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Книга Мэй Панг

Тема: Джон Леннон - May Pang (Мэй Панг)

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Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 13.03.08 14:28:58   
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2Грибушин Сергей Иванович:

>"Любить Джона" - это только один из двух возможных
>переводов названия книги. Игра слов абсолютно
>в духе самого Джона.

Любимый и Любящий Джон.
Наверное так лучше переводить?
Я тащусь!  
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Грибушин Сергей Иванович   Дата: 13.03.08 14:41:52   
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По-русски оба варианта "Любить Джона" и "Любящий Джон" равнозначны, т.к. весь смысл здесь - именно в игре слов, которая присутстует в оригинале.
Снесло крышу  
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 13.03.08 18:07:25   
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Мда, только равнозначны они в том случае, если Джон влюблен сам в себя - он любит Джона и он любящий.
Все же ближе к смыслу - "Любимый Джон". Любовь Джона к Мэй Пэнг... ну - проводить вместе время и любить - вещи все же разные. И Джон про любовь к Пэнг вроде нигде официально не говорил.
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 14.03.08 11:24:12   
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2Витя Кипербаум:
>И Джон про любовь
>к Пэнг вроде нигде официально не говорил.

Нужно было собрать пресс-конференцию и сделать официальное обращение к американскому народу по этому поводу. ))) Почитай Голдмана, там есть об этом)))
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.04.08 09:11:13   
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John Lennon from Instamatic KarmaJohn Lennon from "Instamatic Karma"
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.04.08 20:24:29   
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Palm Springs, 1974, photo taken of John relaxing on his weekend holiday with Harry Nilsson (not pictured). This was taken just following the infamous Troubadour incidents. Photography excerpted from John & Yoko: A New York Love Story Copyright 2007 Allan Tannenbaum. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Photography excerpted from Instamatic Karma: Photographs of John Lennon by May Pang. Palm Springs, 1974, photo taken of John relaxing on his weekend holiday with Harry Nilsson (not pictured). This was taken just following the infamous Troubadour incidents. Photography excerpted from John & Yoko: A New York Love Story Copyright 2007 Allan Tannenbaum. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Photography excerpted from Instamatic Karma: Photographs of John Lennon by May Pang.
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.04.08 20:25:09   
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John swimming in Long Island Sound, 1974, off of New Rochelle, New York.  John swimming in Long Island Sound, 1974, off of New Rochelle, New York.

Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.07.08 23:04:48   
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May Pang's photos of Lennon subject of new bookMay Pang's photos of Lennon subject of new book
Posted by South Jersey News Online July 04, 2008 10:08AM

Pang poses for a picture. She will appear at a book signing at S.R. Riley's Musical Cafe in Bridgeton on July 10.

By Jim Six

During the 18 months she lived with music legend John Lennon, May Pang took lots of photographs.

It wasn't her idea. She felt pulling a camera out in intimate situations was a bit intrusive, but Lennon insisted -- thank goodness.

Some of the family snapshots Pang took now make up a fascinating book cleverly titled "Instamatic Karma, Photographs of John Lennon," by Pang.

She will appear at a book signing at S.R. Riley's Musical Cafe in Bridgeton on July 10.

Pang was working as a personal assistant and production assistant for John Lennon and Yoko Ono. But, in the summer of 1973, Ono confided in the 22-year-old Pang that she and the former Beatle weren't exactly getting along.

One thing led to another and Ono suggested that, if John asked Pang out, she should go.

Pang insisted she was not interested in Lennon, but he then started to pursue her.

"I'm thinking, 'This can't be happening.' It's not something I had ever planned or even thought about," Pang said in a recent telephone interview.

"I was very happy just working for them. The thought that John Lennon would even be remotely interested in me, I thought, 'That can't be,'" she said.

"It's nice to know John was chasing me," she acknowledged. "You can't put two people together if they don't want to go, but when somebody keeps chasing you, you say, 'OK, I'll give the guy a shot.'"

Pang said she was so busy with her work in those days, she didn't have time to even date.

"And here is the first guy you ever live with and it turns out to be a guy named John Lennon," she said.

The relationship was "very awkward" at first, so Lennon suggested they go to California for awhile.

Pang was sort of used to being "shell shocked" after working for Lennon for three years.

"You could feel, 'Wow! Here's one of the guys who made up a group that changed the face of music, the world and pop culture,'" she said.

After three years, she knew he was a big star, but he was also just her boss.
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 04.07.08 23:05:33   
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'Instamatic Karma: Photographs of John Lennon' by May Pang is shown.'Instamatic Karma: Photographs of John Lennon' by May Pang is shown.

"When I became his girlfriend, it was different again," she said.

"The guy that I saw, the pictures (in her book), that's the John I knew at home. It wasn't the public John," said Pang.

The time she and Lennon were together is often referred to as the "Lost Weekend," but Pang points out that it was not only an 18-month period, but that during that time Lennon was quite productive, putting out an album and his only number one single as a solo artist and was reunited with his son, Julian.

Despite all the great photos in her book, the one thing not there is a photo of Lennon and Paul McCartney playing music together.

It happened, but "I thought it was just one of those things," Pang admitted.

"They had matured and gone to a different level in their lives," she said. "It was like four brothers who didn't talk to each other but wanted to patch things up. If they wanted to play, which happened as a jam, fine."

The friendship was more important than the music, she thought.

One of the most striking photographs in the book shows Lennon, in Florida, signing the legal papers that disbanded one of the most famous bands in history.

"Here we are, sitting in the Polynesian Village Hotel in Walt Disney World" -- Pang, Julian and Lennon, and a lawyer who'd brought the weighty legal documents down from New York City.

The signing had been scheduled for a week before -- Ringo Starr had signed in London and McCartney and George Harrison signed in New York in a room filled with 35 or so people.

Now, here was Lennon, in a darkening hotel room.

"He's sitting on a bed signing these papers," Pang recalled. "The last signature is his. Basically, he ends the band. He started it, he ends it."

Despite the darkness of the picture, Pang said she believes Lennon had no regrets.

"I think it was time for all of them to move on and I think they knew that," she said.

The lack of legal papers binding them together freed them to do what they wanted.

"There was also a time where John said, 'Do you think I should write with Paul again?'" said Pang.

She and Lennon moved to an apartment with a rooftop view of the East River in New York.

"It was very small. We took the living room and made it our bedroom," she said.

"That bed is still with me today. It's in my guest room. People have come out and said, 'I had a great sleep from that bed.' I don't tell anybody," Pang said.

In a bittersweet irony, not far from Pang's New York home lives the police officer who apprehended and handcuffed Mark David Chapman shortly after Chapman had fatally shot John Lennon in December 1980.

Pang has met with the officer, who told her it was extremely difficult to maintain his professionalism and not hurt Chapman that day.

In retrospect, Pang remains upbeat, even when the subject is Lennon's assassination.
"He doesn't get old. That's the best thing," she said.
Книги May Pang
Автор: Lelisha   Дата: 25.08.08 10:43:03   
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Подскажите, пожалуйста, где можно скачать книги Мэй Пэнг на английском языке? На русском не нужно, так как переводы крайне неудачные.

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "Книги May Pang".
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Воробьёв Александр   Дата: 21.12.11 22:34:17   
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Какие впечатления остались у вас от первой книги Мэй? Я не читал, хочу заказать.
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: VadLit   Дата: 22.12.11 17:31:38   
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Не самая плохая книга о Джоне. чувствуется что хотела написать правду. Что напрягает, как и у Синтии, так это вечная обида на Йоко. А в общем неплохо.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Японец   Дата: 22.12.11 18:12:15   
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вечная обида, что мужа дали попользовать, но с ВОЗВРАТОМ!!!
Re: Книга Мэй Панг
Автор: Johnny_1983   Дата: 19.03.13 18:03:42   
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Вопрос возник. А кто автор перевода, который по сети гуляет?
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