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Live Aid 1985

Тема: Live Aid (1985)

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Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 17.03.05 22:57:05   
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У меня сейчас проблема. Для друга из Ростова хочу достать пиратский DVD.
На Горбушке сегодня не нашёл. Видел где-то в Интернете за 800 рублей - дороговато.
Пробую найти человека, который мог бы переписать ( поскольку диски у меня есть, а DVD записывать негде).
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.03.05 23:13:00   
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Ищи тех, у кого есть "левый", он в оригинале двуслойный...
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.03.05 07:36:11   
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Если дашь болваны, то запишу. Надеюсь диски не защищены.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 18.03.05 23:10:57   
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Болванки-то есть, найти бы у кого переписать до воскресенья (.
Re: Live Aid II - Противоречия
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.05.05 00:52:09   
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Live Aid II Is On!

It's been confirmed! The second Live Aid rock concert is kicking off on July 2 after a whirlwind of doubts and fears nearly put the kybosh on the extravaganza.

Organisers were desperate to tie the concert in with the G8 summit in Scotland on July 6 - and due to concerns the event might not be pulled off in time, Sir Bob Geldof himself was brought on board as the only man who could make it possible.

Even the famously determined Geldof had his doubts that they would be able to make it happen in time, particularly as he wanted to avoid possibilities of the concert being a pale shadow of the original Live Aid.

But it seems God is smiling on the enterprise and Live 8 (like G8, geddit?) will indeed be happening within days of the political milestone itself.

A source told The Sun, "Geldof has taken on one of the biggest projects of his life with this - but it's a brilliant idea.

"He's the only man who could pull it off, and it is the best way of forcing Bush, Blair and the heads of the world's most powerful countries to put their money where their mouths are."
Re: Live Aid II - Противоречия
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.05.05 00:59:10   
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Geldof denies Live Aid II plans

Singer and campaigner Bob Geldof has denied reports he plans to stage a Live Aid gig to coincide with the UK hosting July's G8 summit of world leaders.
Geldof, who was at the Rose d'Or TV festival in Switzerland, said: "It is kite flying, that's all it is. It is just talk.

"Why would I possibly repeat something I did 20 years ago?" he told TV Plus.

His spokeswoman confirmed discussions are taking place about holding shows to raise awareness about Africa.

The gigs would coincide with the 20th anniversary of the original 1985 Live Aid concert at Wembley.

Geldof's spokeswoman confirmed that the Live Aid Trust had been "discussing the plans to hold an event around the time of the G8 summit".

She said plans could be finalised when members of the Live Aid Trust, including original organiser and musician Midge Ure and music promoter Harvey Goldsmith, meet later this week.

She added it was not yet known if they would be joined at the talks by Geldof.

"I would expect we will know something definite this week, after the trustees have met," she said.

"If the Princes Trust have already indicated that they are prepared to step aside, then it would appear people are keen to see this happen."

London radio station Capital FM has said any clash between its annual Party in the Park and Geldof's concerts would prompt them to scrap their plans for this year.

Princes Trust support

Party in the Park is usually held in Hyde Park in support of The Princes Trust.

Martina Milburn, chief executive of The Princes Trust added Capital and The Prince's Trust were "delighted to support " any concerts organised by Geldof.

Prime Minister Tony Blair will be joined by the leaders of the other G8 nations for the summit which is due to take place at the Perthshire resort of Gleneagles in the first week of July.

Geldof was the driving force behind last year's Band Aid 20 single, a reworking of the 1984 fundraising hit record, both of which were organised by Geldof.

Band Aid II topped the charts last Christmas and raised £15m for charities in Africa.
Снесло крышу  
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.05.05 21:15:21   
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Уф! Сообщения в интернете о 2-м "Лайв Эйде" настолько противоречивы, что я уже не знаю, кому верить. Теперь пишут, что Боб Гелдоф вроде бы готов заняться организацией.
Мало того, появилась вот такая горячая и потрясная новость. Сознательно не ставлю ее на 1-ю страницу сайта, т.к. верится с трудом.

Пол Маккартни и «Роллинг Стоунз» выступят на концерте Live Aid II

Легендарные музыканты сэр Пол Маккартни и «Роллинг Стоунз» выступят на концерте «Лайв Эйд II», который состоится 2 июля в лондонском Гайд-парке. Концерт организует сэр Боб Гелдоф, чтобы привлечь внимание мировой общественности к проблеме бедности стран третьего мира.
Ожидается, что Маккартни выйдет на сцену вместе с сэром Миком Джаггером и его партнерами по группе, чтобы вместе исполнить по крайней мере одну песню в конце концерта.
Еще один концерт «Лайв Эйд II» будет проходить в то же время в столице США Вашингтоне.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 11.05.05 12:33:37   
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Если выступят те же артисты, что и двадцать лет назад - это будет здорово, очень очень здорово.
Если молодая американская и английская шпана - то вы наверное понимаете...
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.05.05 12:40:32   
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Кроме Пола и "Роллингов" уже высказывались предположения о выступлениях U2, Мадонны, Робби Уильямса и Coldplay. Так что будет и старая, и средняя, и новая гвардия. Если вообще концерт состоится.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 11.05.05 13:57:58   
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Я бы не раскапывал могилы в надежде вытащить из них пару медяков. Нынче устраивать такие концерты ни к чему. Проведение нового Вудстока в 90-х закончилось насилием. Снова в реку добра скоро не войти. Люди уже воспитаны по другому.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.05.05 22:31:00   
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Eminem to headline Live Aid II?

Eminem has been asked to headline a Live Aid II gig in Washington DC.

Reports suggest the US show will coincide with the concert SIr Bob Geldof is putting together in London's Hyde Park.

According to The Sun a source said: "Talks are under way to get Eminem to headline a massive concert in Washington DC.

"He is the No1 star in the US at the moment and it makes sense for him to be the big name at the gig. He also has the power to convince young Americans to back the Make Poverty History campaign - which is what the whole event is about."

Sir Bob is hoping to get some of the biggest names in rock and pop to perform at the two events.

The concerts are due to take place on July 2.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.05.05 22:37:45   
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Oasis, McCartney, U2, Stones Rumoured For Live Aid 2

Rumours of a second Live Aid concert – to be named Live 8 to coincide with the G8 summit – organised by Bob Geldof have emerged, with Oasis, Eminem, Paul McCartney and The Rolling Stones all touted to play.

Geldof has been denying rumours that a Live Aid 2 will take place, since they started circulating around the time of the recording of the Band Aid 20 single late last year.

Even when Capital FM and The Princes Trust announced that their annual Party In The Park event was not going ahead, leaving Hyde Park free for an event which would coincide with the G8 summit in Edinburgh – Geldof simply said “It is kite flying, that's all it is. It is just talk. Why would I possibly repeat something I did 20 years ago?"

However, tabloid reports today (May 13) are claiming that Live 8 will definitely take place on June 2 with The Mirror speculating that Oasis, Sir Paul McCartney, U2, The Scissors Sisters and The Rolling Stones will all be taking the stage in London’s Hyde Park.

The Sun claims that rather than asking the concert’s worldwide television audience for money the event is being staged to raise awareness of, and put pressure on world leaders at the international G8 conference to drop third world debt. The paper goes on to report that the gig itself will be free for the audience, while money will be made from sponsoring the event.

There are also reports that there will be two other concerts taking place simultaneously, one in mainland Europe and one in the US, where Eminem and The Red Hot Chili Peppers are expected to play in Washington DC.

However, despite these reports, there has been no official statement on the subject from the Band Aid organisation at this time.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.05.05 16:45:16   
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Live Aid II 'set for Hyde Park'

The Prince's Trust has cancelled its annual Party in the Park concert in London to make way for a possible Live Aid II event.

Live Aid organiser Bob Geldof has so far denied there would be such a concert, billed as Live 8.

But the BBC said it was in "discussions" with Geldof to screen the concert from Hyde Park on 2 July.

Acts linked with the concert include U2, the Rolling Stones, Sir Paul McCartney and Joss Stone.

Chief executive of The Prince's Trust, Martina Milburn, said it was "delighted to support Live 8", and that Party in the Park would return next year.

The concert is expected to support the Make Poverty History campaign, highlighting the situation of millions of children who are dying because of poverty every year.

Artists including U2, Keane and McFly have been lending their support to the cause, and concerts have been organised in cities around the world as part of the campaign.

Washington gig

Although Geldof has played down reports of a Live Aid concert, his spokespeople confirmed there were discussions about holding shows to raise awareness of Africa's plight.

An announcement is expected in the next few days about the Live 8 concert in London. A similar event may also take place on the same day in Washington.

The original Live Aid concert was held in 1985 at Wembley Stadium, and in Philadelphia.

The latest concert would co-incide with the G8 conference being held in Scotland, where the heads of the world's largest economies will discuss alleviating debt.
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.05.05 22:34:12   
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Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 20.05.05 19:51:43   
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Боб Гелдоф дал небольшую пресс-конференцию и объявил всю эту шумиху просто слухами.
Да и потом, до 6 июля осталось чуть больше 6 недель - не слишком ли маленький срок, чтобы сделать такую масштабную акцию?
Так что Ваше "верится с трудом" вполне оправдано.

Например: "Geldof recently denied any plans to stage the gig but rumours are continuing to circulate".
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.05.05 18:38:00   
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Legendary rockers PINK FLOYD are to reunite for a performance at charity concert LIVE 8 in London this summer (05).

The band's classic line-up of ROGER WATERS, DAVE GILMOUR, RICK WRIGHT and NICK MASON, which recorded the 1973 classic album DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, will hit the stage at the 2 July (05) fundraiser for the first time since they last played together in the mid-1980s.

Organiser SIR BOB GELDOF, who has denied the Hyde Park event will specifically celebrate the 20th anniversary of LIVE AID, is currently in talks with Pink Floyd to secure their appearance.

An insider says, "There have been a whole series of calls. Sir Bob is hopeful we can make this happen."

SIR PAUL McCARTNEY and U2 will kick off the charity gig with a performance of BEATLES classic SERGEANT PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND, that contains the opening lyric, "It was 20 years ago today".

Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.05.05 21:06:26   
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May 23, 2005 -- From Rusty Anderson

"Paul McCartney has asked me and the band to join Bob Geldof for a 20th anniversary Live Aid show in Hyde Park, London. His (Geldof's) ambition is to persuade the heads of the most powerful western governments (the G8 summit) to write off the African debt. As he puts it, 'Africans are born with this problem not of their own creation and unless we can persuade the governments to excuse the debt, they will always be kept in an inferior position.'"
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 26.05.05 23:56:36   
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За счёт Пинк Флойд просто пиарятся
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.05.05 01:30:15   
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Philadelphia to Host Another Live Aid 1 hour, 43 minutes ago

PHILADELPHIA - Two decades after the original Live Aid, when rock stars descended on Philadelphia and London to raise money for Ethiopian famine relief, singer-activist Bob Geldof is planning another star-studded, humanitarian event.

Live 8 is set for Saturday, July 2, on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, a city spokeswoman said. The event will coincide with a second show in London, publicist Laura Perez told The Philadelphia Inquirer for Sunday's editions.

Details, including the lineup and other possible venues, remain secret. They are expected to be unveiled Tuesday morning at joint press conferences in Philadelphia and London, according to Perez, who is handling the press event.

The name "Live 8" is a nod to the G-8 summit, a meeting of the world's leading powers, set to start days later in Scotland. Geldof has pressed for the world's wealthiest countries to do more to fight famine and poverty in Africa.

Live Aid, held July 13, 1985 at the former JFK Stadium in South Philadelphia, brought Mick Jagger, Madonna, Tina Turner and other stars to town while others performed at Wembley Stadium in London. The effort raised tens of millions of dollars for Ethiopia.

"What started 20 years ago is coming to a political point in a few weeks," Geldof told the BBC on Thursday. "There's more than a chance that the boys and girls with guitars will finally get to turn the world on its axis."

The singer Sting has confirmed that he will take part in the event.

"Bob called me up and said I was doing it," Sting said. "He doesn't ask you, he tells you."

The concert will add to an already packed holiday weekend in Philadelphia, where an AIDS-relief concert headlined by Elton John is set for July 4 on the parkway, and three nights of varied lineups are scheduled at Penn's Landing beside the Delaware River. The Philadelphia Orchestra is scheduled there on July 1 and Ruben Studdard and Stephanie Mills on July 2.

City officials hope tourists might extend their planned stays to take in Live 8, the Elton John concert and other events.

"This will really enhance our Fourth of July," said Deborah Bolling, a spokeswoman to Mayor John F. Street.;_ylt=Ar3tkKxh03TWitfhhQmnw...
Re: Live Aid 1985
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.05.05 01:43:52   
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Geldof confirms G8 summit concert

Rumours about another concert have been circulating for months
Bob Geldof and Midge Ure have revealed they are planning a major pop concert this summer - but insist that it should not be called "Live Aid 2".
The event will be part of a series of concerts around the world to coincide with the G8 summit in July.

"We'll have all the big names we can find," Ure told reporters at the Ivor Novello awards on Thursday.

The Streets' Dry Your Eyes was named best song musically and lyrically at the ceremony, held in central London.

But The Streets - aka British rapper Mike Skinner - lost out in the best contemporary song category to Franz Ferdinand's Take Me Out.

Geldof and Ure were at the ceremony to collect the best-selling UK single prize, awarded this year to Do They Know It's Christmas? by Band Aid 20.

"What started 20 years ago is coming to a political point in a few weeks," said Geldof.

"There's more than a chance that the boys and girls with guitars will finally get to turn the world on its axis.

"What we do in the next five weeks is seriously, properly, historically, politically important."

"It's big," said Ure. "And it's as petrifying as the build-up to Live Aid, if not more so."

The pair collected their award from Sting, who confirmed he would be taking part in the event.

"Bob called me up and said I was doing it," he said. "He doesn't ask you, he tells you."

Speculation regarding the event has been mounting over the last few weeks, with Madonna, U2, Sir Paul McCartney and a reunited Spice Girls among those mentioned in the possible line-up.

Brit award winners Keane were named songwriters of the year at the awards, while Duran Duran were honoured for their outstanding contribution to British music.

Snow Patrol, meanwhile, had to share their best album prize with recently departed bassist Mark McClelland.

Other winners included U2, whose song Vertigo was named International Hit of the Year, and Robert Smith of the Cure, who won for International Achievement.

There were further honours for Lou Reed, Sir John Tavener and Sir Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones.

Soundtracks were also recognised, with Enduring Love and the BBC's Blackpool winning best film score and best TV music respectively.
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