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Metallica это...

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Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Sever   Дата: 20.07.04 02:41:24   
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Э-э, харэ на Металлику клеветать! Клёвая группа.. была. Но их альбомы до Лоуда - это классика жанра, их уж точно никто не выкинет и не забудет.
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 20.07.04 09:19:12   
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А по мне и Load, и все включительно до 2003 на голову выше другой метал-продукции выпущенной тогда же. Отличные диски.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 20.07.04 09:56:54   
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Присоединяюсь к Flaming Rain, хватит на них катить баллоны!!! Их опускание уже продолжается со времён релиза "Load" - 1996. Хотя мне до сих пор не понять, почему большинство народу так сильно не любит этот альбом. Лично для меня - это их самая любимая пластинка, но это не значит, что я не знаю "Master Of Puppets" - 1986, "... and Justise For All" - 1988, "Metallica" - 1991 и.т.д. Я их также сильно люблю. Выпустив "Load", они только наоборот показали, насколько творчески и сильно они продвинулись вперёд и выросли. Насколько мне не изменяет память, сам Кирк Хэммет говорил: "Если бы был жив Клифф Бёртон (их первый и оригинальный бассист), то к таким вещам, как "Load", мы бы пришли гораздо раньше".
Ну а последний альбом "St. Anger" - ПОЛНЫЙ УЛЁТ!!!!! Одна из тех пластинок, которые я регулярно слушаю и заряжаюсь оптимизмом!!!!
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: sergero   Дата: 20.07.04 13:07:58   
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Metallica это... ...по-русски - железяка, кажись...
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: FrodoFm   Дата: 20.07.04 20:10:21   
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Flaming Rain, пусть и далеко, но ты все-таки припомни: а у МакКартни в сет-листе your loving flame, driving rain и lonely road. Очевидно это все, что может конкурировать со старым материалом? =)
Ничего она не "была", а есть, самая техничная, интересная, разнообразная американская группа. St. Anger - это лучший релиз 2003 года после Death Cult Armageddon Dimmu Borgir. Прекрасно записано и каждая вещь - хит. Это как же так, две абсолютно опопсевшие группы - и лучшие альбомы 2003 года? =) Один - по версии американской гремми, другой - по версии норвежской. И обе - были. Одна "была" величайшей thrash (не спид и не хэви!), другая - true black. Кстати, сравнивать технику и качество записи не хочу, ибо metallica здесь пас =))
Могу только сказать, что Мётлы всегда были попсовы. С чего это народ взял, что они так резко опопсели? С чего? Они всегда играли музыку, которая требовалась. 80-е эпоха хэви - пожалуйста, радикальный трэш, в начале 90х звук смягчился - пожалуйста, black album, потом, в 96 звук еще смягчился (pure instinct scorpions показатель) и вот - load. модно с оркестрами? S&M. Теперь эра nu-metal. Но я лично при всей моей неприязни лично к Ульриху за Нэпстер, не могу не признать, что metallica столько вложила в мировой рок, сколько другим и не снилось. И сейчас они играют то, что началось благодаря им. И играют лучше всех...
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.04 09:15:26   
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Metallica Documentary Captures Their Emotional RescueMetallica Documentary Captures Their Emotional Rescue

Metallica's Some Kind of Monster documentary almost showed the break-up of the band.

Diorector's Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky followed the band for a year and captured the recording of their St Anger album.

The documentary starts with Metallica reuniting in the studio for the first time in five years and begins with the departure of bass player Jason Newsted. The relationships within the band were at such a low that during the recording of the album, the band bought in a therapist to deal with their emotions.

The movie ends with the addition of Robert Trujillo to the line-up and the release of the St Anger album.
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.04 09:34:38   
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Megadeth Frontman Says Metallica Set Him Up In DocumentaryMegadeth Frontman Says Metallica Set Him Up In Documentary
Dave Mustaine feels misrepresented by 'Some Kind of Monster.'

In the burning eyes of Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine, Metallica and filmmakers Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky, who shot the Metallica documentary "Some Kind of Monster," are the real monsters.

Mustaine claims that after years of bitterness between himself and Metallica, he agreed to help them out with the $4.3 million movie and got stabbed in the back for his efforts. In one of the most powerful scenes in the film, Mustaine confronts Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich about being kicked out of the band in 1982 for being a belligerent drunk.

Over an uncomfortable five minutes of footage, Mustaine tells Ulrich that the move ruined his life, and that no matter how many platinum albums he's earned over the years with Megadeth, he has always lived in the shadow of the more successful Metallica (see "Metallica: The Talking Cure").

At one point, Mustaine asks Ulrich why the band didn't just send him to rehab instead of booting him, a reference to Metallica frontman James Hetfield's entrance into a substance-abuse center in 2001, which significantly delayed the release of the band's St. Anger album (see "Metallica Frontman James Hetfield Enters Rehab").

As emotional as the footage is, it should never have been included in the film, said Mustaine, who claims he didn't approve it because he felt the clip didn't represent the full extent of what happened in the meeting.

"If you watch the stuff linearly, it's totally different," Mustaine said. "They filmed three hours of us together and they only used about five minutes. Why didn't they use the part where Lars gets up and walks to the bathroom crying because I let him have it because of the sh-- that happened?"

On Tuesday (July 20), filmmakers Berlinger and Sinofsky issued MTV News a statement in which they said, "We stand by what we filmed, how we filmed it, and our decisions in the editing room. ... We are all very surprised that Mr. Mustaine is displeased. We found him to be an intelligent, articulate person struggling with the same issues as Metallica — questions of creative and existential identity and collaborative tensions. Lars Ulrich is shown in an equally human manner, even shedding a tear on camera during the scene. ... While we certainly couldn't include the entire three hours we shot with him, we strongly believe that the scene in question is truthful and representative of the emotions that transpired."

Mustaine said that after the filmed therapy session, he was handed release papers, which he agreed to sign, provided he was given the chance to OK the footage he was in after it was edited. More than a year later he was sent a tape of his scene, which he was extremely unhappy with. So, he said, he talked to one of the movie's directors and sent a message to Metallica stating that he didn't want his scene released.

"It didn't mean anything to them," Mustaine said. "Then Lars put his spin on it, saying, 'Well, we looked at [his statement], and we couldn't figure out if it was him or the management saying it.' Who gives a f---? We didn't approve it, and that's all that should have mattered."

Berlinger and Sinofsky tell a different story. "As is our standard practice, the release form that Mr. Mustaine signed on the day of the shoot did not include any provision that he, or any of the dozens of other people we filmed who signed this same release, would have approval over the material," they said. "However, throughout the filming of the scene, there were several moments that became particularly emotional, in which Mr. Mustaine asked us to turn the camera off, a request we honored — none of that material was included in the film. The footage that was used did not have any restrictions from Mr. Mustaine when he signed the release.

"Two years after filming the scene with Mr. Mustaine, we contacted his representatives not for approval over the scene, but in order to request permission to use clips of Megadeth videos and archival footage. ... When Mr. Mustaine asked to see how he appeared in our film before he would grant permission to use this archival material, we sent him a copy of the scene, assuming he would see it as positive. When we were told that he was unhappy with his portrayal, we offered to screen the entire film for him in person ... [but] he refused our offer. There was no attempt to stab him in the back by anyone connected to this film."

Mustaine said he was so emotional and revealing during the shoot because it was filmed two days after September 11, and he was still reeling from the terrorist attacks. He added that when he agreed to take part in the project, he thought he would be treated fairly and objectively.

"I had no idea I was getting set up," Mustaine said. "And the thing I don't understand is that for 20 years they've said that I was the temporary guitar player, and that I was no good. You don't talk about me, and basically pretended that I never even existed, and now I'm so goddamn important I gotta be in the movie? Give me a break."

While the filmmakers agreed that the timing of the interview probably contributed both Mustaine's and Ulrich's willingness to be open with their feelings toward one another, "the timing of the conversation does not invalidate the scene's integrity or legitimacy," they said. "Probably just the opposite is true. The timing allowed us to capture an incredibly truthful and human moment. The cameras were not hidden — we were invited into the room."

"Some Kind of Monster" is playing at seven theaters nationwide and will open in 93 more by August 6.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 23.07.04 18:42:56   
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Ларс о новом альбоме

Ларс недавно дал интервью датскому журналу Aardschok и обсудил слухи о новом альбоме, за запись которого группа возьмется после третьего турне по Северной Америке и осеннего мини-тура.

Ларс упомянул, что они планируют заново просмотреть и прослушать около 50 часов материалов, записанных до St.Anger (Presidio). Он сказал, что часть этих материалов заслуживает сравнения с Pink Floyd и вряд ли окажется на следующем альбоме, но, возможно, эти записи в каком-то виде всё-таки будут выпущены.

Также Ларс сказал, что новые песни на следубщем альбоме будут короче, чем те, что записаны на St.Anger, и будут "более металлическими". Все композиции будут записаны в HQ, а продюсером вновь будет Боб Рок.

Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.07.04 12:59:58   
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MOTÖRHEAD, DARK ANGEL, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM and various members of KISS, DEEP PURPLE and TESTAMENT are among the musicians featured on the upcoming METALLICA tribute album, "Metallic Attack: Metallica - The Ultimate Tribute" (view cover here), due on August 3 through Big Deal Records. The complete track listing for the CD is as follows:

01. MOTÖRHEAD – "Whiplash"
02. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM – "Damage Inc."
03. Members of PRONG, EXTREME, ANTHRAX and JUDAS PRIEST – "Enter Sandman"
04. DEATH ANGEL – "Trapped Under Ice"
05. Members of DEEP PURPLE and KISS – "Nothing Else Matters"
06. HELMET's Page Hamilton and ANTHRAX's Scott Ian – "Motorbreath"
07. UGLY KID JOE's Whitfield Crane and SUICIDAL TENDENCIES' Rocky George – "Master of Puppets"
08. TESTAMENT's Chuck Billy and Alex Skolnick – "Holier Than Thou"
09. LIFE AFTER DEATH – "Eye of the Beholder"
10. DARK ANGEL – "Creeping Death"
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 26.07.04 13:20:34   
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Коля Денисов,
Ткже Ларс сказал, что новые песни на следубщем альбоме будут короче, чем те, что записаны на St.Anger, и будут "более металлическими". Все композиции будут записаны в HQ, а продюсером вновь будет Боб Рок.

По моему тоже самое он говорил в 91-м перед выходом Черного. На месте Энгер был Джастис.
Ах Ларс, same old song...

Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 26.07.04 16:12:34   
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2 Flaming Rain: Ну поживём, увидим:))).
Думаю, что альбом будет достойным, как и все их творения, потому что Metallica - это постоянно развивающаяся группа, и у них нет слабых работ!!! (Это моё ЛИЧНОЕ!!! мнение!!).
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 26.07.04 16:26:29   
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ТОлько наверное в 2008 году. Леняцца они. Кстати вот смотрел тут Саус парк, там появилась Металлика. Серия про забастовку группы Муп (Стэн, Кайл и Кенни)- отказываемся мол играть, пока музыка бесплатно качается из нета. Металлика и прочие присоединяются к ним. Тут же прибежали репортеры, выпуски новостей, везде сообщают почему бастует Муп.
Опрос зрителей зачитывает комментатор:
1% за скачивание музыки
1% против
98% - спрашивает, что это еще за группа Муп?
Ну это так, музыкой навеяло.. ))))
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 26.07.04 16:26:39   
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2 Primal Scream: Да трибьют по идее должен быть интересным, присутствие хотя бы Motorhead уже о многом говорит. Но особенно мне интересно насчёт группы FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. Это же первый серьёзный опус Джейсона Ньюстеда ;-)). А я то думал, что они развалились после ухода Ньюстеда в Metallica в 1986 году. Так может ещё и сам Ньюстед им подыграл? ;-))
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.07.04 16:50:01   
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Это Лемми "мстит" Металлике за каверы мотордедовских песен на Garage Days Re-re-re-re-(ик!)-Visited. Но больше всего меня забавляет формулировка "члены DP и Kiss". Что за "члены" такие? Небось из тех, что поиграли в этих группах по паре недель.
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.07.04 20:19:08   
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Metallica star splits with wifeMetallica star splits with wife

Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich has split with his wife Skylar, following reports he's dating actress Connie Nielsen.

The star was spotted kissing the Gladiator beauty in New York recently, sparking fears he was cheating on his wife, but it's now emerged he split with Skylar back in March.

Ulrich's representative tells website "Lars and Skylar are very private people. They have been separated since March.

"They didn't think it was anyone's business, but since you've got the story, they're going public with it on Metallica's website.

"They will share custody of their two kids."

Skylar, a former flame of Matt Damon's, has famously been credited with being the inspiration for Minnie Driver's character Skylar in movie Good Will Hunting.
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.07.04 21:03:11   
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`So What,' a 9-year journal, pairs well with documentary`So What,' a 9-year journal, pairs well with documentary
Chicago Tribune

While "Some Kind of Monster" depicts the emotional trauma behind the making of Metallica's "St. Anger" album, the roots of the group's tumultuous relationships, communication breakdowns and therapy sessions took hold long before Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky started filming.

A chronicle of Metallica's past nine years primarily told in the band's own words, the 273-page hardbound "So What! The Good, the Mad, and the Ugly" (Broadway Books, $29.95, out Aug. 17) serves as an ideal accompaniment to the documentary. Despite its sporadic arrangement as a fanzine-derived scrapbook, it subtly reveals the ironies and challenges that faced a group of four individuals who spent nearly 15 years together.

Culled from commentary, interviews and features exclusively assembled for the Metallica fan club magazine of the same name, "So What" functions as a chronological journal of the members' changing personalities, rapport and identities. The majority of articles predate bassist Jason Newsted's departure and guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield's entrance into rehab, exposing that the very fissures that almost destroyed the band had been welling up for more than a decade.

Hundreds of photos are scattered throughout, including school yearbook shots, baby pictures and concert stills. Collages of colorful memorabilia -- from set lists to backstage passes, handwritten notes to senseless doodles -- fill two chapters. Some may be disappointed that "So What" virtually ignores the band's first 14 years and musical legacy, but the book isn't intended as a definitive biography or critical history.

Drummer Lars Ulrich is responsible for some of the collection's funniest entries, including a satiric view of Metallica as supposedly seen through the eyes of producer Bob Rock. His accounts of life on the road and recollections of gin-soaked parties are the stuff of rock lore, but when he drops his wiseacre persona, Ulrich proves to be articulate and intelligent.

But the genuine treasures are found in discussions with the group's members, particularly in a series of round-table interviews conducted between 1996 and 2004 by editor Steffan Chirazi. What emerges is a picture of a band that never truly confronted its problems or personal barriers, but instead resorted to self-deprecatory remarks, jokes or random interruptions when topics turned heavy. A March 2004 interview depicts a quartet that hasn't just changed artistically and cosmetically but one that's learned how to become more human, respectful and focused -- as well as one that allows its members to finish their sentences.

Inklings of the deal-breaking rift between Newsted and Metallica appear as early as February '96, during the first group chat. Newsted's frustrated with Ulrich and Hetfield's control, and apprehensive about introducing musical ideas. Feigning forgiveness, Hetfield remains upset over Newsted's involvement in a side project. Everyone dances around issues, responding to probing questions only when prodded. Most tellingly, the band begins to refer to Chirazi as "Dr. C" midway through the meeting, prompting Ulrich to prophetically exclaim, "It's like [expletive] therapy, isn't it? We should do this once a week!"

More tension surfaces during ensuing self-evaluations and reflections. There's a decided shift in tone or mood when Newsted's name comes up. At the same time, conversations show Newsted progressively withdrawing from the band. Thinking back on the selection of cover tunes recorded for the "Garage, Inc." album, Newsted divulges, "My choices for songs . . . I didn't even bring them up." But when asked "if [the band reads] this, it'll be the first time they'll even have heard you wanted [to cover] Bill Withers?" Newsted replies: "Yeah."

The key to the book's insider perspective resides in the band's trust of Chirazi, who also gets members to candidly talk about Newsted's departure, the controversial Playboy interview, Hetfield's rehabilitation, alienation and their initial experiences with therapist Phil Towle. Acknowledging their own naivete, at one point guitarist Kirk Hammett, Hetfield and Ulrich actually believed a few sessions had cured many of their dysfunctional ills. As "Some Kind of Monster" attests, nothing was further from the truth.
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.08.04 17:01:12   
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In a brand-new interview with, METALLICA frontman James Hetfield spoke about the band's latest endeavour, the "Some Kind of Monster" feature documentary. Asked about the inclusion of a scene in which METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich sits down with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine for a one-on-one therapy session and whether he's had a chance to have a similar sit-down with Mustaine, Hetfield said, "Not yet. Not yet, and there's no reason not to because him and I share a lot of struggle, a lot of similar path and really dealing with perfectionism and just beating ourselves up. You know the critics in our head that are just so mean to us. So we share a lot, and I see in that part how much struggle he still goes though and how much he really wanted to dump on Lars and how much I wanted to be there and protect my little brother there, you know. Um, but I'm glad I wasn't there. It was good that they had, I mean it is an extremely revealing scene for both of them. I think that Lars finally doesn't know what to do. Lars finally isn't in control and the camera is there, it's great! I mean, to see him that way, to see that human part of him and for Dave too, to really just let it out and then you know, maybe him be able to see that wow, if he could see that. I hope he watches it. You know. Because when I watch scenes of me it's like, 'Dude! I would not put up with that. I would not be in a room with you.' You know. It's a great mirror."

Read James Hetfield's entire interview with at
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Коля Денисов   Дата: 04.08.04 17:56:38   
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Кстати, господа, вчера у Джеймса был очередной День Варения:)). Срочно всем поздравлять!!
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.08.04 20:26:36   
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ZAKK WYLDE Was Shocked By Lack Of Guitar Solos On METALLICA's 'St. Anger' - Aug. 19, 2004

OZZY OSBOURNE/BLACK LABEL SOCIETY guitarist Zakk Wylde recently told the Akron Beacon Journal that he believes it's time for the guitar solo to make a comeback.

"I thought it was shocking when I heard the new METALLICA record and Kirk (Hammett) didn't do one solo. I couldn't believe it. They can do whatever they want, but when kids buy a METALLICA record they expect to hear Kirk shredding," he said.

"I always looked at the solo as you always have to have a good cake first. 'Crazy Train' would still be a great song, but then the solo is the icing. Even Kurt Cobain (of NIRVANA), who would have been the first to tell you he wasn't Al DiMeola, even he would do the melody. It's all cyclical, and there's kids in garages right now learning to play guitar solos."
Re: Metallica это...
Автор: Holms   Дата: 19.08.04 22:16:03   
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Ну ЗНАЕТЕ! Метталика между прочим считается самая лучшая группа рпо мелодичным проигрышам с Соло Гитарой это раз
Два - у них самый лучший барабанщик в мирЕ!
И вот ещё мне только ненравится ихняя шумная музыка.. незнаю как объяснит но не нравится.
А вот медляки просто СКАЗКА!!!!! Самая лучшая практика для Ньюба на Электрухе
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