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О Rolling Stones замолвим слово

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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.08.05 21:59:27   
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А что, собсно, мешает?
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.08.05 22:41:48   
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THE ROLLING STONES drummer CHARLIE WATTS was terrified about going back on the road with the rock legends, just months after being given the cancer all clear.

The rocker never thought he would ever rejoin bandmates after being diagnosed with throat cancer last year (04) and he was anxious about how he would cope.

As the band begin to prepare for their forthcoming US tour, Watts says, "When I was diagnosed and undergoing treatment. I didn't think of the Rolling Stones.

"I was more worried than excited about getting out on the road."

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 13.08.05 01:42:30   
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 No moss here No moss here

Toronto show proves the Stones are better than ever after 43 years


The Rolling Stones
Wednesday night
The Phoenix concert Hall, Toronto

TORONTO - "OK. I can die now."
I wasn't the only one to utter these words Wednesday night as the Rolling Stones concluded an awe-inspiring surprise set in the Phoenix Concert Theatre in Toronto.

The 500 or so people lucky enough to score a $10 ticket to Wednesday's show, another of the "dress rehearsal" gigs the Stones have made a tradition of performing in Toronto just prior to a world tour, witnessed a band at the peak of its collective powers. That this band has been performing together for 43 years - the longest uninterrupted run of any outfit in rock history - makes such a statement powerful.

The Stones - Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Ronnie Wood and longtime supporting musicians bassist Darryl Jones, keyboardist Chuck Leavell, vocalists Bernard Fowler, Lisa Fischer and Blondie Chaplin and a four-piece horn section led by veteran Bobby Keys - could easily have offered a show long on nostalgia and heavy on the hits. Instead, the group showcased four new songs, dug deep for some classic album tracks and saved the hits for the thrilling conclusion of a 90-minute set. The crowd's enthusiasm bordered on hysteria from start to finish, and the band looked thrilled, both with itself and its audience.

"A Bigger Bang" is the title of the new Stones disc, which is poised to drop Sept. 6, and if Wednesday's show offered any indication, it's going to be a real corker.

Hitting the stage with a gutsy, primal slice of boogie titled "Rough Justice," the Stones earned their mantle of "the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band" by the time they hit the first chorus. Jagger, lithe and incredibly fit as he makes his way toward his mid-60s, strutted his wares with the grace of a man less than half his age. Flanked by the inimitable twin-guitar interplay of Richards and Wood, he made it clear that the role of rock frontman is both his creation and his birthright. On "Live With Me," Jagger was in fine voice, his wiry body undulating wildly as he squeezed nuanced emotion out of his at once high-brow and vulgar, blues-based art.

"19th Nervous Breakdown" received a makeover as a Muddy Waters-style slow and heavy blues. Richards wrenched exquisitely barbaric Chuck Berry riffs from his mighty Gibson semi-hollow body, punctuating his gloriously gruff-voiced background vocals. Wood looked remarkably sober and spry as he offered response to Richards' call, completing the seemingly telepathic form of six-string interplay the two have christened the ancient form of weaving.

Behind it all, the terminally nonplussed Watts reveled in his offhanded, just-a-touch-behind-the-beat trap kit mastery, ably assisted in the bottom-end department by the soulful Jones, whose addition to the ranks gave the Stones a new lease on life.

The tunes came fast and furious, the revved-up rocker "She's So Cold" suggesting that the Stones just might have created punk rock while they were making the blues safe for white folks the world over, and "Dead Flowers" hinting that country music was made all the hipper for their dalliances with it.

"Back of My Hand," another new tune, found Jagger and Wood sharing slide guitar duties on a Chicago blues stomp and segued gracefully into "Ain't Too Proud to Beg," as the crowd danced and screamed along during the chorus.

Richards took the microphone for the reggae-informed instant-classic "In for Me," a song he took obvious delight in nailing to the rear wall of the club. His side of the stage was flanked by a rowdy contingent of Keith-worshippers, many of them sporting the elegant rogue's look and razor-shredded coiffure he patented in the '60s. They raised their glasses, chanting "Keef! Keef!," as the world's most dignified pirate hit his knees and bowed before them in thanks.

"Oh No, Not You Again," the first single from the forthcoming "A Bigger Bang," is another aggressive, angry-but-humorous rocker in the fine Stones tradition of dressing-down a romantic partner. It was followed by a surprisingly moving take on Bob Marley and Peter Tosh's timeless reggae rallying call "Get Up, Stand up."

The show culminated in the three-pronged attack that was Otis Redding's "Mr. Pitiful," the evergreen "Tumbling Dice" and, of course, "Brown Sugar," which received a treatment closer to the original recorded version than I've heard the Stones stick in a few decades.

Only one encore, a torrid "Jumpin' Jack Flash," but I certainly heard no one complaining. This could well be the Rolling Stones' final tour. Looks like the band has saved its best for last."

(снимок с торонтофского гига. Обращает на себя внимание, шо у Мика "баттлнэк"...Такое я вижу впервые... Блюзовитненько!)

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 13.08.05 03:04:47   
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2john lee hooker:

>Обращает на себя внимание, шо у Мика "баттлнэк"...Такое
>я вижу впервые... Блюзовитненько!)

Мда, это он "наслАйдил", кажыся, в "Back of My Hand" :)
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Alex GB   Дата: 13.08.05 14:21:32   
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>Блюзово мне! Скажите,братья, а мона как-нить
>в Белграде попасть на концерт или вообще кто идет
>на какой-концерт???

<Ближе, наверное, до Хельсинки добраться, хотя о европейских датах, пока все слухи одни.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 15.08.05 20:39:08   
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Stones Surprise Toronto Stones Surprise Toronto
Rockers play small, rootsy gig for Canadian fans

After a month of rehearsals in Toronto in preparation for their world tour, which launches August 21st at Boston's Fenway Park, the Rolling Stones gave the city a big thank you last night by performing an eighty-minute, rootsy set for 1,100 fans at the Phoenix Concert Theatre. People had been lined up down the street since Tuesday to snatch up the bargain $10 tickets for the show, filmed for a reported DVD.
"I want to thank everybody in Toronto for being so welcoming to us," frontman Mick Jagger said. "You kind of leave us alone, but give us enough attention to get our egos up for the tour."

The band kicked off the evening with "Rough Justice," from the forthcoming studio album, A Bigger Bang, due September 6th. Immediately, the audience rushed the stage, fists in the air as if this were a stadium show. Without the flash of a custom-built stage with runways, inflatables and pyro, the Stones played straight-up rock & roll. Jagger and Co. -- guitarists Keith Richards and Ron Wood, and drummer Charlie Watts -- grooved on covers of classics such as the Temptations' "Ain't Too Proud to Beg," Bob Marley and Peter Tosh's reggae anthem "Get Up, Stand Up," and Otis Redding's "Mr. Pitiful," while also reaching back into their own bag for numbers like "Dead Flowers," "Tumbling Dice," "Brown Sugar" and the only encore, "Jumpin' Jack Flash."

The standout of the night, however, was the curious rearrangement of "19th Nervous Breakdown," with its slow, bluesy rock delivery; the words almost spoken, not sung, and the original melody barely adhered to. A new song, the blues-tinged "Back of My Hand," had a similar feel to the Stones' 1969 take on Fred McDowell's "You Gotta Move."

After Jagger introduced the core band and nine auxiliary players -- including bassist Darryl Jones, keyboardist Chuck Leavell and saxophonist Bobby Keys -- Richards stepped up for his turn at the mike to debut "Infamy." "You're the guinea pigs," he cracked, before launching into the song's dark, almost James Bond-ian rhythm. Jagger then returned to center stage for the playful, straight-up rock & roll single "Oh No, Not You Again," which rhymes "beauty" and "cutie."

While an elaborate stage has been constructed for the upcoming tour -- promoter Michael Cohl calls it "the Globe Theatre meets Blade Runner" -- nights like this prove that the Stones don't need such distractions.

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 15.08.05 20:40:06   
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Для нетерпеливых: на амазоне выложили фрагменты песенок с нового альбома...
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 15.08.05 20:45:15   
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Любопытно будет услышать, да и увидеть на DVD медленную приблюзованную версию 21 века "19-го нервного кризиса"...
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: zand   Дата: 15.08.05 21:12:10   
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Ну,I Just Wanna Make Love To You в такой аранжировке уже была на Four Licks.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 15.08.05 21:17:04   
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>Ну,I Just Wanna Make Love To You в такой аранжировке
>уже была на Four Licks.
Уважаемый zand.
Та песенка, про которую Вы говорите, была спета ими в той же аранжировке году этак ф 1989-90-ом...А , ежели софсем точно, то спета в первоначально-афторской аранжирофке несравненного Вилли унд Мадди
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 16.08.05 20:33:05   
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до Хельсинки? А сколько стоит?
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.08.05 09:08:45   
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Rolling Stones Strip Down Rolling Stones Strip Down

Rock legends go back to basics, get political on the rough-edged "A Bigger Bang"
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.05 07:22:21   
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Jagger and Richards' Candid ConfessionsJagger and Richards' Candid Confessions
August 16, 2005

The new Rolling Stones mega-tour is the biggest music event of the year. With the group's first studio album in nearly a decade, the world's greatest rock band turned up in Toronto, where "Extra" got a rare chance to go one on one with rock icons Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.

And Jagger and Richards were more than happy to talk about the pair's legendary, and sometimes stormy, relationship, with "Extra" music critic Jude Cole.

Mick Jagger: We don't have major disagreements about things. I mean Keith can be very difficult at times, a bit volatile. You might encounter that if you said the wrong thing.

Jude Cole: So Keith, you and Mick have had a tumultuous thing?

Keith Richards: Tumultuous in one way, but I mean guys who have known each other since we were 4 years old, I think it's really like brothers except every time Mick and I have a spat it's all over the papers.

JC: So you can blow up at each other and it's gone?

KR: Oh yeah, he hates me when I do it, but you know, unfortunately, I have to blow up.

But 62-year-old Jagger and 61-year-old Richards got their groove back for the Stones' new CD, which features 16 tracks.

And the pair revealed that they worked together more closely on this album than they have in years due to the fact that drummer Charlie Watts was battling throat cancer when the recording process began last year.

KR: It was a matter of, "Do we wait for Charlie to get better or do we carry on?" And after one minute, we thought, "We have to carry on."

MJ: I tried to make the core songs rock and roll, but there's other kind of material, you know slightly more country-ish, a bit more dance, and some blues.

JC: So Mick was playing the drums and you were playing the guitar and flute?

KR: Yeah, it was like, "Mick, you double on drums, and I'll double on bass, and let's go."

JC: Maybe that's why I think this record is genius.

KR: It certainly wasn't planned that way but that's how it came out.

JC: I don't know anything you haven't accomplished individually. As a band, how important is a number one hit to you guys now?

KR: Nobody in this game is going to say, "No, I don't want one." Of course it would be great.

JC: Is there anything that you haven't done yet?

MJ: I haven't directed a movie.

JC: Is that something you aspire to do?

MJ: Yeah, I'd like to do that.

JC: What kind of film do you aspire to do?

MJ: I've written it already. I've half-written it. It's a small picture about a guy who wants revenge.

But before that can happen, the Stones will be on tour through 2006!
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.05 07:23:31   
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The Rolling Stones are among the first celebrities who will be honored on London's Avenue of the Stars, a British version of Hollywood's Walk of Fame that will be unveiled Sept. 18.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 18.08.05 11:10:26   
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"on London's Avenue of the Stars, a British version of Hollywood's Walk of Fame" - весьма сумнительная честь, чтоб потом о твое имя ноги отирали. Лучше деньгами. Все эти звезды в асфальте напоминают мне надписи по типу: "Здесь был Вася".
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.05 11:17:50   
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Это напомнило мне случай, как мы с Алексом Редом стояли перед ГКЗ "Россия" после концерта Jethro Tull. Как известно, там находится наш отечественный "уок оф фейм". Так вот мы решили, что на Высоцком стоять не будем, а вот на той звезде (не помню, на какой) потопчемся с удовольствием.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 18.08.05 11:24:00   
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to: Primal Scream - "потопчемся с удовольствием" - поди еще и поплевали втихаря на какую-нибудь "звИзду"? Сознавайся!
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.05 11:27:47   
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Не, я не плюю на тротуар. Хотя... Может и стоило?
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.05 12:27:21   
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SIR MICK JAGGER is planning to make a return to film when he finishes his upcoming world tour with legendary rockers THE ROLLING STONES.

The STREET FIGHTING MAN star has already begun work on a new screenplay - and he plans to direct and star in the untitled movie when his schedule becomes free.

He says, "It's about a guy who wants revenge. It's only a small movie and I've already written half of it."

Jagger's previous forays into cinema - including leading roles in 1970 movies NED KELLY and PERFORMANCE - have been met with a mixed response from critics.

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 18.08.05 12:33:28   
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О, майн гот! Только не это! Какое там еще кино-домино! Опять ведь облажается на старости лет. Пусть лучше песни пишет.
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