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Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8

Тема: Live 8 (2005)

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Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.08.05 17:50:53   
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Sibelius saves McCartney at Live 8

The Live 8 recording of Sir Paul McCartney and U2's performance of "Sergeant Pepper" would never have happened without Sibelius music notation software.

Record producer Sir George Martin has revealed how he saved the day for Sir Paul McCartney at Live 8 by using Sibelius.

Sir Paul McCartney was preparing to perform the song when with only hours to go, he realized that there were no French Horn parts, as the song had never been performed live by any of The Beatles.

With help from friends

He called Sir George Martin, who had written the parts in the first place. Sir Martin had his laptop with Sibelius loaded with him and, realising the parts' whereabouts was "a mystery in the sea of time", he immediately set about re-writing them completely from memory in Sibelius.

The Sibelius file was then emailed across the Atlantic and the Live 8 concert began in spectacular style with Sir Paul accompanied by four French Horn players in full Sergeant Pepper costume.

Sibelius 4

Sibelius has also announced Sibelius 4, the first notation program to enable you to write music to video, produce teaching materials in seconds, and instantly revise instrumental parts.

It ships with 1,700 worksheets and curriculum resources developed in collaboration with educational specialists, and a range of licensed videos from Charlie Chaplin to Mr. Bean for students to compose to, Sibelius 4 also supports teachers' need for high-quality educational content.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 07:22:32   
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The A-list performers at London's Live 8 concert have had their voices fine-tuned for the upcoming DVD detailing last month's (02JUL05) historic event.

Technicians have employed computer programme Auto-Tune to refine the performances of artists including BONO, SIR PAUL McCARTNEY and MADONNA - prompting some critics to claim the DVD sound recording is faked.

A source says, "It's Botox for the vocally challenged. By cutting up and reassembling notes it can erase the wrinkles and bum notes and make a karaoke drunk sound like FRANK SINATRA."


Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 25.08.05 00:07:18   
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Появился двустороний пиратский Эйт. Видел позавчера. Видимо использованы материалы трансляции. Брать не стал, а сейчас подумал. что наверно куплю - что-то может не попасть в официальное издание.
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 25.08.05 00:47:05   
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А чой-то вы здесь делаете? Концерт то уже кончился...(с) А чой-то вы здесь делаете? Концерт то уже кончился...(с)
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.08.05 18:55:01   
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>А чой-то вы здесь делаете? Концерт то уже кончился...(с)

Но эхо доносится до сих пор... Ау!


SIR PAUL McCARTNEY had forgotten how to play SGT PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND prior to last month's (JUL05) Live 8 concert, and asked U2 guitarist THE EDGE to help him find the right notes.

The former BEATLE had never played the classic song live before, and he was terrified of making an embarrassing mistake on the big day.

He says, "I needed to re-learn Sgt Pepper for Live 8. I'd never sung it (live) before.

"Me and The Edge couldn't figure out the guitar riff. I had the guitarist from my band helping out too, but we eventually sorted it out."

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.08.05 18:59:57   
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John Lydon Breaks His Silence

The ex-Sex Pistol anarchist, who has hardly spoken in public in the last eighteent months, finally opened his trap and did some serious slagging off today.

Firstly he shared his views about Jordan and her impending marriage to Peter Andre: “It’s disgusting. I haven’t had an invite and I’m glad. This is not a marriage based on love. It’s just an event sponsored by Granada and Hello! Magazine.”

“I can’t believe anyone would be so cheap as to marry for a career move.”

Lydon, you’ve met Jordan – what do you mean you can’t believe anyone could be that cheap?!

Lydon is also pissed off with old chum Bob Geldof for hinting that the Pistols would be playing Live 8: “Our names were touted around. And it looks like we turned it down. But the truth is I wasn’t asked.”

“I don’t know what shock value he was trying to get by mentioning us. But I’m glad. It was a very shoddy and weak production anyway…And there weren’t enough black faces in the show for my liking. I don’t think it achieved anything. Bob Geldof is too self-serving.”

He added to the Sun newspaper: “I don’t like this attitude of trying to guilt us into doing something. That’s the terror tactics of the Nazi party.”

Continuing: “Every time I see Bono in those big fly glasses and tight leather pants I just can’t hack it. I can’t see that as solving the world’s problems.”

“He’s crushing his testicles in tight trousers for world peace.”

Last but not least, it’s Pete Doherty’s turn, Lydon muses about the Babyshambles singer: “He’s made a decision to play this drugs game. But I haven’t seen many survivors. And I don’t want to see him become another stupid rock death.”

“Pete – calm down a little and start checking yourself. You’re not impressing anyone – you’re just depressing.”
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: zand   Дата: 30.08.05 19:38:52   
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...The former BEATLE had never played the classic song live before, and he was terrified of making an embarrassing mistake on the big day.

Ну-у! А как же концерты тура 1989-1990?
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: buches   Дата: 31.08.05 15:46:49   
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Ни у кого случайно нет видео битловских каверов исполнявшихся на Live 8 Craig David - Come together и Roxy Music - Jealous Guy???
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Nicky de Gree   Дата: 31.08.05 17:06:53   
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>Ни у кого случайно нет видео битловских каверов
>исполнявшихся на Live 8 Craig David - Come together
>и Roxy Music - Jealous Guy???

Битловских каверов исполнено ощутимо больше... Сейчас не назову, но явно больше находил...
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: buches   Дата: 31.08.05 17:15:03   
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2Nicky de Gree:

>>Ни у кого случайно нет видео битловских каверов
>>исполнявшихся на Live 8 Craig David - Come together
>>и Roxy Music - Jealous Guy???
>Битловских каверов исполнено ощутимо больше...
>Сейчас не назову, но явно больше находил...

В Winamp video есть только эти два. Их можно посмотреть, но только он-лайн. А для того чтоб скачать я прогу не могу найти, ну чтоб записать с картинки. А насчет всех каверов неплохо бы уточнить. Наверняка есть в инете полные трек-листы всех концертов live 8. Буду искать.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Ptichka Webbird   Дата: 31.08.05 19:10:02   
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Вот здесь
можно не только почитать сетлисты концертов Live8, но и посмотреть, что желаешь, причем не только лондонские выступления, но и в других городах
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 07.09.05 04:42:02   
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The much-anticipated 4 DVD release of the Live 8 concerts was fully announced today, giving full detail of the tracklisting and extra features, and additional international single discs, concentrating on individual shows, were also announced.

There is fantastic news for Pink Floyd fans, as the headline-making reunion with Roger Waters is included in full on the main set.

What makes the release particularly important (apart from the proceeds going to charity), and interesting, is that they are also including footage of the Floyd's rehearsals for the concert!

As yet, we don't know the extent of the footage, or which rehearsals are included - either the dress rehearsals in Hyde Park, or the main rehearsals in the North London studios they used for three days prior to the show.

We're just waiting for the PR company handling the release to confirm this to us - but we are sure they've been deluged with enquiries since they put out the announcement!

Here's the full announcement, with the tracklisting of the four discs:

EMI are proud to announce the DVD release of Live 8 on 7th November 2005 (8th November - USA)

On 7th November 2005 (8th November - USA) the biggest live event DVD project of its kind will be released. Live 8 brings together performances from the amazing series of concerts which took place around the world on 2nd July 2005.

Live 8 - One Day One Concert One World

The 4-disc set contains three discs of live footage taken from the Live 8 shows staged in London and Philadelphia alongside key highlights from the seven other events staged across the world. Every artist who performed at London’s Hyde Park and Philadelphia’s Museum Of Art appear on the DVD, many of them with their full sets.

"It was 20 years ago today": Live 8 opens with U2 and Paul McCartney’s crowd-rousing rendition of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and also features Pink Floyd’s historical reunion, Robbie Williams’s show-stopping performance and Madonna’s breathtakingly energetic set. Younger artists such as Snow Patrol, The Killers and Joss Stone comfortably intertwine with rock n’ roll legends such as The Who and Sting. One-off duets come from Paul McCartney and George Michael, Stevie Wonder and Adam Levine (Maroon 5), Elton John and Pete Doherty and Coldplay and Richard Ashcroft. Disc 3 closes as the London concert closed on 2 July with the stars of Live 8 Hyde Park taking to the stage for the stunning ‘Hey Jude’ finale.

Along the way the Kaiser Chiefs waved the flag for Britain in Philadelphia and their vigorous performance is captured alongside American superstars Destiny’s Child, Bon Jovi, Black Eyed Peas and soul legend Stevie Wonder.

Also threaded through the UK and US acts are performances from artists who appeared at the Live 8 concerts in Rome, Paris, Berlin, Toronto, Johannesburg and Moscow. Tracks from Green Day, Brian Wilson and Roxy Music in Berlin and Neil Young in Toronto are included along with the Pet Shop Boys in Moscow, Duran Duran in Rome, Vusi Mahlasela in Johannesburg and Placebo and Muse in Paris.

Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 07.09.05 04:42:46   
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Disc 4 features exclusive extras including a never-before-seen backstage documentary filmed at Hyde Park, Pink Floyd’s Live 8 reunion rehearsal, more acts from Live 8’s global concerts including McFly and Bjork in Tokyo, films by The Who and Travis and a contribution from Ricky Gervais. The special features section will offer highlights from Edinburgh’s Final Push concert at Murrayfield on July 6 which will include performances from James Brown, Travis and The Proclaimers.

Single disc sets for the French, German, Italian and Canadian Live 8 concerts have also been produced. These will focus further on each country’s concert and will be available globally:

"I hope this will be the biggest selling DVD of all time. It deserves to be. More importantly perhaps, it should be, for it will help us achieve our goal of changing the lives of the extreme poor for the better and making our generation the one that helped end the disgrace of poverty." Says Live 8 organiser Sir Bob Geldof.

Money raised from sales of the Live 8 DVD will go to the Band Aid Trust for the relief of hunger and poverty in Africa.

Live 8 was held on 2 July 2005. Nine simultaneous, free concerts starring the cream of international rock and pop artists were staged in London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Tokyo, Moscow, Toronto, Johannesburg and Philadelphia. The concerts acted as a starting point for The Long Walk To Justice in support of the Make Poverty History and Global Call To Action campaigns and was timed to focus attention on the critical decisions made by the G8 summit four days later.

"You’re such a lovely audience, we’d like to take you home with us" sang Bono. Now the million-strong live audience and 5 billion viewers around the world can take Live 8 home with them...

Paul McCartney & U2 - Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
U2 - Beautiful Day
U2 - Vertigo
U2 - One
Coldplay - In My Place
Coldplay with Richard Ashcroft - Bittersweet Symphony
Coldplay - Fix You
Elton John - The Bitch Is Back
Elton John - Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting
Elton John with Pete Doherty - Children Of The Revolution
Dido & Youssou N’Dour - 7 Seconds
Stereophonics - Bartender And The Thief
REM - Everybody Hurts
REM - Man On The Moon
Ms Dynamite - Dy-Na-Mi-Tee
Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love
Black Eyed Peas - Let’s Get It Started
Black Eyed Peas with Stephen Marley - Get Up Stand Up
Duran Duran - Wild Boys (Rome)
Bob Geldof - I Don’t Like Mondays
Muse - Time Is Running Out (Paris)
Travis - Sing
Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot
Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I Love You Less And Less
UB40 with Hunterz & The Dohl Blasters - Reasons
UB40 - Red Red Wine
Green Day - American Idiot (Berlin)
Snoop Dogg - Signs
Snoop Dogg - Who Am I (What’s My Name)?
Bon Jovi - Livin’ On A Prayer
Annie Lennox - Why
Annie Lennox - Sweet Dreams

Destiny’s Child - Survivor
Destiny’s Child - Girl
Razorlight - Somewhere Else
Razorlight - Golden Touch
Bryan Adams - All For Love
Kanye West - Diamonds From Sierra Leone
CBC Ethiopian Famine Film
Madonna - Like A Prayer
Madonna - Ray Of Light
Madonna - Music
Will Smith - Getting’ Jiggy Wit It
Will Smith - Switch
Will Smith - The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
Brian Wilson - Good Vibrations (Berlin)
Snow Patrol - Run
Toby Keith - Stays In Mexico
The Killers - All These Things That I’ve Done
Dave Matthews Band - American Baby
Daniel Powter - Bad Day
Linkin Park - In The End
Linkin Park with Jay-Z - Numb
Joss Stone - Super Duper Love
Joss Stone - Some Kind Of Wonderful
Jars Of Clay - Show You Love
Scissor Sisters - Laura
Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama
Alicia Keys - For All We Know
Velvet Revolver - Fall To Pieces
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl?
Sarah McLachlan & Josh Groban - Angel
Sting - Message In A Bottle
Sting - Driven To Tears
Sting - Every Breath You Take
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 07.09.05 04:43:12   
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Mariah Carey - Make It Happen
Mariah Carey - Hero
Vusi Mahlasela - When You Come Back (Johannesburg)
Roxy Music - Do The Strand (Berlin)
Maroon 5 - This Love
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Neil Young - Four Strong Winds (Toronto)
Pet Shop Boys - Go West (Moscow)
Robbie Williams - We Will Rock You
Robbie Williams - Let Me Entertain You
Robbie Williams - Feel
Robbie Williams - Angels
Keith Urban - Somebody Like You
Placebo - Twenty Years (Paris)
Rob Thomas - Lonely No More
Faithless - We Come 1 (Berlin)
Stevie Wonder - Master Blaster (Jammin’)
Stevie Wonder & Rob Thomas - Higher Ground
Stevie Wonder & Adam Levine - Signed Sealed Delivered
Stevie Wonder - So What The Fuss/Superstition
The Who - Who Are You?
The Who - Won’t Get Fooled Again
Pink Floyd - Speak To Me
Pink Floyd - Breathe
Pink Floyd - Money
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Paul McCartney - Get Back
Paul McCartney & George Michael - Drive My Car
Paul McCartney - Helter Skelter
Paul McCartney - The Long And Winding Road
Finale - Hey Jude

Edinburgh - The Final Push: Highlights from the Murrayfield concert held on 6 July
McFly - All About You (Tokyo)
Good Charlotte - Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous (Tokyo)
Dreams Come True - Love Love Love (Tokyo)
Bjork - All Is Full Of Love (Tokyo)
The Who - ‘Who Are You?’ film
Travis - ‘Why Does It Always Rain On Me?’ film
Ricky Gervais - Enjoy The Day
Behind The Scenes At Hyde Park
Pink Floyd rehearsal
Additional bonus international performances may be added

Format: 4 Disc PAL DVD (Europe) / NTSC DVD (US)
Packaging: Fold-out Digipack in slipcase (12-page booklet)
Picture: 16:9 / Colour
Audio: DTS 5.1 Surround Sound; Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound and Dolby Stereo
Subtitles: English, Dutch, French
Our thanks to Maria at LD Publicity for her help.


Date news posted: 6 September 2005
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 22.09.05 00:58:31   
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Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 22.09.05 01:04:13   
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Simple as thatSimple as that
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 22.09.05 01:05:08   
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Or simple as thatOr simple as that
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 22.09.05 01:41:26   
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и т.п.и т.п.
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: sunset   Дата: 22.09.05 03:03:09   
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Гитара в форме Африки у Гилмора...
Re: Официально объявлены 5 концертов Live 8
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.09.05 10:27:46   
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Гитарка была дежурная )))Гитарка была дежурная )))
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