. This was the first time in eight years that The Beatles hadn't won 'best group.'

1970, Jimi Hendrix joined Eric Burdon on stage at Ronnie Scotts in London for what would become the guitarist's last ever public appearance.

1971, During a North American tour Led Zeppelin played the first of two nights at Honolulu Civic Auditorium.

972, Wishbone Ash, Family, Steppenwolf, John Kay Band, Slade, Uriah Heep, Roy Wood and Wizzard, Wild Angels, Glencoe, Sunshine and Cold Comfort Farm all appeared at this years Buxton Festival in Derbyshire, England.

1977, 29-year-old former T Rex singer Marc Bolan was killed instantly when the car driven by his girlfriend, Gloria Jones, left the road and hit a tree in Barnes, London.

1998, At a Sotheby's auction a notebook belonging to former Beatles roadie Mal Evans containing the lyrics to 'Hey Jude' sold for £111,500, a two-tone denim jacket belonging to John Lennon went for £9,200 and the Union Jack dress worn by Spice Girl Ginger Spice sold for £41,320.

2006, Bob Dylan was at No.1 on the US album chart with ‘Modern Times.’ Entering the U.S. charts at No.1, making it Dylan's first album to reach that position since 1976's Desire, 30 years prior. At 65, Dylan became the oldest living musician to top the Billboard albums chart. The record also reached number one in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway and Switzerland.

2008, Norman Whitfield died in Los Angeles, California from diabetes and other illnesses. The Motown songwriter and producer collaborated with Barrett Strong on such hits as ‘I Heard It through the Grapevine’, ‘Ain't Too Proud to Beg’, ‘(I Know) I'm Losing You’, ‘Cloud Nine’, ‘War’, ‘Papa Was a Rolling Stone’, and ‘Car Wash’.

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 16.09.11 20:48:06   
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34 года назад(16 сентября 1977 года) в автокатастрофе погиб один из кумиров моей школьной поры первой половины 70-х  -не стало лидера группы T.Rex Марка Болана.Cегодня не могу об этом не вспомнить...
34 года назад(16 сентября 1977 года) в автокатастрофе погиб один из кумиров моей школьной поры первой половины 70-х -не стало лидера группы T.Rex Марка Болана.Cегодня не могу об этом не вспомнить...

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 16.09.11 21:30:00   
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B.B.King,знаменитый блюзовый автор песен,гитарист и вокалист,родился 86 лет назад!Happy Birthday!
B.B.King,знаменитый блюзовый автор песен,гитарист и вокалист,родился 86 лет назад!Happy Birthday!

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 16.09.11 21:40:51   
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Richard Marx,один из главных романтиков рок-музыки (1989 US No.1 & UK No.2 single 'Right Here Waiting', 1992 UK No.3 single 'Hazard')сегодня отмечает День рождения!Ричарду исполнилось 48!Richard Marx,один из главных романтиков рок-музыки (1989 US No.1 & UK No.2 single 'Right Here Waiting', 1992 UK No.3 single 'Hazard')сегодня отмечает День рождения!Ричарду исполнилось 48!
Happy Birthday!
Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 16.09.11 21:56:26   
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1972 Three Dog Night: 'Black and White' US 45 №1
1972 Three Dog Night: 'Black and White' US 45 №1

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 16.09.11 22:06:32   
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1972 Rod Stewart: 'Never a Dull Moment' UK 45 №1
1972 Rod Stewart: 'Never a Dull Moment' UK 45 №1

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: superasd2   Дата: 16.09.11 22:43:10   
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2игорь комсомоленко:

>1972 Rod Stewart: 'Never a Dull Moment' UK 45


Ну вот по видео даже ясно, что 45 – это You Wear It Well. А Never a Dull Moment – это LP.
Снесло крышу  
Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: superasd2   Дата: 16.09.11 22:59:14   
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Блин, самому противно, что замечаю только ошибки,(
Ну что поделать, если я по семидесятым специалист...
Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 17.09.11 00:03:48   
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Я не смог найти видео этой песни,сам не ожидал,что такое возможно!Так что пришлось сделать замену.Это не ошибка!
Можно было,конечно,вообще видео не давать,но мне Род того периода очень нравился,так что дал другую песню из этого альбома...
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 17.09.11 00:27:07   
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Сегодня родились:

1947, Born on this day, Jim Hodder, drums, Steely Dan, (1973 US No.11 single 'Reeling In The Years'). Hodder drowned at his home swimming pool on 5th June 1990.
1947: Lol Creme (10cc)
1950: Mike Hossack (The Doobie Brothers)
1950, Born on this day, Fee Waybill, vocals, The Tubes, (1977 UK No.28 single 'White Punks On Dope', 1983 US No.10 single 'She's A Beauty).
1953, Born on this day, Steve Williams, drummer for Welsh rock band Budgie. (1971 single 'Nude Disintegrating Parachutist Woman').
1968, Born on this day, Anastacia, US singer, (2000 UK No. 6 single 'I'm Outta Love', her 2000 album 'Not That Kind' spent 65 weeks on the UK album chart) .

1969, Born on this day, Adam Devlin, The Bluetones, (1996 UK No.2 single 'Slight Return').
1969, Born on this day, Keith Flint, vocals, Prodigy, (1996 UK No.1 single 'Firestarter', 1997 UK & US No.1 album 'The Fat Of The Land').
1985, Born on this day, Jonathan Jacob Walker, bassist, Panic at the Disco. (2008 Australian No.1 and US & UK No.2 album 'Pretty.Odd.).

Ушли из жизни:

1991: Rob Tyner (MC5)
1996: Jessie Hill
1999: Frankie Vaughan
2006: Al Casey

Стали первыми в чартах:

1977 Diana Ross: '20 Golden Greats' UK 45
1988 Paul Young: 'No Parlez' UK LP
1994 Whigfield : Saturday Night : UK single
1994 Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti : Three Tenors in Concert 1994 : UK LP
1994 Boyz II Men : II : US LP


960: The Everly Brothers, "Walk Right Back"
1968: The Supremes, "Love Child"
1973: Billy Joel, "Piano Man"
1974: Bob Dylan: "Shelter From The Storm," "You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go"


962, The Beatles played the last of three Monday night gigs at The Queen’s Hall, Widnes, Cheshire. Also on the bill, Billy Kramer and the Coasters, Rory Storm and the Hurricanes and Sonny Kaye and the Reds. Tickets cost 3/6.

1964, Police arrived at a Rolling Stones gig at the ABC Theatre in Carlisle, England, after a trouble broke out with the 4,000 fans at the concert.

1964, During a US tour The Beatles appeared at the Municipal Stadium in Kansas City. The Beatles were paid $150,000 for the show, which was more than any other act had ever been paid for a live show. Tickets cost $4.50.

1967, The Doors were banned from The Ed Sullivan Show after Jim Morrison broke his agreement with the show’s producers. Morrison said before the performance that he wouldn’t sing the words, “Girl, we couldn’t get much higher,” from 'Light My Fire' but did anyway. The Doors also performed their new single 'People Are Strange.'
1967, Fleetwood Mac, John Mayalls Bluesbreakers, Chicken Shack and Long John Baldry all appeared at the Saville Theatre in London, England.

1983, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Eddie Money and Uriah Heep all appeared at Jack Murphy Stadium, San Diego, California.
1984, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark kicked off a 14-date UK tour at Bristol Colston Hall.
1991, Rob Tyner lead singer with the American hard rock band MC5 died after he suffered a heart attack in the seat of his parked car in his hometown of Berkley, Michigan.

1991, Over 4 million copies of Guns N' Roses album, 'Use Your Illusion I' and 'Use Your Illusion II' were simultaneously released for retail sale, making it the largest ship-out in pop history in the US.

Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: superasd2   Дата: 17.09.11 01:53:20   
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1977 Diana Ross: '20 Golden Greats' UK 45  - это LP!!! (Пошел биться головой об стену)...1977 Diana Ross: '20 Golden Greats' UK 45 - это LP!!! (Пошел биться головой об стену)...
Re: Cегодняшний день в истории рок-музыки
Автор: superasd2   Дата: 17.09.11 01:55:07   
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Cегодняшний день в  истории рок-музыки
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