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Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004

Тема: Пол Маккартни - тур '2004 (04 Summer)

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Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 01.06.04 15:07:39   
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Helter Skelter и You Won't See Me:
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Xmastime   Дата: 01.06.04 15:24:20   
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Jools Joyce
Огромное спасибо! А то я всю сеть перерыл - не мог найти.

Что скажете, народ? Особенно по поводу Helter Skelter. По-моему, не особо тянет ее Пол... Но будем надеяться, что через месяц он распоется :)
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 02.06.04 09:35:32   
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You Won't See Me - просто отлично, а Helter Skelter немного сковано.
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 02.06.04 11:43:11   
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~> Xmastime:
Эта информация, конечно же, мне известна. Как и многим другим. :)
Тем не менее, спасибо...

~> Halloween:
Какие спецы сидят в Euronews! :)))
McCartney = Sting
McCartney = Britney Spears
КРУТО!!! Куда ещё круче?!
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Halloween   Дата: 02.06.04 11:56:58   
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2 Ram On The Run
Вы бы видели, какой бардак в этом Евроньюсе... и как там все эти новости на коленке пишут... :)
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 02.06.04 12:17:49   
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Jun 2 2004


By Jon Wilde Adapted By David Edwards

AT THE very height of Beatlemania, the Fab Four played to an astonishing 500,000 people during a 1964 whirlwind tour of the US.

Today, 40 years on, Sir Paul McCartney will be seen by more than 700,000 fans in a 13-date European tour. Not bad for a man who turns 62 this month.

But even though he is in numerical terms a bigger draw than the Beatles ever were, he is not about to play down the debt he owes to his years in the biggest pop group of all time.

In his most revealing interview ever, McCartney has talked candidly about his love for John Lennon, the nervous breakdown he suffered after the Beatles split and why he should never have released some of his solo albums.

Although it's well known that he dabbled with drugs, including cannabis and cocaine, he reveals for the first time how he once took heroin.

His verdict: "It didn't do anything for me, which was lucky because I wouldn't have fancied heading down that road."

McCartney, who is due to headline the Glastonbury Festival on June 26, says: "What's amazed me about the big tours I've done in the last few years is that the thrill is as great as it ever was.

"We go on tour now and I think I should be fed up with it all by now - after all, I've done a fair bit of it. But I go to places like Mexico City and I get an audience that's louder than any I've ever heard, including those at Beatles gigs.

"I'm singing Hello Goodbye and the way they react is so completely overwhelming that I can barely get the words out."

Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 02.06.04 12:19:28   
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But he knows that the songs he and John Lennon wrote together will get the biggest cheers of all.

"There are days when I wake up and have to remind myself that I wrote songs with John Lennon," he says.

"It's fantastic that he was a part of my life in that way.

IMAGINE the luxury of being stuck on a song and being able to hand it over to John Lennon to finish off. Do I miss that? Of course I do. Hugely.

"In all the years I wrote with John, I can't remember a single occasion when we didn't come up with a song.

"At worst, we'd write at least once every day. It all happened at an amazing pace.

"We'd sag off school and write songs at my house. We'd start at two in the afternoon and we had to be finished by five so we could clean up and clear out before my dad got home.

"We wrote loads of stuff. We'd stuff some Twinings tea in a pipe, smoke that and write songs. It wasn't all good but we always came up with something.

"We all had a common vision, at least in the early days. The thing about me and John is that we were different - but we weren't that different.

"I think Linda put her finger on it when she said me and John were like mirror images of each other.

"Even down to how we started writing together, facing each other, eyeball-to-eyeball, exactly like looking in the mirror.

"On the surface, I was very easy-going, always accommodating, but, at certain times, I would very much be the hard man of the duo.

"John would allow me to take that role because it enabled him to drop his guard and be vulnerable.

"On the surface, he was this hard, witty guy, always on hand with a cutting witticism. He appeared caustic, even cruel at times, but really he was very soft.

"John was very insecure. He carried a lot of that from his upbringing, what with his father leaving when he was five.

"Then, of course, we'd both lost our mothers, so we had that in common. Ultimately, we were equals."

After releasing their debut album in 1963, the Beatles - Lennon, McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr - went on to become the biggest names in pop.

By the time they split up in 1970,they had released some of the most innovative, groundbreaking albums ever, including Rubber Soul, Revolver and Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. In the early days one of their biggest influences was Elvis Presley, but as the King's career faltered in the 60s drugs became another inspiration.

"The army had kind of ruined Elvis," says Paul. "He'd been this ultimate rebel figure who we'd all worshipped.

"Then they made him cut his hair and he had to call everyone 'sir', and he was never really the same again.

"Just about everyone was doing drugs in one form or another and we were no different, but the writing was too important for us to mess it up by getting off our heads all the time. It was just easier to write when we were straight and seemly.

"It was only on Pepper that we started to use stuff in the studio. On the earlier albums we'd have been using those drugs socially, so in that sense the drugs informed what we did.

"A song like Got To Get You Into My Life, that's directly about pot, although everyone missed it at the time. Day Tripper, that's one about acid. Lucy In The Sky, that's pretty obvious.

"There's others that make subtle hints about drugs, but, you know, it's easy to overestimate the influence of drugs on the Beatles' music.

"I tried heroin just the once. Even then, I didn't realise I'd taken it. I was just handed something, smoked it, then found out what it was.

"It didn't do anything for me, which was lucky because I wouldn't have fancied heading down that road.

"I did cocaine for about a year around the time of Sergeant Pepper. Coke and maybe some grass to balance it out. I was never completely crazy with cocaine.

"I'd been introduced to it and at first it seemed OK, like anything that's new and stimulating.

"When you start working your way through it, you start thinking: 'Mmm, this is not so cool an idea', especially when you start getting those terrible comedowns."

Perhaps the biggest comedown of all came as the group imploded at the end of the 60s when McCartney sued the other Beatles to dissolve the band.

"It was 10 years of hell," he says. "What followed was that everyone was split into camps.

"There were three of them and one of me. John, George and Ringo had been my best mates.

"Now they were my enemies. That was really, really hard to take.

"In the Beatles, we'd always had this running joke: 'What are we going to do when the bubble bursts?'

"Then it did burst and I went up to my farm in Scotland, wondering what the hell I was going to do next.

"I seriously thought about giving up music altogether. It was a bloody hard time.

Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 02.06.04 12:20:29   
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"It was difficult to get up in the morning. I was drinking quite a lot, probably having a bit of a nervous breakdown. Looking back, I was in a state of grief. I realise that now. Grief for the end of the Beatles."

It was only through music that he was able to rouse himself from his torpor. In 1971 he founded Wings with his first wife Linda, Denny Laine and Denny Seiwell.

Although the band sold millions of records, it never received anything like the critical acclaim lavished upon the Beatles.

"Early Wings were pretty rough, not terribly good," admits Paul. "There was a time when the Beatles weren't very good, but we were able to be not very good in private.

"Wings had to do it in public and there was always the shadow of the Beatles, which didn't help.

"One thing you have to say is that I've put out an awful lot of records. Some of them I shouldn't have put out, sure. I'd gladly accept that.

"There's many different reasons for putting a record out. Sometimes I might just put one out because I'm bored and I've got nothing better to do.

"In 1977, I fancied doing a Scottish bagpipe song, so I wrote Mull Of Kintyre. The people who hated it were p****d off with me.

"Of course, it didn't help that it came out at the height of punk rock. But what should I have done at that time? Stuck a safety pin through my nose and done some bonkers punk song?

MY attitude is really: 'Sod you. You think Mull Of Kintyre is crap - you try writing something like that.' I do get annoyed at having to justify myself.

"Since school, I've never liked having to do that. I never liked anyone telling me what to do. I never liked that bullying tendency."

Wings split up in 1980 - the year McCartney was arrested at Tokyo International Airport after marijuana was found in his luggage.

He remembers: "I was out in New York and I had all this really good grass. Excellent stuff.

"We were about to fly to Japan and I knew I wouldn't be able to get anything to smoke over there. This stuff was too good to flush down the toilet, so I thought I'd take it with me.

"Looking back, it's not too wonderful being banged up in a Japanese jail.

"When I first arrived I was thinking: 'This is a storm in a teacup - I'll be out in no time.' Then the British vice-consul told me I could get seven years of hard labour. That's when it got extremely worrying.

"It was five days before Linda was allowed to visit me and I'd never spent a night apart from her since we'd married. It was pretty rough. Just a thin mattress on the floor.

"I had to wash myself using water from the toilet cistern. I had to share a bath with a bloke who was in for murder. I was afraid to take my suit off in case I got raped."

Twenty-four years on, possessing pot doesn't seem quite the heinous offence it once was. McCartney says: "Just the other day I went for a walk on my own in the Hollywood Hills.

"This bunch of teenagers passed by me and one of them turned to me and said: 'Hey, Macca, you're the man! Fancy joining us for a smoke?'

"To me, it's a huge compliment that a bunch of kids think I might be up to smoke a bit of dope with them.

"I'd be mad not to feel blessed, wouldn't I? I've been a lucky bugger and so many things that happened to me were pure chance.

"I'm lucky, very f*****g lucky, just to still be vibing and loving life and holding on to my enthusiasm for things."

For the full interview, check out this month's Uncut - the music and movies magazine, on sale from tomorrow.

Uncut/IPC Syndication

Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 02.06.04 12:43:06   
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Singer Paul McCartney rehearses in London's Dome for his upcoming Summer 2004 tour. The tour covers cities in Europe and Russia. A reflection of his face from a stage screen is seen on the side of his piano. Singer Paul McCartney rehearses in London's Dome for his upcoming Summer 2004 tour. The tour covers cities in Europe and Russia. A reflection of his face from a stage screen is seen on the side of his piano.
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 02.06.04 12:44:52   
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Еще одно фото с репетицийЕще одно фото с репетиций
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 02.06.04 13:37:28   
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Всегда пожалуйста!

И еще:
I've Got A Feeling с концерта в Лиссабоне:
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 03.06.04 08:55:37   
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June 2 - Zurich, Switzerland - Letzigrund StadiumJune 2 - Zurich, Switzerland - Letzigrund Stadium

There was a soundcheck just before 3:30pm. Besides the crew there was a group of 36 people who had the fanasylum ticket package. They were seated to the side of the stage. There were no seats on the field in front of the stage.

Paul said to the fanasylum group, "People on Zurich holiday packages hello! And I acknowledge the Brian Ray Fan Club." There were two fans who had a sign that said "Brian Ray" with stars on it.

Macca wore all black--black long-sleeved T-shirt and black trousers. During the soundcheck Paul went from one instrument to another never going back to the same instrument twice.

Soundcheck setlist: "Coming Up," "Matchbox," "Summertime," "C Moon," then he sang "Happy Birthday" to somebody in the crew and then sang "She's a jolly good fellow" to the same person, "Celebration," "Blue Moon of Kentucky," "San Francisco Bay Blues" (Rusty, Brian and Paul danced around kicking their legs square dance style), "I'll Follow the Sun," "Blackbird," a new song with the words "just wrong" and another new song with the words "hold onto your precious love," a massage improv jam that went on for along time with Paul saying, "time for my massage baby!"),"Lady Madonna," was the last song.

Paul said goodbye to the fanasylum crowd and then said, "Will the TWO members of the BRIAN RAY FAN CLUB please stand up? OK Brian, throw them a kiss!" And Brian did. Then the band bowed and waved goodbye.

Ten minutes before the show started it began to rain and lasted throughout the concert soaking 30,000 people including the preshow performers. Paul wore the red nehru jacket, jeans and a red and white T-shirt. The front of the shirt was red and the back was white.

The setlist was the same as previous shows except there was no "Yellow Submarine" singalong. Because of the cold rain, the crowd was not as enthusiastic and Paul wanted to move the show along. Even his acoustic guitar got wet during the show.

Paul spoke more English than German and apologized for not knowing Swiss/German. "I know a little German, but I don't know Swiss/German." He read from some cards he had with the pronunciations on them.

He said before "She's A Woman" that the Zurich audience was amongst the first to hear the song because it's the first time he's done it in a long time.

He addressed the audience as, "People in the rain!"

Rusty took out his camera and told the crowd to get closer together so he could take a photo. Brian spoke in German and said "Is everyone on the right having a good time?...the left....the back... the front." Wix said he felt almost like he was back home because it rains all the time in London, but the only difference here is they speak differently.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 03.06.04 10:28:57   
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This Swiss radio site has a new radio interview with Paul
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 03.06.04 12:44:10   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 03.06.04 13:01:10   
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Вот что надо будет обязательно сделать на Питерском концерте: заставить Пола спеть Yellow Submarine!
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Клим.   Дата: 03.06.04 13:33:42   
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Теоретически он это может сделать, но думаю, это только теоретически.
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.06.04 17:22:13   
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Security causes fans to miss start of Sir Paul's gig

Hundreds of Paul McCartney fans reportedly missed the start of his gig in Zurich because only one door was open into the venue.

The fans, who'd paid over £60 for a ticket to see the former Beatle, found security was so tight, that only one entrance was in operation.

Many missed the first half hour of the concert at the Letzigrund concert hall as a result.

One fan told the Swiss magazine 20min: "It's an absolute scandal. We were standing outside in the pouring rain and we could hear that the concert had already started inside.

"And this is after we paid over £60 pounds for our tickets."

In addition to the mishap that cost hundreds of fans a good half hour of the concert, organiser GoodNews was forced to report that ticket sales had fallen far short of their hopes.

It's reported only half of the expected 4,000 tickets had been sold.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Стас   Дата: 03.06.04 17:34:13   
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Фигушки :)))

Пол с нами затянет All together now!!!Я ему её напою,а он подхватит :)))
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 03.06.04 22:51:46   
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June 2 - Zurich, Switzerland - Letzigrund StadiumJune 2 - Zurich, Switzerland - Letzigrund Stadium

The setlist was the same as previous shows except there was no "Yellow Submarine" singalong. Because of the cold rain, the crowd was not as enthusiastic and Paul wanted to move the show along. Even his acoustic guitar got wet during the show.
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: EleanorRigby   Дата: 03.06.04 23:04:04   
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У кого-нибудь есть информация, Get Back-то он исполнял???!!! Все репорты что читаю - нет Get Back!... Ее больше всего хочу услышать в Санкт-Петербурге.
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