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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Appletree   Дата: 08.06.06 11:39:55   
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Это в общем не имеет отношения к Хизер... Одна моя знакомая как-то мне сказала, что где-то читала, будто ПОЛ УБИЛ ЛИНДУ!!!!!!! Жуть! Где такое берут!?!?!?! Прибила бы того, кто эту байку пустил. Хотя теперь можно и меня обвинить, что слухи распускаю.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Oleg_m   Дата: 08.06.06 11:50:36   
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2 Vladkin

Я всего лишь хотел сказать, что двухлетняя девочка не в состоянии понять, что там за разборки у взрослых. Газету "Сан" она явно еще не читает :))А скучать по папе ребенок в этом возрасте уже, конечно, может. Только вот часто ли Беатрис видела папу, даже когда Пол и Хизер жили в браке? Не уверен.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: KateVP   Дата: 08.06.06 13:44:52   
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С официального Маккартниевского сайта.

MESSAGE FROM PAUL - 01.06.2006
I continue to be dismayed by inaccuracies in the media. I have seen the story in Hello magazine regarding custody arrangements for Heather’s and my daughter, Beatrice, which is simply not true. We both have agreed to work at all times in Beatrice’s best interest, but no decisions have been made yet.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 08.06.06 16:59:34   
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Малышка БиМалышка Би
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 08.06.06 17:07:50   
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май 26май 26
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 08.06.06 17:28:08   
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2Sweet Little Queen XIII:

>Малышка Би

Ух, красивая какая!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Olga Palna   Дата: 08.06.06 17:29:07   
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>> А вы никогда не задумывались о том, что судьба Беатрис изначально была, мягко говоря,запрограммирована не самым лучшим образом. <<

В семейной жизни никто вам не даст гарантий - это ведь *семья*, а не машина или деловое предприятие. Если люди поженились, значит, во что-то верили и на что-то надеялись. И надежды не оправдались - но такое может случиться с кем угодно, даже с самым разумным, рассудительным и предусмотрительным человеком.

>> У Беатрис же в плюсе по-любому останется папино наследство, которое позволит ей провести жизнь, не зная нужды, ну и фамилия, которая откроет ей двери лучших домов ЛондОна. <<

Замечательно: значит, главное для любого человека - это обеспеченность? И все, уже мир в душе, смысл жизни обретен? All you need is cash, really...

>> сейчас ее (в силу возраста) этот скандал не затрагивает никак вообще.<<

Вам любой психолог скажет, что эмоции родителей откладываются в подсознании у ребенка, особенно в период утробного развития и в раннем детстве. Так что Беатрис весь этот эмоциональный багаж будет разбирать... в том самом подростковом возрасте, и не только.

Меня вообще удивляет, что в этой теме многие болеют за Пола и Хезер, будто играют на тотализаторе: кто первый к финишу придет, чей прогноз оправдается. Но они - живые люди, у них есть чувства, и у них есть ребенок, которому в любом случае нужны оба родителя. У нас на глазах разваливается семья, и вместо того, чтобы проявить сочувствие ко всем троим... начинается: "Я так и знал!" "Так ей (ему) и надо!"

Любая семья строится на вере и доверии, и терять эту веру больно, как больно видеть, что любви не хватает на склеивание осколков... Если с вами такого не случалось - радуйтесь. Если случалось - подумайте, что сейчас люди переживают, и как им необходимо банальное человеческое СОЧУВСТВИЕ.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Oleg_m   Дата: 08.06.06 18:37:22   
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2 Olga Palna

Похоже, я не совсем понятно выразился, и вы меня не поняли. Гарантий в семейной жизни, разумеется, никто не дает, но вот у ребенка, рожденного в таком, согласитесь, не очень обычном браке гарантированно запрограммированы сложности в отношениях с родителями. Причем родители все это могли предвидеть. Я не очень верю, что Пола и Хизер влекла друг к другу исключительно слепая страсть – люди уже не юные, огромная разница в возрасте, да и, судя по всему, оба – изрядные прагматики.
Какая-то (немалая) доля расчета в этом браке, думаю, присутствовала. Пол хотел получить в жены сравнительно молодую женщину, которая при этом прониклась бы его проблемами (проблемами немолодого мужчины), создала бы в его доме атмосферу тепла и понимания. А Хизер, похоже, как раз наоборот брак с Маккартни больше интересовал в плане социальной самореализации. Она хотела быть на виду рядом со звездным супругом (по типу Линды или Йоко). А утешать за кулисами стареющего муженька ей, наверное, не очень хотелось.

Вот этот расчет, мне кажется, и не оправдался ни с той, ни с другой стороны. И главное, в расчет не был включен ребенок. Точнее был включен, но не как личность, у которой вся жизнь впереди.

А сочувствие... Я сочувствую Полу, Хизер – в меньшей степени. Но вряд ли они читают битлзру. И какая разница, что тут о них пишут?
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Olga Palna   Дата: 08.06.06 23:40:28   
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>Вот этот расчет, мне кажется, и не оправдался
>ни с той, ни с другой стороны.

что чувствовали Пол и Хезер, чем руководствовались, вступая в брак, был ли расчет - наверняка этого никто из нас не знает, а газетчики... их дело - сами понимаете, газету продать. А тут, как верно заметила старуха Шапокляк, "хорошими делами прославиться нельзя". Эта тема называется "Новости...", а обсуждаются все больше сплетни и слухи.

> Но вряд ли они читают битлзру.
> И какая разница, что тут о них пишут?

Надеюсь, что Полу и Хезер - никакой, и очень хотелось бы верить, что поклонники творчества Пола свой негатив ему не передают. Но ведь не исключено и обратное: что все мы каким-то образом связаны... иначе почему нас задевает за живое его музыка?
Очень хотелось бы надеяться, что Полу от нас передается только хорошее, и ничего плохого. (Хотя я понимаю: если передается - то все и сразу...)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 09.06.06 13:48:21   
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9 June 2006
MACCA's daughters Mary and Stella met Ringo's wife Barbara and George Harrison's widow Olivia to work out how to help Paul cope with his marriage break-up.


A source said: "Olivia and Barbara helped Paul through when Linda died. And as Stella and Mary are closest to Paul they thought they'd come up with a way to help him."

Stella, 33, and Mary, 36, emerged upset after the lunchtime get-together at the Assaggi restaurant in Notting Hill.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Appletree   Дата: 09.06.06 14:22:07   
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Хорошо, что его не бросают!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 09.06.06 16:00:13   
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McCartney: Let her be
08:55am 9th June 2006

Reader comments (3)

Sir Paul McCartney has expressed deep concern over his estranged wife Heather Mills who is 'in pieces' amid the storm of her erotic photos.

The worried former Beatle reportedly calls her up to six times a day in an attempt to calm her down.

He also wants critics to "lay off" her.

Sir Paul is thought to be "fraught with worry" about the effect on their daughter Beatrice, two.

One of Heather's friends said: "Beatrice isn't a baby any more. She can tell when Mummy's upset and Paul's naturally very concerned."

And it appears affection between the couple still remains. When Sir Paul was pictured for the first time since their split yesterday, he was still wearing his wedding ring.

He also told friends: "There's still a lot between us and there always will be."

"It's almost like a witchhunt. I'm really worried about her."

Miss Mills McCartney's has admitted that she had taken part in the erotic shoot, but denied that it was porn.

And Sir Paul dismissed claims they had left him "shocked beyond belief".

The photoshoot showed Miss Mills smothered in baby oil and performing sex acts with a male model.

Rumours surfaced about Miss Mills McCartney's unsavoury past when she first started dating the former Beatle, who is 26 years older than her.

Sir Paul met her at a charity function 18 months after his first wife Linda died of cancer, admitted their four year marriage was over after weeks of speculation.

Miss Mills could win up to £200million of Sir Paul's £850million fortune.

However, a friend of Sir Paul's told the Daily Mirror the couple will jointly raise their two-year-old daughter Beatrice.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 09.06.06 16:01:14   
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June 2006
His fear for 'sick' Heather
He talks to her all the time
They'll both bring up Bea
By Caroline Hedley
SIR Paul McCartney has told critics to lay off wife Heather amid fears they have left her a wreck.


Worried Macca, 63-seen yesterday for the first time since their split - calls her up to six times a day to console her.

He told pals: "I'm really worried about her. She's in pieces."

And friends reveal the couple will jointly raise their two-year-old daughter Beatrice dismissing fears of a bitter custody battle.


CONCERNED Sir Paul McCartney phones under-fire wife Heather up to six times a day to comfort her amid the storm over her erotic photos.

The pop legend, 63 - pictured here yesterday for the first time since their split - rallied to her defence after revealing the row has left her a wreck.

He told pals: "It's almost like a witchhunt. I'm really worried about her.

"She's in pieces over this and I wish people could see she's really different from the person she's portrayed as."

Sir Paul is also said to be "fraught with worry" about the effect on their daughter Beatrice, two. One of Heather's friends said: "Beatrice isn't a baby any more. She can tell when Mummy's upset and Paul's naturally very concerned."

And the enduring affection between the couple was clear as Sir Paul - who still wears his wedding ring - told pals at a get-together: "There's still a lot between us and there always will be."

Heather, 38, insists pictures which she posed for 1988 German book Die Freuden der Liebe were merely an educational lovers' guide.

And her estranged husband dismissed claims they had left him "shocked beyond belief".

He told friends: "There's nothing in her past I don't know about. Nothing. I knew she'd done the pictures before we married. It was such a long time ago."

Charity campaigner Heather, 38, has had difficulty eating and sleeping since the couple's split - exclusively revealed in the Daily Mirror last month.

Many critics have since had their knives out for her. And the furore as the 1988 photos of her in clinches with a model appeared in a downmarket newspaper have further fuelled claims the divorce would be one of the most bitter in pop.

But Sir Paul - snapped in the early hours as he returned to his home in St John's Wood, North-West London, from a night out with friends - insists they are still friendly.

He told a source: "Under the circumstances we're fine. We're talking, sorting stuff out and making the best of it."

But he added: "I can't believe the cruelty towards her. Heather will continue to be an important part of my life."

He and his estranged wife have also ridiculed claims they are set for a bitter custody battle over Beatrice.

Heather's friend said: "Rumours about him getting sole custody or fighting her in the courts are ridiculous. They haven't even got to the stage of discussing it yet.

"Bea's birth was traumatic for Heather and the bond she has with her is amazing.

Paul wouldn't want to take her away and they're going to agree joint custody."

Macca has also been helping his wife get over complications following an op on her amputated leg.

Her friend added: "She's not recovering well and she may have to go back into hospital.

"Paul's trying to do whatever he can to make it easier for her."

Macca's spokesman confirmed last night: "Paul and Heather are still speaking and it's very amicable."
Под кайфом  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sevka   Дата: 09.06.06 17:17:21   
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малышка Би за те бабки, что отсосут от Пола , будет упакована самыи лучшим образом , ЧТО ВАМ И НЕ СНИЛОСЬ..
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 09.06.06 17:42:21   
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Удивительно, но все детишки Пола практически ничем на него не похожи (кроме, пожалуй, сына)...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Bella Donna   Дата: 09.06.06 18:26:21   
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Да нет, мне кажется Стелла очень похожа на Пола:)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: KateVP   Дата: 09.06.06 21:28:17   
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Теперь смотрим на мать Пола и понимаем, что Мэри похожа на бабушку... И что из этого? Стелла вообще копия.
Кстати, Беатрис - красивая девчонка. Но на Папу как раз не похожа.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.06 21:55:23   
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June 9, 2006 -- Hello MagazineJune 9, 2006 -- Hello Magazine

McCartney reveals his concern for beleaguered Heather

For the second time since announcing his marriage breakdown last month, Paul McCartney has spoken up for his estranged wife, Heather, telling friends: "I'm really worried about her."

The pop legend's remarks came in the wake of a media storm over the split. Shortly after the separation was made public, the beleaguered charity campaigner left for a break in Slovenia. As she flew out 38-year-old Heather was pictured looking pale and leaning on a crutch, following an operation on her amputated leg.

Sources close to the couple have dismissed rumours of a custody battle, revealing that Paul and the former model will raise their two-year-old daughter Beatrice jointly. Heather - who'd feared she would never be a mother after several miscarriages - is described as having "an amazing bond" with the toddler, which the singer would be reluctant to break.

The ex-Beatle is also said to be particularly anxious about the effect of the break up and ensuing publicity on the toddler. "Beatrice isn't a baby any more," said a pal. "She can tell when Mummy's upset and Paul is naturally very concerned."

Despite the plans for a divorce, there is clearly a lot of affection remaining between the couple, who have daily telephone conversations. "Under the circumstances we're fine," said Paul, who still wears his wedding ring.

"We're talking, we're sorting stuff out, and we're making the best of it. I care for her very deeply."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.06.06 21:56:01   
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June 9, 2006 -- The Mirror


Concerned Sir Paul McCartney phones under-fire wife Heather up to six times a day to comfort her amid the storm over her erotic photo.

The pop legend, 63 rallied to her defence after revealing the row has left her a wreck.

He told pals: "It's almost like a witchhunt. I'm really worried about her.

"She's in pieces over this and I wish people could see she's really different from the person she's portrayed as."

Sir Paul is also said to be "fraught with worry" about the effect on their daughter Beatrice, two. One of Heather's friends said: "Beatrice isn't a baby any more. She can tell when Mummy's upset and Paul's naturally very concerned."

And the enduring affection between the couple was clear as Sir Paul - who still wears his wedding ring - told pals at a get-together: "There's still a lot between us and there always will be."

Heather, 38, insists pictures which she posed for 1988 German book Die Freuden der Liebe were merely an educational lovers' guide.

And her estranged husband dismissed claims they had left him "shocked beyond belief".

He told friends: "There's nothing in her past I don't know about. Nothing. I knew she'd done the pictures before we married. It was such a long time ago."

Charity campaigner Heather, 38, has had difficulty eating and sleeping since the couple's split - exclusively revealed in the Daily Mirror last month.

Many critics have since had their knives out for her. And the furore as the 1988 photos of her in clinches with a model appeared in a downmarket newspaper have further fuelled claims the divorce would be one of the most bitter in pop.

But Sir Paul - snapped in the early hours as he returned to his home in St John's Wood, North-West London, from a night out with friends - insists they are still friendly.

He told a source: "Under the circumstances we're fine. We're talking, sorting stuff out and making the best of it."

But he added: "I can't believe the cruelty towards her. Heather will continue to be an important part of my life."

He and his estranged wife have also ridiculed claims they are set for a bitter custody battle over Beatrice.

Heather's friend said: "Rumours about him getting sole custody or fighting her in the courts are ridiculous. They haven't even got to the stage of discussing it yet.

"Bea's birth was traumatic for Heather and the bond she has with her is amazing.

Paul wouldn't want to take her away and they're going to agree joint custody."

Macca has also been helping his wife get over complications following an op on her amputated leg.

Her friend added: "She's not recovering well and she may have to go back into hospital.

"Paul's trying to do whatever he can to make it easier for her."

Macca's spokesman confirmed last night: "Paul and Heather are still speaking and it's very amicable.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Макс Жолобов   Дата: 10.06.06 02:14:28   
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Что действительно радует в этой истории: Пол ведёт себя по-мужски. Впрочем, слово "радует" здесь вряд ли уместно :(
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