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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 17.05.06 14:10:09   
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Лучшая месть с его стороны - заработать еще полмиллиарда. Она поймет, что рано ушла
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Сироткиндт   Дата: 17.05.06 14:11:40   
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Да легко! А мы, затаив дыхание, будем следить за дальнейшей судьбой миссис как ее там хизер.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Olga Palna   Дата: 17.05.06 14:13:27   
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Эту новость мне сообщила мама, а услышала она ее по "Маяку" (!)
Просто деревня какая-то. Чтобы подробности личной жизни одного человека так интересовали мировую общественность...
Мне кажется, смерть Линды была для Пола таким ударом, что по сравнению с ТЕМ временем то, что происходит в его жизни сейчас - так, легкая рябь на поверхности водоема. (А тогда... водоем был высушен и вывернут inside out...) Так что за Пола, наверное, очень сильно можно не тревожится.

И Хезер сейчас едва ли не хуже. Сейчас все хором скажут: "А мы так и знали!" Ее-то особенно никогда не любили. Но извините, а когда любили битловских жен? Их общественность признает уже только после смерти, или после развода.

Да по-любому, когда распадается семья, это печально. И ребенок ведь все это чувствует, даже если не понимает...
Hey Beatrice, don't make it bad
take a sad song, and make it better...
(пусть не в рифму, зато в тему)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Marta   Дата: 17.05.06 14:22:05   
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Нехорошая она женщина (бип), я всегда это говорила. Еще книгу напишет...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Сироткиндт   Дата: 17.05.06 14:23:42   
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А че еще ей делать? Делать-то нечего! Дочь воспитать хорошим человеком? По образу и подобию?
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 17.05.06 15:02:36   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: WKH   Дата: 17.05.06 15:23:19   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 17.05.06 23:07:55   
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2Olga Palna:
>"А мы так и знали!"
не знаю, как хором, но я еще до свадьбы говорил, что она не ровня Линде и они разведутся!

>Но извините, а когда любили битловских жен
Именно к Линде и Оливии всегда относился с большой любовью. Образец жены музыканта.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 18.05.06 07:54:31   
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>2Olga Palna:
>>"А мы так и знали!"
>не знаю, как хором, но я еще до свадьбы говорил,
>что она не ровня Линде и они разведутся!

Да ладно... В лондонском ЗАГСе №1 еще не поставили печать на свидетельстве о разводе. Может быть, еще все будет хорошо.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.05.06 23:14:45   
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Насчет того, что ХМ заставляла Пола красить волосы:

"Heather makes me dye my hair... not true. It is true that I colour my hair. Wow, Shock Horror! "I've actually been doing this for many years now with varying degrees of success, but it's my hair, and if you don't like the result I'm afraid it's just too bad, but it's certainly nothing Heather suggested. "I was engaged in this devilish practice years before I met her. I remember a strange blue dye dripping down my forehead on an Australian tour over ten years ago, but let's face it, if I want to dye my hair pink, that's up to me and no one else. "The suggestion that it was Heather's doing simply isn't true."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: KateVP   Дата: 19.05.06 23:27:41   
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2Flaming Rain:

>Лучшая месть с его стороны - заработать еще полмиллиарда.

Зачем думать о мести? Деньги, заработанные из мести (как и все остальное "из мести") счастья не приносят.
Думаю, Пол мстить не будет. Сейчас, судя по публикациям, он даже Хизер защищает.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Kamch   Дата: 22.05.06 10:07:28   
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Мастер не заслужил всех этих передряг.
Мастер заслужил покой и счастье.
А она, увы, не Маргарита...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 22.05.06 10:23:04   
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Да уж... Ему бы такую, как Оля Харрисон, - надежду и опору, которая и утешит, и обогреет, а в случае чего и лампой супостату поднесёт. Да где ж таких взять-то...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.05.06 10:34:25   
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2Андрей Хрисанфов:

>Да уж... Ему бы такую, как Оля Харрисон, - надежду
>и опору, которая и утешит, и обогреет, а в случае
>чего и лампой супостату поднесёт. Да где ж таких взять-то...

Андрей - отлично сказано!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.05.06 20:19:43   
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Это Хэзер в аэропорту на пути в Словению.Это Хэзер в аэропорту на пути в Словению.
По последним сообщениям все отступные от брака она обещает пожертвовать в фонд борьбы с минами.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.05.06 20:47:06   
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EXCLUSIVE: First picture of McCartney's wife as she flies out of Britain
By Robert Stansfield
FORLORN Heather Mills leans heavily on a crutch as she struggles through an airport after the break-up of her marriage to Sir Paul McCartney.

It was the first time she had been pictured since the Mirror broke the story on Wednesday.

Heather, 38, who went into hiding when the news was revealed, emerged to catch a flight from Gatwick to Slovenia. The ex-model, who lost a leg in a road accident before she met Macca, hauled her own large case behind her and refused the offer of a wheelchair.

A fellow passenger said: "She was pale and gaunt, with barely enough strength to hold herself upright." There was no sign of her wedding ring.

In Slovenia, where Heather once worked, she again refused offers of help. She was met by a friend and driven away in a rusting old Fiat
BRAVE Heather Mills refused all offers of help as she fled abroad to a old bolthole after her marriage to Sir Paul McCartney collapsed.

She caught a plane from Gatwick to Slovenia, where 15 years ago she sought refuge when her first marriage to dishwasher salesman Alfie Karmal broke down.

Heather, 38, who is still recovering from an operation on her amputated leg, looked a sad figure at the airport on Saturday.

She was seen limping through the concourse before buying a £280 ticket to Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia - part of the old Yugoslavia.

A fellow passenger said: "She was pale and gaunt, with barely enough strength to hold herself upright.

"There was no one there to help as she struggled along with one crutch, pulling a heavy suitcase.

"It took me a while to recognise her as she normally looks stunning and full of life. But she appeared weak and thin with bags under her eyes."

The passenger added: "She seemed determined to make the journey herself, refusing offers of help and a courtesy wheelchair provided at the airport.

"At times it was obvious the physical pain of her leg was making her grimace."

Heather spent most of the two-hour flight dozing. She didn't eat and avoided all eye contact with other passengers as he curled up under her large puffa jacket on the Adria Airways plane.

The passenger said ex-model Heather made every effort to look plain and stay anonymous on the journey.

He added: "She wore blue jeans and a cream-coloured top to fit in with the rest of us. Her hair with tied back with a band, revealing subtle ear studs, but she wore no other jewellery, with no sign of her wedding ring."

In Slovenia she was met by a female friend but still refused help.

The passenger said: "She almost collapsed on to the luggage carousel as she strained to heave her suitcase on to a trolley before being driven away by her pal."

They left Ljubljana airport in a rusting old Fiat Panda.

Slovenia will hold bitter-sweet memories for Heather.

She went there on holiday just a year after her wedding to Alfie Karmal in 1989 to recover from an ectopic pregnancy.

She moved there after her divorce to start a new life and worked as a ski instructor in the Slovenian alps, falling in love with a fellow worker, known only as Milos. They travelled between Ljubljana and the UK for several months before their on-off relationship ended.

Heather saw the outbreak of civil war in Yugoslavia and launched her charity crusade against landmines after witnessing the tragic plight of an 11-year-old bomb victim called Zeynab.

She also worked with governments and military agencies to establish refugee crisis centres, hospitals and housing for the homeless.

Earlier this year, she said: "It was outside Bihac that I heard an explosion and saw a child running towards me screaming, with an arm blasted off and blood pouring out of the socket like a petrol pump. I was in such shock that I couldn't make out if it was a boy or a girl. Ironically, I didn't lose my leg in the war, although I spent the best part of two years in towns surrounded by landmines.

"I am convinced that I lost my leg for a reason: so that I could help men, women and especially children claim their lives back.

"Life is not about what we can do for ourselves. Making a difference while we are here is all that matters, especially for those who have the power to make real changes."

For the next two years Heather modelled to raise funds to help the refugees and commuted between Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and England.

After a road accident in 1993, which led to the amputation of part of her left leg, she arranged for unwanted artificial limbs to be sent from the UK to the war-torn country.

Slovenia will also hold strong memories of her time with Macca, who turns 64 next month, as the pair campaigned to have the area cleared of landmines.

She gained a Nobel Prize nomination for her work in the area.

She and Paul helped bring to the UK the Adopt A Landmine charity, where donors pay to have an area cleared.

Ironically, it was the charity work that contributed towards the breakdown of their marriage. Macca is said to have urged her to cut back while she wanted to do more.

He has not seen his wife since they split more than two weeks ago.

But he is said to be "extremely concerned" about her health and has been calling her regularly.

The couple are also said to have discussed their two-year-old daughter Bea, who is staying with the former Beatle.

Before leaving for Slovenia, Heather cancelled the launch party for her new book, Life Balance, which gives guidance on how to improve your life.

Film-maker Chris Terrill, who Heather dumped for Macca just six days before they were due to wed, has written to Sir Paul revealing intimate details of his relationship.

He says he fell madly in love with Heather and proposed just 12 days after meeting on a film set in Cambodia.

He adds: "To cement our commitment, we joined the mile-high club on the way back to Britain."

Terrill says that they "fell in love with same woman. More than that - we loved her at the same time."

He goes on: "Maybe one day we could have a beer together and compare notes because we have both been 'Heathered' - and that is something a chap never forgets.

"I hope you are OK."

In a PS, he says: "Don't know what you are going to settle on with her, but please make sure it is enough that she can pay me back for that damned wedding."

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 22.05.06 20:55:53   
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увы, Пол не смог сделать женщину счастливой...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.05.06 09:26:17   
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May 22, 2006 -- The Guardian May 22, 2006 -- The Guardian

Q & A

Heather Mills McCartney, 38, was born in Tyne and Wear. She was working as a model when, in 1993, she was involved in an accident with a police motorcycle and lost her left leg below the knee. She campaigns against landmines and the fur trade, and is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Married with a daughter, she lives in London and Sussex. Her book, Life Balance, is this next week.

Q: What is your idea of perfect happiness?
HEATHER: Cuddling and kissing my baby or skiing.
Q: What is your greatest fear?
H: Upsetting anybody.
Q: Which living person do you most admire?
H: My sister Fiona for being loyal and kind.
Q: What is your greatest extravagance?
H: Buying Fiona a pair of diamond earrings.
Q: What has been your most embarrassing moment?
H: Walking down the street with a pair of knickers round my artificial leg.
Q: Who would play you in a movie?
H: Michelle Pfeiffer. Judi Dench later in life.
Q: What is your most treasured possession?
H: I wouldn't be much use without my leg!
Q: What is your favourite smell?
H: The McCartney rose.
Q: What is your favourite word?
H: 'Articulate' - I never knew I was until others started to call me that.
Q: What is your favourite book?
H: Gorbachev's autobiography.
Q: What do you owe your parents?
H: Not a lot but some pretty good genes.
Q: What or who is the greatest love of your life?
H: My husband, my baby daughter and my sister.
Q: Which living person do you most despise and why?
H: Cruella de Wintour, editor of US Vogue, who has brought fur back into fashion.
Q: When did you last cry, and why?
H: Watching the film Dreamer with my husband asleep on my knee when the horse was going to be put down and the young girl saved him.
Q: How often do you have sex?
H: Every day. Doesn't everyone say that?
Q: Have you ever had a same-sex experience?
H: No - they haven't got the right bits.
Q: What is your greatest achievement?
H: Helping to market Adopt-A-Minefield.
Q: What keeps you awake at night?
H: Images of animals being skinned alive.
Q: What song would you like played at your funeral?
H: ELO's Mr Blue Sky.
Q: What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
H: That everybody's capable of change.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 23.05.06 15:04:44   
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В тему "Россия и Битлз"

>Q: What is your favourite book?
>H: Gorbachev's autobiography.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.05.06 11:55:04   
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Sir Paul's £25m offer to keep baby Bea

08:03am 24th May 2006

Sir Paul McCartney has offered his estranged wife Heather Mills a £25million "quickie" divorce - if she allows their daughter to live with him.

He has told friends he is close to reaching a deal with Miss Mills, even though they only announced their separation a week ago.

Under the deal, the couple's two-year-old daughter Beatrice will have "residency" with 63-year-old Sir Paul, although they will officially share custody of her.

And although there has been speculation that Miss Mills, 38, could get up to £200million of Sir Paul's £800million fortune after being married for four years, her settlement is likelier to be closer to £25million.

"Paul has offered Heather these terms and he has told friends he believes a deal is close to being made," said a source close to the musician. "It might seem very quick as they only announced their separation last week but they have actually been discussing this for many months.

"Beatrice will live mainly with Paul but Heather will have access to her whenever she wants. The term is 'unlimited access'. They want to try to protect her from their break-up as much as possible and are determined not to argue over custody or money. They really do not want things to get bitter.

"Bea mainly living with Paul makes sense because Heather is planning to throw herself into her charity work and will have to do a lot of flying all over the world.

"Although people were talking telephone numbers about how much Heather could potentially get, that was when it looked like Beatrice would be living with her.

"At the same time, Paul still has a lot of love for Heather and he wants to see her set up for the rest of her life."


Miss Mills's publicist has already indicated that she will give a large proportion of her settlement to her anti-landmines charity.

"The way she sees it is that there is no point the money sitting in a bank account gathering dust. It had to be working," she said. "The more acres of minefield she can clear, the happier she will be."

Both Miss Mills and Sir Paul have denied allegations that she is a "gold-digger".

The announcement of their separation followed weeks of speculation after it emerged that they were living in separate houses 50 miles apart.

They said in their statement that they had found it "increasingly difficult" to maintain a normal relationship in the public eye.

Miss Mills, a former model who lost a leg when she was hit by a police motorcyclist in West London 13 years ago, is visiting friends in Slovenia.

She also sought refuge there when her first marriage to dishwasher salesman Alfie Karmal broke down.

Sir Paul, who has been recording new music since his marriage broke up, has returned to the couple's main home at Peasmarsh in East Sussex. Beatrice is believed to be with him.

Spokesmen for Sir Paul and Miss Mills refused to comment on a divorce deal.
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