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"Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Living in the Material World: George Harrison — книга и фильм (2011)

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Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.09.11 14:27:54   
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George Harrison: Living In The Material World
19 September, 2011 | By Fionnuala Halligan
Dir: Martin Scorsese. US. 2011. 208mins
A compelling portrait of a man who may always remain essentially elusive, Martin Scorsese’s George Harrison: Living In The Material World is a tenderhearted and revelatory look at “the quiet Beatle”. Neither a hagiography nor a full warts-and-all expose, it gently and insistently probes the essence of Harrison and despite its lengthy running time is an engrossing and ultimately joyous insight into his life and times.
Harrison himself is a large and warm presence through a jaw-dropping array of archive footage and gorgeous still photography.
Viewing the Beatles through the less divisive figure of Harrison, Scorsese casts an unexpectedly sharp light on the band and its dynamic. While the director makes no concessions to those who aren’t familiar with the group, particularly in the documentary’s early stages, this should be of interest to a much wider audience than the Beatles’ ageing fanbase.

Its natural home may be TV (it will air on HBO in US in October) but hopefully select theatrical engagements will prevail, with an interval at the 91-minute mark.

Produced by Scorsese with Harrison’s widow, Olivia, this documentary doesn’t quite skirt over the musician’s darker side, yet neither does it pick at the underbelly. Harrison was evidently a greatly loved man, yet contributors including Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Yoko Ono and Ringo Starr, amongst others, consistently refer to his two sides (Starr memorably referring to a “bag of beads and a bag of anger”).

A drug problem is alluded to briefly, and the fact he was outspoken and a womaniser are also underlined. This can be frustrating - at Scorsese’s behest the viewer is trying to know this man, and it feels as if the curtains are closing. But, overall, this gentle approach somehow chimes with the man everyone on screen is describing.

Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.09.11 14:28:12   
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Another potential issue is that there’s a generous helping of Ravi Shankar, but that’s what Beatles fans said back in the 1970s so why should it be any different here.

Harrison’s constant, restless quest for self-enlightenment drove him and provides the impetuous for this documentary, which sits alongside - but is much more captivating than - Scorsese’s Bob Dylan biopic, No Direction Home, as opposed to Shine A Light or The Last Waltz. (“People say I’m the Beatle who changed the most,” he says in an archive interview. “But to me that’s what life is all about.”)

Scorsese opts not to appear on camera here, and does not question the interviewees, who also include Harrison’s first wife Patti Boyd, (who memorably left him for Clapton), his son Dhani, Ray Cooper of HandMade Films and Eric Idle.

Harrison himself is a large and warm presence through a jaw-dropping array of archive footage and gorgeous still photography. (He’s shown to be sharp-witted and sardonic, greeting McCartney in later years with “is that a vegetarian leather jacket?”)

Scorsese breaks the film into easily-digestible chunks, with emotional strands weaving the whole piece together; there’s a quick run through Harrison’s childhood; the Beatles years; his songwriting; quest for enlightenment and spirituality through India and beyond; solo success; the Bangladeshi aid concert; the Travelling Wilburys; HandMade; and at home in Henley, where he fought cancer and was brutally stabbed by an intruder.

Despite Harrison’s many, many notable achievements (mortgaging his house to make The Life Of Brian being only one of them), it’s The Beatles which underline the film, of course. And there’s a strong suspicion that with two members of the band dead, this may prove to be the most insightful documentary ever made about the group dynamic, even though it never tackles the world’s biggest rock ‘n’ roll phenomenon head-on.

Production company: Grove Street Pictures, Spitfire Pictures, Sikelia Productions
International sales: HBO Documentary Films
Producers: Olivia Harrison, Nigel Sinclair, Martin Scorsese
Executive producer: Margaret Bodde
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.09.11 14:28:41   
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September 19, 2011 in San Sebastian, SpainSeptember 19, 2011 in San Sebastian, Spain
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 20.09.11 14:29:03   
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At the 59th San Sebastian International Film Festival At the 59th San Sebastian International Film Festival
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: sasha m   Дата: 25.09.11 17:04:06   
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Жизнь в материальном мире: Джордж Харрисон
George Harrison: Living in the Material World, 2011

2 сентября 2011 США
Международный кинофестиваль в Теллуриде
16 сентября 2011 Испания
Кинофестиваль в Сан-Себастьяне
25 сентября 2011 Греция
Кинофестиваль в Афинах
4 октября 2011 Великобритания

4 октября 2011 США
Международный кинофестиваль в Нью-Йорке
5 октября 2011 США
Премьера на ТВ
6 октября 2011 Греция
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Бри   Дата: 25.09.11 22:52:51   
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Вроде ещё книга должна выйти.
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Евгений Соколов   Дата: 28.09.11 07:15:07   
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Наконец-то появилась информация о содержании компакт-диска.
1. My Sweet Lord (demo) 3:33
2. Run Of The Mill (demo) 1:56
3. I'd Have You Any Time (early take) 3:06
4. Mama You've Been On My Mind (demo) 3:04
5. Let It Be Me (demo) 2:56
6. Woman Don't You Cry For Me (early take) 2:44
7. Awaiting On You All (early take) 2:40
8. Behind That Locked Door (demo) 3:29
9. All Things Must Pass (demo) 4:38
10. The Light That Has Lighted The World (demo) 2:23
Обсуждение новости: "Фильм Мартина Скорсезе "George Harrison: Living In The Material World" (клип "Here Comes The Sun")"
Автор: Jude   Дата: 28.09.11 16:25:57   
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Жду не дождусь выхода :) Кто знает, интервью были записаны специально для фильма?
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 28.09.11 16:40:16   
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>Жду не дождусь выхода :) Кто знает, интервью
>были записаны специально для фильма?
Я фильм не видела, но исходя из информации о нем, можно сказать, что так и есть, во всяком случае большинство из них.
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Felix   Дата: 28.09.11 16:54:42   
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2Евгений Соколов:

>Наконец-то появилась информация о содержании компакт-диска.
И это все?! Интересно, а откуда инфо?!
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: MUR   Дата: 28.09.11 17:45:21   
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>И это все?! Интересно, а откуда инфо?!

Из официальной рассылки с сайта
Книга уже вышла:
Видео в 3 видах выходит в начале октября (только непонятно, почему только в UK, придётся с британского амазона заказывать).


In the US:
October 5 & 6 - The film will be broadcast exclusively on HBO October 5 (Part 1) and 6 (Part 2). A US home video release will follow in the Spring.

In the UK:
4th October - The film will be IN CINEMAS for one day only!
View theater listing and find a showing near you.

10th October - The film is released on home video in the UK on DVD, Blu-Ray and Deluxe Edition versions.

The limited-edition Deluxe version is packaged in a bespoke picture frame box with easel back for photo display, and includes 2 DVDs and one Blu-ray featuring the film plus 11 bonus features, a 10-track CD of previously-unreleased recordings, 2 exclusive lithographs, and a 96-page book.

CD Tracklist:

My Sweet Lord (demo) 3:33
Run Of The Mill (demo) 1:56
I'd Have You Any Time (early take) 3:06
Mama You've Been On My Mind (demo) 3:04
Let It Be Me (demo) 2:56
Woman Don't You Cry For Me (early take) 2:44
Awaiting On You All (early take) 2:40
Behind That Locked Door (demo) 3:29
All Things Must Pass (demo)4:38
The Light That Has Lighted The World (demo)2:23

Bonus Features:
(*exclusive to Deluxe Edition)

George plays the Uke* 1:37
Deep Blue* 1:11
Here Comes The Sun 2:38
Dispute and Violence 5:12
Growing Up In Liverpool* 4:20
Paul McCartney 2:23
Neil Aspinall* 3:31
The Inner Light* 2:31
Jeff Lynne 2:56
Gordon Murray* 4:17
Damon Hill 4:21


In early October, Abrams Books will publish Olivia Harrison's George Harrison: Living in the Material World, a personal archive of photographs, letters, diaries, and memorabilia from George's life that reveals the arc of his life, from his guitar-obsessed boyhood in Liverpool, to the astonishment of the Beatles years, to his days as an independent musician and bohemian squire.
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.09.11 18:58:06   
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из интервью Дхани

Luckily, viewers of Scorsese’s documentary George Harrison: Living in the Material World won’t have to deal with commercials when the exhaustive biopic airs in October on HBO and hits Blu-ray across the pond. But Harrison thinks they might want to take a night off after watching his father’s expansive life unfurl onscreen, from his humble Liverpool origin and global crossover with the Beatles to his late battles with both a murderous psychotic and, eventually, lung cancer.

“It’s really heavy for me,” Harrison explained. “I already lived it, so it’s like watching your life fed back to you through the eyes of Martin Scorsese, which is weirder than living it. But he did a great job. My mother Olivia and everyone on her team worked really hard on it. I did voice-overs and interviews for hours and hours. We’ve been working on it for over five years now. My advice is not to plan anything after watching it. Have a nice evening off.”

What smartphone addicts and Beatles collectors might want to watch out for is the iPhone and iPad app that Harrison is building, which photographically and intertextually reproduces his father’s entire guitar collection. The app, made with the help of award-winning director Steven Sebring’s Bandwidth Publishing, launches in October in conjunction with the Grammy Museum’s multimedia retrospective of George Harrison: Living in the Material World.

The app photographically recreates each of the elder Harrison’s guitars in 360 degrees, employing Apple’s embedded accelerometers to give users the ability to view the instruments from all angles, as well as learn facts like each guitar’s physical details, where it was acquired, and on what songs it was used.

“It’s a portal to everything that has ever been played on them, and will also be an online storefront,” Harrison said. “We’re really looking forward to launch. The guys at Bandwidth have been working their asses off on it.”
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Felix   Дата: 29.09.11 20:17:05   
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а вот и ценники в "Пурпурном Легионе":
BR: 1834 р
DVD: 1539 р
-Deluxe-: 7150 р

No comments...
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: MUR   Дата: 29.09.11 20:39:48   
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Да и на амазоне цена на делюкс намного больше, чем на простые.
Обсуждение новости: "Фильм Мартина Скорсезе "George Harrison: Living In The Material World" (клип "Here Comes The Sun")"
Автор: MikiFR   Дата: 29.09.11 22:27:26   
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Информация о фильме:
Обсуждение новости: "Фильм Мартина Скорсезе "George Harrison: Living In The Material World" (клип "Here Comes The Sun")"
Автор: valery57   Дата: 30.09.11 09:33:39   
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Ну наконец-то! Вот это подарок!
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 30.09.11 18:12:43   
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хех... Нежданно негаданно без всяких предварительных заказов разжился книжкой. В понедельник завезут. Можно было бы и сегодня забрать, но лень через весь город туда и обратно мотаться. А в понедельник с доставкой на дом. В комплекте с 2 котами на временное поселение :) Единственное, что удалось добиться из описания: "Очень большая" :)
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 30.09.11 18:55:46   
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2Standing Stone:

не поделитесь, как Вам это удалось? можно в личку :)
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Standing Stone   Дата: 30.09.11 20:02:05   
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2Лена me mine:

>2Standing Stone:
>не поделитесь, как Вам это удалось? можно в личку Vy

Отец в Нью-Йорке был, решиил сделать сыну приятно. Зашел в магазин и взял книжку, которой, как ему показалось, у меня нет (я весь свой запас книжный у родителей на квартире оставил). К счастью попал. Ни про какого Скорсезе и новый фильм он, разумеется, ничего не знал.
Я даже не особо в курсе был, что он туда на какой-то симпозиум улетел. Заказов никаких не делал. Так что мне самому ничего "не удавалось"
Re: "Living in the Material World" - документальный фильм Мартина Скорсезе о Джордже Харрисоне
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 30.09.11 21:56:30   
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2Standing Stone:

повезло, действительно повезло!
впрочем, я догадывалась, что шанс выпал не в Москве
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