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Traveling Wilburys

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Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 08.03.07 11:04:21   
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На "Горбушке" откопал прелюбопытнейший релиз: "Travelin' Wilburys. Vol. 2. Live In Japan". Сразу по нему у меня куча вопросов возникла.

Интересные песни они там пели:

1) The Hottest Gong Intro
2) End Of The Line
3) You Got It
4) This Is Love
5) Runnin' Down A Dream
6) All Or Nothin'
7) Not Alone
8) Blow Away
9) Wrac Away From
10) A Wind With A Heart Of It's Own
11) I Won't Back Down
12) September Song
13) A Love So Beatiful
14) A Face In The Crowd
15) California Blue
16) Got My Mind
17) Tweeter

Выглядит все это дело натуральным фэйком. Во-первых - номера Роя Орбисона, звучащие точь-в-точь как мастера с альбома "Mistery Girl". Во-вторых присутствие самого Орбисона на этом "концерте". В-третьих - вместо песен в трек-листе совсем другие, например, вместо "End Of The line" - "Wilbury Twist".

Нет ли у кого-нибудь оригинального трек-листа этого концерта и не знает ли кто состава музыкантов?
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Sister   Дата: 08.03.07 11:12:34   
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To Andy Wilbury: Это и есть фэйк - такого концерта никогда и не было :) Мало того, у них вообще концертов не было.
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Denebola   Дата: 14.03.07 08:43:54   
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У меня возник такой вопрос: а как переводится название Traveling Wilburys?
Ну, с первым словом как раз все понятно, а вот второе я не могу найти в словаре... или это какое-то сокращение?
Объясните, пожалуйста. Мне очень нравятся их альбомы. 1 и 2, в частности.
А вот про название я не знаю...:(
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Andy Wilbury   Дата: 14.03.07 09:08:28   
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Wilbury - это так Джефф Линн называл помехи в усилителях.

А так же это представители мифической народности:))
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Kurt Donald Cobain   Дата: 14.03.07 09:08:44   
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Denebola: а оч просто переводится. Уилбери - это фамилия. Странствующие Уилбери. Ну это как Симпсоны.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 17.03.07 15:53:40   
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Нажелали мне дорогие битломаны музоткрытий, и вот пожалуйста - открыла "The Trembler" на третьем vol!!! Как говорится, я и раньше была счастливая, а теперь и вовсе покой потеряла... УглУбившись в поиск, обнаружила существование альбома "His Twangy Guitar and the Rebels" Duane Eddy. Вопрос к знатокам: где оный водится, как купить-переписать и тэдэ? :))
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 17.03.07 16:02:55   
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>к знатокам: где оный водится, как купить-переписать
>и тэдэ? :))

Водится, к примеру, у нас дома. Нужно переписать? С удвольствием.-))))
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 17.03.07 16:13:24   
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Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Denebola   Дата: 18.03.07 12:06:05   
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Огромное спасибо за обстоятельные ответы!!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 21.03.07 11:36:59   
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After being out of print for more than a decade, the two studio albums from all-star band the Traveling Wilburys will return to the marketplace in a variety of formats June 12 via Wilbury Records/Rhino, has learned.

"Traveling Wilburys Volume 1" and "Traveling Wilburys Volume 3" will be available together in one package with bonus tracks and a DVD of rare footage, as a deluxe linen-bound edition, a vinyl set and a digital bundle. The DVD boasts a 24-minute documentary and five music videos.

The Wilburys formed in 1988 after Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne and Roy Orbison assembled at a California studio to record a B-side for the Harrison single "This Is Love."

The resulting song, "Handle With Care," was instead released under the Wilburys name, with the artists posing as a band of brothers. It went on to reach No. 45 on the Billboard Hot 100, while the "Volume 1" album hit No. 3 on The Billboard 200. The reissued version of the album includes the previously unreleased tracks "Maxine" and "Like a Ship."

Orbison died in late 1988 before a second album could be completed; it was eventually released as "Volume 3" in 1990. The set is expanded here with the B-side "Runaway" and "Nobody's Child," which was released on a benefit album for Romanian orphans.
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: zhukoff   Дата: 21.03.07 13:13:53   
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Spasibo za novost'! Nu nakonec-to!!! Zhdem-s...
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 21.03.07 15:20:16   
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2Mr. Zero: классная новость!
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Mr. Zero   Дата: 21.03.07 15:27:20   
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to: Corvin
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: КосухинСтепан   Дата: 21.03.07 17:01:34   
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Ха, наши пираты опять впереди планеты всей
И ДВД у них аж на 120 минут, а не на 24.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 21.03.07 17:26:19   
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ух ты :)
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 21.03.07 17:28:22   
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Просто это титры растянули на 96 минут. :)))
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.03.07 09:39:22   
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LOS ANGELES, March 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Nearly twenty years after the creation of the band, and over a decade since the music was last available to fans, the music of The Traveling Wilburys will be reissued on June 12,
2007, in the U.S. and June 11, 2007, worldwide. Rhino Entertainment announced the project today and will distribute the package from the Wilbury Records label.

The previously released albums Traveling Wilburys Volume 1 and Traveling Wilburys Volume 3 feature inarguably some of music's greatest singer- songwriters -- George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty
and Bob Dylan -- as the iconic band The Traveling Wilburys. Both CDs will be combined into one release, The Traveling Wilburys Collection, and will feature bonus tracks of rare and newly mixed previously unreleased music
along with a bonus DVD featuring a 24-minute documentary showing unseen footage of the Wilburys and their five video clips.

The Traveling Wilburys collectible packages will be available in four configurations. Each configuration is a remarkable commemoration of this unique group.

* Standard Package -- Features 2 CDs (Volumes 1 and 3) with bonus tracks,
bonus DVD of content and a 16-page collectible book.

* Deluxe Edition Set -- Linen-bound deluxe edition features 2 CDs
(Volumes 1 and 3) with bonus tracks, bonus DVD, and a 40-page
collectible book with photos, original liner notes, new liner notes and
a uniquely numbered certificate of authenticity.

* Vinyl Edition -- Features 2 vinyl releases of Volumes 1 and 3 with an
additional 12-inch featuring bonus tracks, a collectible album-sized
book, plus additional postcards/posters.

* Digital Edition Bundle -- Features downloadable editions of both CDs
(Volumes 1 and 3) with bonus tracks, video content and an interactive

The Traveling Wilburys release marks the first time in ten years the product has been issued. Marking the occasion, Rhino Entertainment President Scott Pascucci commented, "We're honored to be involved with
making the music of this extraordinary group available again."

In trying to explain how the Wilburys originally came together, George Harrison once said, "The thing about the Wilburys for me is -- if we'd tried to plan it, or if anybody had said, let's form this band and get these people in it -- it would never happen, it's impossible. It happened completely, just by magic, just by circumstance. Maybe there was a full moon that night or something like that. It was quite a magical little thing

The Traveling Wilburys BACKGROUND

The Traveling Wilburys was not a carefully planned band, not formed from deep premeditation. Rather, the band was created in a casual blending of genuine friends one ordinary afternoon, which turned out to be anything but ordinary.

George Harrison needed a B-side song to accompany a European single release from his widely regarded Cloud Nine album. While in Los Angeles, George approached Jeff Lynne for help with the B-side, since he had co-produced the album. It happened that Jeff was working with Roy Orbison on the upcoming Mystery Girl album. Roy readily agreed to lend a hand in the musical effort. As fate would luckily dictate, George's guitar was at
Tom Petty's house, and he too offered to join in and make some music. When the group showed up to record, Dylan also lent a hand to help complete the half-finished song George had written. George has often been quoted as
saying, "And so everybody was there and I thought, I'm not gonna just sing it myself, I've got Roy Orbison standing there. I'm gonna write a bit for Roy to sing. And then, as it progressed, then I started doing the vocals and I just thought I might as well push it a bit and get Tom and Bob to sing the bridge." The final result was a song called "Handle With Care."

George later said, "I liked the song and the way that it turned out with all these people on it so much that I just carried it around in my pocket for ages thinking, well what can I do with this thing? And the only thing to do I could think of was do another nine. Make an album."

The album they created was called the Traveling Wilburys Volume 1 -- a playful nod to the reality that subsequent volumes were unlikely. Volume 1 was released in October 1988 preceded by the single "Handle With Care." The album achieved wide critical acclaim, and most critics agreed that the music was so extraordinary because of the modest ambitions of the band, which translated to a fresh and relaxing sound. Rolling Stone Magazine instantly called it one of the Top 100 Albums of all time. The album also saw commercial success; it reached #3 on the Album charts, garnered double-platinum status and earned the group a Grammy(R) for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group.

In 1990, following the unexpected death of Roy Orbison in December 1988, the remaining members reconvened to record Traveling Wilburys Volume 3, dedicating the album to Lefty (Roy) Wilbury. With Harrison and Lynne
producing again, both "She's My Baby" and "Wilbury Twist" became radio hits as the album reached #11 in the U.S. and achieved Platinum success.

Track Listing:

Disc One
1. Handle With Care
2. Dirty World
3. Rattled
4. Last Night
5. Not Alone Any More
6. Congratulations
7. Heading For The Light
8. Margarita
9. Tweeter And The Monkey Man
10. End Of The Line
Bonus Tracks:
11. Maxine*
12. Like A Ship*

Disc Two
DVD - The True History Of The Traveling Wilburys
Music Videos:
1. Handle With Care
2. End Of The Line
3. Inside Out
4. She's My Baby
5. Wilbury Twist

Disc Three
1. She's My Baby
2. Inside Out
3. If You Belonged To Me
4. The Devil's Been Busy
5. 7 Deadly Sins
6. Poor House
7. Where Were You Last Night?
8. Cool Dry Place
9. New Blue Moon
10. You Took My Breath Away
11. Wilbury Twist
Bonus Tracks:
12. Runaway (B-side to "She's My Baby" UK CD and 12.)
13. Nobody's Child (previously released on Nobody's Child: Romanian
Angel Appeal)

* previously unreleased

SOURCE Rhino Entertainment
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.03.07 09:49:19   
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несколько фоток в добром разрешении
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.03.07 10:07:49   
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Сегодня не судьба. ))) Кому надо, берите отсюда
Re: Traveling Wilburys
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.03.07 11:24:26   
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Жаль что на DVD нет клипа "Nobody's Child".
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