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Small Faces / Steve Marriott

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Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Felix   Дата: 28.01.10 21:00:40   
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Кто-нибудь купил новый DVD? Поделитесь впечатлениями! Стоит брать?
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Ourson   Дата: 19.05.10 17:00:13   
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Small Faces наряду с Beatles и Kinks, наверное, самая "цитируемая" группа на британской рок-сцене. Все эти "инди"-группы британские из наследия Марриотта/Лэйна сдирают куски чуть ли не целиком. В плане своего влияния Small Faces обидно недооцениваемая группа (причём не то что унас - в тех же Штатх, например). ПО-моему кто-то даже назвал Small Faces лучшей британской рок-группой, так и не добившейся настоящего признания в США,
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 21.05.10 09:05:39   
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Группа офигительная! :)

2 Felix:

Имеется в виду DVD "All or Nothing - 1965-1968"? Я пока не купил, но, судя по всему, там все круто. В Mojo была более чем положительная рецензия.
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 28.05.10 10:03:25   
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А вот рекомендация на DVD All or Nothing из "первых рук"

27 complete performances, uninterrupted by pundits,
this DVD does for Small Faces fans what us Small Faces
have wanted for years, it's as complete as it could ever be. (c) Ian McLagan

Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Felix   Дата: 03.09.10 20:20:33   
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Купил DVD! Более чем доволен! и оформлением, но более содержанием!Купил DVD! Более чем доволен! и оформлением, но более содержанием!
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Felix   Дата: 03.09.10 20:22:24   
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Обложка в большом разрешении!Обложка в большом разрешении!
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Felix   Дата: 03.09.10 20:23:46   
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Тока я не понял, что за вот этот DVD????????????Тока я не понял, что за вот этот DVD????????????
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: alex-Ch   Дата: 03.09.10 20:27:57   
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здесь есть этот диск и далее все остальные по Small Faces
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Felix   Дата: 03.09.10 20:30:55   
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Может, кто подскажет где есть такое вот выступление в качестве и целиком! Умру за такое видео!

Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Felix   Дата: 03.09.10 20:33:14   
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> >Тока я не понял, что за вот этот DVD????????????

Посмотрел! Описание соответствует 1965-1968 с 27 видео!
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Roger Keith Barrett   Дата: 03.09.10 21:17:56   
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>Может, кто подскажет где есть такое вот выступление
>в качестве и целиком! Умру за такое видео!

Это из французской передачи Bouton Rouge 68 года. Там три песни (одна Пи Пи Арнольд), у меня есть в хорошем качестве. Пишите в личку, если интересно
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 03.09.10 21:26:44   
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Хороший DVD. Заказывайте с сайта самого МакЛагана; за какие-то плюс 5 у.е. получите искомое с автографом :)
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 20.04.11 10:51:52   
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20 лет назад трагически погиб Стив Марриотт...
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 20.04.11 17:53:40   
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Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Сергеич   Дата: 20.04.11 19:46:35   
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Светлая память...
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Mux. Бирюков (nECKAPb)   Дата: 28.08.11 18:00:19   
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В очередной раз переизданы и выпущены в свет мемуары Иэна МакЛагана "All the Rage" - про то, как он играл в The Small Faces, и в Faces, и в Rolling Stones, и вообще про всю телегу британского рока 1960-х - 1970-х.
Захватывающее чтение, уступающее разве что мемуарам Кита Ричардса - в раскрученности.
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Felix   Дата: 12.11.11 17:08:12   
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Очень интересное издание аудио-CD и видео-диск живых выступлений. Правда содержит один изьян. В настощее время все видео есть в более лучшем качестве, в том числе на видеобутлегах.Очень интересное издание аудио-CD и видео-диск живых выступлений. Правда содержит один изьян. В настощее время все видео есть в более лучшем качестве, в том числе на видеобутлегах.

The Small Faces: "Nice". Released: 30 October 2000y. Burning Airlines / New Millennium PILOT 66.
01. Hey Girl (Lane / Marriott) (Live Offenbach Stadhalle 28th Sept. 1966 Beat Beat Beat #17) 2:06
02. All or Nothing (Lane / Marriott) (Live Offenbach Stadhalle 28th Sept. 1966 Beat Beat Beat #17) 3:05
03. What'cha Gonna Do About It? (Potter / Samwell) (Live Offenbach Stadhalle 28th Sept. 1966 Beat Beat Beat #17) 2:14
04. She La La la Lee (Lynch / Shuman) (Live Offenbach Stadhalle 28th Sept. 1966 Beat Beat Beat #17) 2:52
05. I Can't Make It (Lane / Marriott) (20th May 1967 Beat Club #20 at ТВК studio Bremen) 2:07
06. Here Comes The Nice (Lane / Marriott) (24th June 1967 Beat Club #21) 2:44
07. Green Circles (Lane / Marriott / O'Sullivan) (23rd Sept. 1967 at ТВК studio Bremen for Beat Club #24) 2:15
08. Itchycoo Park (Lane / Marriott) (23rd Sept. 1967 at ТВК studio Bremen for Beat Club #24) 2:40
09. Tin Soldier (Lane / Marriott) (25th Nov 1967 Beat Club #26/27) 3:36
10. Lazy Sunday (Lane / Marriott) (27th April 1968 Beat Club #31) 2:51

This is a double CD that comprises Small Faces appearances for German TV. The first four tracks are taken from the live programme Beat Beat Beat recorded at Offenbach Stadthalle. The remainder were recorded for Beat Club at NDR in Bremen.
The second CD features the video footage of all of the songs, unfortunately in a small window. The first CD is the audio tracks. Note that the Beat Club performances were mimed so the audio version is, effectively, the record version. Only the Beat Beat Beat tracks are genuinely live.
Reviews: "Record Collector February 2001".
After years of low-generation bootlegs in circulation, the Small Faces' 166-1968 German TV appearances (with soundtracks) have been officially compiled into an audio-visual package that justifies its title. While the hit singles (and Green Circles) were simply mimed before a studio audience, it's the raw opening salvo from the band's September 1966 Beat! Beat! Beat! that gives the lie to the notion that the Faces couldn't cut it live. And the accompanying CD-ROM is worth the fee just to see Steve Marriott grappling with a Gretsch twice his size!
A 48-page booklet features interviews with individual band members reproduced from the out-of-print Quite Naturally book. So - nice band, nice tunes, nice idea. Pity about the unimaginative target slipcase!
Small Faces are:
- Steve Marriott - vocals, guitar
- Ronnie Lane - bass, vocals
- Kenney Jones - drums
- Ian McLagan - keyboards, vocals
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Felix   Дата: 12.11.11 17:25:22   
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Хотя по душе мне больше живые записи для BBC.Хотя по душе мне больше "живые" записи для BBC.
The Small Faces: "The BBC Sessions (1965-1968)". UK. 1999y. Strange Fruit SFRSCD087
01. Watcha Gonna Do About It (Saturday Club 23-8-65) (Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane, Ian Samwell) - 2:14
02. Jump Back (Saturday Club 23-8-65) (Rufus Thomas) - 1:38
03. Baby Don't You Do It (Saturday Club 23-8-65) (Lamont Dozier, Brian Holland, Eddie Holland) - 2:25
04. Shake (Saturday Club 14-3-66) (Sam Cooke) - 3:11
05. Sha La La La Lee (Saturday Club 14-3-66) (Kenny Lynch, Mort Shuman) - 2:47
06. You Need Loving (Saturday Club 14-3-66) (Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane) - 2:33
07. Hey Girl (Saturday Club 3-5-66) (Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane) - 2:05
08. E Too D (Saturday Club 3-5-66) (Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane) - 4:10
09. One Night Stand (Saturday Club 3-5-66) (Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane) - 1:53
10. You'd Better Believe It (Saturday Club 30-8-66) (Kenny Lynch, Jerry Ragovoy) - 2:21
11. Understanding (Saturday Club 30-8-66) (Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane) - 2:31
12. All Or Nothing (Saturday Club 30-8-66) (Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane) - 3:00
13. If I Were A Carpenter (Top Gear 9-4-68) (Tim Hardin) - 2:28
14. Lazy Sunday (Top Gear 9-4-68) (Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane) - 3:16
15. Every Little Bit Hurts (Top Gear 9-4-68) (Ed Cobb, Brenda Holloway, Mick Jones, Joe Strummer) - 3:57
16. Rare Interview With Steve Marriott (Part 1) - 0:42
17. Rare Interview With Steve Marriott (Part 2) - 0:57
18. Rare Interview With Steve Marriott (Part 3) - 1:22
19. Rare Interview With Steve Marriott (Part 4) - 0:56
20. Rare Interview With Kenney Jones - 1:14
- Steve Marriott - guitar, vocals
- Ronnie Lane - bass, vocals
- Jimmy Winston - keyboards (1965)
- Ian McLagan - keyboards (1966-1969), vocals
- Kenney Jones - drums
A solid compilation of 1965-68 BBC performances. It's heavier on their early mod years than their later psychedelic ones, which are essentially only represented by three songs from a 1968 broadcast (of which only one, "Lazy Sunday," is an original). Still, this has energetic (and, by the standards of BBC archive tapes from the 1960s, good-sounding) versions of the early singles "Whatcha Gonna Do About It," "Sha-La-La-La-Lee," "Hey Girl," and "All Or Nothing," as well as a few first album-era songs, highlighted by "You Need Love," the template for Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love." "Whatcha Gonna Do About It," from a 1965 broadcast, is a particularly incendiary performance, about the equal of the hit single version. As for songs that are otherwise unavailable on Small Faces releases, there are just a couple, and they're good ones. "Jump Back" is a heavy mod-soul cover of a song first done by Hadda Brooks, and later covered by Gene Vincent, though the Small Faces most likely learned it from Rufus Thomas' soul version. One thing's for sure: although Steve Marriott is given the songwriting credit in the liners, he did not compose it (it's been credited to both Brooks and Thomas on other reissues). There's also a mighty fine cover of Brenda Holloway's soul ballad "Every Little Bit Hurts" from 1968, with P.P. Arnold (uncredited on the sleeve) on backing vocals. This does miss some BBC cuts that have shown up on bootlegs (notably a cover of "You Really Got a Hold on Me"); perhaps good-fidelity tapes could not be found. What they did find blows previous bootlegs of Small Faces BBC sessions away, soundwise.
Re: Small Faces / Steve Marriott
Автор: Гуляющий в парке   Дата: 18.11.11 21:14:43   
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Кто-то в Rockstar Games очень любит Стива-уже в третьей подряд GTA его музыка

Переиздание классического каталога группы в расширенном и роскошном издании
Автор: Felix   Дата: 07.03.12 19:21:09   
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Переиздание классического каталога группы в расширенном и роскошном издании! Ура!Переиздание классического каталога группы в расширенном и роскошном издании! Ура!
From The Beginning: Small Faces Return in a Big Way with Deluxe Editions Due (UPDATED WITH TRACK LISTINGS)
On December 7, 2011, The Small Faces were announced as inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, marking a long overdue honor for the quartet of Steve Marriott, Ronnie Lane, Kenney Jones and Ian McLagan. The only head-scratching aspect of the recognition is that Small Faces is sharing it with Faces, the group formed by the remaining members plus Rod Stewart and Ronnie Wood once Marriott departed for Humble Pie. Faces had a very different musical sound than its predecessor, but now Small Faces can bask in the spotlight alone with the release of four Deluxe Editions from the British arm of Universal Music Group.

Small Faces (Decca, 1966), From the Beginning (Decca, 1967) and Small Faces (Immediate, 1968) will all be reissued as 2-CD sets, while the band’s acknowledged masterwork, Ogdens’ Nut Gone Flake (Immediate, 1968), will be the recipient of a 3-CD set. These follow the general format of the well-regarded Kinks reissues from Universal, containing the original albums in both mono and stereo (where applicable) plus a plethora of bonus material. All four sets will arrive in the United Kingdom on May 7.

Hit the jump to plunge into the world of the Small Faces!

Like so many other young British bands of the era, the Small Faces’ earliest musical aspirations were in emulation of their rhythm-and-blues idols. But, like The Who, the mod scene called to Marriott (lead singer/guitar), Lane (bass/vocals), Jones (drums) and Jimmy Winston (organ). After proving themselves with gigs in London and environs, the group members were signed by the notorious Don Arden, father of Sharon Osbourne and soon-to-be manager of Electric Light Orchestra and Black Sabbath, among others. Arden secured a deal with Decca Records, and Marriott and Lane set about to hone their talents as songwriters. After a moderately successful first single (“What’cha Gonna Do About It,” cribbed from a Solomon Burke song, and written by Ian Samwell and Brian Potter) and a less successful follow-up (“I’ve Got Mine”), Winston was ushered out of the band, replaced by Ian McLagan. The Marriott/Lane songwriting team was born with “Hey Girl,” and the Top 10 single led to the band’s first album, simply titled Small Faces. Even better was their original “My Mind’s Eye,” which headed straight for the top, despite being an unfinished demo! The Small Faces were on their way to rock supremacy at least in the U.K., maintaining high visibility on television programs and onstage. They would have to wait for (moderate) American success, though.

By the end of 1966, the band had severed ties with Arden, unhappy with both his punishing tour schedule and refusal to allow them the luxury of studio time to properly craft long-playing albums. 1967’s From the Beginning wasn’t a true Small Faces album, but rather an LP cobbled together by Decca after the band had decamped for new manager Andrew Loog Oldham and his hip Immediate Records label. Still, the album isn’t without its pleasures, from the budding psychedelia of “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” from the Marriott/Lane team and blazing covers of Del Shannon’s “Runaway” and Smokey Robinson’s “You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me.”

The band announced its Immediacy with its second LP in as many years called Small Faces. Though still rooted in R&B and mod sounds, this Small Faces and engineer Glyn Johns took the psychedelic sound experimentation a step further, placing the band at the cutting edge. Their Immediate debut single “Here Comes the Nice” heralded the new sound, a rather overtly drug-influenced song. The next single on Oldham’s imprint was the sun-kissed psychedelic pop ode, “Itchycoo Park.” It became the Small Faces’ first of two charting singles in America, and likely remains the band’s best-loved song today. “Tin Soldier” followed “Itchycoo” onto the charts on both sides of the pond, and featured fellow Immediate artist P.P. Arnold on backing vocals. The restless band, though, didn’t feel that their pop success accurately represented their sound or their ambitions, and so Ogdens’ Nut Gone Flake was devised.

Recorded in 1968 over five months in at least four studios, it was the album the band had always hoped to craft, more than just a loose assemblage of songs. Every bit as quintessentially “British” as the Kinks’ Village Green Preservation Society, it remains one of the most distinct psychedelic albums ever recorded. Ogdens combined soul, orchestrated pop, R&B, folk and comic, whimsical narration by comedian Stanley Unwin about “Happiness Stan.” (Goon legend Spike Milligan reportedly turned the band down when offered this gig!) Marriott even adopted different voices for the LP, including a thick cockney dialect. Ogdens announced itself with its round cover replica of a vintage tobacco tin; the unusual design and timely, visceral music paid off when the album hit No. 1 in the band’s native England. In the U.S., however, it placed at a disappointing No. 159.

By the end of 1968, Steve Marriott was gone, reportedly frustrated at the band’s inability to break out of the prescribed pop mold. Kenney Jones later reflected that the band wasn’t able to perform Ogdens live and therefore couldn’t expose the full breadth of its sound to the public. (It was performed as a whole live just once, for the BBC.) A greatest hits-and-rarities double album, The Autumn Stone, arrived in late 1969 from Immediate, but by then, the band had dissolved. (1970’s First Step, though by Faces, was credited in North America to Small Faces. Later in the seventies, the band would reunite with some personnel changes, before breaking up again in 1978. Steve Marriott died in 1991, the victim of a tragic fire believed to be caused by his lit cigarette when he fell asleep. Ronnie Lane succumbed to multiple sclerosis in 1997 after a valiant fight with the disease.)

The Small Faces’ catalogue has been in a bit of disarray in the compact disc era, with various labels churning out multiple releases over the years. This Universal series of Deluxe Editions looks to rectify that, as it’s expected to append singles and alternate mixes to each album. Track listings have recently been revealed by a number of e-tailers, as well as on the band’s Facebook page. You’ll find those below, along with pre-order links. All four titles street on May 7!
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