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Voo-Doo Records

Тема: Битлз - бутлеги

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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 29.07.15 16:18:08   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: SAIEIDE MAMOON   Дата: 29.07.15 18:34:35   
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2Dr. Pepper:

Здорово!! Спасибо!
Добрый профессор  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: nathan   Дата: 30.07.15 07:41:58   
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в этих сборниках полно болласта, напр. т. наз. ремастеры оф. треков. 90% уже было на других цд. скачал нью и будя. спасибки, с уважением ко всем.
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 06.08.15 19:18:13   
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This is WORK, woman! This is WORK!!!! And, so it is. But it is FUN work at least, and it is a distinct pleasure to offer up the 1971 classic (and my personal favorite) 'Ram' as the next title in the Ultimate Archive Collection. Okay, so the immediate question is how is this different from Paul's own Archive release? Well, I managed to get the audio onto three tightly packed CDs, rather than on four CDs that barely use up half of their storage capacity. I did make the editorial decision to not include a few tracks from the official Archive set, as I felt they would much better fit in on 'Wild Life'. So, if you're looking for Little Woman Love, The Great Cock And Seagull Race, or the live versions of Eat At Home and Smile Away, you'll have to wait patiently (though I'm quite sure that I'll have my 'Wild Life' out long before Paul has HIS!  :wink: ) "This is WORK, woman! This is WORK!!!!" And, so it is. But it is FUN work at least, and it is a distinct pleasure to offer up the 1971 classic (and my personal favorite) 'Ram' as the next title in the Ultimate Archive Collection. Okay, so the immediate question is how is this different from Paul's own Archive release? Well, I managed to get the audio onto three tightly packed CDs, rather than on four CDs that barely use up half of their storage capacity. I did make the editorial decision to not include a few tracks from the official Archive set, as I felt they would much better fit in on 'Wild Life'. So, if you're looking for Little Woman Love, The Great Cock And Seagull Race, or the live versions of Eat At Home and Smile Away, you'll have to wait patiently (though I'm quite sure that I'll have my 'Wild Life' out long before Paul has HIS! :wink: )
So what DID I include then? Well, let's start with the basics: each disc has it's own theme. Disc one has the main album with bonuses, disc two has the mono album with bonuses and disc three has Thrillington with bonuses. Simple enough. So what are the bonuses then? Obviously there's everything from the official Archive (barring the tracks mentioned above). There's also (YAY!) extremely clean needledrops of the mono promo Another Day / Oh Woman, Oh Why 45 (thanks again, Charlie), along with the superb RMW 'drop of the Brung To Ewe By record. How superb is it? Far BETTER than what Paul wound up using as menu music on the DVD that came with the Archive set, that's how! For some strange reason, on that DVD, Paul & Co. used a noisy needledrop of the record rather than going back to the original tape, which he presumably still has. Anyway, RMW's sounds better, so I've incorporated it here... Also of note are the five instrumental tracks of songs from the sessions, including a freshly mixed to stereo version of Monkberry Moon Delight, which was available to mix (in mono only) for a little while on Paul's own site. I've taken the individual tracks and mixed them to stereo. You can hear the results on this set. I've included both released versions (standard and promo edit) of the 'In Laws' version of A Love For You, along with the Cold Cuts version, slightly re-eqed to match the rest of the tracks here. Finally, I've included for fun (and 'cause I had just enough space) a re-edit of Ram On that uses both sections, edited together. There's a slight change in ambiance at the switch that couldn't be avoided as the two sections are mixed slightly differently. For the coup de grace, I tacked on the last couple of seconds of the mono mix, which is slightly longer, to make this the most complete version currently available. Whew!
For those who may have been expecting 'Off The Ground' and/or 'Up Close', based on things I've asked for, please note that from time to time, I might ask for items (be it tracks, artwork, or what have you) as I plan out the long range releases - I'm always thinking of the next several titles that are coming out. Please don't EXPECT any particular album to come next, they will come in the order they do, hopefully without rhyme or reason! Anyway, if you're able to curb your disappointment in not getting 'Off The Ground' (or, apparently 'The Family Way' :? ), and try to enjoy THIS set, maybe we'll all be a lot happier.
One final note, for those of you who enjoy the artwork as well - especially the disc labels - I have to say that these three labels are the most satisfying one's I have made so far. Just as a Beatles record-collecting geek, it was oh so gratifying to put together my own release on the Apple label! Okay, without further ado, here is the latest release, the twelfth in the series thus far (the "Dirty Dozen", so to speak), 'Ram'!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 06.08.15 19:18:39   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: КосухинСтепан   Дата: 07.08.15 01:01:42   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 07.08.15 01:07:00   
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А почему When The Wind Is Blowing не включили?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 16.08.15 12:11:32   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 17.08.15 10:00:50   
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Why can't Santa Claus have any kids??? Well, the answer to that and other tantalizing questions will be revealed right here as it's my pleasure to unveil the long anticipated Ultimate Archive releases of both Off The Ground and Up Close! For Off The Ground, I added all the relevant B-sides, much like the Off The Ground - The Complete Works 2-CD set (from the Netherlands) did back in '93, however, on my set I've included the B-sides in the proper order, namely as released. Also, I've omitted the Unplugged tracks as they belong on THAT album instead (not coming anytime soon, so don't hold your breath. Y'know, I don't want anyone turning PURPLE around here!  :cwm: I have also added all the remixes from the various promo/commercial Off The Ground singles along with both commercially released versions of the Deliverance 12. As the video for that song features an otherwise unavailable edit of the first remix, I've included that as well. Speaking of edits, I've included both the promo + video edits of C'mon People (they are slightly different!) along with a few other tracks from the era, like the early take of Winedark Open Sea, the basic tracks version of Hope Of Deliverance, the R.A.D.D. version of Drive My Car and the Eddie Murphy track he contributed to - the Barnes & Barnes tribute, Yeah. All in all, these two CDs have just about any song from this era that you could think of/hope for from this era. And yea, for the packaging, I decided to go the style of the LP and give the off-white border around the cover art. Also, the discs themselves are patterned after the two LP labels. I tried to get this one as right as possible, guys.
"Why can't Santa Claus have any kids???" Well, the answer to that and other tantalizing questions will be revealed right here as it's my pleasure to unveil the long anticipated Ultimate Archive releases of both Off The Ground and Up Close! For Off The Ground, I added all the relevant B-sides, much like the Off The Ground - The Complete Works 2-CD set (from the Netherlands) did back in '93, however, on my set I've included the B-sides in the proper order, namely as released. Also, I've omitted the Unplugged tracks as they belong on THAT album instead (not coming anytime soon, so don't hold your breath. Y'know, I don't want anyone turning PURPLE around here! :cwm: I have also added all the remixes from the various promo/commercial Off The Ground singles along with both commercially released versions of the Deliverance 12". As the video for that song features an otherwise unavailable edit of the first remix, I've included that as well. Speaking of edits, I've included both the promo + video edits of C'mon People (they are slightly different!) along with a few other tracks from the era, like the early take of Winedark Open Sea, the "basic tracks" version of Hope Of Deliverance, the R.A.D.D. version of Drive My Car and the Eddie Murphy track he contributed to - the Barnes & Barnes "tribute", Yeah. All in all, these two CDs have just about any song from this era that you could think of/hope for from this era. And yea, for the packaging, I decided to go the style of the LP and give the off-white border around the cover art. Also, the discs themselves are patterned after the two LP labels. I tried to get this one as right as possible, guys.

For Up Close, I basically had to create an album from scratch. This is the complete show, taken from Paul's follow-up to the very successful Unplugged set he did for MTV. This time he went electric, and the show was recorded live at the Ed Sullivan Theater in beautiful New York City on December 10, 1992. The only thing I had to go by for this release was the 1993 Yellow Cat boot CD Looking For Changes. That CD had a host of problems, including a) it was off-speed, b) the sound was muffled, c) it was missing a song, d) the transitions between tracks were noticeable as between-song edits were made to cut a 90-minute show down to 77 or so minutes for the disc. These edits were not done with any finesse and each one sticks out like a sore thumb, making for an awful lot of sore thumbs on one CD! Oh, and there was also e) the lousy cover art that was on that disc as well. We here at Voo-Doo Records tried to address all of those problems one by one. So for this release, you'll find that the speed has been corrected, the sound has been gently tweaked to give it a more natural sound, and more like the rest of his catalog, the missing song HAS been re-instated! Yes, this CD has all the songs from the show, so to compensate I did have to cut out some of the dialogue between tracks (a good portion of which was the make-up lady coming out to get Paulie all pretty-like for the fancy MTV cameras). For my set, I tried to make the edits/transitions as smooth as possible so they hopefully go by without being noticeable. If you A/B the '93 boot CD (or a video of the COMPLETE show), you can see where the edits were. I had the option of making this a 2-CD set, but the idea of having this as two 45-minute CDs really didn't appeal to me, and I liked the idea of cutting out the dead spaces with the make-up lady and so on, so I made the decision to cut it all down to a CD that clocks in just under eighty minutes.

For the cover, I thought long and hard about what ideas to use. Of course, I turned to y'all to see if anyone had any decent photos from the show (turns out you didn't. Boo!). As fate would have it, there was an Up Close Press Kit up for sale on ebay at this time that included a few slides that were taken at the show. So I bought that and converted the slides to digital (the lengths I go), and then turned one of 'em into the black and white, degraded image you see on the cover! :) By this point I had the idea of making the cover like Choba + Unplugged and so wanted to replicate the image quality of those covers. So there ya go! Ditto the back cover of the disc, which I tried to replicate the Unplugged CD back cover as close as possible. Don't worry LP fans - when it comes time to do the actual Unplugged disc, I'm sure I'll replicate the LP back cover, Spanish liner notes and all. For the label, once again I drew inspiration from the current label Capitol records was using at the time, namely the updated purple label. For fun, sit this one next to the Thrillington label and pick out the differences! :wink: Any way, thanks to all your patience as I got these ready to the point where I was really satisfied with them. And I am. So, enjoy two slices of Macca, circa 1992!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 17.08.15 10:02:14   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 17.08.15 10:03:14   
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Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Felix   Дата: 17.08.15 10:03:45   
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Послушал этот концерт. Впервые с 90-х! Чудо, как хорош!Послушал этот концерт. Впервые с 90-х! Чудо, как хорош!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 17.08.15 11:49:08   
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А задники видно у Пушкина надо получитьА задники видно у Пушкина надо получить
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 17.08.15 11:49:37   
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Up CloseUp Close
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: nathan   Дата: 17.08.15 12:40:48   
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уберите уже ети шлакоблоки. это не ваши выкладки. все ссылки скопированы с Octaner's Blog.
Сильная злость  
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 17.08.15 14:23:57   
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>уберите уже ети шлакоблоки. это не ваши выкладки.
>все ссылки скопированы с Octaner's Blog.

Иди на свой Octaner! Задолбал уже!
Сами разберемся тут!
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 17.08.15 22:47:12   
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2Dr. Pepper:


Знаю что такая песня была, вроде дуэт с Э. Мерфи, но подзабыл ее. Хочется послушать.
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 26.08.15 15:36:21   
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Вроде вот эта. Только Маккартни там надо еще услышать...

Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 26.08.15 21:35:11   
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Okay guys, here's the live album that never was... but definitely should have been! After I did Back In The World a few months ago, some folks suggested I give the 2005 tour a try to see what I could do about it. Truth be told, that was something I had secretly wanted to try anyway, but it seemed far too daunting a task to try. Then I re-watched The Space Within Us DVD and I remembered how torn I was by this release because there were some truly great performances of inspired setlist choices, yet the presentation (with the interview breaks between every song) made experiencing the concern an excruciating ordeal. We here at Voo-Doo Records decided that the time was right to try and create a live album that would disperse with the inane interstitial segments and just present the songs as a flowing live album, done in the traditional Macca live album style (see Wings Over America + Back In The World) where most of the between song banter is omitted entirely. This allowed for even more music, which is a good thing! Especially considering the fact that the decision was made to cull all the official releases from this era (2004-2005) to try and include every song performed during these shows. The 2004 setlist was a different animal than the 2005 model, to be sure. As Paul played many songs during this time that he never played before (or again), this decision made the most sense to encapsulate as much unique material onto one set. So for the record, there is material from the Space Within Us, Live In Red Square (including some of the bonus St. Petersburg cuts from that DVD), and Glastonbury (from The McCartney Years DVD), all mixed together. Even with all of those sources, there were STILL a few songs that I didn't have an official source for, so for those I turned to the St. Petersburg video, which although is inline, is also in mono. I tried to make the transitions into/out of those songs as smooth as possible but there's only so much one could do. I considered the alternative of leaving them out altogether, but the allure of including live versions of You Won't See Me + In Spite Of All The Danger was too great to pass up. As far as those transitions throughout the first two discs (which make up the main concert portion), I tried to make them all as smooth as possible, which was kinda tough considering all of the different sources. I think it came out pretty well, despite having eight mono cuts on disc one and a further two (the first two, in fact) on the second disc. THIS is the live album Paul should have released from this tour, IMHO...Okay guys, here's the live album that never was... but definitely should have been! After I did Back In The World a few months ago, some folks suggested I give the 2005 tour a try to see what I could do about it. Truth be told, that was something I had secretly wanted to try anyway, but it seemed far too daunting a task to try. Then I re-watched The Space Within Us DVD and I remembered how torn I was by this release because there were some truly great performances of inspired setlist choices, yet the presentation (with the interview breaks between every song) made experiencing the concern an excruciating ordeal. We here at Voo-Doo Records decided that the time was right to try and create a live album that would disperse with the inane interstitial segments and just present the songs as a flowing live album, done in the traditional Macca live album style (see Wings Over America + Back In The World) where most of the between song banter is omitted entirely. This allowed for even more music, which is a good thing! Especially considering the fact that the decision was made to cull all the official releases from this era (2004-2005) to try and include every song performed during these shows. The 2004 setlist was a different animal than the 2005 model, to be sure. As Paul played many songs during this time that he never played before (or again), this decision made the most sense to encapsulate as much unique material onto one set. So for the record, there is material from the Space Within Us, Live In Red Square (including some of the bonus St. Petersburg cuts from that DVD), and Glastonbury (from The McCartney Years DVD), all mixed together. Even with all of those sources, there were STILL a few songs that I didn't have an official source for, so for those I turned to the St. Petersburg video, which although is inline, is also in mono. I tried to make the transitions into/out of those songs as smooth as possible but there's only so much one could do. I considered the alternative of leaving them out altogether, but the allure of including live versions of "You Won't See Me" + "In Spite Of All The Danger" was too great to pass up. As far as those transitions throughout the first two discs (which make up the main concert portion), I tried to make them all as smooth as possible, which was kinda tough considering all of the different sources. I think it came out pretty well, despite having eight mono cuts on disc one and a further two (the first two, in fact) on the second disc. THIS is the live album Paul should have released from this tour, IMHO...

As there was a lot of other material from the era that was released, I've included the complete sets Paul played at the Superbowl + Live 8, along with the Secret Website show, which was slightly earlier than the rest of the material included here. I put it here for a few reasons - one, I had no space on Back In The World to include it. Two, I didn't have the material in such great shape at that time (thanks recce for the DVD rip! :thx: ). Three, if I wanted this set to be the bridge between Back In The US and Live In LA, I needed to have that material SOMEWHERE! So it's all on disc three. For disc four, I've decided to include the radio show disc that came with the Space DVD. It's actually pretty decent and includes a bunch of live songs not available elsewhere (albeit with a few chopped up). The problem with the disc as included in the DVD is that the show is presented as two 30-minute tracks, which means there's no listening to a particular song. I fixed that by adding track markers at the beginning of every musical segment. As the show included two of the AOL Sessions tracks, it made sense to include the other four songs from that show as bonuses on the disc. So it's now all there.

One thing I have to say is that I worked like a dog to get this one together, especially in time for my trip in a few hours. As a matter of fact, I have been working on these things pretty much non-stop since I started this series little more than three months ago. At the time I began this, I envisioned about two or three titles a month (which is a frantic pace when you consider how quickly Paul has been getting the official sets out to us). Well, I'm sure you've realized that in three months I have gotten FIFTEEN titles out. That's five a month and one full third of the entire catalog. My point is that I am exhausted right now and will be taking a few weeks break before I begin work on the next one. Don't worry - I will not quit this series. I need time to start planning out the next several releases as I've done for most of this series. See, as far back as Back In The World, I basically planned out what the next several would be - in the same order (more or less) as I put them out. It was all leading up to this one, and now I have nothing planned. So I need to think this through and start planning it out so I can have each set be the best it could be. That will take time. Not too much time - like I said, a few weeks is all. So enjoy this one - Hell, enjoy ALL of them (if ya can! :wink: ) and I promise there will be more soon. For now, here's over five hours of classic live Macca...
Re: Voo-Doo Records
Автор: Dr. Pepper   Дата: 26.08.15 21:35:44   
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