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Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE

Тема: Битлз - Love (2006)

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Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE 2
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.07.06 16:08:13   
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Indeed, the Cirque du Soleil show is very emotional, especially as the almost too-short 90-minute spectacular starts heading toward its finale. I think that may be what did McCartney in, seeing video of the Beatles -- really exceptionally well edited - contrasted with the entire cast of the show dancing to All You Need Is Love.Indeed, the Cirque du Soleil show is very emotional, especially as the almost too-short 90-minute spectacular starts heading toward its finale. I think that may be what did McCartney in, seeing video of the Beatles -- really exceptionally well edited - contrasted with the entire cast of the show dancing to "All You Need Is Love."
The show - which has a magical combination of acrobatics, ballet, video, and fanciful sets and costumes - suddenly gels disarmingly. Realizing the end is at hand is almost upsetting. You want this one last trip to the fantasy that was the Beatles never to end.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
The real success of "Love" depends a lot on Sir George Martin, the Beatles' producer. Watching the show, you can only think that none of this would be possible if the person who assembled the music didn't know it inside and out. Martin and son Giles have literally taken the Beatles original recordings and, in many instances, turned them inside out.
Some songs are intact, but they are few. Instead, the Martins have pieces together unexpected medleys, woven in bits and pieces of the Beatles music with other fragments, and then stitched them like elements of a tapestry into a larger setting. There's no song list, and I hope I actually caught all the little references. For example, one of the central pieces is a masterpiece rendering of "Octopus's Garden." The Martins have configured it so that another Ringo song, "Good Night," is playing behind it until the whole thing becomes a nursery rhyme. It's just splendid.
Imagine that the show begins with the opening night of "A Hard Day's Night" segued right into the drum solo from the end of "Abbey Road." These two things ordinarily would have nothing to do with each other. They are followed by a snippet of "Because" and then "Get Back," the song that sets the tone for the show. Suddenly we're in London during the Blitz, when each of the Beatles was born. "Eleanor Rigby" depicts Liverpool in World War II, and "I Am the Walrus" takes on new significance. (Director Dominic Champagne told us he loves the lyric "I am he/As you are he/As you are me/And we are all together.")
Then, quickly, it's the Sixties, all Beatlemania and Carnaby Street: "I Want to Hold Your Hand," "Drive My Car," "What You're Doing" and "The Word" comprise a thrilling medley as the video projections and the actors recall an innocent time.
From then on, the plot - such as it is - doesn't really matter. "Love" begins mixing and matching all the material from "Penny Lane" and the "Sgt. Pepper" album through the "White Album" and "Abbey Road." Each number is a self-contained little gem, almost like a Joseph Cornell box stuffed full of unusual artifacts.
Some favorites: George Harrison's "Within You, Without You" features a bed that rises to the ceiling and unleashes a massive, billowing white sheet that covers all 2,000 audience members. "Lady Madonna" is a stomping percussive number depicted by many pairs of children's slicker yellow boots dancing on tricycles. "Strawberry Fields" takes place inside Cirque du Soleil's idea of a lava lamp.
With no exception, each number is its own little masterpiece. But there are bigger pieces, too, like a wild Dr. Seuss-type carnival that breaks out for "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite." In "Help," teams of extreme skaters dressed in black and white like football refs are choreographed on curved ramps. This is sure to be one of the most popular numbers, and one that we see on TV as a clip. As Ed Sullivan used to say, the kids are going to love it.
Sometimes less is more, as in a cool ballet solo number by Charlotte O'Dowd performed to "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." And other times, it's all about being awesome as when "A Day in the Life" becomes a multimedia event that culminates in a Volkswagen Beetle (get it - there are two of them, used as metaphors) suddenly breaks apart into pieces.
And there's a longish medley - "Can You Take Me Back," "Revolution" and "Back in the USSR" that finishes with a previously unreleased (no one could place it, and it's not from a Beatles Anthology) acoustic version of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" that is breathtaking.
There are plenty of other songs, too, don't worry: "Hey Jude," "Something," "Come Together," "Yesterday," "Blackbird" and "Here Comes the Sun" - staged with remote-control miniature trains carrying little dishes of light - are all in there. There are bits of "Let it Be," "Tomorrow Never Knows" and "Magical Mystery Tour." And some that I thought were missing - like "In My Life" and "We Can Work It Out" - who knows? Maybe they'll turn up in a sequel.
"Love" is just an exhilarating, phenomenal show; one that will not only revive the Beatles catalog but bring their music to a whole new generation. The fact that it works at all is due not only to the Martins, but to director Champagne (what a name) and his incredibly talented cast and crew. They mix video, light and sound in what seem like groundbreaking ways. That it all seems new and fresh and alive is a real achievement. (The huge theater is actually bifurcated four ways by see-through scrims that are also video screens.)
Now every rock group from The Stones and the Who to the Beach Boys and even Three Dog Night will want a show like this. But there's only one Beatles, and with "Love," they've participated in yet another cultural milestone.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.07.06 16:10:46   
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Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.07.06 16:12:20   
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Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 03.07.06 21:33:04   
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Смотрите EuroNews и там был сюжет на 3 минуты.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Appletree   Дата: 06.07.06 12:37:59   
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"дети Джорджа Харрисона Дхани и Блэр" - может имелась в виду Бэт? А то как-то странно... Также странно, что в статье от 05.07. не упомянут Джулиан.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 06.07.06 13:43:13   
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> Также
>странно, что в статье от 05.07. не упомянут Джулиан.
Это не новостная газета, так что они статьи заранее пишут.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: JWL4ever   Дата: 06.07.06 20:41:45   
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Дамы и господа! Не могу найти инфо относительно премьеры мюзикла в стольном Лондон-граде. Кто узнает что-то - скиньте. Заранее благодарю.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.07.06 21:45:17   
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А кто сказал, что в Ландыниуме будет премьера? Ничего такого.
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 06.07.06 23:36:03   
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Премьера состоялась в Лас-Вегасе. Описания очевидца:
Это было хорошо, но не великолепно...
Музыкальная часть действа очень порадовала - работа Джорджа Мартина, как всегда, на высоте!
Само выступление правильно было бы назвать не традиционным Cirque de Soelil, а "танцами под Битлз", так как акробатических номеров было не так уж и много.
Был и Ринго, но впечатления оставил удручающие, как плохой исполнитель. На сложных песнях (например, FRANKENSTEIN) он вообще уходил. Также на ударных была Шейла И (Sheila E).
Хочу подчеркнуть, что это не мое мнение, а одного из очевидцев:
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: JWL4ever   Дата: 07.07.06 13:36:11   
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2Primal Scream:

>А кто сказал, что в Ландыниуме будет премьера?
>Ничего такого.

Может быть Вы и правы, но я не могу себе представить, что в Лондоне и Ливерпуле сей мюзикл не прогастролирует. Может быть я идеалист и мыслю категориально, но представить себе Ваш вариант развития событий не могу, уж простите.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Halloween   Дата: 07.07.06 13:50:40   
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На сайте есть программа гастролей: пока только США и Канада. В Европе Cirque du soleil бывает раз в 2-3 года.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: JWL4ever   Дата: 07.07.06 15:16:34   
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Спасибо, г-н Halloween за информацию, учту. Просто я намылился к концу года в Лондон, посему хотел попасть на спектакль.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Монстр66   Дата: 07.07.06 15:48:28   
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Ой! А я не заходил сюда, а здесь столько фоток!!!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 07.07.06 16:10:01   
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Только не "г-н", а "г-жа Halloween"! Рекомендуется смотреть в личные данные форумчан.
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: JWL4ever   Дата: 07.07.06 16:15:56   
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Простите, не учел, впредь именую всех товарищами, а то почему-то страницы с личными данными грузятся медленно.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Halloween   Дата: 08.07.06 09:50:09   
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На официальном сайте есть превьюшка шоу, нечто вроде нарезки клипов (в правом верхнем углу):

Второе видео - собственно, тот первый гала-концерт, с которого все вышезапощенные фотки. С комментариями Ринго, Пола, Йоко и т.д.

А на той же странице внизу - подборки фоток.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.08.06 21:53:38   
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Access Hollywood To Broadcast The Beatles "LOVE" By Cirque du Soleil

Broadcast Premieres August 19 on the NBC

Exclusive Interviews with Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Yoko Ono & Olivia Harrison Featured

Access Hollywood takes an exclusive in-depth look at the The Beatles LOVE, the highly acclaimed latest Cirque du Soleil production, in a one-hour program hosted by anchors Nancy O'Dell and Billy Bush. The special airs August 19 from 9 - 10 p.m. EST/PST and 8 - 9 p.m. CST exclusively on the NBC Owned and Operated television stations. KXAS, NBC's Owned station in Dallas will air the show on August 20 at noon. LOVE will be rebroadcast on September 2 & 3 on Access Hollywood affiliate stations nationwide in Access Hollywood's regularly scheduled time periods.

LOVE brings the magic of Cirque du Soleil together with the spirit and passion of The Beatles music to create a vivid, intimate and powerful entertainment experience. Access Hollywood has been allowed unprecedented access to LOVE, including behind the scenes of the production from its earliest stages and exclusive interviews with Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and Yoko Ono and Olivia Harrison. The special also features interviews with Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté and LOVE director Dominic Champagne, as well as the creative team behind this spectacular production. In addition, Access Hollywood is granted an in-depth look at the music behind LOVE, including footage shot at Abbey Road studios with Sir George Martin and his son Giles, who together, using the master tapes at Abbey Road Studios, created a unique soundscape for LOVE (the album for which is currently being worked on at Abbey Road studios by George and Giles for release later this year.)

This joint artistic venture marks the first time that The Beatles company, Apple Corps Ltd., has agreed to a major theatrical partnership. The project was born out of a personal friendship and mutual admiration between the late George Harrison and Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté. LOVE is performed exclusively at The Mirage in Las Vegas.
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.09.06 14:13:27   
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Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: Olesha   Дата: 25.09.06 01:13:16   
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О да две мои самые любимые вещи Цирк (потому как я сам жонглер) и Битлз (потому как на них я воспитан)
Re: Cirque Du Soleil - LOVE
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 04.10.06 21:46:45   
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November 2009: The Elvis Presley Projects. CKX, the company that owns the rights to Elvis Presley's name, likeness, and music publishing has signed an agreement to have Cirque create Elvis-themed permanent shows and multimedia presentations. This production is slated for Las Vegas' proposed "Project CityCenter". The Elvis Presley Projects will include additional touring and permanent shows, along with "Elvis Experiences" (interactive multimedia exhibits). One touring Elvis show is planned for Europe/Asia in 2008, with one "Elvis Experience" outside the United Sttes. One new Elvis Presley Project will open each year from 2009-2015.

Грят, хозяева "Солнечного цирка" расчитывают на умопомрачительную прибыль в Лас-Вегасе за элвисовскую постановку, которая по прогнозам должна побить фсе рекорды... Пожывём-увидем, Але- ап!

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