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Галерея Джорджа

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Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: Maryana88   Дата: 14.06.12 22:53:13   
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 George in Australia 1985 George in Australia 1985
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: Maryana88   Дата: 14.06.12 22:53:32   
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Галерея Джорджа
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: Maryana88   Дата: 14.06.12 22:53:53   
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Галерея Джорджа
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 14.06.12 22:57:48   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: Алекс-монах   Дата: 14.06.12 23:22:50   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 14.06.12 23:51:02   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 14.06.12 23:53:03   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 14.06.12 23:53:24   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 14.06.12 23:53:46   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 14.06.12 23:54:06   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 14.06.12 23:54:24   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 00:38:47   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 03:46:59   
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bigger.  Mid to late October 1968 - George at the Playboy Club in Los Angeles for the Capitol Records awards ceremony where on behalf of the Beatles he received the gold record for “Hey Jude”. George was accompanied by Jackie Lomax for whom he was producing while in L.A.bigger. Mid to late October 1968 - George at the Playboy Club in Los Angeles for the Capitol Records awards ceremony where on behalf of the Beatles he received the gold record for “Hey Jude”. George was accompanied by Jackie Lomax for whom he was producing while in L.A.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 03:51:48   
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George & Pattie and Liverpool FriendsGeorge & Pattie and Liverpool Friends
Circa 1965 - George and Pattie among Liverpool friends (details unknown). Photo from the collection of Arthur Kelly (upper left with his unidentified date), Gerry Marsden and Pauline Behan (center), George and Pattie (lower right) celebrating with the Liverpool gang.
Photo published in Bob Spitz’ 2005 Beatles’ biography with the nonsensical caption that it was taken at Paul McCartney’s 21st birthday party (June 18, 1963) - which was several months before George and Pattie even met. Just guessing - but the photo may have been when George and Pattie were in Liverpool for brother Peter Harrison’s wedding (January 27, 1965)?
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 03:54:46   
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May 22, 1966 - George and Pattie in Monte Carlo attending the opening day of the Monaco Grand Prix where they watched British driver Jackie Stewart win the first Formula One race of the 1966 season.May 22, 1966 - George and Pattie in Monte Carlo attending the opening day of the Monaco Grand Prix where they watched British driver Jackie Stewart win the first Formula One race of the 1966 season.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 03:57:08   
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Mid September 1966 - Pattie and George Harrison arrived quietly in Bombay, India travelling under the assumed names of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wells on September 14, 1966 and checked into the Taj Mahal Hotel - but they were soon discovered by the press. They obliged the press by posing in traditional Indian dress - Pattie wearing a “kurta” and George in “Churidar pajamas”. George studied sitar with Ravi Shankar and they travelled around India sightseeing. The Harrison’s returned to London on October 23, 1966.Mid September 1966 - Pattie and George Harrison arrived quietly in Bombay, India travelling under the assumed names of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wells on September 14, 1966 and checked into the Taj Mahal Hotel - but they were soon discovered by the press. They obliged the press by posing in traditional Indian dress - Pattie wearing a “kurta” and George in “Churidar pajamas”. George studied sitar with Ravi Shankar and they travelled around India sightseeing. The Harrison’s returned to London on October 23, 1966.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 03:58:01   
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September 1965 - Brian holds onto Pattie’s arm while snapping a photo as Pattie and George watch an exciting moment during the bullfight in Arlés. Brian had arranged a charter flight to Arlés during their week long holiday in the south of France.September 1965 - Brian holds onto Pattie’s arm while snapping a photo as Pattie and George watch an exciting moment during the bullfight in Arlés. Brian had arranged a charter flight to Arlés during their week long holiday in the south of France.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 04:05:44   
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September/October 1966 - Pattie and George during their first visit to India together. First photo at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay shortly after their September 14, 1966 arrival under the assumed names of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wells. Second photo from the collection of Ravi Shankar published in his book, Raga Mala.September/October 1966 - Pattie and George during their first visit to India together. First photo at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay shortly after their September 14, 1966 arrival under the assumed names of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wells. Second photo from the collection of Ravi Shankar published in his book, Raga Mala.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 04:06:01   
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Галерея Джорджа.
Re: Галерея Джорджа
Автор: ringodreammer   Дата: 15.06.12 04:07:09   
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July 29, 1965 - Cynthia and John followed by George arriving at the Pavilion Theatre in London for the premiere of Help! Poor Cyn, in both of her books she describes the outfit she wore to the premiere of Help! and writes that it was at the premiere of A Hard Day’s Night!July 29, 1965 - Cynthia and John followed by George arriving at the Pavilion Theatre in London for the premiere of Help! Poor Cyn, in both of her books she describes the outfit she wore to the premiere of Help! and writes that it was at the premiere of A Hard Day’s Night!
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